75 Chapter Four Hundred and Eighty IX Li Zhiyou's Accident

The board was installed, and the four of them started to defend the network around the old point on the night of the lunar month, and the company's "King of Fighters". Said that all the reading is in Xu Tou, but because of losing a few rounds, he dropped the handle and broke the handle, "Lan urgent, the network administrator will ask him to pay. Two of the boys thought it was too expensive, and one handle flew away." Yuan, but the network administrator accepted Tian Yuan. In the end, out of anger, the four decided to set fire to "Lanji" to retaliate." Wu Zhaopu said helplessly.

After hearing this, Lin Feng's face changed several times, and he slammed the car window hard with his fist. The "First Internet Addiction War" subsided by the Internet may cause another wave because of this incident. Especially "The King of Fighters" has always been criticized by people, and now those critics have even more excuses.

How about this, the gamer set fire to the Internet cafe, and even burned a few people to death, this is a big scene!

"Boss, I heard that the country has considered strengthening the review of online games. I also heard that some people proposed to block online games such as "Fist" that lead to violence." Wu Zhaopu was even more troubled.

Lin Feng scolded after hearing this. This is another typical irresponsible shirking of responsibility. This incident has something to do with his "Fist Heart". In Lin Feng's memory, these four arsonists should be due to the lack of family discipline after their parents divorced, and they often play truant , developed a surly temper. This should be a social education issue, what does it have to do with your company, what does it have to do with your game.

"Also, boss, during this period of time as the summer vacation is approaching, especially the promotion of reasonable game time during the weekly horoscope, other things have exploded." Wu Zhaopu said.

Lin Feng frowned into the word Sichuan.

"A parent injured his son in a rage because his child had been playing "Magic Baby" for too long. He smashed the computer angrily, and then took "Ninetowns" to court, saying "Ninetowns. Did not abide by the agreement and misled the students." Wu Zhaopu said.

"What's going on?" Lin Feng asked.

"Boss, this is all caused by that Chen Xiaowei. Due to the popularity of our company "Swordsman Love: Loyalty to the Country", it has greatly affected the number of online users of "Miracle". The established rules secretly removed the limit of the weekly heart-time game time from the "Magic Baby" client. As a result, many students' game time increased significantly, and they had more reason to face their parents' doubts. As a result, this parent, in After checking the time again and again, I found out that it was the game time of Yuanxin divination, and this happened out of anger." Wu Zhaopu said bitterly.

"Also, it is reported that a "Audition" player named "Xiao Fei" played in "Audition"

I met a girl Xiao Min in the game, and fell in love with each other in the game, but the relationship was two catties. A month later, Xiao Min in reality married someone else Xiao Fei decided to kill the groom to retaliate against Xiao Xin, a new netizen whom Xiao Min had met not long ago, and became Xiong Kefei's tool to practice killing courage x Old girl Xiao Xin was killed by Xiong Kefei He was hacked multiple times and died in his home alone.

"Wu Zhaopu said helplessly.

Hearing this, Lin Feng slapped his forehead. He was really a rotten person. He drank cold water and stuffed his teeth. He didn't expect so many things to come out at this juncture.

"Boss, there is a lot of opposition to online games in the country. Yang Mingshou jumped out again to call for the closure of online games, and there is also a female entrepreneur surnamed Tao who even called for the closure of Internet cafes and the construction of Internet cafes by the state. Only in this way can the safety of students be protected. Prevent "Magic Baby" from changing the online time without authorization." Wu Zhaopu said, "Boss, in short, there is a lot of trouble in the country now, and there are voices against online games. Especially, the college entrance examination and the high school entrance examination are about to take place. Parents are eager to close the Internet cafe. Close the online game."

"Boss, what should we do now?" Wu Zhaopu asked for help.

Lin Feng sighed and thought about it.

"In this way, you first come forward to appease the company on behalf of the company." Lan Ji, the family members of the Internet cafe who sued for his life and the family members of Xiaoxin who was killed. Also, find out the details of these criminals as soon as possible, and then publish them. It is necessary to prove that the reason why these things happen is because of social education problems, not our game problems. "Lin Feng said carefully.

"What about Chen Xiaowei?" Wu Zhaopu said.

"Hmph, she cleans up her mess herself." Lin Feng said coldly. Just one more word, but after thinking about it, this matter is related to the entire online game industry, so we can't ignore it. After thinking about it, I said, "You tell Chen Xiaowei to shut up first, and when I come back, gather all members of the family to have a meeting to discuss how to deal with this matter."

