Rebirth of the Evil Life

Chapter 544 Competing All Sides

Five hundred and fortieth chapters all parties compete

The Houston Rockets come to Shanghai to play a game every year, and its core players are interviewed by Shanghai Dragon TV.

This condition made Director Zhao's heart skip a beat. With Yao Ming joining the Houston Rockets, the Houston Rockets have become the most popular and most popular NBA team in China today. What's more, the Houston Rockets now have the favorite "God of Basketball"-Michael Jordan. This team is not only popular in China, but globally, with the joining of Jordan, it has gradually become known to the world.

After thinking for a while, Director Zhao made a decision.

"Okay, Mr. Lin, I will be the initiator of the 'cspn' Chinese TV sports network broadcasting platform." Mr. Zhao said in a straight voice.

After all, the establishment of this "cspn" will be beneficial to all local satellite stations. It can unite collective forces to fight against the monopoly of TV, so that everyone has the opportunity to compete with it. Always being oppressed by others, no one will be reconciled.

Afterwards, Director Zhao immediately contacted the directors of 13 TV stations in Liaoning, Jiangsu, Shandong, Hubei, Xinjiang, Guangdong and other provinces, and gathered in Shanghai to secretly discuss cooperation.

"Everyone, here is the contract for the establishment of the 'cspn' sports broadcasting platform. As long as everyone agrees, they will be able to obtain the right to broadcast the Houston Rockets' home games for free in the next three years." Lin Feng, as one of the initiators, also attended the event Seminar.

The directors of the various TV stations looked at each other and frowned slightly. They are very excited about the establishment of this "cspn" Chinese TV sports broadcasting platform, which makes various TV stations see a glimmer of hope to break the absolute monopoly of TV in sports events, especially Lin Feng is willing to transfer the Houston Rockets' home court for free for the next three years The broadcast rights of the game made them even more excited.

For the Houston Rockets' game broadcasting rights in the next three years, the profit of the advertisements in each game is enough to make these directors jealous. However, Lin Feng wanted him to live broadcast the entire "E-sports Competition" planned by his "Second World", which made the directors of the stations a little bit embarrassed.

It is true that "e-sports competitions" are now being held in full swing in other countries around the world, but no one knows how popular they will be in China and how much profit they will bring, and whether they will attract related condemnation and protests from the society is even more important. unknown. This made the directors of the stations, who have always been cautious, not dare to make a rash decision.

Regarding the thoughts of the directors, Lin Feng snorted secretly. I have been an official for a long time, and I hope to do everything with zero risk and high return. There is no such good thing in this world. Thinking of this, Lin Feng winked at Master Zhao.

Master Zhao understood.


Indeed, we have to take some risks in the live broadcast of the "e-sports competition", but don't forget that there is no profit without risk. What's more, Mr. Lin is willing to transfer the live broadcast rights of the Houston Rockets' home games for free in the next three years. You should know how much advertising revenue will be from broadcasting the Houston Rockets games in the next three years. Hundreds of millions of advertising revenue, not to mention that if this 'e-sports competition' is successfully held, the economic profits it will bring are immeasurable. Everyone, don't forget that when the NBA chose to broadcast TV broadcasts, no one expected that it would reach the point where it is today. "Taiwan Zhao was tempted for a while, and then said with a little unwillingness, "Don't you all want TV to be under your pressure forever? "

The faces of the other 12 directors froze, with a slight look of unwillingness on their faces.

"Everyone!" Lin Feng stood up at this time, "During the first 'E-Sports League', our company will invest a total of 10 million US dollars in bonuses to stimulate players from all over the world to participate. And the first E-Sports League League, 'cspn' will get free broadcast rights. As for next year's game broadcast, we can talk about it later."

All 13 directors in the conference room exclaimed in unison, this is a big deal. Discussion In the past few days, various TV stations have also learned about the scale of e-sports in the world such as "g". Usually, there are only about 400,000 to 500,000 US dollars in prize money. Lin Feng's 10 million US dollars in prize money is really a big deal. And there is no need to sign broadcast rights for several years, which also makes many directors excited.

