Rebirth of the Evil Life

Chapter 365 Boycott Japanese goods and forget national humiliation

75 Chapter Three Hundred and Sixty Five

The reporter of "Asahi Shimbun" blushed and threatened to fight for two, "You interrupted me before it was time for the reporter to ask questions, are you being polite! Lin Feng slapped the table and glared at the reporter of "Asahi Shimbun". 91du Novels Text Version

The reporter from "Asahi Shimbun" trembled when he was scolded. Thinking carefully, Lin Feng did not announce that it was time for reporters to ask questions.

"Is this the so-called politeness in your country?" Lin Feng contemptuously.

Many Chinese reporters burst into laughter. How did the reporter of "Asahi Shimbun" stand up suddenly and raised his right fist when he received Lin Feng's words, and shouted, "I continued to ask questions because I saw reporters from your country asking questions."

Many reporters at the scene were slightly ashamed, and they were indeed a little too excited, but now it is really uncomfortable for Japanese reporters to take advantage of it. The reporters who asked the question were all sad. It is not easy for them to be squeezed by little Japan.

"Hehe, comrade Japanese journalists, they asked because they got my permission. But when did you get my permission?" Lin Feng asked.

"When?" The Asahi Shimbun reporter asked in bewilderment. Others didn't see Lin Feng's authorization.

Many reporters at the scene burst out laughing, knowing that Lin Feng was asking for someone, but Japanese reporters are stupid enough today.

"What are you laughing at?" The Asahi Shimbun reporter was a little baffled by the laughter and even became angry from embarrassment. "Mr. Lin, when did you authorize your website, why don't I know?"

Lin Feng shook his head helplessly, he had never seen such a stupid person before.

"I said I authorized it. If you don't believe me, you can ask them." Lin Feng kept asking several reporters on the Internet.

"That's right, Director Lin has indeed authorized us." Several reporters nodded immediately.

No matter how stupid the "Asahi Shimbun" reporter was, he knew that Lin Feng made fun of Zi.

"I strongly protest your racial discrimination." The reporter of "Asahi Shimbun" glared angrily at all the reporters at the scene, and finally glared at Lin Feng fiercely.

"I never discriminate against pigs." Lin Feng said.

The scene laughed.

The "Asahi Shimbun" reporter vomited blood angrily and wanted to protest but was interrupted by Lin Feng.

"You said that these materials of mine were falsified when you produced evidence to prove them.

If you don't believe this data sheet, you can take it away and let your Japanese cyber security experts firmly see if I am forging it. Lin Feng threw the data sheet in front of the "Asahi Shimbun" reporter.

The reporter of "Asahi Shimbun" picked up the data sheet on the ground with a look of indignation and vowed in his heart that he must take it back and have the best Japanese experts examine it to see if it is fake. If it is fake, he will definitely not let it go.

Lin Feng sneered.

"Everyone, once again, I strongly hope that the Japanese side can give my company an explanation why our company has been continuously attacked by the Japanese side within three days. I hope the Japanese side can maintain network security and apologize to the talents of my country Net." Lin Feng said.

"Will the Japanese government apologize to Lin Dong? The Japanese government can ignore the most shameless act of the Nanjing Massacre in history and choose not to admit it. Will they apologize?" a reporter asked.

Lin Feng looked back to see which reporter was so powerful, and looked carefully at the reporter of Hong Kong "Phoenix Satellite TV", no wonder he dared to be so forthright.

Lin Feng Yiwu, "If they don't apologize, I hope everyone can boycott Japanese products." After finishing speaking, Lin Feng got up and left.

There was an uproar at the scene, domestic reporters applauded Lin Feng bloody, but how much trouble would this bring to the "Second World"? But it made many reporters secretly worry about it.

The news caused huge repercussions in the country. For most people in the country, "Second World" is also the leader of domestic game companies, and they are also proud of being attacked continuously by Japan. In the eyes of domestic netizens, this is undoubtedly Japan's desire to steal information about "Second World". The fact that the Japanese side of the game company is so despicable and wants to steal it undoubtedly made many domestic netizens who hate Japan outraged. They declared that if the Japanese side does not apologize, they will respond to Lin Feng's call to boycott Japanese products.

While setting off an anti-Japanese craze in China, Wu Zhaopu shook his head repeatedly.

"Director Lin, you are so irrational. As the chairman of the company, your remarks will affect the company's development in Japan." Wu Zhaopu said in a tone of resentment.

Lin Feng chuckled and patted Wu Zhaopu's shoulder lightly.

"Mr. Wu, I naturally know that this will cause displeasure to the Japanese government and even lead to the Japanese government's "black hand" on our company. But there are some things that the Chinese are too tolerant of. They are afraid of offending Japan and losing a source of income.

