Rebirth of the Harry Potter

Chapter 111 Thick, Black, Hard!

Chapter 111 Thick, Dark, Hard!

The Quidditch match a few days ago ended with Harry catching the Golden Snitch in the opening ten minutes.

This rare battle situation has been discussed for a long time.

Harry's black history is gradually no one mentions.


A sunny Sunday.

Harry unwrapped a battered parchment in the dormitory.

This parchment scroll is huge, enough to cover the area of ​​a table, square and yellowish due to age.

It was blank.

If you draw some lines on it, draw a few mountains, make a few red crosses, and draw a big skull with black ink at the end.

Maybe it really makes others think that this is a very old treasure map.


This thing was found in Filch's office by Harry.

Maybe because Harry is a genius and Filch is an incompetent Squib.

Therefore, Filch always finds various nonsensical reasons to punish Harry.

This was the time he called Harry to the office, and Harry saw a cabinet with "Confiscated and High-Risk Items" written on it, and he realized that there was a very powerful magic item hidden in the cabinet.

So, Harry took out this piece of parchment after one class.

If you really count, this parchment belongs to Harry's father James.

This is the "Marauder's Map" made by Harry's father James and Sirius.

A map that shows the tracks of all the people around.


Harry took out his wand and touched the parchment lightly: "I solemnly declare that I have done nothing wrong."

Starting from the magic wand, the thin ink spreads out at once, covering the entire parchment like a spider web.

In the blink of an eye, the blank parchment scroll turned into a dense map.

Unlike ordinary maps, this is a living map with many small black spots on it. They are not standing still, but are constantly shaking or moving.

Under the small black dots, there are names one by one.

Hermione, Neville, Malfoy, Mr. Danny, Filch's cat, oh, and Mr. Quirrell, but Voldemort's name is not displayed in Quirrell's position.

Harry thought: maybe Voldemort wasn't alive? Perhaps, Voldemort is not a human being?

Harry stared at the location of the headmaster's office. He didn't see the black dot representing Dumbledore. He looked carefully at the whole map, still not there.

This means that Dumbledore has left the school.

Harry was relieved.

He walked out of the common room and went to the room in the right corridor on the fourth floor that Dumbledore had forbidden to go to during the opening ceremony.

He's off to fetch the Philosopher's Stone!

Harry moved the latch, but it didn't move.

After using the Alahoo hole opening spell, the door creaked open a crack.

Harry was a little speechless. Since he wanted to protect the Sorcerer's Stone, he should set the obstacle to the abyss mode. What do you mean by this simple mode?

Do you think the following levels can handle everything?

While complaining about the wooden door that a first-year student could open, Harry pushed open the door and went in.

Inside the door was groggy, unable to see clearly, only the sound of suppressed breathing rang in his ears.

There was a black shadow ahead, and a pair of big red beads lit up.

Although I didn't see what it was, it was enough to bluff people.

Harry took his time.

Take a stone statue and cast a spell on it that keeps singing.

The little stone statue began to sing.

The huge black figure slowly lay down, and the threatening roar turned into a submissive cry.

The sound becomes smaller and smaller until it becomes a uniform grunt.

Harry just stepped forward.

Seeing this huge three-headed dog up close can make people understand what horror is.

Anything, as long as it is big enough, can already make people feel intimidated.

Especially this kind of scary and ugly creature.

But this way Harry looked forward to his big black even more.

Presumably, when a dragon becomes an adult, it should be even bigger.

At that time, I was riding on the black dragon, holding a few girls in my arms, and flying in the sky, just thinking about it made my mouth water.

Harry stepped over the dog's leg.

There is a trapdoor behind the dog.

Harry pulled the brass ring away.

A black hole with no wooden ladders.

This is not a basement.

Harry frowned, first cast himself a levitation technique he had learned at the beginning of school, and then used an advanced version of fluorescent flash.

An extremely blinding light flew from the wand and fell below, like a flashbang.

Harry saw the scene below.

There are many roots underneath, thick, dark, hard, and intertwined.

Harry was doing well in Snape's Potions class.

Recognized immediately, it was the devil's net.

This plant is a bit like a vine, but dozens of times larger than a vine.

It likes to be in dark, damp places.

It has a characteristic, that is, it can wrap around moving things on its body, which is much more powerful than a giant python.

This kind of thing is in the deep forest. Once someone encounters it, it is basically dead.

But if you know its weakness, in fact, the devil's net is just like that.

Devil's web is afraid of light and fire.

So when Harry's light spot fell, the surrounding devil's nets immediately "saw the light and died", and they all dodged, revealing a round hole.

Harry jumped down, slipping through the devil's net with ease.

This is a stone corridor.

The corridors run downhill, a bit like Gringotts.

There was the sound of jingling bells ahead.

At the end of the corridor is a brightly lit room with a high vaulted ceiling, countless small birds shining like jewels, flapping their wings and flying around the room, and there is a heavy wooden door on the opposite side of the room .

This bird is nothing else, it is the key to open the door, but they have wings, and at first glance, they look a bit like a bird.

These hundreds of birds are flying in the sky.

Harry knew that if he tried to capture the keys, they would attack at once.

Of course, Harry didn't try to find them one by one on a broomstick. He used his wand and muttered words.

"A net of heaven and earth."

All the birds were gathered together at once.

Then, "Magic Elimination".

This enchantment restores the enchanted item.

Of course, this is magic that only seventh-grade students are exposed to.

For most magicians, it is already the highest level of magic they have known in their lives.

The key fell silent.

But then, Harry could only insert the keys into the door one by one.

Harry wished so much at this moment that he had a copy of Felicia, if that was the case, he would probably have the right key just by grabbing it.

However, Harry was not too unlucky, and when he touched the fiftieth key, he found the right key and opened the door.

Then, apply fly and attack spells to the key.

Just leave this room.


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