"Okay, everyone, let's stop hesitating and come up with your decisions. No matter what, on behalf of Shanghai Dragon TV, I will definitely promote this plan." Director Zhao took the lead in signing the contract.

The directors of the other 12 TV stations looked at each other and signed the contract one after another.

"Happy cooperation!" Everyone raised their wine glasses to celebrate the establishment of the "cspn" Chinese TV sports broadcasting platform.

Subsequently, the directors of 13 TV stations and Lin Feng jointly held a press conference to announce the establishment of the "cspn" Chinese TV sports broadcasting platform. This news was like thunder on the ground in the country, which shocked all the people in the country speechless.

Since the establishment of TV stations, tv has always been the overlord in China, monopolizing all resources, especially in sports, tv5 has always been worried about which sports events to broadcast, while other TV stations in various places are worried about having no programs to broadcast. Between the two, the gap can be described as far as heaven and earth. Today, 13 influential TV stations in China have jointly launched this sports broadcasting platform, obviously intending to challenge TV's absolute monopoly in sports.

Immediately, various newspapers and magazines in the society expressed their views one after another.

"Guangming Daily" said that this is definitely a good opportunity to promote the development of domestic sports TV. The emergence of cspn is enough to diversify domestic sports TV and make it more mature in terms of interest structure. Competition makes progress. However, the media power of tv has been verified by various sports competitions, but can cspn do it?

"Reference News" also commented that the launch of cspn is a good thing, but will it cause a waste of resources? Although competition has made progress, TV's sports channels are doing extremely well today, offering the most exciting sports events to all viewers. How can cspn compete? Will there be vicious competition?

Although the reports of various media affirmed the positive response to the launch of cspn, they still unsurprisingly favored TV. After all, Chaoting TV is Chaoting TV, and in some respects it has advantages that other TV stations cannot match. And the comments from all walks of life in the media also made the directors of the 13 stations feel uncertain for a while.

However, in a survey conducted by Lin Feng's, more than 90% of netizens admitted that they would watch the cspn live broadcast. As long as the program is good, they will choose a higher quality TV station. This survey also made the directors of the 13 stations breathe a sigh of relief.

And then conducted another survey—"In the new nba season, if multiple nba games are broadcast at the same time, will you choose to watch the Houston Rockets game first or watch other teams' games first?" 85% of people chose In addition to giving priority to the option of watching the Houston Rockets game, 10% choose to watch the Los Angeles Lakers and other strong teams if the game conflicts, and only less than 5% of people choose not to care.

This vote made the 13 directors heave a sigh of relief.

As for tv, the direct influencer of this incident, after learning that 13 TV stations in China had established the "cspn" Chinese TV sports broadcasting platform, an emergency meeting was held immediately. After careful analysis and discussion, it was unanimously determined that cspn could not constitute a real threat. Although the concept of the cspn platform is good, after all, it is a simulcast platform jointly established by 13 TV stations, so there are 13 leaders. How do these 13 leaders decentralize? This is a very real, very practical issue, especially in China.

From TV's point of view, sooner or later, "cspn" will have differences due to leadership struggles and the content of the live broadcast of the game, leading to final civil strife. And since the 13 simulcasting platforms are scattered all over the country, how to gather excellent reporters and hosts is also a problem. In short, from the perspective of TV executives, there are many problems with cspn.

However, there is one thing that makes TV deeply taboo. Lin Feng will transfer the rights to broadcast the Houston Rockets' home games for the next three years to cspn for free. This will undoubtedly be a blow to TV.

After all, the Houston Rockets have Yao Ming, Jordan, and a Chinese owner. The games of this NBA team are undoubtedly the favorite of all Chinese fans. Although tv has more high-quality resources, the audience's "home team" complex cannot be ignored. In particular, Baidu's investigation dealt a heavy blow to TV.

Damn it, didn't you just delay the broadcasting rights of the "E-sports Competition", you made a "cspn", what a bastard! ——For Lin Feng, the high-level inside the imperial court hated him for a while. It's disgusting, this man. It's not that they don't broadcast it, but they are still holding meetings to study it. "E-sports competition" is a new thing, and they must be cautious. As a result, before they could give Lin Feng an answer, Lin Feng had already created a "cspn". How embarrassing is this for many high-level court officials!

