Rebirth of the Evil Life

Chapter 184 E-buy Card

The cooperation between Lin Feng and Zhou Hongwei, chairman of 3721 Technology Co., Ltd., did not attract much attention to the restless domestic IT industry that had been tossed by Lin Feng's "Asian Internet Plan", but interested people still saw this news.

IDG's Xiong Xiaoge has been paying attention to Lin Feng since Lin Feng bought 4% of Baidu's shares from him. Later, the "Asian Internet Computing" proposed by Lin Feng shocked Xiong Xiaoge. This concept was not the first one proposed by Lin Feng, but Lin Feng was undoubtedly the first person who dared to do it. The most critical of these is the cost issue. If the cost is not considered, any country with certain network technology can achieve it.

Later, Lin Feng revealed the novel word "cloud computing", which made Xiong Xiaoge more interested. However, like everyone else, he was puzzled by this "cloud computing", and could only wait for Lin Feng to uncover the suspense.

Finally, it was learned that Lin Feng and Zhou Hongwei of 3721 Technology Co., Ltd. had reached a financing agreement, investing 5 million and obtaining 20% ​​of 3721 shares. This made Xiong Xiaoge wonder what Lin Feng wanted to do. He just bought shares in Baidu and then 3721. What exactly does he want to do? Unify the domestic search engine market? ——Lin Feng's actions made Xiong Xiaoge even more curious.

Just as confused as Xiong Xiaoge is Zhang Fan of DFJ Venture Capital Fund. After seeing Lin Feng's acquisition of 3721, the most sensitive person is undoubtedly Zhang Fan. He opened his mouth and sold 24.78% of Baidu shares in his hands for 300 million yuan. After scaring Lin Feng away, he has been watching Baidu's development and Lin Feng's actions.

After Baidu received an injection of 70 million yuan from Lin Feng, Robin Li began to formally enter the search portal market with the backing of sufficient funds, and the prospect is quite bright. But Lin Feng's sudden acquisition of 20% of the shares of 3721 Technology Co., Ltd. made all this change.

Zhang Fan is also very familiar with 3721. Zhou Hongwei also approached DFJ for financing before, but Zhang Fan thought that under the current situation, the profit return from investing in 3721 was not large, so he refused. But what is the significance of Lin Feng's high-profile financing now? Is he so optimistic about the prospects of 3721?

If he changed to personal financing 3721, Zhang Fan would not be so troubled. However, it was Lin Feng who raised the funds. This genius who created the myth of China's IT industry in a year, and just launched the "Asian Internet Project", Zhang Fan had to be cautious. But no matter how hard he studied, he couldn't figure out what Lin Feng's intentions were.

Is it to force 3721 to retaliate against the lion who opened his mouth? Or does 3721 really have such great potential? ——Zhang Fan didn't understand, so he could only choose to continue observing.

Baidu's Robin Li was also puzzled by Lin Feng's actions, but the 70 million RMB in the company's account was real money. Robin Li, who didn't understand Lin Feng's intentions, simply stopped thinking about it and concentrated on developing his own brand new search engine.

At about 10 o'clock in the morning, Lin Feng arrived in Beijing. After going to the "Beijing Hotel" to book a box, Lin Feng rushed to the Investment Department of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Headquarters and met Director Geng.

"Director Geng, hello, thank you for taking some time out of your busy schedule to see me." Lin Feng said respectfully.

"Haha, Director Lin, you are a young talent, you are enviable and jealous!" Director Geng is over 40 years old, with a red face and a grand expression, but he has a typical corrupt stomach.

After Lin Feng and Director Geng shook hands, they sat down separately.

"Director Geng, I wonder if you have read my B2B online payment alliance plan?" Lin Feng said carefully. When talking to these people with official background, especially now that I have something to ask for, I have to be careful with my words.

"Well, I've read it, Director Lin, I think your plan is feasible, and it can be said to be mutually beneficial. I'll introduce you to meet President Jiang later, and you can talk to him again. As long as he nods at the end, it will be approved." Although Director Geng His tone and demeanor are a bit high-spirited,

But in the face of expanding ICBC's business, he has worked hard.

After all, there is a word "business" in ICBC. Although the official background is still strong, it is inevitable that it should be more commercial and pragmatic than other banks.

After sitting for a few minutes, Director Geng received a call and took Lin Feng to meet President Jiang of the ICBC head office.

Although President Jiang is the current president of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, he is relatively young, less than 50 years old, with black hair and piercing eyes, but one thing that surprised Lin Feng was that he was not as common as government officials. Some have a corrupt stomach, but they are thinner and more capable.

"Director Lin, sit down!" President Jiang stood up to greet Lin Feng, and after exchanging pleasantries, motioned for Lin Feng and Huang Shuqi to sit down, holding the cooperation plan that Lin Feng had faxed earlier, and pondered for a while.

Lin Feng did not speak, waiting for President Jiang to reply.

After a while, President Jiang raised his head, looked at Lin Feng, and after looking carefully, he asked, "Director Lin, what do you think of the future prospects of e-commerce?"

"Hehe, I believe that the future must be the era of online shopping. Many people, especially the generation like me, will gradually adapt, get used to, and even rely on online shopping. Just click the mouse and the goods arrive at home. This is the portrayal of future life." Lin Feng Swear it.

President Jiang nodded secretly.

"Then Director Lin, how do you view cyber fraud and cyber crime? Also, how do you plan to protect the interests of your members?" President Jiang asked several questions, pointing directly at the key to online shopping today.

