Rebirth of the Harry Potter

Chapter four hundred and sixty seventh who is serious

"Battle is the best way to learn magic!"

Mariano Appiah, a fifth-year student, had long since forgotten what Professor Snape said in his Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

I just remember that it was a sunny afternoon with cool breeze.

Snape was speaking on the podium about Curse: The magic essentials of getting out of the hole.

He was lying on the table, groggy, trying to take a nice nap.

But he accidentally glanced at the two figures at the front, the handsome man and the beautiful woman.

They were tired of being together again as usual, just like the countless scenes in the past few years.

In this regard, even the professors of various subjects chose to turn a blind eye. Whoever let them firmly control the first and second places forever, the professors are not good enough to warn them that it will affect their studies.

"Drink, bah. I'll join the FFF club after class." Mariano felt sour, as if he had eaten a container of lemons.

Turning his head decisively to the other side, he saw Malfoy and Pansy sitting up straight.

Then the body tilted silently, getting closer and closer.

The arms of the two accidentally touched each other, and they separated their bodies in a panic.

They looked at each other, blushed, pretending nothing happened.

Then continue to cycle the above behavior.

Mariano looked numb.

I said you two are pretending to be innocent, no one in the whole Slytherin can see that you two are a couple, and the first love game you play every day is endless.

He just wanted to press the heads of this couple of dogs and men together hard, almost done.

"Heh, you don't even realize the joy of being single."

"Women only affect how quickly I can draw my wand."

Just as Mariano was comforting himself in this way, Snape's words came to his ears: "... fighting is the best way to learn magic..."

Mariano, who was in the rebellious period, retorted subconsciously: "What are you talking about, it sounds better than singing."

Afterwards, Professor Snape vaguely said something to open up a field for training magic combat, he can't remember clearly.

But not long after, the "chicken eating game" that set off a frenzy among the students of the whole school appeared.

Then he deeply realized how correct what Professor Snape said back then.


Before he could swallow the beef sandwich in Mariano's mouth, he rushed out of the auditorium in a hurry.

There are many other students like him.

Because the round of chicken eating competition he signed up for was at 8:30.

There are so many students in Hogwarts, no one knows what will delay them, and there are many clubs in Hogwarts, it is impossible to achieve unity.

So each game is scheduled a few days in advance to participate in the students.

Snape will first define the groups and time, and the students who are interested will fill in the names into the schedule.

It doesn't have to be a full 100 people. If there are not enough people in a certain period of time, as long as it is not too small, the game will still start.


The professor of flying class, Ms. Huo Qi stood at the edge of the Forbidden Forest with a cold face.

She was drawn to do hard work by Professor Snape.

Although no one would intentionally use Avada Kedavra, Cruciatus and other evil spells during the competition, magic should be used just in case.

Sometimes the spells can cause unimaginable power, and some students even hurt themselves because they mispronounced the wrong spells because of nervousness.

Therefore, the competition requires the existence of regulators.

In order that in the event of an emergency,

It can be processed immediately.

"Alas, the wonderful Easter holiday has been ruined." Ms. Huo Qi sighed, and sat leisurely on a flying broom, not astride, but sideways, with her legs on one side, swinging back and forth.

"Who would work overtime if it wasn't for a bottle of potion that makes the appearance look younger." Ms. Huo Qi floated over the vast forest.

Snape, the old capitalist.

Pointing the wand upwards, a red flame flew out and burst into scattered fireworks.


Mariano looked up and saw the red light shooting into the sky, knowing that the game had started, so he walked into the Forbidden Forest.

In an instant, darkness blinded the eyes.

But he has participated in many competitions, and he is not flustered.

He closed his eyes, opened them after a while, and got used to the ten-meter field of vision.

Mariano hid secretly behind a tree and waited for a while, listening with his ears and scanning his surroundings.

After finding that no one else came to him, he read carefully: "Luminescence flickers."

no response.

He is still not proficient in casting spells with his wand.

Concentrate and read it twice.

A cloud of blue light rose in front of him, floating five meters above the ground, splashing with cold light.

His vision brightened up.

Mariano looked around quickly.

There are magic wands scattered randomly in the Forbidden Forest. It is impossible for this wand to be buried deep in the soil or thrown on the ground, otherwise the deciduous grass will cover the wand.

It is not difficult to find the whiteboard wand, because the wand is in Professor Hagrid's treasure chest monster.

I heard that there are very few treasure chests that contain some rare props. For example, a potion that can restore a certain amount of magic power, and a potion that can temporarily turn a wizard into an animal after taking it without learning the transformation spell.

Mariano had once obtained a strange potion. After drinking it, the surface of his body could form a protective shield similar to the effect of a protective spell, which lasted for ten minutes.

That time, he fought to the end, and the first time the ball appeared, he didn't break it, but absorbed it with his magic wand.

Then hid in his arms, lay on the outside of the circle, and used the defensive cover to resist the ice field. Watching the last four people jumping up and down and looking for the ball, they were all frozen in the end, and they laughed wildly.

It's a pity that after playing so many times, I never encountered such an interesting game again.


Under the light, Mariano's face brightened, and he suddenly found a broken wooden box with gray edges and blue edges just tens of meters to his right.

This is a very ordinary wooden box, no different from the boxes you usually see in Diagon Alley stores, but Mariano knows that this is actually a monster that inhabits caves and ruins, and can be disguised as an ordinary treasure box , If you are not careful, you will be swallowed into your stomach.

It is not difficult to deal with them. Mariano bent down to pick up a branch on the ground, and walked in from the side of the wooden box. There are two holes on both sides of the Pokmon. These are their ears. If you take something out, they will Open your mouth very comfortably and will not bite again.

Mariano stuffed a branch into one of his ear holes.


The crate popped open, with sharp teeth and a limp tongue.

In the mouth of the monster, there is a wand that is not very well made.

"Haha, I didn't expect to be so lucky this time." Some treasure chest monsters are empty boxes, and they are only disappointed when they open them.

Mariano took out his wand, which was very light and not very powerful.

But he smiled.

As a wizard, even if you can release magic without using a wand as a medium, it is still very uncomfortable to not have a wand in your hand. It’s like leaving the house but can’t remember whether to close it or not, and I’ve been scratching in my heart , It’s like a girl bought something, but when she used it at a critical moment, she found that it was short—fingering the earpick.

Mariano gripped his wand tightly, ambitious.

The wind has died down, the rain has cleared up, I have my wand and I think I can do it again.

So he waved his wand: "Knox."

The fluorescent spell went out.

The surroundings returned to darkness, and he hid in the darkness.

He stalked towards the central area like a mouse, humming a sentence that has been circulating in the school recently: "If you start with a staff, you can eat all chickens with a dog."

I heard that the beginner group and the intermediate group are straight-forward and tough, and they look very arrogant when they take the wand, looking for people to fight with each other everywhere, and everyone wears a fluorescent spell, for fear that they will not attract the attention of others.

Hey, so young.

I've only learned a few magic spells, so I'm so arrogant.

No matter who is a serious person, everyone is a dog, right?

So each game of those two groups tends to end very quickly.

Unlike their senior group, each one is more insidious than the other, the first thing to do when they come in is to hide to avoid being discovered by others.


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