Rebirth of the Evil Life

Chapter 423 Shark's Big Butt

75 Chapter Four Hundred and Twenty-Three Shark's Big Butt

After the game between the Musston Rockets and the Los Angeles Lakers, Lin Feng and O'Neill went to the Nightclub. () Players must return to their city with the team after the away game according to the team’s rules. But this regulation is only aimed at ordinary players and superstars are not included.

Under Stern's superstar strategy, superstars have privileges that ordinary players cannot imagine. The most important reason why O'Neill agreed was that net talent Lin Feng's "free throw harassment tactics" made him very happy. O'Neill was not really interested in that delicate and sexy girl, but because Lin Feng helped him fix Kobe. He faced the sexy three-point girl Kobe with free throws but faced the ugly disgusting man. This comparison made him feel very refreshed, and he naturally liked Lin Feng a little more.

"Lin Hehe, today's trick is very good. Don't forget it next time you play against us. Haha" O'Neill laughed exaggeratedly.

Lin Feng then laughed out loud. He didn't expect O'Neill's bad taste to be so serious.

"Hehe Shaboner, are you interested in dancing?" Lin Feng asked after laughing.

"Dance? Hey buddy, this is my special skill." O'Neill's personality is similar to that of a child and he is very flirtatious. After hearing what Lin Feng said. Dang even twisted with the dynamic dance music of the nightclub.

O'Neal's old black body stood up. Like Optimus Prime, he immediately became the focus of the nightclub. With O'Neal's current fame in the United States, almost nightclub guests immediately recognized the star center of the Los Angeles Lakers. But for most people in the United States. Usually during the entertainment time, they don't go crazy to chase stars, but no one comes up to ask for autographs. It's just seeing this big fat man twisting his ass here, making a lot of noise and whistling.

If it was someone else's meter x height. In addition to a weight close to 100 kg, no matter how skillful the dance steps are, such a heavy body will not look good when dancing, and under the clamor of so many people, he will definitely return to his seat with a face full of embarrassment. However, O'Neill is different, but the more enthusiastic he is, the more excited he is when there are more onlookers.

However, Lin Feng had to admit that although O'Neill danced clumsily as if watching a big black bear dancing; but his earnestness was admirable and although his movements looked like a rice bear dancing. But the rhythm is very strong and the sense of joy is very hilarious.

After the song, the whole house applauded. O'Neill also showed off his muscles very coquettishly, and even saw a sexy beauty who didn't forget to step forward to show off his ridiculous dance steps and twist his exaggerated big buttocks. An absolute gem!

"Hey Lin. How about my dance steps? This is my original "shark dance step" hey!" O'Neill showed off.

Lin Feng clapped his hands and gave a thumbs up.

"By the way, what did say about cooperation?" O'Neal asked curiously after taking a sip of beer, remembering what Lin Feng had said before.

"Shabner, our company has an online game called "Audition All-Star Lineup". Players log in to the game and choose a star to play. Star." Lin Feng explained to O'Neill in detail.

"Hey this is a fun game. You'll create a character exactly to my true scale and it will show my 'shark walk' in the game. ? O'Neill asked while touching the specially left "shark whiskers" on his chin.

"En not bad, it's completely true to proportion." Lin Feng nodded.

"It's very interesting to do this." O'Neal thought for a while and nodded, "Lin, I will ask my agent to talk to you tomorrow."

Lin Feng frowned.

"Haha, don't worry, I like this game very much. I will ask the agent to give you a suitable discount. My "shark step" will definitely be very popular. Ha ha. O'Neill patted Lin Feng's shoulder with his big palm and laughed loudly.

On the second day, O'Neill's agent approached Lin Feng to discuss with Lin Feng's office in Kangpai Center, and after O'Neill's previous signal. His agent signed Lin Feng's "Second World" at the same price as Keanu Reeves. O'Neill became the 71st superstar of "Audition All-Star Lineup".

