Rebirth of South America as King

Chapter 339: Transition Period

The setting sun hangs at the end of the plain, and the fiery red sunset dyes the half of the sky in the distance. A group of late-going South American geese slowly passing through the sunset, and occasionally a low whistle echoes in the vast red sky.

The wild gooses return to the south, evoking the sadness of their homeland, looking up at the sight of the Parana River, the end of the Pampas Plain. Lu Rongting and Wang Shizhen followed the ship at their feet and disappeared gradually. In the sunset.

He brought the old, the young, and the long-distance ocean to the South American continent. Some common sights in life can often evoke the memories of the Chinese people of their hometown.

Homesickness is hidden in my heart. In order to cherish my hometown and commemorate the memories of the miserable life in the early years, the Chinese have moved the traditional customs of their hometown to South America natively.

I was near the riverbank port where Lu Rongting and others hurriedly left,

The people in the 78 settlements abandoned the dispute and jointly decided to set November 15th as the day of the temple fair every year.

The temple fair is a traditional custom of festivals and celebrations. Generally, each town will have different forms of temple fairs and street fairs. The two towns that are close to each other may have different dates even if the dialects and cultural practices are the same.

The local immigrants in Han are mostly from Guangdong, Guangxi and southern Fujian. After the outbreak of Ding Yiqi, the number of people who migrated from the ports along the northern coast also accounted for a large proportion. Because the source of the immigrants was different, one settlement was two or three thousand. There may be one or twenty different customs and habits of people. If the people in each place choose a date to hold a temple fair in accordance with the previous customs and rules, the number of participants will be too small to form a festival atmosphere and it will not be held. The purpose of the temple fair.

Pingquan County, Songzhou, a county town under planning, ushered in the evening of the first temple fair festival after the Chinese relocated.

After a busy day in the wasteland allocated by the government, the Chinese women loosened the turban tied to their foreheads, replaced their short rags, put on new clothes purchased with spare money, and carefully put on silver dowry for the wedding. The children who learn at home, along with their husbands, go out with the whole family to watch the temple show near the river bank and harbor, and purchase some items for adults and children.

Luanpingquan County has 13 immigrant settlements. Eight of them are located at a distance. Negotiating each settlement will cost 30 yuan, and 240 yuan will be invited to a theater team to perform in the county center.

In the evening, in the center of Pingquan County, that is, near the coastal port, a group of more than a dozen men and women are setting up a theater on a newly-formed vacant lot. The troupe of the troupe greets officials from several counties. The Huadans were behind the stage, putting on makeup and rehearsing the upcoming opera show.

"Leader Zhou, most of our people in Pingquan County come here to support you. You have to show your best skills tonight."

"Some adults are assured that two young Huadans have been recruited in the opera class to sing, read, do, and perform first-rate skills to ensure that the elders in Pingquan County will not be disappointed."

"It's so good. If the performance of the opera class is satisfactory to everyone, the county will collect more money, and at today's price, please ask the weekly hosts and the theater staff to stay in Pingquan for one more day, and let the county's People will watch the opera performances again. "

"Thank you for your love, but the drama class took over the work of Chang'an City. Starting from the day when Her Highness ascended the throne, I sang in Changan City for three days. I really can't find the time to stay in Pingquan for one more day. Please forgive me for a few adults."

"Also, there have been few local opera classes, that is, in the past two years, some opera groups have come one after another from the Central Plains mainland. After a few days, His Royal Highness ascended the throne and celebrated with the country. At that time, all the local opera groups gathered at Chang'an City. , Singing for three days, it must be very lively. "

"His Royal Highness ascended the throne and said that the emperor is a great event once in a century. Although our operas were not seen by the government in the early years and were not allocated land, but when receiving a notice to perform, an adult named Sun said After His Royal Highness ascended the throne, all the people in the country will be treated equally, no matter whether they are opera performers, jugglers, or street carving woodcarving craftsmen, they can get the land reissued by the government. I played a small song for 20 years It ’s used to laughing and lowering the eyebrows. People start a drama team in middle age. They still want to find a decent living plan for their descendants and girls. They are still young and ca n’t whisper like me all their lives. For a lifetime. "

"The situation has changed. Now it ’s not the same as before. In the past few years, the local people fought three days and two days. People are worried about white Brazilians and Argentine whites every day. Men under the age of 50 in settlements conduct military training every day during farming leisure. , While sleeping, also holding a musket to sleep, in case someone sneaks at night, it is better to hold the musket in time to meet the emperor.