"Okay, Boss. By the way, Boss, there is one more thing. Before you asked me to wait for Zhanyu and Si Gang to refuse to participate." Wu Zhaopu said helplessly.

Lin Feng frowned, but this matter is not urgent now, let's resolve the disturbance caused by this "blue emergency" first.

Lin Fengwang hung up the phone, and a mysterious call came from an invisible caller. Lin Feng's heart tightened, he only answered this call once, the last time it was from Mr. Zhu.

Kobayashi, are you all right, the South Korean police can do nothing for you! "Sure enough, Mr. Zhu's voice came from the phone.

Thank you Mr. Zhu for your concern. fine. "Lin Feng smiled faintly, waiting quietly for Mr. Zhu to finish.

Judgment, Ah Lin, you should already know about domestic affairs. "Mr. Zhu's tone was a little helpless, "I know these things have nothing to do with your company, but you have to know that people's anger is hard to appease. I'm a bit mentally prepared, maybe the country will rectify the online game market in the near future. "

Lin Feng's heart sank to the bottom. Mr. Zhu's talk about rectifying the online game market probably means shutting down some games. Now the main profits of my company are in the "second world". If the service is shut down, the loss will be huge. How to recover those investments. The investment of hundreds of millions of dollars in supercomputers is no joke. There is also the "Legend" film city, and the "Second World" headquarters building, which cost hundreds of millions of dollars. If the "Second World" shuts down, Lin Feng's loss will be too great to bear.

"Mr. Zhu, can you give me some time?" Lin Feng asked anxiously.

Yin, Lin, people are angry, and you should know that your company is too good, the so-called tree is as good as the forest, the wind will destroy it! "Mr. Lord said implicitly.

Lin Feng frowned, knowing that some people in China coveted the earning power of the "Second World".

"Mr. Zhu, I hope you can buy me some time. Maybe I can give the country an explanation." Lin Feng gritted his teeth.

"Okay, it doesn't have to be fast, I can't delay it for long." Mr. Zhu said after thinking for a while.

Lin Feng quickly thanked him. At this time, Mr. Zhu can still give himself a little time, enough for himself to think of a way. But what to do? Now that the country wants to move the online game industry, or right...delete companies, thinking about how to give the country a reason not to move, Lin Feng returned to the hotel. While thinking about what to do, Marceline suddenly called.

"Lin, something happened, something happened to Li Zhiyou. She lost a diamond necklace worth hundreds of millions of dollars." Avril said anxiously.

"What!" Lin Feng was startled.

"Come on, I think this matter is weird." Marceline then reported the address.

At this moment, Lin Feng could only put these things aside for the time being, and hurried to rescue Li Zhiyou.

Not long after, I arrived at the place Marceline said.

"A jewelry exhibition is being held here?" This is a well-known five-star hotel in Seoul.

"No, Lin, you were locked up in the police station for three days, and then Li Zhiyou went to attend the jewelry show, and when he came back, he looked bad. The next day, he looked even worse. When I went out today, I accidentally learned that the jewelry show had ended , and heard that a piece of jewelry worth hundreds of millions was stolen, so I followed it, but unexpectedly saw Jin Tae appearing here. After he had a few words with Li Zhiyou, he forced Li Zhiyou to go up." Avril told the whole story in a few words Say it again.

"How long have you been up now?" Lin Feng was startled, he didn't expect Jin Taezong to be involved, especially when he thought of Jin Taezong's expression looking at Li Zhiyou, he felt a little irritable in his heart, and looked anxious.

"It's only been up for a minute." Marceline said.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, it's only been three minutes, it's okay.

"Which room?" Lin Feng asked.

"I don't know, I only know that we have arrived at the mouth building." Avril said.

"Let's go!" Lin Feng led the people straight to the service desk.

"Tell me, what room is Jin Tai in the entrance building?" Lin Feng patted the table at the reception desk and shouted sharply.

Miss Ming at the service desk was taken aback.

"These gentlemen, we can't leak the guest information, please forgive me." One person said nervously.

"Stop rambling, tell me quickly, what is the room number of Jin Taizheng!" Lin Feng shouted angrily.

"Sir, if you make trouble again, I will call the security guard." Another person picked up the phone.

"Li Rui, no matter what, quickly find out the room number of Jin Taizheng. The others will follow me." Lin Feng looked impatient, thinking of what might happen to Li Zhiyou up there, his heart was burning with anger.

