Rebirth of the Evil Life

Chapter 375: Promoted

75 Chapter Three hundred and seventy-five was promoted

The elder came back to his senses, secretly amazed at the charm of this little girl who weighed four catties. : One of the six or two grades knows that it should be Lin Feng's girlfriend, and I'm afraid this time I'm here to meet the parents. But why did the other three girls come here? Just a charming image flashed through Mayor Yu's mind and he skipped it. There are many such things in the whole country, and there are many cadres in Chu City, not to mention that Lin Feng is not a cadre, but a businessman, this kind of thing is even more common. He didn't care about the relationship between Lin Feng and the girls. What he cared about was whether Lin Feng would invest in Chu City.

But in a blink of an eye, looking around at the cadres and ordinary department staff who were still amazed and even shrugged, Mayor Yu became dissatisfied. Although I also know that many cadres have this kind of virtue, but now they do it in front of Lin Feng. Not only will it lose the face of the Chu City Government, but if they annoy Lin Feng, who will they complain to.

Mayor Yu snorted angrily, and the people around him gradually came to their senses. At the moment, he also knew that Wang had lost his composure, and he laughed for a while, boasting that Lin Feng's girlfriend is good-looking.

Lin Feng smiled and didn't care, because this is an official, an official!

Seeing that there was no displeasure on Lin Feng's face, Mayor Yu finally heaved a sigh of relief, but he sighed secretly again. Once upon a time, the young man in front of him was still so weak, he was always angry and dependent on others. Back then, he almost appeared in front of him as a savior. But now, he and others are smiling at Lin Feng. These changes are really fast enough.

not good! Mayor Hu was shocked when he thought of one person. During this period of time, the entire leadership team of Chu City is studying how to let Lin Feng's funds settle in Chu City, thinking about how to use the family card, and as much as possible preferential policies to retain this Chu City's nationally rich and powerful funds to invest in Chu City City, but completely forgot the dispute between Lin Feng and the brothers of Deputy Mayor Hu. Back then, Hu Xiaobing, Deputy Mayor Hu's younger brother's security guards beat up Lin Feng's father, and later almost drove Lin Feng to death. The friction between the two was not ordinary.

Back then, Lin Feng had no strength, but now he has become the richest man in the country. What should the leaders of Chu City do if they settle their accounts after the fall? Thinking of this, the mayor became more and more disturbed. No, I have to go back and discuss this matter with Secretary Wang quickly, so as not to cause something to go wrong in the end.

Thinking of this, the smile on Mayor Yu's face became even bigger, at least he should stabilize Lin Feng first, and let him know what he said. By the way, how about applause? What about the welcome slogan?

Mayor Yu stared, and the secretary next to him was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly came to his senses, secretly thinking that he was careless, and even forgot such an important thing. But these four catties. Girls are really pretty. A star is a star. Stretching casually is so touching. After glancing at Li Zhiyou and the other four who were still half asleep, the secretary swallowed his saliva and quickly winked at the people on both sides.

At this time. Everyone also came back to their senses, and immediately burst into warm applause, shouting "Welcome Mr. Lin back to Chu City!"

Instead, the applause didn't feel like welcoming Lin Feng, but rather welcomed Li Zhiyou and the others.

Mayor Yu frowned, but he couldn't say much right now, so he could only hope that Lin Feng would not mind.

At this time, Li Zhiyou and the others were also awakened by the applause. They came to their senses and saw so many people around them. After being slightly taken aback, they immediately understood that they must be here to welcome Lin Feng.

The four girls were secretly amazed at Lin Feng's influence, so many officials came to greet him when he returned home, it's amazing! The happiest one is of course Li Zhiyou. After all, the more beautiful her boyfriend is, the more face she has, so the smile on Li Zhiyou's face is not to mention how sweet it is.

Lin Zhihui, Huang Meixi, and Allegra joked for a while, but the frolic between the four of them shocked everyone again. Fortunately, after the shock of Wangcai, everyone had the strength to resist, but they were secretly jealous of Lin Good luck to the wind. In just two years, not only has he become the richest man in the country, but he has also entered the world's 100 richest list, and he is surrounded by such a beautiful woman, and he is also a man, so it is too lucky!

"Director Lin, I still need to call you nephew Lin." Mayor Yu remembered that he was not mean to Lin Feng in the past, but he gave him a loan after rushing forward. This nephew should be called. Seeing that Lin Feng didn't care, a sense of pride rose in the mayor's heart.

Paoshu Au just deleted Au Au, added four less, updated block, more "Nephew, I know you haven't been back to Chu City for two years, this time I must have a lot to say to my parents, I wanted to invite you to dinner today, But in order not to disturb your enjoyment of family happiness, I will invite you to a formal banquet next time. In this way, after the Spring Festival is over and I go to work on the eighth day of the lunar new year, do you have time to come to my office to talk?" Mayor Yu said.

