"Someone outside wants to kill us!" Lin Jiaohua said with a panic expression.


Lin Nanxiang narrowed his eyes when he heard this word, only three huge question marks appeared above his head.

What the **** is she thinking?

Could it be that Master Song and Mrs. Song have lost two children one after another and suffered too much, so they are unconscious, right?

Thinking of this, Lin Nanxiang felt uneasy.

After all, Mrs. Song and Mrs. Song are also very old. It's strange that a white-haired person sends a black-haired person to him.

Lin Nanxiang had no choice but to calm down a few words, "Master Song, Mrs. Song, I know that Miss Song and Young Master Song have just gone like this. You must be very uncomfortable in your heart, but you have to live on, right? You should cheer up. Come, don't think about it so much."

"No... it's not like that, Miss Lin!"

At this moment, Lin Jiaohua suddenly lowered her voice with a nervous expression on her face, and her pupils tightened and said, "Miss Lin, since you were sent by Miss Tang, I will only tell you this!"

After that, Lin Jiaohua leaned close to Lin Nanxiang's ear and probably whispered a little bit.

But Lin Nanxiang's original reaction was quite ordinary.

As a result, after listening to what Lin Jiaohua said, her face suddenly changed.

Lin Nanxiang's eyes widened directly, and he asked incredulously, "Mrs. Song, what are you saying is true?"

"It's true, Miss Lin!"

Lin Jiaohua nodded vigorously and urgently, and Master Song nodded with him.

Lin Nanxiang's face suddenly looked a little ugly.

She thought to herself, how could this be?

Obviously Lin Nanxiang saw the report early in the morning that Song Qianran was killed in a car accident because he was driving under the influence of a traffic accident.

But Mrs. Song actually told her that Song Qianran did not drive under the influence! It was killed by someone!

In fact, Song Qianran was sure that night, because he had just inherited the company and had too much pressure on his hands, so he went to the nightclub outside to relax for a while.

But on the way back, he called Lin Jiaohua to report, saying that he had a drink, so he asked for a driver.

As for who the driver was, Song Qianran didn't explain, only that he found one on the Internet platform.

But who knew that after the accident, Song Qianran was actually placed in the driving position when the police rushed to the scene!

For this reason, the police judged that Song Qianran had an accident due to drunk driving!

However, hasn't Song Qianran already found a driver? Where did that generation go? This doesn't make sense at all!

Lin Nanxiang's brows were twisted tightly.

Later, she asked suspiciously, "Mrs. Song, maybe your son was afraid that you were worried, so he deliberately told you that he had hired a driver, but in fact, maybe he didn't find a driver. ?"

Lin Nanxiang could only speculate in this way, because such a situation would be more reasonable.

But Lin Jiaohua was very firm and shook her head vigorously, "No, Miss Lin, you don't know. Although my son is a little foolish on weekdays, he never lied to me!"

Lin Jiaohua said with certainty, "Every time my son came back from drinking too much alcohol, he would call me and tell me that he had hired a driver. This is a habit my son has developed since he was a child. Will not deceive me!"

"Furthermore, driving under the influence of alcohol is a violation of traffic rules. Even if my son is confused, he is not confused to the point that he is drunk and has to drive. So in any case, I don't believe my son will drive under the influence. !"

"The only possibility is...someone is doing a ghost! Someone wants to kill my son, maybe, maybe it will kill me and Lao Song too!"

The more Lin Jiaohua talked about it, the more terrified her expression became.

She and Master Song were close together, and both looked worried.

In fact, it is not without reason that she is so worried.

After all, the daughter and son are gone one after the other, and the way the son walks is still so strange. It is impossible for the two elders not to worry.

While worrying, they were deeply saddened. After all, their only two children had died unexpectedly.

Now in the entire Song family, only these two couples are left, living dependent on each other.

This kind of feeling of family destruction can really break people down.

At this moment, Lin Nanxiang saw this scene next to him, and suddenly there was an unspeakable sadness in his heart.

This Master Song and Mrs. Song lost their children one after another, and the white-haired person sent the black-haired person, which was already pitiful enough.

As a result, the two elders were so scared that they didn't even dare to open the door of the room, so they could only hide in the room and live carefully...

Oh, it's a crime.

Lin Nanxiangguang just thought about it, and felt aggrieved for Song Master and Mrs. Song.

However, behind this, who is actually doing their job?

If Song Qianran was really murdered, then who was it that had to kill Song Qianran?

"Master Song, Mrs. Song, have you provoked any enemies before?" Lin Nanxiang asked suddenly inexplicably.

"The enemy?"

When Lin Jiaohua said this, she thought about it carefully.

Looking at Master Song again, both of them seemed to meditate in their heads for a while.

But then they shook their heads, "No."

"We have never provoked any enemies in the mall before. The only enemy is probably...Song Yijun!"

Song Yijun, I am afraid that Master Song and Mrs. Song can think of the biggest enemy.

After all, since the establishment of the company, the Song Group has basically not experienced too many twists and turns.

Almost all the ups and downs and turbulence were caused by Song Yijun.

So the biggest enemy of their Song family is no one except Song Yijun.

"Wait, sir, you said that our son had something to do this time, maybe it was Song Yijun's **** who turned into a ghost and came back to kill him!"

Suddenly, Lin Jiaohua looked at Master Song next to him in astonishment.

Master Song immediately shook his head after hearing this, "No, how come there are ghosts in this world? Don't talk nonsense!"

"Why wouldn't there be it! I would rather believe it and not believe it!"

But Lin Jiaohua became very serious, because if it weren't for Song Yijun, she really couldn't figure out who else would target Song Qianran.

The only possibility is that Song Yijun turned into a ghost and came back to avenge them!

"No, no, it must be the **** Song Yijun who is back, and it must be the **** Song Yijun who is back. I have to quickly find some Feng Shui masters and drive her away!"

Speaking of Lin Jiaohua's tone of panic, she quickly took her mobile phone, and then she was about to contact the so-called Feng Shui master.

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