Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1126: Western Rage

"It seems that the young devil did not fall, and controlled the pope. Damn things, life is really great."

"I thought that taking the pope as a hostage wouldn't we dare to kill him, too naive! I propose to launch a fire attack on the floating temple now, deploy a war killer, and do not rule out the use of nuclear weapons whenever necessary. With this action, my sunset empire is willing to take the lead to show the power of the great powers. "

"My Western powers have the same spirit, and they are both glorious and damaging. The fate of the Vatican City is the fate of my entire Western world. I must not sit by and ignore it. I Bourbon Empire agrees to fire the young devil and is willing to provide All firepower support, including nuclear weapons. "

"My little aurora has endured for a long time, and now I can finally breathe a bad breath. Since the negotiation has been decided, the generals should not sit down. Hurry up and issue combat orders, dispatch the ace troops of their respective countries, and use the most sophisticated war killers. Be sure to kill the young demon king in one blow. My small aurora country has no decent belongings. War killers are rare and common, mainly relying on several big brothers. "

"How many years has it been that only the Western powers of China **** and **** on others' heads, and now they are being bullied to their homes. Is it bearable, which is unbearable?"


Not long after Ye Tian captured the city of Van, the Western powers began to meet and discuss countermeasures.

The Vatican City is a city, and it is also a country. It belongs to a part of the Western world and was beaten up. Zhu Qiang cannot sit back and watch.

They believe that Ye Tian's behavior is a trampling of the entire Western civilization and an aggressive behavior that cannot be tolerated.

Once upon a time, Western civilization dominated the world. Although there is now a tendency to decline, the noble head must not be lowered, and the spirit of the knight cannot be lost.

Moreover, many western countries use the Holy See as the state religion, which is also a big reason to help.

What is going on now is a video conference call, with the participation of the military forces of the Western powers, to talk about how to resolve the fate of the Vatican City and how to deal with the young devil.

Although Ye Tian didn't come out after entering the Bronze Hall, the pope's words had already shown the result.

While indignant, the Western powers were also terrified. As if there is a fried egg hanging over their heads, they may detonate at any time, making them sleepless.

However, not all Western countries have agreed to use force against Ye Tian, ​​because it involves a lot, and the consequences are unpredictable.

"General Bowerman, we can understand your feelings, but this matter cannot be rushed, and we have to think long. If nothing else, the millions of people inside and outside the Vatican City alone are a big obstacle. If you do n’t expel these people, There is no effective attack at all. "A Germanic general said to the head of the ministry of the aurora.

The small aurora country was ravaged by Ye Tian, ​​who lost his face and avenged himself.

"I think the young devil is targeting the Holy See because of personal grievances, and it does not mean to provoke the entire Western world. The danger of the Vatican City can be resolved by peaceful means, and there is no need to start a war." The head of the military of a neutral country said.

He and Ye Tian met each other and even chatted a little, leaving a deep impression. In his view, Ye Tian did not kill the innocent indiscriminately, as the outside world circulated, but it was exaggerated by the outside world to accuse it.

"Even if you use a war killer, will you be able to kill the young devil? If you can't kill him, have you considered the consequences? Have you suffered the consequences? Don't forget, he just picked up one in nuclear weapons. Life, not only was not killed by nuclear weapons, but became stronger. "

"I think it's possible to send a special envoy to have a good chat with the young demon king and gain insight into his intentions."


There was a lot of controversy, and a group of generals were noisy and arguing. It is difficult for everyone to form a unified opinion for their own benefit.

However, when the big brother across the ocean uttered a sound, he settled with a hammer, and no one dared to refute.

The young devil must die without delay!

This is the meaning of the current great empire and the imperial alliance.

They are extremely afraid of Ye Tian, ​​and the best result is to eliminate Ye Tian on the spot, otherwise the current great empire may face a difficult situation.

If he successfully left the city, Ye Tian would surely kill the great empire of the world.

When the current great empire spoke, a group of younger brothers would not dare to obey, and they should retain their opinions.

A joint operations headquarters was quickly established. The current great empire sent a four-star general to sit in town. And an aircraft carrier battle group in the Atlantic drove over. The four-star general is the commander of the carrier battle group, named Wilson.

This is a hawkish character, famous for his fierceness, often drove the carrier battle group around to show off his power, threatening this today, and threatening that tomorrow.

Including my great power in the East, he was also intimidated by him.

"The copper hall of the Holy See seems to be a fortress of war, with multiple prohibitions and protections, which is very unusual. If nuclear weapons are not used, I don't think that conventional weapons can destroy them, thus killing the young devil inside.

"And we have only one chance. If we can't kill one time, the young devil will definitely escape. That will be troublesome."


There are several cities around the city, with a population of millions and countless buildings. If nuclear weapons are used, the killing area is too large.

Therefore, nuclear weapons were first ruled out.

"Even if conventional weapons can break through the protection of the Bronze Temple, and can blow the Bronze Temple into powder, whether it can kill the young Demon King, it is difficult to say. After all, this guy has escaped from nuclear weapons and has a hard experience with the missile."

"Nuclear weapons can't be used, conventional weapons can't kill ~ ~ What about?"

"There are rumors on the rivers and lakes that the young devil's nuclear weapon escape is probably not due to his own ability. In the battle of the Aurora small country, he was robbed of a holy weapon of the blood family. The holy key of the holy weapon is a space law. It can open up a small space. He may have used the murder key to escape from nuclear weapons. So, everyone should not hold him too high, he is not undead. "

"According to you, as long as he has a holy key, can't we kill him anyway?"

"No, the holy key holy weapon was already broken when he got his hand, and it was not necessary a few times. If he really escaped by means of the key in nuclear weapons, this weapon might have exhausted all mana and destroyed it. . "

"In any case, the power of conventional weapons should be as large as possible. General Wilson, what do you think? I wonder if your country ..."

"My current empire has a super-conventional war killer, which is not inferior to nuclear weapons. It may come in handy. Now all you have to do is clear the field and quickly dismiss the people around the city."


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