Rebirth of the Evil Life

Chapter 656 Four Principles

4797 Chapter 656 Four Principles the conference room. It was dull. People don't know whether to agree or not. It is still against the bid; Pei this looked at each other and dared not vote. I agree, I feel uncomfortable and think this is not worthwhile. Agree, I feel that this "Player Welfare Plan 1" is too uneconomical and the company is too bad. Don't agree. Everyone has never disobeyed Lin Feng's opinion.


"I agree!" Wu Zhaopu was the first to raise his hand when everyone was silent, "I think this plan is good. Although there is a possibility of malicious marriage. But in terms of rules, we can restrict malicious marriages. After all, the rules are made by us. And "Second World Gamer's Annual Meeting will be televised. If this wedding can form a certain scale, there will always be dozens of marriages every year, instead of becoming our burden, it will bring us financial resources. I believe that many audiences around the world still like to read these stories about players who met players on the red carpet through games. "

Lin Feng nodded secretly, Wu Zhaopu really understood his intention.

"Although we paid these newlyweds 10,000 yuan in red envelopes and round-trip air tickets to the Maldives, their stories and wedding copyrights belong to our company. We can completely weave it into a love romance and put it on the Internet. This is undoubtedly very attractive to players Yes. Because players who love games, most of them are single or lonely, and they all long for love and want to have a romantic love." Wu Zhaopu said with a smile.

With Wu Zhaopu taking the lead, the others naturally stopped objecting and raised their hands in agreement. The "Player Welfare Plan 1" proposed by Lin Feng was unanimously approved. Then everyone formulated the rules for "player benefits" in detail.

Players who want to enjoy the "player welfare treatment" rules must first meet the requirement that both parties are first married; secondly, both parties must be senior members of "Second World" with an annual membership fee of RMB 0; When the four players get married, the copyright is owned by "Second World" and the players are not allowed to divorce within three years. They will sign an agreement before marriage. If the players divorce within three years, they will not be able to enjoy the "player benefits" and must be fully refunded. If there is no economic solvency, the "Second World" provides the work of "city painter", that is, cleaner for free.

After a detailed discussion, everyone formulated this set of rules. As long as the above four rules are met, players can enjoy "player welfare treatment" and pass the advanced computer simulation calculation for every 100 million players. On average, there are only one couple of newlyweds flying each year. As for those who marry maliciously and can divorce after three years, the proportion of newlyweds is the highest among newlyweds.

therefore. Today, the newlyweds walked happily on the red carpet to enjoy the blessings of tens of thousands of players, and at the same time received a red envelope of 10,000 yuan and a round-trip ticket to the Maldives. At the same time, they were even more grateful to Lin Feng. After all, through games, few people in the same city can finally come together. There is too much resistance from both families. It can be said that although Lin Feng’s 10,000 yuan in cash and the round-trip ticket to the Maldives are not a big gift, it is enough to give them confidence. Facing the parents of both sides.


With a joyful and grateful heart, on behalf of the church, I would like to extend my sincere wishes to you: the Lord’s cooperation will last forever; may God bless your love to be higher and longer than the sky, and your love to be deeper and wider than the deep sea ! As the officiant of the wedding, Lin Feng witnessed the newlyweds who got to know each other because of the "Second World" game, and were also happy for them.

In particular, there is a pair of Lin Feng's "Second World E-sports Club" interstellar team's two outstanding players, and the most beautiful interstellar female player "Wa Kuitong", which is also an important person who contributed to today's collective wedding.

At first Lin Feng was a little surprised when he heard that "Ma Io and "Wa were preparing for their wedding. However, both of them used the "extreme wave" in the "StarCraft" competition. Although the single-player competition is still in the bottleneck, facing the top players still loses more than wins, but "two swords combined" Afterwards, the power of the two teamed up can be said to be invincible in the Electronic Economy Champions League, and they have remained undefeated so far. It is also a beautiful thing for the two to be able to combine. Especially for those who can cheer up when they are most frustrated in life. It can be regarded as making up for him to get love from heaven.