As for signing Shaquille O’Neill, whether it’s a loss or a profit, Lin Feng doesn’t think much about the superstars from China, Japan, and South Korea. Some of them include Keanu Reeves, and there are 70 superstars. They are all handsome and cool, although they are very popular among fans. Welcome but too stereotyped. And O'Neill is full of joy just from his size. Mi Jiu's height appeared in Game Tool One. Obviously a lot taller than other stars. It makes people laugh and his unique "shark step" makes people laugh even more. And O'Neill's alternative just makes up for the shortcomings.

However, after signing O'Neal, Lin Feng has another goal, which is also one of the important goals of this trip to the United States, to sign Michael Jackson. King of Pop. Only his joining. Your own game can truly be called "Audition All-Star Lineup".

However, if you want to sign Michael Jackson, you must be recommended by someone. It is too rash for Michael Jackson, who has entered the American Music Hall of Fame three times.

But I don't know if Marceline and Michael Jackson are deceiving and thinking about it, Marceline suddenly broke in angrily.

Spielberg and the "Prison Break" crew left Houston after last night's game. Returning to their respective homes and preparing to wait for the second season of "Prison Break" to start filming. Marceline stayed in Houston. She has been in the United States for a year, but she has never been to other cities in the United States except New York and promotional records. This time, she happened to visit the third largest city in the United States, Space City.

"What's wrong with Avril?" Lin Feng asked curiously when he saw Avril's angry face.

"Lin, look at these people, they are too disgusting. How can you write like this!" Avril took a picture of several newspapers on Lin Feng's desk, and a burst of "snowflakes" flew all over the sky, and the documents fell everywhere.

Lin Feng frowned helplessly, it seems that today's newspaper must have some unbearable words that made Avril so excited.

Lin Feng took the newspaper and saw that it was full of reports about the disgusting men and sexy women that appeared in yesterday's game between the Houston Rockets and Los Angeles. They all reprimanded Lin Feng for using such despicable and shameless moves to win the game, especially the "Luo Shihan Times" scolded Lin Feng throughout the article and analyzed Lin Feng's sinister intentions in detail.

Apparently, "Swollen Times" also saw the clues from Lin Feng's "free throw harassment" against Kobe and O'Neal, and saw Lin Feng's "wolf ambition". Their Lakers dynasty is over. And now Lin Feng is clearly planning to form a "partner". This is something that "Los Angeles Times" cannot tolerate.

The "free throw harassment tactics" that appeared in today's game is definitely Lin Feng's conspiracy. He used a conspiracy to break up our great purple shirt Lakers dynasty. But in the end, Kobe once again showed his dominance and decided the victory of the game. It also declared that no matter what tricks Lin Feng played, it would be useless under absolute strength. But we must be wary of the implication behind this Chinese.

The "Loshan View Times" also displayed pictures of the conversation between Lin Feng and Kobe at the end of the game in a conspicuous position, and later photos of Lin Feng and O'Neal in the nightclub. The newspaper even called on Lakers owner Buss to pay attention to Lin Feng's actions. Ambition doesn't let the great Lakers dynasty fall apart.

The "Los Angeles Times" report did arouse the vigilance of Los Angeles Lakers owner Bass, who thought of renewing his contract with two of his generals. There is no need to rush to sign a contract with Shaquille O'Neal, the center of the league, but Kobe's contract is about to expire next year. In order to keep the future No. 1 defender in the league, Bass immediately gave Kobe a top-level contract with a 5-year x $4B contract. This is already the largest contract the Lakers can offer now.

But what surprised Buss was that Kobe directly rejected the rejection without any hesitation.

This shocked Bass. He didn't expect Kobe to reject this top-level contract so cleanly that all Zhao players envied.

This sentence made Buss hesitate and temporarily dismissed the idea of ​​renewing Kobe's contract. All Zhao team owners know that the center is the backbone of a team. With O'Neal's absolute killer, no one will risk offending a super center who is at his peak and give a pound to the future. First guard a team leadership position.

