Thinking of this, Fu Bao's heart suddenly became more balanced, and he was not as nervous and cramped as before when facing Long Xiao.

Long Xiao didn't have mind reading skills, but he couldn't help being a little surprised when he saw the little girl's expression suddenly relaxed.

What did she think of?

I was afraid of him just now, but now I am relaxed.

No matter what she thought of, it would be best if she could not be so afraid of him.

After Fu Bao made the bed, her stomach growled again, and she was a little embarrassed, "I'm hungry."

Long Xiao smiled, "You are really a snack."

I just ate a plate of sweet-scented osmanthus cake and walnut crisps in the car, and I am hungry so soon. But that's also what's so cute about her.

In short, no matter what she is, in Long Xiao's eyes, she is cute and always moves his heart.

Fu Bao glanced at the wall clock on the wall, and found that it was almost noon. After thinking for a while, he said, "I want to visit my father's construction team, maybe I can meet him."

"Okay." In these respects, Long Xiao was responsive to her requests.

After coming out of the hotel, I asked passers-by how to get to the construction team. Seeing that the distance was not far, the two walked there.

Along the way, Long Xiao held Fu Bao's hand, still interlocking his fingers.

Fu Bao blushed, trying to break free from his hand, but he couldn't match his strength.

People passing by thought they were a couple, the two of them were too good-looking, it was hard not to attract attention, and some aunts who had a bad mouth pointed at them.

After all, this era is not yet very open, and there are still a small number of people who go out hand in hand like this, and it is inevitable that they will be attacked by conservative people.

"Oh, look at the young people nowadays, they are always tired of walking on the street, and they don't pay attention to the influence. If it were the past, they would be arrested."

"That's right, it's called bad manners. That girl looks young, so she's not ashamed, and her parents don't care about it!"

Fu Bao became angry when he heard it, and stared at him ferociously, "How can I have anything to do with you? You are full of food and meddling in other people's business?"

"Hey, is it reasonable for you to have a bad style?"

"Why do I have a bad style? Did I make out in public, or did I do something indescribable? If not, then what qualifications do you have to point it out? Could it be that nothing happened between you and your man, and you usually hold hands together?" Don't bother?"

Fu Bao said, laughing contemptuously, "Yes, if life is happy and happy, how can you hurt others?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" As if being poked at the center, an old lady suddenly became exasperated, "Young people nowadays are really, more and more shameless!"

At this moment, a familiar male voice came over, "Why don't you feel ashamed? Now it's reform and opening up, and it's not the feudal era of the past. What's the matter holding hands and going to the street? Don't rely on your age, Just bully the kids!"

Hearing this voice, Fu Bao's eyes lit up, and he immediately turned his head to look.

Who is this tall, strong and handsome man who appeared behind him, but Shen Jianlin?

Shen Jianlin just came out of the construction site, wearing a white vest and blue overalls, with a white towel hanging on his shoulder. The muscles of the whole body are full of strength.

When the aunts saw him, saw that he was strong and tall, and seemed to be able to fight, they didn't want to quarrel with him, so they left angrily.

Shen Jianlin looked at Fu Bao and Long Xiao, and said with concern, "It's all right, those aunts are just free, don't worry about it."

Fu Bao looked at him excitedly, and blurted out, "Dad!"

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