After pondering for a while, Lin Feng spoke slowly.

"President Jiang, let me paraphrase one of Gu Long's famous sayings—where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. Similarly, where there are interests, there will be fraud and crime. This is due to human nature, and it cannot be avoided, let alone eradicated." Lin Feng's words were captured President Jiang agrees that fraud and crime have never been eradicated since the existence of human beings, and no matter how severe the punishment is, there will still be people willing to take risks.

"In my opinion, in order to protect the interests of's members, apart from strictly reviewing the information of registered users, it is to severely crack down on fraudulent or shoddy merchants. As early as the establishment of, I set up Establishing a credit evaluation system is also a very favorable measure to avoid fraud and protect the interests of members." Lin Feng said.

President Jiang asked Lin Feng a series of related questions. When the clock pointed to 12 o'clock, President Jiang got up.

"Dong Lin, to be honest, I am very interested in and optimistic about this B2B online payment cooperation alliance, but I was reluctant to cooperate with you at the beginning. Because you are too young, for the benefit of ICBC, and bank users I have to be cautious about the benefits. But now I feel relieved. Although Director Lin is extremely young, he is very organized and far-sighted in doing things, which also makes me extremely relieved. Director Lin, happy cooperation!" President Jiang smiled He stretched out his right hand.

"Happy cooperation, and thank you President Jiang for your support!" Lin Feng also showed the joy of victory.

"Hehe, congratulations, I think this should be a mutual win." President Jiang smiled.

President Jiang, who does not have a belly of corruption, is indeed different from other officials in his style of work. He acted vigorously and signed a contract with Lin Feng immediately.

It is stipulated in the contract that ICBC will launch a new "e-buy card" in major cities and county-level places across the country, as long as there are ICBC branches. All applicants can get an electronic password card for free, and at the same time Fully support the online payment of The conclusion of this agreement also makes the shopping mode of no longer limited to several aspects such as post office remittance, which makes shopping more convenient and faster for many buyers.

At the same time, in order to fight against online fraud and crimes, Lin Feng cooperated with ICBC. One ID card can only register one member, and can only open one "E-buy card", and will conduct credit evaluation on it, which will affect the The user's business such as loans in ICBC in the future. At the same time, according to the consumption situation of the users of "e-buy card", credit business will be opened in the future with discretion and reservation.

"President Jiang, I have reserved a seat at the Beijing Hotel, please do me a favor!" After reaching the agreement, Lin Feng was also in a great mood.

"Hehe, Director Lin, I appreciate your kindness. But I am the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, and I am the president of the bank. It is not good to eat and drink like this, and I have work to do in the afternoon. Next time, next time, Director Lin Come to Beijing, I will treat you to dinner!" President Jiang waved his hand and refused with a smile.

Seeing President Jiang's repeated pushback, Lin Feng knew that President Jiang had made up his mind, so he stopped persuading him. After thinking for a while, Lin Feng took the documents one by one from Huang Shuqi.

"President Jiang, I have one more thing to trouble you. This is my loan application from the 'Second World'." Lin Feng said sincerely.

"Loan?" President Jiang was taken aback. Did he know that Lin Feng had just received 4 billion financing from Li Zekai, and now he is a rare billionaire in China, how could he be short of money.

Puzzled, he took the loan application form from Lin Feng, flipped through it, and immediately understood.

"So, Director Lin, I will deal with this loan application as soon as possible. You are playing in Beijing now, and I will reply to you within 3 days at the latest." Regarding Lin Feng's loan application, President Jiang is not worried about Lin Feng's repayment ability at all. . However, the proposed three-day buffer time is also a procedure, and it is necessary to carefully study the purpose of the loan in Lin Feng's loan application.

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China wants to become the most profitable bank in the country - this is President Jiang's belief, so he will never let go of the opportunity to make money.

"Then thank you, President Jiang." Lin Feng said goodbye and left.

"Haha, Director Lin, how's the talk going? Did President Jiang agree?" To Lin Feng's surprise, Director Geng was still waiting outside. When he saw Lin Feng coming out, he greeted him. However, when he came, his eyes were on Huang Shuqi sweep.

Lin Feng raised the contract in his hand and smiled to indicate that it was completed.

Director Geng was slightly startled, but he recovered in an instant.

"Hehe, then congratulations to Director Lin. In this way, I will be the host to congratulate Director Lin." After speaking, Director Geng took out the phone.

"Director Geng, I have already booked a box at the 'Beijing Hotel', how dare I bother you. Please do me a favor." Lin Feng hurriedly stopped Director Geng.

Director Geng laughed, and quickly called back. Obviously, the action just now was just a show.


A group of people drove to the Beijing Hotel respectively.

"Brother Lin, I hate that guy named Geng, he's perverted!" Huang Shuqi said angrily in the car. Just now Director Geng glanced over Huang Shuqi's body, seeing Huang Shuqi's whole body with goosebumps and a burst of nausea.

Lin Feng also saw that Director Geng's style of work was probably not very decent, so he made up his mind not to let Huang Shuqi show up after the meal. Now that I have met President Jiang, I no longer need Director Geng to pave the way.

As for whether he is happy or not, Lin Feng is not happy yet. What's more, based on what Lin Feng observed about President Jiang just now, President Jiang is not the kind of villain who doesn't distinguish between public and private, and uses power for personal gain. He is quite upright.

While pondering, Lin Feng and Huang Shuqi arrived at the Beijing Hotel.

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