At that time, local young labor was scarce. Ships travelling to and from Nanyang, the mainland and South America every year had limited transportation capacity. Every young man had to use the tip of a knife. Where can he afford to recruit a large number of opera teams to listen to opera songs?

The conditions are now good. In the past decade or so, the people who emigrated in the early years have accumulated some money, and Argentina and Uruguay have been destroyed by His Royal Highness, and Brazil has been divided into two countries. Our country in South America is one of the best in South America. Great power,

The country is stable. Even if we fight again, Brazil and Chile are afraid of being defeated by our army. The people have money on their hands. They do n’t have to worry about the land distributed by the government being taken back by white people. Spend some money on things like clothes and jewelry. "

Compared with the collective organization model during the Peruvian uprising, from the beginning of the founding of the country until the Argentine War, the Han country was essentially a military-dominated military-industrial complex system integrating economic, agricultural, and industrial development, just like an enlarged military machine. Agriculture, industry, and economy each bear their own responsibilities, and everything takes military construction and improving the overall combat effectiveness of the army as the first goal.

The eleven-year military collective life has maximized the potential of local warfare. At the same time, it has deprived ordinary people of other recreational and recreational activities other than survival. They either go to the construction site for collective labor every day or are concentrated. There are military trainings, and women ca n’t rest, they need to be busy looking after the land allocated by the government, as well as weaving and weaving, raising cattle and sheep and other animals.

Compared with insufficient food in the mainland, and a little slacking off some lives that may starve to death, life in South America is much better, but for decades of boring and high-intensity labor, it will also consume people's energy and reduce them. The degree of support for the government. Therefore, at the end of the eleven-year foundation period, the country has entered a transitional period of another ten years of development and construction. The government's interference and control of ordinary people in daily life should be appropriately relaxed, and they should be given some time to spend. Leisure and entertainment with the family and relaxation, so that the society maintains appropriate vitality, is undoubtedly more conducive to the healthy development of society.

The traditional entertainment and entertainment industry is gradually recovering,

In the spacious open space, there is a row of temporary stalls selling jewelry, candy gourds, small wooden toys, tables and chairs, etc. ~ ~ Adults hold a one or two-year-old child, and some accompany the child to stare With shadow puppets, listening to the children's giggling voices rejoicing, some tasted the wine and sweet potato wine made by the Chinese people, nodded and praised, bought eight or nine pounds and stored them aside, and brought them back when they returned. .

Northwestern pasta snacks, southern glutinous rice cakes, duck eggs and other foods are put together. At first, Chinese people from different regions also chose various foods to bring home and taste for adults and children according to their preferences. It gradually darkened, and the river was brightly lit.

County officials and young people in charge helped to grow a row of cooked whole pigs, cows, sheep, and seasonal fruits, began to worship the gods and ancestors, and prayed for gods and ancestors to bless them. In the next spring, the county ’s grain harvest will be one year. As good as the year, cattle, sheep, pigs and other animals are also fat and strong, no plague disease ...

The local areas have low prices for food and livestock. Every Chinese family generally raises dozens to hundreds of cattle and sheep. The Spanish cattle and horses left on the Pampas prairie hundreds of years ago have been transformed into Bison, Mustang.

如果 If there are retired young men in the newly migrated Chinese family, seven or eight people gather together and often they can round up a lot of bison. Because the cost of obtaining horses, cows, and sheep is low, temple fairs in Pingquan County are extremely rich in sacrifices to worship gods and ancestors. Eight or nine heads of cooked cattle and sheep and other sacrifices will be fully promoted until the worship ceremony is completed. In the Lana River, it is nominally dedicated to the river gods and ancestors, but actually it is cheaper.

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