For Lin Feng who wants to help them get married at the "Second World Players Annual Meeting", whether it is "

Or "Yu" is more shy and wants to refuse. However, Lin Feng wanted to forcefully pass the resolution on the grounds of promising the two grandest weddings. But in order to save the two from being shy, Lin Feng just heard that other online game players are also holding weddings. They suddenly decided to hold a group wedding. It also gave birth to "Player Welfare Meter 1" by the way.

Amid bursts of warm applause at the scene, the newlyweds got married and received Lin Feng's red envelope and air ticket. Embarked on the flight to the Maldives amidst the sound of blessings.

subsequently. When night falls, the star concert, which is most anticipated by players, begins. But the difference between this year and the past is that there is only one super star this year, and that is the king of pop. Michael Jackson.

Michael Jackson and Lin Feng signed a contract of 100 million US dollars last year to repay the debt owed of 100 million US dollars. Naturally, he is very grateful to Lin Feng, so he specially rushed over to hold his first concert in China at this year's "Second World Players Annual Meeting". Originally, Marceline also wanted to fly over, after all, it would be very convenient to have a special plane, but now Marceline is going to promote her new single, and after the establishment of "Second Entertainment", Marceline is also the president of the "Second Entertainment" record company post. Marceline is the president, but she is not good at management, so Abby Cohen personally helped to select the vice president to assist in its management.

It should have been managed by specialized management personnel, but when "Second Entertainment" signed the contract, it signed a "free artist" contract. Avril as the general manager, to a certain extent, can give its artists a sense of trust.

Before the concert at night, all the reporters and fans were not sure. Because according to the eyeliner of many reporters, the stars who participated in the Stars concert last year, such as Andy Lau, Jacky Cheung, etc., are still in Hong Kong! And there is no sign of any big star entering Shanghai. After all, even if a big star comes and the media can't wipe it, it is absolutely impossible for so many big stars to come and not notice it. But the strange thing is that the reporters did not notice any big stars coming to Shanghai, but the construction of the stadium is in full swing, and judging from the specifications and posture, it is more difficult than last year.


"Who the hell is here tonight?" "Many reporters expressed their own guesses and listed in detail the whereabouts of the many stars who participated in last year. According to many reporters' tips, there is only one "Yu Quan" group among the top singers in Shanghai, but "Yu Quan" also denied that it was the star concert. The guest reporter asked for confirmation.

therefore. Many reporters were extremely curious and jammed in the stadium just after nightfall to think about it.

Suddenly, tonight's Jiayu players and the fans who were waiting in front of the TV for Zhao Chuanxing's concert were also feeling uneasy about who would be coming.

When the clock struck, all the lights in the stadium were turned off and it was pitch black. While everyone was waiting, a burst of violent music that hit everyone's hearts sounded, and there was a familiar rhythm and dance steps that were no longer familiar. The countless exciting singing suddenly exploded into crazy cheers in the entire venue.

Michael Jackson!

Although everyone knows that Michael Jackson and Lin Feng signed a ten-year concert agreement, although everyone knows that Michael Jackson is also an artist of "Second Entertainment" under Lin Feng, and also the game "Audition: Full House" under "Second World" "But no one really thought that Michael Jackson would appear in China so early.

Unexpected really unexpected! This unexpected surprise also made all the audience and fans in front of the TV go crazy and cry for it, so excited! Although the guest tonight is only Michael Jackson, it is enough.

For three hours, Michael Jackson dedicated three hours of wonderful performances for all "Second World" players and TV fans. The impact of these three hours is very exciting for all audiences, especially the live audience. Tonight is absolutely It will be the best memory in their life.

After the concert, Lin Feng also let Michael Jackson live in his villa. Michael Jackson has too many fans; he is too famous and too many reporters want to profit from him. Only living in Lin Feng's heavily guarded villa can completely eliminate the harassment of reporters.

"Ah" Inside Lin Feng's villa. Several girls screamed again and again. Although they had watched Michael Jackson's performance at the scene, the crowd was still relatively far away, and the scene was close in front of them. The impact was incomparable.

