How could Mr. Cao miss this opportunity.

"Everyone, I'm not wrong, Lin Feng. This is a hostile acquisition of "Magic Baby" to increase capital. The main profit item of the sale of New will be gone. How will New continue to operate in the future? And "Magic Baby" is now The operating rights are still in our hands, we can still negotiate with Japanese companies, I believe President Yoichi Wada will continue to choose to cooperate with our new wolf network to re-sign the operating rights.” Mr. Cao said sarcastically.

The representatives of the twenty companies also nodded. Based on the current stock price of, they basically lost half of the money they invested at the beginning. It is really not worthwhile to sell the operating rights of "Magic Baby".

"Hehe, but why Scowell-Enix has not responded. I remember that President Yoichi Wada seems to have been telling Mr. Cao: The company has just merged and has a lot of affairs and we will discuss it later!" Lin Feng said playfully.

Now there is a buzz. Mr. Cao kept puffing his chest and said that the contract for the management rights of "Magic Baby" is under negotiation and will be signed soon. Now Lin Feng said that Wada Yoichi had not negotiated with Xinlangwang at all, which made everyone at a loss as to whether it was true or not.

Everyone looked at Mr. Cao in unison.

"How do you know!" Mr. Cao regretted the startled words as soon as he uttered them. However, he secretly wondered in his heart why Lin Feng knew these things, which should be classified as top secret.

The representatives of the Twenty Families looked at Mr. Cao with a little distrust.

"But even if it is sold, there will be a company now. Will it take over? And I wonder how much Lin Dong plans to sell?" Mr. Cao does not continue to dwell on this issue to grasp the core of the problem.

The representatives of the 20 companies are concerned about their respective profits. If they can make a profit, the new wolf net will be demolished, and they have no objection, but if they cannot make a profit, they will keep the status quo of the new wolf net unchanged.

"Hehe, I'm going to sell it to the 'Second World' for tens of thousands." Lin Feng said with a smile.

Mr. Cao sneered. The representatives of the Twenty Families felt a little more dissatisfied with Lin Feng. 10,000 looks good but it is too little compared to being able to make a profit in a quarter. Although Scowell-Enix wants to take back the management rights of "Magic Baby" now, but it hasn't been taken back yet? Maybe they can hold on for a while. Moreover, Lin Feng sold it to his "Second World", which really made everyone a little uncomfortable. Doesn't this clearly embezzle the assets of Xinlangwang!

The same is true for most hostile takeovers.

"Perhaps you will think that 10,000 is very little, but if Scowell-Enix takes back the right to operate, the company can only get 10,000 in compensation at most." Lin Feng took out a document from his briefcase and threw it on the table. .

"This is the latest quotation I have received from seven domestic online game companies for Shi Ke Will-Enix's right to operate "Magic Baby" in mainland China.

I think you can see how likely it is that will get back the right to operate "Magic Baby". " Lin Feng sneered.

Everyone quickly picked it up to see the drastic change in their faces. The quotation contracts of these seven companies are too generous. Mr. Cao calculated that most of the profits will be made by Scowell-Enix, but as an operating company, they can only make a small profit. That being the case, it is inconceivable that these companies are desperately trying to grab the right to operate "Magic Baby" in the mainland.

strangeness? Of course not.

Mr. Cao knows that it doesn't matter what idea these companies are trying to make money. They want to win popularity and seize the market. Now the only thing that is hot in the domestic 2D turn-based online game market is that "Magic Baby" can get the operating rights and profits of "Magic Baby", not to mention the player resources of "Magic Baby" are firmly in its hands.

Mr. Cao is not surprised by the behavior of these companies, what is strange is why Lin Feng can get these inside information. I'm afraid there must be Lin Feng's insider in Scowell-Enix. Thinking of this, Mr. Cao felt panicked. This can also prove that these conclusive rumors circulating in the market came from there.

"Then how will the new Wolf Net operate without "Magic Baby"?" The representatives of the Twenty Families were more concerned about this.

"Hehe, that's why I invited Mr. Li to come." Lin Feng pushed Robin Li to the front of the stage.

"I'm going to sell the portal resources of New to Baidu at a price of 10,000 US dollars." Lin Feng said.

Everyone was shocked again. Robin Li smiled at everyone.

