Rebirth of the Burning Era

Chapter 33: Anonymous report letter

When Lin Zhixian from Hangcheng interviewed Liang Yifei, Gu Wenming just dragged his tired body back to the dormitory on the side of Binhai.

Because of paying a deposit for his wife to go abroad, the one-bedroom, one-hall commercial house in the city has been sold, and he is temporarily living in the school's dormitory for young teachers.

As soon as he entered the door, he fell headfirst on the bed, so tired that he didn't want to take off his clothes, he lay on the bed and closed his eyes to doze off.

This period of time has been really busy. In the department's own work, there are about 12 classes a week, and there are not many classes. However, there are still heavy scientific research tasks in the university, and certain papers are published every year, which occupies most of him. time;

The school has set up night classes and correspondence courses. It needs a group of teachers. Well-known old professors and experts are reluctant to go to correspondence classes to substitute for classes. They lose their identity. These tasks naturally fall on the young teachers of various departments.

I was still secretly picking up private work outside, and there were almost 20 classes in a week.

In addition to sleeping for five or six hours every day, the rest is working to make money, and I don't even have time to sit down and eat a meal safely. I usually ride a bicycle or walk, and just slap on the mat.

Life is very tiring, but I earn a lot of money. Last month's salary and bonuses accelerated, and it has broken through 1,000 yuan, which is higher than the highest-level professor in the school.

You are young, you are not afraid of suffering, as long as you can make money.

But recently, there is something that bothers Gu Wenming very much!

The moon in foreign countries is not so round, and the four words of racial equality are shouted by Americans louder than anyone else, but it is more difficult for these Chinese students to find jobs than blacks.

Even if you break your head and grab a job, with the same job content, the income of Chinese students is often only one-third of that of locals.

My wife has a roommate like this. She changed a few odd jobs in a row, and she worked more for less. The American system of protection for workers is completely useless for Chinese students. Except for unfairness, it is unfair. In the end, I was really angry. However, as soon as he gritted his teeth, he went to a bar to do a striptease.

Gu Wenming was very worried and found that his wife's attitude towards this matter had undergone a very subtle change.

At first, like him, they were very contemptuous and felt that girls were not self-respecting;

But the last time I called and talked about it again, my wife suddenly said something like this. This kind of thing is common in the United States. Many local female college students in the United States go to bars to work, and even take photos for magazines such as Playboy to earn money. Tuition is self-supporting, not shameful.

Gu Wenming doesn't know whether Yankees would like his wife, daughter, or old lady to twist their **** to accept a tip of one dollar or two from other men, and he doesn't bother to guess!

All he knew was that he couldn't stand it!

On both sides of the phone, the two of them were under a lot of pressure and had their own grievances.

It was the first time the two of them quarreled on the phone!

After the quarrel, no one called anyone else in the 'Cold War' until now.

The cold war is not a solution either. Gu Wenming pondered that his wife is more difficult than himself in a foreign country, and he is a **** man, so he can't really care about it because of this.

I really care, maybe my wife didn't have other ideas at first.

This kind of mind is propped up by the helplessness of life. Gu Wenming was thinking about taking a break to call to comfort his wife. Suddenly, he heard the dormitory administrator in the corridor shout, "Gu Wenming, call!"

With a jolt, he got up and ran out without wearing any shoes.

Eighty percent of the calls coming from this point are from my wife.

After all, they are husband and wife, so there is no overnight feud, he thought.

"Thank you, Master Zhang."

He ran out excitedly, thanked the dorm manager, picked up the phone, and just said 'hello' when a cold voice sounded on the other end of the phone: "Gu Wenming, Mrs. Gu?"

Gu Wenming was taken aback: "Huh? Oh, I am."

"I'm Ji Weige."

Hearing this name, Gu Wenming, who was a little guilty of being a thief, shuddered in his heart!

Ji Weige, deputy secretary of the school's party committee, director of the Disciplinary Committee.

What is he doing to himself?