"Boss, you go up first, leave this to me." Li Rui nodded.

Then Lin Feng ran to the elevator in a few steps, and pushed aside the guests who were about to get on the elevator, "Avril, hurry up, come up!" Lin Feng called urgently.

Avril frowned slightly, dissatisfied with Lin Feng's treatment of her. However, he also knew that his gaffe was serious, so he didn't say much. Although she and Li Zhiyou were rivals in love, she absolutely didn't want to see what happened to Li Zhiyou, especially being ruined by that kind of man.

The elevator was going up slowly, and Lin Feng walked back and forth in the elevator restlessly, thinking that if Li Zhiyou was insulted by that bastard Kim Tae-jung, Lin Feng would have the heart to kill him.

With a sound of "ding!", the elevator finally reached the edge building. Lin Feng rushed out first.

"Li Rui, have you found the room?" Lin Feng said harshly.

"Boss, not yet." Li Rui panted, "No more minutes."

"Okay, hurry up." Lin Feng also heard the sound of fighting coming out of the microphone, held back the anger in his heart, and gritted his teeth.

Unexpectedly, three minutes later, there was no news from Li Rui. Call, the phone can't get through.

"Don't wait, look for each room!" Lin Feng raised his foot and kicked one room.

But after breathing, although there were people inside, it wasn't Kim Tae-jung and Li Zhiyou. Seeing Lin Feng bumping into him, he roared, but under the angry glaring of Zhou Bo and others, he stopped his voice in fright.

"Boss, this is not an option." Zhou Bo reminded. This is the most famous five-star hotel in Seoul, and the people who live here are all dignitaries. If Lin Feng goes from room to room, he will definitely offend a lot of people.

Lin Feng also knew that this was not the solution, but what else could he do besides this.

"!" Avril suddenly made a muted voice, listened with ears pricked up, then used her nose to oh, then ran to the door of a room in the distance, slammed her nose into it, and put her ear against it After listening carefully at the door for a while, he waved to Lin Feng.

"Lin, this is the room. The faint voice of Li Zhiyou came from inside, and the smell of her usual perfume, it must be this room." Avril said.

Lin Feng nodded.

Zhou Bo and Feng Jun immediately kicked open the door together and rushed in.

Lin Feng then followed in, rushed into the bedroom, and saw Li Zhiyou with a terrified face at a glance, but what made Lin Feng feel relieved was that although Li Zhiyou's clothes were slightly damaged, there were no other signs of being violated, which made Lin Feng grow up. Breathe a sigh of relief.

"Youyou, are you okay!" Lin Feng wanted to scold him, but he couldn't say anything at the moment.

"Brother Lin! Woo!" Seeing Lin Feng, Li Zhiyou threw himself into Lin Feng's arms and cried.

"It's fine, it's fine. You girl, tell me what happened!" Lin Feng patted Li Zhiyouyu's back and said sadly.

At this time, Jin Taizheng had already been subdued by Zhou Bo, and when he saw Lin Feng coming, he was frightened and angry.

"What do you want to do?" Jin Taizheng looked at Lin Feng's eyes that seemed to be killing people, and said in horror.

"Jin Taizheng, you dare to touch my woman!" Lin Feng's expression turned cold.

"You don't mess around, or my father won't let you go!" Jin Taizheng said tremblingly.

Lin Feng snorted, and was about to step forward to teach this bum who dared to touch his own woman, but unexpectedly, Avril rushed forward first.

Avril took the first step, kicked her leg, and hit Jin Taizheng's lower body with the toe of her shoe from bottom to top. With a muffled sound, Jin Taizheng trembled all over and rolled over, crying "shameless man!" Avril spat, and finally did not forget to put his feet on it.

Lin Feng, Zhou Bo and others only felt cold in their lower body, and Avril's kick was too ruthless, directly hitting the vital point. Originally, Lin Feng wanted to teach Jin Taizheng hard before, but now, forget it.

Affected by Avril's kick, whether or not this Kim Tae-jung will be humane in the future is one thing.

"Let's go, we'll talk about everything when we go back." Lin Feng went home with Li Zhiyou in his arms.

When I went downstairs, the hall was full of security guards. Li Rui was also very tired.

"Boss, I'm sorry, I" Li Rui said out of breath.

"Forget it, let's go." Lin Feng shook his head and said.

But this is not over, Kim Tae-jung! Lin Feng snorted.

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