Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 695: : The emperor, not humiliating

Such a great battle for the werewolves, and the people of the Ironthorn Legion also got the news.

Around the Ruins of Lawson, there is the Ironthorn Corps, an integrated team, Fan-No .: the first team.

The commander of the first brigade, through satellite images, found the garbage dump and the movement of the werewolves nearby.

The adjutant looked gloomy and asked the commander: "Master Commander, there are tens of thousands of werewolves in the ruins. Please ask for your instructions."

The commander also saw the satellite image, looking a little frightened.

"How many people are there in our brigade?"

"Back to the commander, we now have more than 21,000 combatants."

The adjutant replied.

"However, the number of werewolves is about 18,000. If we go to force the encirclement and suppression, it is estimated that the whole army will be wiped out."

"Our 20,000 soldiers are no match for these werewolves."

The commander sighed.

"Sir, according to the latest information, we are still there and found the traces of the ninth squad and all the players. They should be trapped. Are we rescued?"

The adjutant asked.

The commander slapped the table: "Are you stupid? For the sake of a dozen people, let me go to rescue regardless of life or death?"

"And, in the army of ten thousand werewolves, there is also a marquis of werewolves! Marquis of werewolves, the horrible existence that can tear the spaceship battleship, as long as a claw, we have to be killed! contend?"

"Get out! Also, send me a telegram and ask for help from the army headquarters. In case, the werewolves, change the direction of attack and come to attack us, we will be miserable!"

"Also, our main force can also temporarily withdraw from the ruined area."

The commander said coldly.

The Lawson Ruin was a big city before it became a ruin.

Although, because of the invasion of the dark race, the big city was destroyed.

However, near the ruins, there are still human races and refugees.

The adjutant said at once: "Sir, once we withdraw our troops, the life and death of a dozen people in the ninth squad, for the time being. But there are many refugees and refugees in the ruins. Their number can be more than one million. We Withdrawing troops, millions of civilians will fall into a state of no resistance. The werewolves, raging, millions of civilians will surely fall into the mouth of the wolf. "

"This is not a trivial matter!"

The adjutant said righteously.

Seeing his adjutant, the commander dared to speak to himself so suddenly he was furious.

"Fuck! Give you face B, don't you!"

Commander, slap in the face of the adjutant, the adjutant was beaten dizzy.

Both incisors were spit out, blood flowed from the corner of the mouth.

"Come here, pull him out and shoot him directly. Charge: Disobey the order!"

The commander's face was fierce, and he waved and shouted.

Soon, several soldiers with live ammunition rushed in and dragged the adjutant away.

The adjutant shouted while being dragged away.

"Sir, it doesn't matter if you kill me. But there are millions of civilians in the ruins. You will be condemned if you ignore them!"

The adjutant shouted.

However, the soldiers had already dragged him away, and then the bullet was loaded, "Bang!"

The sound of gunshots sounded, the adjutant's head was exploded, the brain plasma and blood mixed together and flowed to the ground.

Then, the corpse of the lieutenant was just **** and was thrown out.

In the ruins, life is so worthless.

Soon, there will be hungry wolf dogs, devouring the body of the adjutant cleanly.

The commander's face became more and more cruel, and he quickly sent a request for help to the legion. Then he ordered the troops to start retreating.

Faced with the attack of tens of thousands of werewolves, the reorganization of the first brigade, but chose to withdraw all.

Spaceships, battleships, and other types of aircraft, "buzz" straight.

Tanks, tanks, armored vehicles, heavy artillery, etc. were also withdrawn from the battlefield in an orderly manner.


Inside the wreckage of the Taigu spacecraft, the southern sky was as pale as water.

Yuan Mo and others were facing each other, and Nan Tian became more and more respectful.

Just now, Nantian was shocked, and with a single blow, he killed thousands of werewolves. Who would dare not accept it?

In particular, among the thousands of werewolves, there was also a werewolf baron and several werewolf jazz.

"Did you remember all my teachings to you?"

Nan Tian asked.

"Thank you for your teaching!"

Everyone answered.

"Presumably, the next werewolf attack will be more violent and brutal. I don't embarrass you, as long as you can resist for thirty seconds, all the rest will be left to me.

Nan Tian felt that it was still necessary to evaluate and train these fighters.

"I now teach you a simple military-use method, you remember it carefully."

As Nantian spoke, the general-Zhen's illustration told Yuanmo, Jinfan and others.

At this time, Yuanyuan was also awake.

Before, the werewolves attacked and knocked her out.

Yuan Yuan still has a bit muddled head until now.

Opening his dim eyes, he saw Yuan Mo and others.

Yuan Yuan couldn't help but be happy and afraid.

"Brother, didn't I die? Werewolves, didn't they drag me down?"

Yuanyuan asked a little strangely.

Yuan Mo looked respectfully, nodded his head, pointed at the guide sky, and pointed at the head of the original circle: "Come on, thank Han Nantian quickly. Lord Nantian, just shot out and killed thousands of wolves! We are safe. Go through it! "

Yuanyuan's spicy and savage temperament got up.

"Brother, it's time for life and death, and tell some jokes, what are you doing? He is indeed powerful, can resist the bullet-strike of more than a dozen of us, but if he can resist thousands of werewolves, I don't Believe."

"Just now, we were fighting ahead. He was alone, shrinking behind and letting us resist the attack. It was really timid and terrible, and it was terrible!"

"What about strength alone? Not a coward, cheap-good! A bad one!"

Yuan Yuan said disdainfully.

Yuanyuan also wanted to open it, anyway, he was surrounded by werewolves.

It's a big death, and I'm not afraid to offend Nantian.

The original sweat on the forehead was dripping with cold sweat.

"Yuanyuan, what are you talking about ~ ~ Hurry up and apologize to Master Nantian! Master Nantian, mighty, if it weren't for them, we would have died!"

Yuan Mo said.

Yuanyuan still doesn't believe it.

"Humph, can he kill thousands of werewolves alone? I can kill hundreds of werewolves alone!"

Yuan Yuan sneered.

Nan Tian's expression was cold: "Awkwardness, willfulness, and spiciness. No one can bear your insult!"

"What do you want ..." Yuan Yuan's neck was stiff, her eyes glared like a fierce woman.

It is a pity that she has not spoken yet.

A cold light flashed over, Yuan Yuan had already separated his head, and blood was splashing across the ground.

"Emperor, do not humiliate!"

Nan Tian carried his hands on his shoulders, and looked cold and proud.

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