Carefully accompanied him with a smile and said, "Oh, Secretary Ji, hello, hello, I'm Xiao Gu, what's the matter?"

Ji Weige said, "The school party committee, the Disciplinary Committee and your department have received a report letter about you. Please go to the party committee office at work tomorrow and explain the situation."



After receiving Lin Zhixian's interview, Liang Yifei planned to return to Binhai the next day, but Bai Jianguo kept him.

Lao Bai first went to Binhai and visited the canning factory. He was very impressed by the '22 bars' posted on the wall of the workshop, and Fei begged Liang Yifei to give their factory a management system that was 'a world-class standard'.

So Liang Yifei stayed in Hangzhou for another three days, helping the plastic cup factory to come up with a so-called management system.

There is no charge this time. Before leaving, Bai Jianguo prepared a lot of 'local specialties', such as West Lake lotus root starch, Longjing tea, dried shrimps, Liqun cigarettes and wine, which are special products of Hangzhou, filled with two snakes. Leather bag, specially given a train sleeper ticket, sent Liang Yifei to the train.

Before getting off the bus at the station, Bai Jianguo held Liang Yifei's hand tightly and said, "This time is too rushed. If there is a chance in the future, I will definitely come again! I will personally serve as a tour guide for you and accompany you to have a good time in Hangzhou. Look!"

"Brother Bai, there must be a chance!" Liang Yifei nodded.

The train started slowly, and at the window, he waved goodbye to the comrades who sent him to the station.

I was speechless all the way, I slept on the bed, and after a good night's sleep, the car had returned to the familiar Binhai City.

Liang Yicheng rented a tricycle and had been waiting at the gate of the train station for a long time. The two men loaded the two big bags into the car.

This time, Liang Yifei wouldn't let the old man take him with him on a tricycle, and walked home on a tricycle.

Liang Yicheng sat in the back of the car and asked Liang Yifei about his trip to Hangzhou on the way. He was a little dazed and felt that his brain was not enough.

After going out this time, in a few days, I got another 40,000 yuan!

When did it become so easy for Lao Liang's family to make money?

How long after he got out of prison, he was able to help the government to do such a big thing!

Has the times really changed, or have you been unable to keep up with the times?

When we got it was customary to take Liang Yifei and put a stick of incense on the deceased wife, and then the two grandfathers spread out a lot of gifts in the main room and sorted them.

The tea leaves and a few sticks of Liqun cigarettes, a specialty of Hangzhou, were kept. Looking at the remaining shrimp and lotus root starch, Liang Yicheng suddenly sighed softly.

Liang Yifei asked curiously, "What's the matter?" Lotus root starch, dried shrimp, and Longjing tea are all good things that are hard to buy nowadays. What is the old man sighing?

"It's okay, I just thought that when your mother was alive, she liked to eat these. At that time, there was no money at home, and the market couldn't buy it, so she could bring some when she went back to her hometown during the Chinese New Year. If she is still alive now, look at you. It's promising, so I don't know how happy it will be." Liang Yicheng said.

Liang Yifei's mother's hometown was in the coastal area. Before she died, she was buried in her hometown at her request. Several uncles of her parents' family helped take care of the grave. Liang Yicheng visited the grave every year.

"Dad, it's been so many years since my mother passed away. If she knew in heaven, what she would most like to see is that both of us are well. I both live well, which is the greatest comfort to her."

Liang Yifei said, put the lotus root starch and shrimp in a big snakeskin bag, and said, "We won't eat these either. If you send it to Aunt Ping, she can use it to open a restaurant."

Liang Yicheng raised his eyes and glanced at Liang Yifei a little strangely, then hesitantly said, "Well, yes, you can send it over. Your aunt Ping has been good to you. Now that you have made money, you should really express it."

"I don't have this skill. I haven't been to class for so long, and I've left a lot of homework. I'm going to night school at night!"

"Speaking of school, I remembered, don't you want to do a cram school? The summer vacation is coming soon. The college entrance examination is over and students are on vacation. It's a good time for cram school. You have to hurry up." Liang Yicheng said.

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