Lin Feng smiled and nodded naturally. Even if Mayor Yu doesn't look for him, he will look for him. However, since Chu City flattered him so much this time, he naturally had to make good use of this opportunity, not only to obtain the maximum benefit for the company, but also to avenge his personal revenge by the way.

Hu Xiaobing, Hu Xiaoli, we must figure out the enmity of those years! Xiao Linfeng had an unpredictable smile on his face.

Mayor Yu's heart shuddered, he could no longer see through the person in front of him. But after receiving Lin Feng's reply, he was still relieved and waved his hand.

"Nephew, since that's the case, we won't bother you. If your trip is delayed, we'll clear the way for you." Then, four police cars called out to open the way ahead, Lin Fengche followed, and the rest of the city The government car followed behind, giving it a full face.

On the road, the citizens of Chu City were surprised. Four police cars cleared the way, followed by a stretched Cadillac that could only be seen on TV, followed by a car with a municipal government license plate. It was too much face. Especially for those with discerning eyes, they were even more surprised when they saw the license plates of the mayor, director and others at a glance.

But looking at the banners hanging on the main street to welcome Lin Feng back to Chu City, some people immediately understood. This is the pride of Chu City. Lin Feng, who is rich in the whole country and one of the world's 100 richest, has returned to Chu City.

This is absolutely amazing news.

When Lin Feng was still lamenting that there had been no changes in Chu City for two years on Beijing Road, the main street of Chu City, the news of Lin Feng's return to Chu City had already been heard through various channels.

For most ordinary people, they still had some expectations for Lin Feng's return home. If Lin Feng really invests in Chu City and his hometown, with Lin Feng's economic strength, it will naturally directly improve the economy of Chu City, which will be very beneficial to ordinary people, especially laid-off workers.

However, whether Lin Feng will invest in Chu City is still unknown, and for a rich man like Lin Feng, ordinary people still have a lot of fun in their hearts.

The widening gap between the rich and the poor is definitely a disaster for ordinary Chinese people.

As for most of the "Second World" Chu City players, they were excited. But what they are looking forward to is not Lin Feng, but Li Zhiyou, Lin Zhihui and Huang Meixi, three "legendary goddesses"

In the past, I could only see the three "goddesses" on TV or online videos. Now that I finally have the opportunity to see them in real people, I naturally look forward to seeing whether Xiaochao can see them. There are so many, "Second World" players can only hope that they will be lucky Meet Sanjin on the street, "Goddess."

Of course, dragons give birth to black seeds, each is different, and people in the world are naturally more diverse.

"Brother Hua, that rich man has returned to Chu City." Said a boy from a bar.

"En." An insidious man angrily extinguished the "Marlboro" in his hand in the ashtray, his face full of displeasure.

Oh shit! The sinister man cursed secretly. Thinking of the ten thousand coins last time, the insidious man was full of anger. Naturally, his boss, Huang Yi, would not personally handle the coins weighing up to 10 tons, so he directly ordered him to handle them. At that time, when he saw that Qin Wuton's coin, he and a group of younger brothers were "full-faced." It was miserable at that time, so let's not mention it.

At this time, in the extended Kailak car, several girls looked around in surprise, this city where Lin Feng was born and raised.

"Brother Lin, Chu City is really clean. It is rare in China. Li Zhiyou snuggled into Lin Feng's arms, sighing.

Lin Feng was also secretly speechless. He didn't expect that although the appearance of Chu City hadn't changed in any way, the streets were strangely clean. Think about it, years ago, the streets in Chu City were full of rubbish, pedestrians threw melon skins and confetti, and there were even scenes of some gangsters urinating in the street on the main road "Beijing Road" in Chu City in broad daylight after drinking. People are dumbfounded. Today, it is as clean as Beijing and other cities, which is really surprising!

Lin Feng didn't know that Chu City was so clean today, not only because it was approaching the Spring Festival, but more importantly because he returned to Chu City, and the Chu City Government wanted to give Lin Feng a good impression. The city is poor, not much has changed, so it should be clean and tidy, at least it looks good.

"Brother Lin, look, there are signs welcoming you everywhere.

Allegra pointed to the banners hanging on the street, they all welcomed Lin Feng.

Although Lin Feng didn't pay too much attention to this, he still felt proud when he saw the banners hanging on the street to welcome him. However, Chu City has not changed in the past two years, which clearly proves the current situation of Chu City, and it is no wonder that Mayor Yu and others treat him so favorably.

Paoshu Ao just deleted Ao Ao and added Si Shao, Xia Xin Kuai, and Xia Duo in the novel. Amidst all the sighs, four police cars escorted Lin Feng to the new residential area that his father bought—Sun Speed ​​Sun City. The high-end residential community of Wangxiu in Chu City is the first community to introduce property management. However, the highest housing price is only 4 yuan per square meter, but compared to the price of about 4 yuan per square meter in other parts of Chu City, it is considered high-end.