In the midst of anger towards Lin Feng, the imperial court held a press conference.

Official Spokesperson of Imperial TV - We welcome competition, so that we can offer better games to all audiences, and hope that the cspn sports network platform can also offer more high-quality sports events to all audiences. Here we want to announce one thing, we have reached a cooperative relationship with the nba official for the next five years, and will broadcast high-quality nba games as soon as possible, and dedicate the most exciting nba games. As for other events, Serie A and Bundesliga, we will still broadcast the whole process live. There are also f1, tennis and other competitions. I believe that all viewers can enjoy the best service and the most exciting sports events on TV Sports.

This is obviously aimed at "cspn". And most viewers still recognize it, after all, "cspn" currently only has one nba, and it can only broadcast Houston Rockets games live. From the content of the game, it is too monotonous.

Although the directors of the 13 TV stations have vowed to send out the best reporters and invest the most money to launch live broadcasts of other sports events in the shortest possible time, the viewers don't buy it. I'm used to watching TV, so it's hard to switch channels to watch "cspn" all of a sudden.

For the 13 directors who are building a 4,000-square-meter "cspn" live broadcast base in Shanghai, this is undoubtedly a very headache.

Lin Feng smiled, this was already expected by Lin Feng. In South Korea, Lin Feng planted a foreshadowing.

"Everyone, don't worry. Since we are currently preparing for such a sports broadcasting platform, and we can't compete with the court TV in terms of resources for the time being, why don't we temporarily abandon the live broadcast of other games and only broadcast the most attractive ones? Let’s start with the sports event.” Lin Feng said confidently.

The 13 directors were taken aback, and all looked at Lin Feng, not quite understanding what Lin Feng meant.

"Everyone, among dozens of types of sports events around the world, there are not many sports that are most popular in China. Football is undoubtedly ranked first, basketball is second, table tennis, tennis, F1, Chess, etc. Among them, chess and Go have always had low ratings due to the limitation of the game style. Therefore, the two major sports that are really popular are ball games and motor sports. However, due to the impact of racing and the cost of live broadcasting, etc. , we can also temporarily give up. Why not focus on ball games, after all, ball games are more exciting and the most popular sport.” Lin Feng talked eloquently.

The 13 directors nodded repeatedly.

"However, most of the ball games have been broadcast by the imperial court, and cspn has no room to intervene. Therefore, I propose to focus on football and basketball now, and work hard on these two aspects. After all, these two major ball games are also The most popular.” Lin Feng said after taking a deep breath, “Currently, for basketball, we can only win the broadcasting rights of the Houston Rockets’ home games. Taiwan has monopolized the Serie A and Bundesliga among the four major leagues, so we can consider the Premier League and La Liga.”

Everyone frowned slightly. Everyone is used to watching Serie A and Bundesliga. Will they watch Premier League and La Liga? Especially the La Liga game is too late, which is a bit inappropriate for the schedule of Chinese fans. The Premier League is a good choice! But will fans watch the Premier League?

Lin Feng smiled. At this time, the Premier League has begun to highlight the charm of the world's No. 1 league in the future, but unfortunately, most of the country is used to enjoying the slow-paced Serie A and Bundesliga, and has not really appreciated the charm of the Premier League. Serie A has been called the "Little World Cup" concept, and it is still deeply rooted in the hearts of all domestic fans.

However, Lin Feng has a way to cope with the current situation. He also believes that as long as fans watch a few Premier League games, they will be attracted by the Premier League. As for after Abramovich, Suleiman and others enter the Premier League, their repeated transfer records will attract global attention. What's more, I will also enter the Premier League, closely integrating sports and games. The broadcast of the Premier League by cspn is undoubtedly of great benefit to the promotion of their future teams and companies.

"Hehe, don't worry about this, because I will invite someone to be the football commentator." Lin Feng smiled slightly and said loudly, "We can invite Huang Jianxiang to be the football commentator of cspn."

The 13 directors were delighted to hear this.

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