"Michael, I am also your fan. It is my honor to meet you." Prince William's eyes also shot bursts of light. With his identity and status, music like Michael Jackson is not allowed to be listened to in the Buckingham Palace of the British royal family. In Buckingham Palace, only Italian operas such as Beethoven can be heard. Although Prince William himself is deeply fascinated by Michael Jackson’s songs, he can’t even look at them. But dare not show it. Seeing this Xuan is also indescribably excited.

"Hi, my name is Michael." Michael Jackson greeted everyone with a faint smile.

This Wulin-style villa became a "city that never sleeps" with transparent lights all night. Everyone gathered around Michael Jackson to discuss Michael's music and the trifles that were insulted by the media. As for Lin Feng, he went to bed after 1 am. Because there are more important things waiting for him tomorrow.

The next day when Lin Feng woke up. Originally thought that Li Zhiyou would lie down and sleep beside him, but unexpectedly he still prepared breakfast on time. This made Lin Feng extremely moved. Especially seeing the slight black smoke rings in the eyes is heartbreaking.

"Okay, Youyou, go to bed. It's not that there are no servants at home, and you don't have to cook by yourself every time." Lin Feng said lovingly, holding Li Zhiyou's hand.

"It's okay, Brother Lin, this is the only thing I can do now." Li Zhiyou smiled sweetly and gently blew a few breaths on the porridge in front of Lin Feng, and then carefully fed it to Lin Feng.

After a burst of speechless touch. Lin Feng kisses and bids farewell to Li Zhiyou." Ding told her to go to bed early and leave for the company.

"Boss, all the outside world is reporting on our collective wedding yesterday." Wu Zhaopu smiled and handed Lin Feng a stack of newspapers. And at the same time, log in to the website and open the official websites of major newspapers and magazines around the world. They are full of reports on the collective wedding held by the "Second World" yesterday and the "red envelopes".

Originally, the second "Second World Players Annual Conference" had a lot to report. For example, the first day of the E-Sports World Cup was based on countries. The competitions on this day were also extremely fierce, especially the confrontation between different countries. The major media haven't paid attention to the players from all over the world, but almost all the major media in the world just briefly mentioned it, except for a few highlights from the countries that won the championship. The global media doesn't seem to care much about it.

The second day's "Huashan Lunjian". It also created a precedent for online games, allowing so many players to gather together to show the charm of Chinese martial arts, especially the final champion is still a beautiful woman. In this online game where male players are absolutely dominant, it is also a semi-fighting game. The final champion of such online games was actually a female player, which itself was full of gimmicks and topics, but all the media only briefly introduced it, and occasionally a few newspapers just published it in one. The unassuming page published a photo of "Transparent Shadows" to give one. Even if the title of the strongest female player is revealed.

These two news events, which were originally worthy of major media reports, are now only briefly mentioned because there is only one mass wedding. This mass wedding that took place on the third day was beyond everyone's expectations.

If it is said that group weddings happen every year in the world, but the attention of people like this time makes the global media go crazy for two reasons. One is. The newlyweds in this mass wedding are all gamers from the "Second World" game, and they all met through the "Second World" game. Compared with the first two things, it is naturally more worthy of special mention.

Of course, the most important reason for all the media in the world to report this matter on the front page is another point. This group wedding was officially organized by "Second World" and Lin Feng hosted the wedding, and "Second World" personally sent red envelopes to everyone. There is also a round-trip air ticket to the Maldives, the world's most romantic couple's holiday destination. The "player benefits" are too generous, too generous.

This has never happened before. there has never been. How could the media not frantically report on this!

China's "Reference News" is also the front page headline and is equipped with a picture of Lin Feng giving red envelopes to newcomers "Second World" once again made an amazing move. At the same time as we suspect that online games have a negative impact on society and young people" Second World" proves that online games can also help young people. Moreover, it is really admirable to come up with such a big hand, and it is really rare for a company that is so good for the people. It is a model for all companies in China.

Many domestic companies were speechless for "Reference News" touting the "Second World". It's not that they don't want to but they have no money. They also want to make a big splash like this, donate hundreds of thousands today, hold an event with millions tomorrow, how nice it is to get fame and fortune, but they have no money! They are not the "Second World" with so many profitable games, and they don't have such a wide network of contacts as Lin Feng what!