The Baidu acquisition of the resources of the new portal was originally beyond Robin Li's expectations. After all, Baidu does not have so much liquidity in its account to complete the acquisition. Although Robin Li has long coveted the resources of Xinlang's portal website, it is difficult to move without money.

However, Lin Feng promised that he would personally pay the full amount of 10,000 US dollars to inject into Baidu to acquire the resources of the new portal.

For the current largest portal in China, if it can be acquired by Baidu, it will undoubtedly allow Baidu to occupy the domestic search engine market in advance and have a broader prospect. However, if Lin Feng injected 10,000 U.S. dollars, he might have an absolute controlling stake in the shares.

However, when Lin Feng proposed to join the board of directors without interfering with the daily management, Robin Li was still the chairman of Baidu. After careful consideration, Robin Li immediately agreed. Profit decides everything, not to mention that he has not lost the right to manage Baidu. Lin Feng injected US$10,000 to complete the acquisition of the resources of the Xinlangwang portal website. Baidu equity distribution: Robin Li 35% Lin Feng 55% Xu Yong 7% The remaining 3% is owned by other Baidu management. Lin Feng became Baidu's largest shareholder with an absolute controlling stake, but temporarily gave up management rights and handed over full responsibility to Robin Li. For Lin Feng, the acquisition cost of this ten thousand US dollars is just to return the ten thousand US dollars he earned from Xinlangwang in the early stage, and there will be a surplus of ten thousand US dollars. "No, I absolutely disagree." Mr. Cao slapped the table and shouted. At this moment, he realized that Lin Feng's insidiousness first sold "Magic Baby" and then sold the portal website of New to Baidu. As we all know, Lin Feng is Baidu's second largest shareholder. This is not what Lin Feng's self-appreciation is. What's more, after selling "Magic Baby" and then selling the portal resources of New, what is left of New It's just an empty shell. I am afraid that the stocks in their hands will fall by a few cents, and no one will want them. The representatives of the Twenty Families were also dissatisfied for a while. The current market price of the new wolf is worth 112 million US dollars. According to what Lin Feng said, if you sell "Magic Baby" for 10,000 yuan and sell the new portal for 10,000 dollars, the total will be about 10,000 dollars. Invisibly, the market value of New has shrunk by half, and the shrunk 10,000 dollars will undoubtedly all go to Lin Feng. The wind pocket makes everyone agree. All of a sudden, the conference room became a mess, and everyone scolded Lin Feng for his selfishness. Many excited representatives of investment institutions even threatened that they would rather smash the jade than the tile. Seeing the anger of these representatives, President Cao felt warm. Perhaps this new wolf net equity dispute is still nothing more than a farce. Lin Feng expected everyone to be so excited. After all, whoever suddenly loses half of their assets will be anxious. "Quiet! I haven't finished my sentence yet." Lin Feng suddenly slapped down the table to silence the conference room. "Why are you so anxious that I haven't finished my sentence yet!" Lin Feng gave everyone a disdainful look. Everyone looked upset, but they still calmed down and listened to what Lin Feng had to say. "Although New doesn't have "Magic Baby" or the portal website, it still has this shell." Lin Feng said. Shell? Everyone was stunned and didn't know what else Lin Feng wanted to do. The new wolf has been dismantled by Lin Feng without leaving any tiles. Could it be that Lin Feng doesn't even let this "shell" go? Let the new wolf have no place to stand? Thinking of this group of representatives was shocked. Mr. Cao seemed to have vaguely guessed Lin Feng's intentions, and his face was gloomy. "I'm going to sell the shell to Qidian Fast Food Restaurant." Lin Feng said with a smile. The crowd was in an uproar again. Especially Mr. Cao was so angry that he almost wanted to throw the teacup in his hand at Lin Feng. It's too ruthless. You are so ruthless! They sold "Magic Baby" and portal resources, not to mention even the shells. Since then, the new wolf has really become a historical term. I'm afraid that in a few years, even the name will be completely forgotten. "No, I'm firmly against it. After all, Mr. Lin says it's all your profit. What good will it do for us shareholders?" Mr. Cao expressed everyone's aspirations. This is the only life-saving straw he can grasp at the moment. "Hehe, the good thing is that everyone will own the brand new 'Start Fast Food Restaurant' shares. 5 shares of New will be exchanged for 1 share of" Lin Feng said with a smile. Everyone was taken aback for a moment and then began to calculate. Mr. Cao and his family investment representatives own a total of .5% of the shares of New, converted into "Starting Fast Food Restaurant" shares, which means they own 12.1% of the shares. In this way, everyone must figure out what the stock price of "Starting Point Fast Food Restaurant" will be after the backdoor listing. "Hehe, everyone, this is the third quarter financial statement of "Starting Point Fast Food Restaurant." Lin Feng handed the data report of "Starting Point Fast Food Restaurant" to everyone from his briefcase. In the third quarter of 2011, "Starting Point Fast Food Restaurant" had a total of 625 franchised stores with a net profit of 6.75 million. The total share capital of 10,000 shares earns 0.225 yuan per share. Now everyone counts the 200,000,000 shares of Xinwolf in the third quarter, and the net profit of 10,000 yuan is converted into US dollars. The profit per share is 9 US dollars. Although the price-earnings ratio is higher than that of "Starting Fast Food Restaurant", if there is no "Magic Baby", I am afraid that will suffer. There is a loss. However, "Starting Point Fast Food Restaurant" is not worried at all that it is now the third largest fast food chain restaurant in China, and this is only for domestic profits. Although the prospect of "Starting Point Fast Food Restaurant" in the future is not bright, it will definitely develop steadily. However, everyone is still a little dissatisfied with the exchange of five shares for one share of "Starting Point Fast Food Restaurant". "That's all I'm saying. I'm ready for so many contracts. If you agree, please sign. If you don't agree, I will immediately sell 39.5% of the shares in my hand again. And the seven domestic companies offer the "Magic Baby" contract. It can be thrown into the trash can outside. But now the reporters outside may not be able to say that there may be reporters looking through the trash can.” Lin Feng said sensibly. Now everyone's faces were a little ugly. If Lin Feng sells another 39.5% of the shares at this time, although Lin Feng will lose a lot, the stock price of New will definitely collapse. Moreover, once the quotations of these seven companies for the operation rights of "Magic Baby" are exposed, the consequences can be imagined, and they are very likely to follow the example of NetEase and be suspended. Mr. Cao's face was livid. He didn't expect Lin Feng to be so aggressive. But judging by the faces of the representatives of the Twenty Families, I am afraid that they will finally agree to this extremely despicable and shameless plan. If Lin Feng's plan is successful, it will undoubtedly be Lin Feng himself who will benefit the most.

