Rebirth of the Harry Potter

Chapter 101: The Unicorn's Repayment

Chapter 101 The Unicorn's Repayment

For the next few days, life returned to normal.

Harry stays in the library every day, hoping to find the secret of the House of Omnipotence from books such as "History of the Founding of Hogwarts", "Biography of the Four Giants of Hogwarts", "Hidden Secrets of Hogwarts" and other books. Location.

Although there is no book that does not mention the location of the Omniscient House, Harry still found some traces.

"Inside Hogwarts, there is a mysterious door. It is said that if you open it, you can get endless treasure..."

"During the founding of the school, the four giants built a lot of secret rooms and passages in it. In order to prevent the enemy from closing Hogwarts and making it impossible to move out, they specially built a door that can lead to any place..."

"Hidden door, Wanying's house..."


Based on these clues, Harry had several guesses about the location of the House of Own.

One morning, after Harry got up and was walking to the library, he saw a lot of students gathered in a big circle, chattering, their faces full of excitement.

Harry didn't pay attention, but heard something anyway.


"It's so beautiful..."

"what is this……"

"How did you come into our school..."

"I seem to have read it from a book..."

"This is definitely the most beautiful kind of creature..."

Harry's heart moved, no way.

He turned and walked towards the crowd.

Sure enough, it was the unicorn that the boys and girls were talking about.

The weather has warmed up, the snow on the ground has melted a few days ago, and the warm sun has appeared.

At this time, the unicorn was standing on the dry ground, and the sun was shining on it, like rays of light flowing on it. The white body was dazzling, and the unicorn on the forehead was shining with golden light.

It is many times more beautiful now than it was a few nights ago.

It seems that because of the crowd of these boys and girls, it is a little uncomfortable, so it walks around, a little uneasy.

When Harry appeared in the crowd, the unicorn saw him immediately.

It walked towards him slowly.

"Wow, it's here, doesn't it mean it likes me." A girl in front of Harry danced excitedly.

Another girl said: "How is it possible, it is clearly walking towards me, ah, here it is, so excited..."

The unicorn walked between them, approaching Harry.

The two girls in front looked at Harry resentfully, as if Harry had done something outrageous.

Harry smiled awkwardly.

Seeing this, the other students also looked at Harry enviously.

"how so……"

"It turns out that the unicorn and Harry know each other..."

"God, I just want to get rid of my toad and buy a unicorn right now..."

"Hehe, just think about it..."

The unicorn with its head down suddenly raised its head, left Harry again, and walked to the side.

A beautiful girl was holding a book in her arms, standing outside the circle, watching the beautiful unicorn walking towards her, a little at a loss.

But no one can deny the beauty of a unicorn, and neither is this girl.

She couldn't help stretching out her hand and gently stroking the unicorn's head, lest the unicorn be frightened and leave her.

The unicorn seemed to like the girl very much. It closed its eyes and stuck to the girl's arms.

The corner of the girl's mouth curled into a smile.

Immediately, his jealous eyes shifted to this girl.

Most of these gazes are from girls.

As for the boys, they have long been fascinated by this smiling girl.

She stood with the beautiful unicorn, bathed in the sun, like an angel.

"The books say that unicorns love pure virgins,

Is it true? "

"I think it must be a unicorn." A boy looked at the unicorn jealously, why wasn't I in her arms!

When Harry saw Zhang Qiu, the smile on his face disappeared.

He turned and left, not wanting to be here for a moment.

Since you put on a strange look first, why should I bother with you.

The unicorn raised its head, looked at Harry who was going away, and then at the girl, hesitating.

This is really a difficult choice.

One is the savior, and the other is the girl he likes.

In the end, it left the girl and followed Harry.

Looking back three times at a step, the eyes are full of reluctance.

Zhang Qiu stood where he was, looking at Harry's resolute back, feeling sour in his heart*********** library.

Harry looked at the unicorn and said, "Why are you so lecherous, you can't walk when you see pretty girls."

The unicorn's eyes are blank. Although I am very smart, I really can't understand what you are talking about.

Harry asked suspiciously, "You're not a male, are you? Come, let me see."

The unicorn struggled, but how could it be Harry's opponent.

"So it's the mother's." After some research, Harry said to himself.

The unicorn was ashamed and angry.

"What's your name?"

The unicorn was motionless.

"It turns out that you don't have a name yet, you poor baby, so let me help you choose one." Harry was very excited, and I liked it so much.

"You're so white, let's call him Xiaobai." Harry thought for a while, and then he came up with a nice name.

"Xiaobai, Xiaobai...not good, why does this seem like a curse."

"You are a mother, so let's call it Xiaoxue." Satisfied, Harry changed his name again.

Who can name names better than himself, Harry is very proud. (Good names are all series by Harry.)

Harry stroked the unicorn's soft fur, and said, "From today on, your name will be Xiaoxue. I'm Xiaoxue. You answered, I said Cheek, you're making trouble, do you understand?"

Looking at the beautiful unicorn, Harry was a little worried. In the future, when he walks in the rivers and lakes by himself, all the girls will rush towards me, what should I do...


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