Hey, forget it if you are rich, forget it if you are pushy, why do you always let us be your backs! The bosses of many domestic game companies secretly complained about Lin Feng.

It's not their fault either. Every time Lin Feng is in the limelight, they will always be compared by many media. After comparing the results. Many reporters and ordinary people praised Lin Feng but hurt them who are so low-key. So these bosses came to a conclusion that as long as Lin Feng was in the limelight, they would be unlucky. But others only show up once in a while, but Lin Feng makes surprise appearances in half of the year. The bosses like them are buried for half a year. The rest of the year was spent in self-resentment.

Hong Kong's "Phoenix Satellite TV" also made a key report on this matter. China's game industry has always been very backward. Looking at the game industry in neighboring Japan, Europe and the United States, the game industry is booming. With an annual output value of tens of billions of dollars, China has always been at the bottom, especially when the local game industry is facing the impact of Japan, Europe and the United States. It is often worrying whether China's game industry will sink.

But simply the appearance of Lin Feng and the emergence of the "Second World" changed this move in one fell swoop. Although currently the main operating project of "Second World" is still in the field of online games, its "Bika" game group and "Ou" game team are well-known stand-alone game developers in the industry. We also have reasons to believe that " The future of "Second World" in stand-alone games must be very bright.

Because a company that is so friendly to players and willing to think about players I think it will be successful. Whether it is the previous "Second World Gamers Annual Conference" or the "Player New Marriage Benefits" launched for all single men and women who are truly in love this time, they are all admirable. Such a big deal is only the decoration of the "Chinese Dream" of world-class young rich people. called can


We should be proud of Lin Feng in China! "Phoenix TV" program host Lone Wentao shouted.

Although Taiwan's media has always held a certain prejudice against the mainland, they are very concerned about Lin Feng's actions this time. Can only express admiration. After all, no matter whether it is a game company or one of the world's top 500 companies, there has never been such a company that cares about its ordinary employees. This kind of welfare is unique in the world. What's more, it's just that the players are not members of the "Second World"


Under the media reports of China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, Lin Feng and the "Second World" had the same reputation for a while. In particular, the terms of "Player Wedding Benefits" are mainly formulated for senior members of "Second World" and the number of senior members of "Second World" in China has been increasing steadily. Become the largest private club.

For these players who have become senior members, although the chances of players wanting to enjoy this "newly married benefit" are very low. But a free "Second Game" magazine every month, various point card discounts and various benefits that may appear in the future are already worth the player's investment of 1 yuan per year to become a senior member of the "Second World Club".

For Lin Feng, although each additional senior member would not actually bring any income, their potential consumer market was what Lin Feng valued. Especially with the increasing number of members, the advertising price of "Second Game" magazine has also risen. It has surpassed domestic magazines such as "Friends" and "Reader" to become the magazine with the highest advertising price in China.

Compared with the Chinese media that praised Lin Feng so highly, other domestic media have mixed praise and criticism.


Japan's "Asahi Shimbun" has always been at odds with Lin Feng, and naturally it is extremely unhyped about this. Hype This is absolutely blatant hype. The move of "Second World" is definitely a hype to attract popularity. These four conditions do not seem to be difficult and reasonable, but "Second World" has not promised how many newlyweds there will be every year, so it may just be a look. At that time, just pick a few pairs every year and make a show. Otherwise, I don't believe that if there are tens of thousands of newlyweds who met and fell in love because of the "Second World", the "Second World" will provide it with "player newlywed benefits" to implement? Why not learn from our Japanese game company? Although there is no relevant player benefits, our Japanese company is sincerely making games and dedicating the most exciting games to all players.

So Lin Feng. "Second World", as a senior writer of an authoritative Japanese media organization, I advise you to play games honestly and don't make so many famous things!

The words of the "Asahi Shimbun" reporter were like a stone that stirred up a thousand waves and caused huge criticism. After all, the "Wedding Benefits for Players" launched by Lin Feng has only advantages and no disadvantages in any aspect. After all, players who like games too much are mostly otaku, and it is a problem for most otaku to find girlfriends. However, Lin Feng encouraged them to have a small relationship in the game and passed the welfare restriction to prevent divorce within three years, which put an end to more social problems caused by lightning marriage.