"Magic Baby" sold to "Second World" and "Second World" will cover a wider range of games. Except for the temporary lack of 3D role-playing games, the rest of the games will be dominated by one company, and its position in the domestic online game industry will be unbreakable. Selling the resources of the new portal site to Baidu, Baidu can immediately become the No. 1 portal site in China and rely on Baidu's engine technology. The future prospects are limitless. Selling the shell of to "Qiandian Fast Food Restaurant" can also allow "Qiandian Fast Food Restaurant" to go public and collect a lot of cash. And these three companies happen to be owned by Lin Feng, and Lin Feng holds absolute shares. It is shameless to exchange the resources of New with the future prospects of "Starting Fast Food Restaurant". You must know that if there were no rumors that Scowell Enix took back the operating rights of "Magic Baby", the stock price of New would be worth 300 million US dollars at US$3.1. In just these few days, it has shrunk to about ten thousand US dollars, of which 200 million US dollars undoubtedly went into Lin Feng's pocket. What's more, 39.5% of the 10,000 US dollars from the sale of "Magic Baby" and the resources of the New portal will fall into Lin Feng's pocket. In fact, Lin Feng annexed Xinlang for only 10,000 U.S. dollars (more than 10,000 U.S. dollars were used to acquire 39.5% of Xinwolf's shares), and there was no scum left. It's too ruthless. It's too ruthless. Mr. Cao is not reconciled, but he and all other managers only own 9.5% of the shares, which can't play any practical role at all. The key lies in the twenty investment institutions. "Dong Rong Lin, let's think about it?" Mr. Cao had to lobby many representatives and the representatives of the 20 companies had already made a choice. Mr. Cao's face was livid with anger, and he wished he could step forward and beat Lin Feng up. Even if you have to go to court for this, you will not hesitate, but look at the two burly bodyguards behind Lin Feng, Mr. Cao, this wish will never come true. "Okay. But you must give me an answer before 5:00 p.m. today. Otherwise, I will immediately sell all the shares in New as soon as the Nasdaq opens tonight." Lin Feng threatened without any concealment. Everyone's expressions changed slightly.

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