Rebirth of the Harry Potter

Chapter 160 There is a pig named Lockhart!

The second class is Transfiguration class.

Professor McGonagall's request is simple, to turn a beetle into a button.

This was learned last semester. As Professor McGonagall expected, most of the students returned their knowledge to the teacher after a summer vacation.

But to her relief, Harry and Hermione still easily completed the homework.

No matter where they are placed, good students are liked by teachers.

Towards the end of get out of class, Ron saw that even Neville had succeeded, although the button was still bouncing around on the table.

He was in a hurry, pointed his wand at the beetle, and yelled a ghost spell: "Hold the steel water tower."

A puff of gray smoke rose, and a strong smell of rotten eggs filled the classroom.

"Jingle Bell"

The meal bell rang for help.

Harry immediately pulled Hermione out of the classroom, is this going to be a biochemical laboratory?

The classmates left one after another, and Ron banged on the table with his wand angrily.


There was a small gash in the center of the wand.

Ron wanted to cry but had no tears.

Neville came over and said, "You didn't recite the spell just now, it should have been 'my dad just killed him'."

Ron didn't care whether the button-changing magic was "grip" or "my dad". He was just thinking about what to do with the wand. If his family knew, he would die a terrible death...

After lunch, I walked from the auditorium to the yard, with the clouds hanging over my head.

Harry sat on the edge of the stone platform in the fountain, not feeling much heat.

Then Harry felt someone watching him closely. He raised his head and saw a little boy staring at him like a demon at the sorting ceremony last night.

The boy was clutching something that looked like an ordinary Muggle camera. When Harry saw him, the boy's face flushed instantly.

"Hello, Harry? I'm—I'm Colin Creevey," he said breathlessly, taking a timid step forward. "I'm in Gryffindor too. Do you think—maybe —Can I take a picture of you?" He held up the camera expectantly.

"Take a picture?" Hermione stared at his camera in surprise, isn't this a Muggle camera?

"That way I can prove I saw you," said Colin eagerly, taking a few steps forward.

"I know everything about you. Everyone's told me. How you escaped You-Know-Who, how he disappeared, etc. You still have a lightning-shaped scar on your forehead now."

"A boy in my dormitory said that if I used the right developing potion, the people in the photo would move." Colin took a deep breath, trembling slightly with excitement, "It's really interesting here, isn't it? After receiving Letters from Hogwarts I never knew that the weird things I do are magic. My dad is a milkman, and he can't believe it. So I'm going to take a bunch of pictures and send them to him. If I could There's a picture of you—" He looked at Harry beggingly, "—maybe I can stand next to you and ask your friend to click it? Then, can you sign it?"

Harry frowned, Colin? Isn't it the annoying kid who has been pestering him.

Harry said lightly: "Colin, are your parents both Muggles?"

"Yes, when I received the admission letter from the Academy of Magic, they still regarded them as liars."

"You are very lucky to be selected to enter the Academy of Magic. I can understand your desire to share everything with your family. However, if you can study all the magic courses well and get straight A, I miss your parents. would be more proud. Not these moving pictures."

Harry said melancholy: "I know I'm famous, I know I'm handsome, I know my charm breaks through the sky, I know there are hundreds of thousands of witches who want to marry me, but don't be obsessed with me, brother , is just an ordinary wizard, an ordinary wizard who contributes little to building a beautiful magical world..."

"Don't waste your time,

Wasted on such boring things as chasing stars. "

Colin thought about it.

"Come on, let's take a picture." Harry suddenly laughed.

"Do you agree?" Colin jumped up.

"Only this time, next time will not be an example."


Hermione took the camera and muttered, "Why are you so handsome and you still need me to cooperate?"


Hermione clicked like a punching bag.


In the afternoon, it was Lockhart's Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

But Harry felt he was a better match for the circus troupe.

Lockhart and Harry speak alone in a hallway before class begins.

He straightened his green robes, as if to show Harry how elegant he was.