Of course, the only possible victim is Lin Feng's "Second World" as the "Second World Club" sends more members. "Wedding welfare" will pay a heavy price. I am afraid that as the "Asahi Shimbun" reporter suspects, the "Second World" cannot have the financial resources to cope with such a huge expense.

But Lin Feng's original intention was good after all, and the arrogant attitude of the Japanese media also made people dissatisfied. Originally, many Chinese media had already thought of many words to retaliate severely to the so-called "Asahi Shimbun"'s so-called self-contributors, but before they opened their mouths, the country already fired them. That's right, the country.

The total area of ​​the Maldives is 1 million square kilometers, including territorial waters. The land area is square kilometers. The archipelagic countries in the Indian Ocean have a population of only about 10,000. All are Maldivian. The national and official language is Dhivehi, and English is widely used in education and foreign exchanges. Islam is the state religion of Sunni.

The Maldives is a small open economy. Tourism, fishery and shipping are the three pillars of the country's economy, and tourism is the country's largest industry. It contributes to the country's core and foreign exchange income. Tourism tax plus import tariffs occupy more of government tax revenue. Therefore, the tourism industry is related to the rise and fall of the Maldives economy. For Lin Feng's willingness to invest in the "Second World" newlywed players to come to the Maldives for vacation, Maldives is welcomed by the whole country.

After all, China is a country with a large population and will be a future economic power. It has maintained a growth rate for 20 consecutive years and is a future economic power. And such a populous country is economically powerful and close to the Maldives, which can be said to be the largest tourism consumer market country in the future for the Maldives. Although according to the statistics of the Maldives government, the number of tourists directly brought by the "Second World" is limited, but it is the best window to help promote Maldives tourism. Therefore, the Maldives government is planning how to cooperate with the "Second World". Unexpectedly, the Asahi Shimbun It's disappointing and disgusting to pour cold water here.

Therefore, the government of Maldives stood up and criticized "Asahi's comment" loudly at the first time. I don't know how the "Asahi Shimbun" made an interview. It is arbitrarily determined that the "Second World" will not be able to fulfill its promise. Our country believes that the "Second World" is a very important company. We also believe that the president of a reputable company, Lin Feng, will be able to launch this "new marriage bonus for players. "We will take everything into consideration. In short, we support this benefit. Of course, in order to show that our Maldives government welcomes Chinese tourists, we are willing to promise to the "Second World" that as long as the tourists are from the "Second World", we will use the off-season discount. Give it the lowest discount and will be equipped with Mandarin Chinese service here.

The declaration of the Maldives government undoubtedly gave the "Asahi Shimbun" a slap in the face. The "Asahi Shimbun" and Japan were speechless. In particular, the Maldives is willing to give

"Second World. Year-round low-season discounts, which are not available in other countries. Of course. This also comes from the Chinese market behind the "Second World". At present, the main source of tourists to the Maldives is Europe, but most of the European tourists are after the old month. Around January is the coldest season in Europe, so the Maldives has an off-season for more than half a year. If there are Chinese tourists, there will undoubtedly be no off-season and peak season in the Maldives.

Originally, the stock price of "Second World" fell by a percentage point due to a report by the "Asahi Shimbun". However, with the declaration of the Maldives government, it instantly rose by a percentage point, but it rose a lot, which made Japan even more upset. Although the Maldives' Wang industry is another major export item and Japan is its main exporter, Japan does not dare to embargo it. Otherwise, at least one-fifth of the people in Japan do not have sashimi to eat, which would be disastrous.

And Lin Feng naturally did not forget to sprinkle salt on Japan's wounds at this time.

First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to the "Asahi Shimbun" for worrying about me and my company's future, but here I want to declare that our company "Second World" is a company with a very good reputation, especially the promises to players will always be fulfilled. The launch of this "Player Newlywed Benefits" is to provide a window for players who have lost the opportunity to meet a girlfriend because they like games. a platform. It is also to prove that true love still exists in this materialistic society. If it is true, as the "Asahi Shimbun" said, there will be tens of thousands of newlyweds "the second world." They will still fulfill their promises. Even "the second world." If I can't afford to pay, I will personally pay for it.