"Xiao Ma, did you hear something?" Xiao Liu, the security guard of Sunchi Sun City, asked.

"I think I heard a police siren. The pony listened with his ears up.

"By the way, tell me, when will that Lin Feng come? The higher-ups ordered the community not only to ensure hygiene and safety, but also to keep us looking good. It's really uncomfortable." X Buliu complained.

"Who knows? Well, he is rich, but we are only a security guard. The gap is really big." Xiao Ma muttered.

At this time, a siren sounded. Four police cars roared past them. Then a stretched Cadillac passed in front of them, and then a string of cars with city hall signs passed in front of them.

"Brother Liu, who is here? Such a big battle. Pony asked in surprise.

"Bastard, why are you still standing there? If you don't give me a scripture, it must be Lin Feng."

Xiao Liu gave Xiao Ma a chestnut heavily.

"Yes, yes." Xiao Ma hurried to make a phone call.

At this time, Chewangwang stopped to hear that many portals around the community had shaken their heads. After all, it is rare for the siren to be so loud and so lively.

"Brother Lin, which building does uncle live in?" Looking at the residential buildings around him, Li Zhiyou's heart skipped a beat. Thinking of seeing his future father-in-law and mother-in-law, he felt nervous.

"Uh". Lin Feng blushed for a while. He only knew the approximate address, but he didn't know which building he lived in, only the third floor.

Just when Lin Feng was about to call his father, he saw his father and Master Xu Lao Lin Feng came out of the corridor. Lin Feng quickly opened the car door, and greeted him excitedly.

When Lin Feng went out, there was a burst of loud firecrackers. Looking sideways, not only his father and Mr. Xu came out, but also his mother, and relatives on both sides of his parents also arrived.

Looking at his parents whom he hadn't seen for two years, Lin Feng felt slightly sour in his heart, a little excited, a little emotional, and even a little inexplicable. He was really unfilial for not coming back for two years, but luckily his parents were very healthy. Seeing his parents' rosy faces, Lin Feng felt a little relieved.

Brother Xiaofeng, who is uncle or aunt? Li Zhiyou and others also got out of the car, heard the deafening sound of firecrackers, and saw a large group of people coming in, Li Zhiyou was both excited and a little timid.

"Dad, Mom." When Lin Feng woke up, he greeted him excitedly, looking at his parents whom he hadn't seen for two years, feeling a bit choked up, not knowing what to say.

"It's good to be back, it's good to be back." Father Lin grabbed Lin Feng's hand fiercely, looked at Lin Feng, and sighed repeatedly.

"Xiaofeng, you're so skinny." Mother Lin touched her head and then her face, with tears in her eyes. My son, who hadn't seen him for two years, made such a big fuss again, it was really worrying.

Lin Feng was a little embarrassed, it was a bit embarrassing for the crowd to be touched by his mother like a child, but it was more to feel the martial arts, the holy king made the holy king, the king killed the gods at night, the seal of the gods, the throne, the demon, the world, the ninth heaven, the strongest abandoned young man Da Zhou The royal family will kill the gods at night to kill the gods and seal the throne, begging the devil, proud of the world, the strongest abandoned young man in the nine heavens The throne seeks the devil, proud of the world, the strongest in the nine heavens, the most abandoned young man, the royal family of Zhou, and the mother's love for him.

Xiaofeng, you are promising, but the pride of our Lin family! "Lin Feng's second uncle patted Lin Feng's shoulder heavily, and said with a smile on his face.

"That's right, Xiaofeng is now the proud mother's elder brother of the entire Chu City, and Lin Feng's uncle is also extremely excited when he comes.

The relatives on both sides boasted for a while, and they praised Lin Feng like a rarity in the world. Although Lin Feng knew that his relatives boasted so much, it was because of his current status, and also because all relatives had become millionaires thanks to the "Start Fast Food Restaurant", and they could be counted as rich families in Chu City. Although the relative boasted so much, it was a bit utilitarian, but Lin Feng was still moved in his heart.

"Okay, let me tell you that Lao Lin came back from Xiaofengwang, and the father and son didn't greet each other on the road. I won't say much, go up, and go home first." Xu Lao was also a little excited, the one who was still running around all day long ago The boys are now the richest people in the world. Although Mr. Xu has no blood relationship with Lin Feng, and the name of master and apprentice is a vain name, it is enough to make Mr. Xu happy.

This kid is promising!

Lin Feng's parents nodded with tears of excitement in their eyes, and they went upstairs with Lin Feng's arm on one left and one on the right, and everyone followed behind.

"Nephew Lin Xian!" Someone shouted at this moment.

Everyone looked back, Mayor Yu walked over in a bit of embarrassment.

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