He smiled at Harry and said, "Hey, Harry, I should have seen you sooner."

He patted Harry on the shoulder and said, "I heard you're sending out your autographed photo today."

Harry frowned, this person, so familiar?

"Honestly, it's not very good. Of course I understand...the famous Harry Potter, wanting to be admired by some young and ignorant people, of course it's a good feeling-I've felt it for a long time, don't get me wrong , I'm not showing off."

"But, you are still young, you are not yet at this stage. I have seen many people who became famous at a young age, but they are often lost in the applause of others. Who knows where they are now."

"Of course, I'm not asking you to do nothing. If you can learn from me, you may have to take a lot of photos with you when you go out in the future."

"To be honest, what you did this afternoon is a bit unwise, and you seem arrogant." Lockhart said earnestly and thoughtfully of you.

"Although I have won the third class of the Order of Merlin, an honorary member of the Defense Against the Dark Arts League, and won the most charming smile award from "Wizard Weekly" five times, I never show it off."

He turned to smile: "Son, if you want to enjoy the feeling of being famous, you can come to me, and I will help you get in touch with the upper class. Slowly, your photos will appear in various newspapers and periodicals."

"I know your father passed away a long time ago. You haven't felt the love of a father. If you don't mind... I mean, if you think you want one more person to care about you, you can treat me as half a father..." Luo Hart said sincerely, his eyes were touching, showing his sympathy and love for Harry.

Harry remained silent, wondering what kind of man Lockhart really was.

Hehe, it turns out that Lockhart is a big idiot.

Harry really had nothing to say.

With a cold face, a wand suddenly appeared in his hand, lifting Lockhart's arm on his shoulder.

Lockhart took two steps back: "Alright, alright, I've reached your sad point. But the wand is very dangerous, so put it away first."

Even though he said that, he looked confident and smiled.

"You can't imagine the battles I have experienced. Werewolves, vampires, in fact, from the second you got the wand, I have many ways to knock you down, but I don't want to hurt you." He explained with a smile.

Harry couldn't judge the man anymore, he wasn't an idiot anymore, he was full of agricultural fertilizers.

Harry pointed his wand at him, from his arms to his chest, and said pitifully, "You're a pig."


Lockhart was directly sent flying seven or eight meters away, lying on the ground, unconscious.

Harry turned and left.


Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.

Lockhart did not come in until the class was seated. He cleared his throat loudly on purpose to silence everyone.

He looked around the class with satisfaction, and when he saw Harry, he seemed to have completely forgotten the lesson Harry taught him, and he was still smiling, as if nothing had happened.

He reached out and picked up Neville's "Walking with Trolls" sitting in the first row and held it up in his hand, showing the picture of himself blinking on the cover.

"I," he said, pointing to his own photo, also blinking, "Gidero Lockhart, Order of Merlin, 3rd class, honorary member of the Defense Against the Dark Arts League, five-time winner of the most charming smile of "Wizard Weekly" Award—but I don't talk about that, I don't drive away dangerous female ghosts by smiling!"

He seems to think he is very humorous, but there is almost no one below.

"I see you've all bought my complete book, great. I thought we'd start with a quiz today. Don't be afraid, just to see how you're reading and how much you've learned from it..."

After distributing the papers, he returned to the podium and said, "I'll give you thirty minutes. Now, start!"

Harry flipped through the question, and sure enough:

1. Which color is Gilderoy Lockhart's favorite?

2. What is Gilderoy Lockhart's secret ambition?

3. What do you consider Gilderoy Lockhart's greatest achievement to date?

This kind of idiot question, which is almost entirely extolling his achievements, has three sides.

The last question.

When is Gilderoy Lockhart's birthday? What's his ideal birthday present?

Harry: "what...fuc..."

He grabbed the paper, kneaded it, kneaded it into a ball, and accurately threw it into the wastebasket in front of Lockhart's podium, regardless of Lockhart's ugly face.


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