Because this "newly-married benefits for players" is not for any gimmick, let alone for making money, but for love. I believe that love is great and sweet. Nothing like people in some island countries except for sex. Nothing at all.

Lin Feng's words were so disgusting that everyone in Japan even wanted to kill Lin Feng. What do you mean "unlike people in island countries who have nothing but sex?" Although Japan is indeed rich in industry, it is by no means devoid of love. At least there is love between mother and child, love between father and daughter, and same-sex love.

However, although the Japanese were extremely dissatisfied with Lin Feng's words, Lin Feng did not name them, which made the Japanese helpless. As for the banning of Lin Feng's game, Japanese players have just suffered a big loss in "The Strongest on Earth" and are threatening revenge, so how can it be banned. this. Isn't it true that Japanese players can't afford to lose when the time is blocked? If you want to ban it, you have to wait until the Japanese players become the strongest camp in the "Elite Server" of "The Strongest on Earth".

Because our Yamato nation is the most superior nation. Many Japanese media said in unison.

Indeed the best. A bunch of the most classy dwarves. Desperately urged by milk. They are not as tall as ours. On a certain occasion, Mofeng privately disdained the propaganda of Japan as the most superior nation

These words undoubtedly made Japan jump up and down, but Lin Feng said in private that they were more helpless.

As for the tens of thousands of newlyweds mentioned by the Japanese media, in Lin Feng's view. If there are tens of thousands of pairs, there is only benefit and no harm to the "second world". As long as it fully complies with the four rules formulated by the company, even the "Second World" will spend billions of RMB for a while to arrange a romantic wedding. But what they give back will be their loyalty to the "second world" for decades to come.

Can imagine. Newlyweds players who can meet the four rules set by the "Second World" must love the game very much. It is naturally impossible for them not to play games after they get married. And it is impossible for their children not to play games because of the "Second World". This matchmaker they came together. Then as long as the "Second World" game is not bad, their first choice will naturally be "Second World". "

Such parents love. Children love to wait for their children to grow up * If people meet their sweetheart and get married again because of "the second world." The second world. Naturally, the "player's new marriage benefits" will be given to him, and it will be another cycle.

Lin Feng calculated that this cycle is basically the same as the expenditure of the "Second World". Although the "Second World" does not make money because of this, it is impossible for everyone to be in the "Second World". Marriage and the "Second World" still have advertising revenue. These people's wedding banquets, floats, etc. can be advertised and belong to the "Second World" The advertising revenue of "Second World" is also extremely astonishing.

Counting the fame and popularity earned, "Second World" will definitely only make money but not lose money.

Compared with Japan's chicken belly, the European and American media praised Lin Feng's "new marriage benefits for players" very much. Westerners admire love very much, especially for the love in the Internet age, which is a kind of free love that is not bound by any time, space and time. Especially Lin Feng's sentence "just for love" was appreciated by the European and American media.

The British "Times" lamented that Lin Feng, a super young rich man, can not forget to give back to the clients who brought him wealth while earning huge wealth. This gratitude alone is enough to prove why he is so successful. In particular, what is given back to the players is the most beautiful in the world

Love is even more admirable. Entrepreneurs like Lin Feng deserve the support and encouragement of our entire society.

This world is full of wars and conspiracies. This world is sometimes very dark, but all of us hope that this world is full of light and beauty. Lin Feng is like a "light angel." He bestows light and love on all players under the "Second World" . Come on "Bright Tomorrow"


Since then, Lin Feng has gained another title of "Angel of Light".

Although the American media was dissatisfied with Lin Feng personally, they also spoke highly of the "Player New Marriage Benefits" launched this time. After all, what the United States advocates most are two points: freedom, democracy and love.

It's breath-taking that USA TODAY gives its players the best of the world with a breath of fresh air. Let's toast this Chinese boy for love!

Lin Feng laughed off these reports from the outside world. His headache now is how to prevent SARS, which is comparable to SARS.

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