Rebirth of the Harry Potter

Chapter 97 Hermione and Zhang Qiu!

Chapter 97 Hermione and Zhang Qiu!

Harry never expected Hermione to come like this.

Hermione ran towards Harry, bit Harry's arm, and then realized that the clothes were too thick, so she pulled up the sleeves again, and bit Harry's arm hard.

Sobbing in his mouth: "I will bite you to death, bite... to death."

Like a little madman.

Hermione wasn't just pretending, she really put all her energy into feeding her.

Harry didn't need to look to know that Hermione's bite was bleeding now, and the pain couldn't be faked.

Harry didn't do anything, didn't even push her away, which quieted Hermione instead.

Harry looked at the small teeth marks and puddles of saliva around his arm, and said, "I didn't expect you to bite people better than teeth."

Hermione froze for a moment, then yelled, "You're the puppy."

Fang is a little white dog raised by Hagrid.

"Why...why did you write me that letter?" Hermione asked.

Harry turned and sat on the armchair: "How did you get here?"

"I came by the Hogwarts train in the morning, you answer my question first." Hermione said angrily.

Harry said, "Wipe your mouth first."

"Mouth, what mouth?" Hermione wiped her lips and saw the blood on her hand.

When Hermione read Harry's letter, she was angry, aggrieved, and flustered, but now she saw that she had bitten Harry like this, and she felt very distressed.

"Do you like someone named Zhang Qiu?" Hermione wiped her mouth carelessly, her eyes bulging, and asked angrily.

"Yes." Harry didn't hide anything. Although he has nothing to do with Zhang Qiu now, he really likes Zhang Qiu.

His heart was in pain now, how could he have thought that Hermione would leave the house and come to school to find him as soon as she received his letter.

He hadn't expected Hermione to take him so seriously.

At most, he thought, Hermione would tear up the letter, curse him, and never speak to him again when he got to school. Isn't this the expression of the little girl's anger?

Hermione was waiting for Harry to say 'no', but she didn't expect Harry to say that. She pointed at Harry: "You...I hate you."

The little girl ran out crying.


In the library, Hermione hid furtively in a corner, staring at a young girl.

Didn't expect her to be so pretty, Hermione thought secretly.

Hermione asked many people before she found out where Zhang Qiu was from other students.

She naturally wanted to see what kind of girl Harry liked.

It turned out to be an oriental girl.

Although there are differences in aesthetics, beauty is beauty. Looking at her smooth black hair and black and white eyes, Hermione also thought she was pretty.

Hermione stroked her shaggy chestnut hair in distress.

Suddenly, someone tapped on the shoulder, and Hermione, who was doing peeping work, screamed in fright.

"Why are you here?" Hermione asked.

"Did you come here to find her?" Hermione asked sadly.

Harry felt it was a mistake to write that letter to Hermione, and if he hadn't written it, none of these things would have happened.

"I came for you," said Harry.

Hermione's eyes lit up: "What are you looking for me for?"

"Don't you suddenly think I'm better than her?" Hermione said shyly.

Harry rubbed his temples. Should it be said that Hermione cared too much about himself, or that Hermione was too naive.


"Harry." Zhang Qiu saw Harry and wanted to leave, but when he saw the cute girl next to him, he came over to say hello.

Even she didn't know what she was thinking.

Harry's expression became flat: "Hi, Zhang Qiu."

Hermione looked at this weird scene, she was not an idiot, this was obviously not what a couple should look like.

I get it, Hermione "suddenly realized", it must be Harry who has a crush on him, but he doesn't like him at all.

Hermione, who wanted to understand "everything", snickered.

She gently hugged Harry's arm and said with a smile, "Hi, my name is Hermione, and I'm Harry's girlfriend."

Zhang Qiu's eyes were a little dim, she smiled and said, "Really?"

Harry felt Hermione's hand holding him, and it tightened quietly, just like her nervous heart, Harry couldn't say no, he opened his mouth: "...Yes."

Zhang Qiu left silently.

Harry said this not only to embarrass Hermione, but also to take revenge on Zhang Qiu.

But looking at Zhang Qiu's appearance, he regretted it again.

"Let's go." Harry withdrew his hand and said calmly.

"Where are you going?" Hermione asked blankly.

"Send you home, you came to school, your parents don't know yet."

"I'm not going home." From Zhang Qiu's eyes, Hermione could feel that she had a special feeling for Harry. Of course, she was worried. Harry just said that she was his girlfriend. If she left , who knows what will happen.

Harry didn't say a word, but his eyes showed his attitude.

"Okay, I'll go back."


Hermione rolled her eyes, took a few steps to catch up with Harry, and quietly put her hand in Harry's.

Harry neither clenched nor paid attention to it.

Hermione thought complacently: "It's an oriental person after all. I don't know if I should take the initiative to pursue it. I will definitely make Harry's heart return to my side."

Harry suddenly felt a chill behind him, could it be that bitch Quirrell was spying on me?

Harry was vigilant in his heart, and while pulling Her... being pulled by Hermione, he walked out of the school.

Sitting on the train, Hermione didn't let go of her hand, holding Harry tightly.

After getting off the train and sitting on the bus, the two of them sat by the window without saying a word.

Hermione looked out, and Harry looked at Hermione's profile.

Although Hermione looked very indifferent, she forgot that her hand was still in Harry's, and the uneasiness in her heart was fully expressed.

In the end, Harry didn't know what to say.


After returning to school, it was already ten o'clock at night...


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