And Bath's hesitation has also added countless variables to the trading market next year. Kobe's whereabouts O'Neal's whereabouts next summer will be the most concerned thing.

Of course, the "Los Angeles Times" report was mainly aimed at Lin Feng. Although it described Lin Feng as a sinister and despicable divination man, it was not enough to make Marceline so excited.

It really made Marceline look angry. It was a report from the "Washington Times" that almost rolled up its sleeves.

Unlike other newspapers' reports on Lin Feng's "free throw harassment tactics" in the game, reporter Bill Gates of the "Washington Times" focused all his attention on Lin Feng and Avril. And the relationship between Jessica.

In the article "Pop Queen as Sexy Girl". "Washington Times" reporter Bill Gates described Lin Feng and Avril in an emphatic way. And the love triangle between Jessica. In particular, it is accompanied by a number of pictures captured by reporters on the spot to insult the ambiguous relationship between Lin Feng and the American pop queen and sexy girl Jessica. They almost called Marceline and Jessica a whore and a slut, and Lin Feng a peerless slut.

Lin Feng was also angry after reading this report, but this "Washington Times" has always been a sensationalist. It is very similar to the British "Sun" in that it relies on all kinds of fabricated news to gain attention. As for the so-called random fabrications that may lead to lawsuits, such newspapers are not afraid. It doesn't have a good reputation in the first place, but it relies on these contents to attract readers' attention. It hopes that you will file a lawsuit with it, and the more you fight it, the more it will become popular. In the end, the big deal is to make an apology. Anyway, this apology is just a random apology.

"Okay, you also believe that the third-rate tabloids like Marceline will be more proud of you the more you are angry." Lin Feng put the newspaper aside and flicked Marceline's pouting lips lightly and said.

"No, I can't bear the tone of their writing too much. Huh, if you don't teach them, they won't know how powerful I am." Marceline said angrily.

Lin Feng frowned and shook his head helplessly. Marceline is such a straight-forward character that she dares to act boldly and make this little punk princess mad. When Hilary Duff starred in "Growing Troubles", she accused Marceline of being arrogant and said that Marceline didn't like fans dressed like herself. If Hillary's fans imitated herself, she said she would be very happy.

At that time, this made Marceline lose her temper. In a live interview on Boston Radio, she publicly responded to Hillary's accusation that Hillary was very sweet and her voice was sweet, but her singing was not pleasant. This statement undoubtedly made Hillary extremely dissatisfied. Hillary and her friends blamed Marceline. Marceline has always been a loner and has no friends. Facing the accusations of a group of celebrities on the other side, she does not flinch but fights back.

Lin Feng didn't know what the final outcome of the confession would be. But it also proves that Marceline's personality is indeed straightforward, sometimes overwhelming, but psychologically likable.

"Okay, don't grow hairy, and you will accompany me to have breakfast later. I have something to do, please."

Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Oh what?" Marceline was taken aback. Li asked.

"Hehe, let's talk about it later, you go down first, I'll deal with this place and then come out." Lin Feng pointed to the mess on his desk Stick out your tongue and run downstairs.

Lin Feng smiled and shook his head. But Lin Feng frowned when he saw the "Washington Times" newspaper. This time, Bill Gates was indeed a bit too angry to make Marceline so angry, but if he took the initiative to teach him, it would undoubtedly cause trouble.

Suddenly, Lin Feng thought that what Wang Meng said needed to create a storm in order to have a chance to quietly take away Kevin Mitnick, the world's number one hacker. Maybe this is an opportunity. Just to vent my anger by being scolded by the "Washington Times" for so long, I should get some interest back.

But how? Think about Lin Feng making a phone call.

"Ron is the way I, Lin Feng, told me that someone who beat someone would not be prosecuted by the law." Lin Feng opened the "Ron Senior Law Firm" that defended him in the previous "Trial of the Century"

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