After checking all the items, Anvis's eyes locked on one of them.

   It was a transparent crystal ball, the size of a human head, and it was filled with spinning strange pink smoke.

   The smoke seems to be an external manifestation of a certain special power. Anvis has not been exposed to that power, nor does he understand its characteristics.

   But that doesn't matter, what he fancy is actually the material of the crystal ball itself.

  According to Anvis's distinction, it seems to be carved from a whole piece of Heath crystal!

   This kind of crystal has a very good affinity with the prophecy school. The effect of prophecy using a crystal ball carved from a Heath crystal is much clearer than that of an ordinary crystal ball.

   But as a rare medium and low-grade gemstone with a wide range of uses, the price of Heath crystal is not cheap.

   Moreover, most of the raw ore crystal pillars have a cross-sectional area of ​​only the size of a palm, and the raw ore that can sculpt a large crystal ball with a human head is extremely rare.

   After going back, as long as you find a way to strip off the special power, the remaining pure large Heath crystal is a very good prophecy alchemy material!

   "Dear Teacher Nancy, I choose that crystal ball."

   made a choice in his heart, Anvis turned to Nancy, pointed to the crystal ball surrounded by many objects, and opened his mouth in style.

  The silver-haired girl tutor glanced, nodded lightly, and waved his slender hand. The crystal ball broke away from the many strange objects and hovered in front of Anves.

   Anves smiled gracefully, put the crystal ball into the ring, and then gently stepped back and gave up the field.

   "Rona, the second one is you."

"Yes it is!"

   The petite girl with light green shoulder-length hair and short hair replied nervously, and then stepped forward to choose the item she liked.


   After all four of them have chosen, Nancy put away the remaining items and reopened her hand to contrast with her petite figure, which appeared to be a huge dark and heavy book.

   "Now, I will repeat the school rules of Pamir Ruins and Mystery Academy."

   "The first and only one: It is forbidden to harm other students maliciously in the college. Anyone who violates it will be expelled from the college directly!"

"Please don't take chances with this. Once related incidents occur, the branch dean of the eighth-order peak and the vice-principal of the nineth-order will personally pay attention, and will use methods including prophecy and strange objects to find out the truth. ."

   Anvis’s peripheral attention always pays attention to the other three people. When Nancy’s voice fell, the girl named Lorna was obviously relieved. The expressions of the other two were also relaxed, but they were not as obvious as hers.

   "Then there are graduation rules. Students who have been enrolled for more than five years can apply for graduation. They need to pass the mystery school graduation assessment and have enough credits to redeem the graduation certificate."

   Without any emotional narration, Nancy turned the book to a new page again.

  "Finally, about the freshman admission agreement. You have two choices:

  First, the tuition is at your own expense. There are 60,000 imperial gold coins per year. Pamir Academy does not restrict the whereabouts of students after graduation.

  Second, tuition is free. During the school period, you can get 100 credits and 1,000 gold coins every month. But you need to sign a contract with the college, and after graduation, you will play for Pamir Academy for a hundred years. "

   Nancy raised her head, behind the light-refracting lens, her deep black eyes stared at everyone.

   "Now, tell me your choice."

   Where there are people, there are struggles, and where there are struggles, factions will emerge, and the empire is no exception.

   Today, with the development of the college system for more than two thousand years, major colleges have gradually developed into a force that cannot be underestimated, becoming the third largest group of forces after the imperial royal family and local aristocratic forces.

   Due to the different backgrounds of the students, Pamir College has specially prepared two admission agreements in order to maximize the recruitment of talents.

   You know, sixty thousand empire gold coins are not a small sum. Buying a two-story mansion with a courtyard in the imperial capital would cost no more than a few thousand gold coins.

   Ordinary civilians with a family of three, even if they don’t eat or drink, they can only save about ten gold coins a year.

   Such a huge amount of expenditure every year, it is impossible for students from common people and ordinary little noble families to afford it.

   And this is just the basic cost of enrollment.

   If you want to learn additional advanced knowledge, special secrets, obtain various advanced magic materials to assist experiments, and breakthrough treasures, potions, etc., you need to pay additional fees.

  The shy students in the bag, if they don't want to give up this opportunity to completely free themselves from their original destiny, they must sign a second agreement with the academy.

   In the end, Lorna chose the second one, and the other three chose the first one.

"it is good."

   Knowing the choices of the people, Nancy nodded lightly, flicking across the pages of the book in her hand, showing one of the pages in front of the green-haired girl.

   "Rona, connect this page with your mental power, and then when the content of the contract appears in the spirit sea, confirm the signing with your mind."

   "Yes, mentor Nancy!"

   Lona hurried forward and signed a contract with Yiyan.

   The contract was completed, and behind Rona's name on the page, a tiny star mark appeared there.

   Nancy folded the book in her hand and put it away.

"The course for freshmen will start at 8 o'clock tomorrow The teaching location is on the second floor of the tower, a total of four magic hours. The rest of the time, you can divide it by yourself, you can study and practice on your own, or you can go to audit other colleges course.

   However, for courses not in this department, except for basic courses, credits are required to be audited. "

   "Now, I announce that the welcome ceremony for the new students of the Ruins and Mystery Academy is over."

   After speaking, Nancy didn't wait for everyone's reaction, and disappeared instantly as if she appeared again.

   Except for Anvis, the other three freshmen were all taken aback, a little confused about this situation, and I don’t know what to do next.

   Many old students are accustomed to this, and several old students with withdrawn personality have also used the magic circle in the tower to teleport away.

   "Don't be stunned, a few, that's the style of Teacher Nancy."

   Finally, a smiling red-haired boy came forward and relieved several people.

   "My name is Gallup, and I am temporarily serving as the freshman tier 1 to 3 of the Ruins and Mystery Academy.

   If you don’t hate it, how about having lunch together? Let’s get to know each other and share some information about the ruins and the Mystery Academy. "

   enthusiastically invited the four of them, and Gallup patted his chest with a heroic look.

   "You are all freshmen, even if I treat this meal! As long as you become stronger in the future, remember to please come back -"

   Hearing this, some of the other senior students in the field suddenly rolled their eyes.

   "You have this set again, how many times have you been doing this?"

   "Hey, a few, don't care about him! The cost of this dinner is completely reimbursed by the college and has nothing to do with him."

   A blue-haired girl spoke softly, but the content pointed to the point and was merciless.

  GU——→Recommended ticket


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