But I am not afraid. They dare not offend me to offend. Can we forget Japan's naked aggression against our country for the sake of money? In the Nanjing Massacre, tens of thousands of people died under the butcher knife of the Japanese. Instead of apologizing for it, they refused to admit it. The data presented by the country in the four years since China died during World War II. Everyone died in the Japanese invasion. Lin Feng angrily hammered down the table.

"Although the economy is in charge now, people must have conscience and dignity and cannot betray their ancestors for money. I am not that cheap to be pointed at and licked in the face!" Lin Feng was furious.

Wu Zhaopu gasped for a while after hearing this, although he felt that this was wrong, but he couldn't say anything more.

"Okay, don't worry. Even if there is no Japanese market, other countries' markets are enough for us to make money. What's more, the United States dropped two atomic bombs in Japan, and they were both treated as masters by the Japanese. As long as we are strong, the Japanese will sooner or later. He ran over like a pug, crying and begging us." Lin Feng said.

However, this incident did cause a huge disturbance. When domestic folks responded to Lin Feng's call to boycott Japanese goods. The "Second World" Japanese branch was protested and even threatened by a large number of Japanese right-wingers. "Counter-Strike" and "Audition: All-Star Lineup" under "Second World" have seen a sharp drop in the number of Japanese players. The sales of Lin Feng's "Phantom" in Japan have also dropped sharply.

Scowell Enix president Yoichi Wada announced the termination of "Magic Baby" in a high-profile manner

The agency right directly sent Lin Feng a check worth RMB 10,000.

Many domestic online game companies were still waiting for the popularity of "Second World" to drop because of this incident, but they were shocked to realize that "Second World" became more popular in China. Many players switched to the embrace of "Second World" . A reporter interviewed the reason.

Comments from a player named "Duke Yaoyue" If you don't fight against anything else, you will fight against the "Second World" and dare to challenge Japan. I will definitely support the "Second World" and Lin Feng. There hasn't been a character like this in too long. Is it because our company makes money. Have you forgotten the hatred of the country and the family?

Most netizens have the same thoughts as "Duke Yaoyue". Netizens have long hated the actions of the Japanese government and the various scandals that have been repeatedly reported in the country by Japanese-funded enterprises. It is a pity that the inaction in various aspects makes them only secretly hate. . Now that Lin Feng, such a powerful figure, naturally catered to the joy of domestic netizens.

At the same time, "Second World" is also very popular in Korea. South Korea was also a country that was deeply persecuted by the Japanese government during World War II. South Korea praised Lin Feng's anger at that time, and many Korean-funded enterprises expressed their support for Lin Feng. It was a pleasant surprise.

The Japanese government was naturally very annoyed by Lin Feng's words. Although they threatened to take action, the actions they could take were extremely limited. After all, Lin Feng's company was indeed attacked in this matter, and the evidence also showed that the attacks all came from within Japan, which made it impossible for the Japanese government to argue. What's more, the evidence in Kazama Erisa's hands also made some officials with real power dare not be too presumptuous.

The Chinese and Japanese folks are in a turmoil, and countries around the world are also extremely shocked by this Sino-Japanese hacker war. The dire sign that all of Japan's major websites were swept away overnight sent chills to everyone. Although the U.S. government has never been willing to admit it positively, it secretly considers itself to be the "Matrix". The number and strength of hackers in its country are the highest in the world. But I don't have the ability to sweep all the large websites in Japan overnight.

After Yang Si's investigation, all the evidence points to China, but no one believes that China can have such a powerful hacker. Moreover, some of the data intercepted by the Japanese side showed that a large part of the Japanese website was swept this time. A large part of the attacks came from South Korea and Japan, and some came from Taiwan. No one knows the reason for this.

This is an unsolved case for the cybersecurity departments of all countries. The most shocking is naturally the Indian side. Their hackers cooperated with Japanese hackers last night. Attack on the "Second World."

At the critical moment, he suddenly lost contact with the Japanese hackers. The Indian hackers, who noticed something bad, retreated immediately, only to receive the news from Japan that all the websites had been hacked a few minutes later. This is really amazing.

How did Chinese hackers do it? The Indian hackers kept making calculations in a daze. None of them knew how Chinese hackers hacked Japanese websites and within minutes.

This problem is like a mountain pressing down on the minds of Indian hackers, creating a deep shadow in their hearts.

The first "Second World Players Annual Conference" was officially held in Shanghai Stadium on the old day of April four.

For this players' annual meeting, Wu Zhaopu and others have carefully planned "imitating the Olympic Games to set up several events. It is divided into "opening ceremony star player exhibition game player exchange meeting" and "all-star concert. "

This extravaganza. According to what Lin Feng said, it will be the Olympic Games in the game industry. The naming rights will always belong to China and belong to the "second world".

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