Lao Sha looked at the bloody wrist, and then looked at the broken hand on the ground, some couldn't believe that as a natural ability, he would actually be defeated by a superhuman and a fledgling person, Lao Sha forcibly pulled the cloth strip from his clothes and tied it to the broken hand, although there was still blood dripping from the wound.

"Straw Hat Kid, aren't you a superhuman rubber fruit powerhouse, why can you release flames and attack me as a natural ability?" Lao Sha gritted his teeth and asked.

"What, it's not a strange thing that a rubber fruit ability can release flames, and don't tell me, you don't even know domineering, if that's the case, if I were you, I would simply find a place to bury myself, no, it seems that this is useless to you, forget it, you still jump into the sea, save wasting air", Luffy buttoned his nose and said with disdain.


Don't talk about Lao Sha, even Robin who is hiding in the shadows is stunned, only Nami is used to it, his own little man's mouth is like this, he can always make the enemy confused, otherwise why the smoking man does not dare to speak now, because as long as he opens his mouth, Luffy can scare him and can't say a word, not to mention that his upper body has no clean skin, all of them are Luffy's paintings, and the brightest thing is the pink pig on his chest.

"Peppa Pig is tattooed, applause to social people", this is what Luffy said after painting Porco Pink, if it weren't for Joba at that time, maybe the smoking man could really quack over.

"Look down on people less, of course I know what domineering is", Lao Sha's roar pulled Nami back to reality, looking at Lao Sha who had a black face and could fight with the black man who carried the coffin, Nami not only felt sad for him, this is the legendary incompetent rage, in Nami's opinion, Lao Sha with a broken hand is like a lamb slaughtered, but the scene that happened next suddenly made Nami's face hurt.

I saw Lao Sha slowly floating into the air, just when Nami wondered what he wanted to do, Phoenix Fire suddenly appeared, directly taking her away from the battlefield, although Luffy didn't know what Lao Sha wanted to do, after all, now it's not like the original book has been abused by the opposite side is very miserable, who knows if Lao Sha has any hole cards that are useless, just in case, Luffy summons Phoenix Fire and lets him take Nami away from here.

"Straw hat boy, I want you to die, weight-type Sha Lan", as Lao Sha's words fell, four huge salon rolls surrounded Luffy, but the old sand who used this trick was obviously overconsumed, panting and fell to the ground, Robin came over at this time, although she didn't want to care about Lao Sha's life or death, but for her own purposes, she still pretended to pick up Lao Sha and walked towards the mount.

"Don't care about the straw hat kid?" Before leaving, Robin asked as he glanced at Luffy who was trapped in the middle of the salon roll.

"Don't worry, even if he is strong, he can't escape, he is dead," Lao Sha said with a meaningful look at Robin, and then the two quickly left the place and set off in the direction of the royal capital.

And Luffy, who was trapped in the center of the sandstorm, looked solemnly at the four sandstorms approaching him, and then he accidentally found that there seemed to be a gap in the center of the sandstorm that surrounded him, so Luffy quickly spread his wings and flew towards the gap, and finally flew out before the gap disappeared, and the four sandstorms merged into a huge sandstorm after they collided, and without the control of the old sandstorm, the huge sandstorm directly opened the storm, destroying everything around.

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