Rebirth of South America as King

Chapter 332: Nanyang Final

Since the beginning of the eighteenth century, as Thailand's influence on the Malay Peninsula increased, the kingdom of Tubang in the northern and central peninsula was required to tribute the honeysuckle to the King of Thailand every three years as a symbol of surrender.

Honeysuckle, or golden flower, is a small tree carefully carved from gold and silver. It is about 1 meter high. It is decorated with expensive pearls, crystals and silk.

According to the actual purchasing power standards of the 1880s and 1990s, the total value of two honeysuckle flowers is approximately equal to 60,000 silver. The population of Malay Tubang is generally between 350,000 and 2300,000. The income, in addition to the land tax paid by the subjects, is to increase a part of the income by the commercial trade of Linhai.

For the monks along the coast of Songkhla, Kelantan, and Pattani, the fifty-two thousand silver was squeezed from the fiscal revenue, and after three years, it was almost able to be taken out, and like Yala, Trang, As far as the local governments of Phatthalung and other inland areas are concerned, fifty-two thousand silver is a huge burden. After they often pay tribute, the government's fiscal revenue leaves little left.

The high fiscal exploitation policy of the Thai government towards Malay Tupang is the main factor that led to the reunification of the Kingdom of Tupang and Thailand. With the entry of the 19th century, more and more Chinese people have continued to enter the South Ocean to discuss life. As a result, the number of Chinese immigrants in the Malay Peninsula ’s various Tubang jurisdictions has surged, and a large number of young and influx of labor has driven the tin mining industry and crop plantation in the Malay Peninsula, bringing valuable financial revenue to the Malay Peninsula. Thanks to the economic benefits created by the Chinese immigrants, the Malay natives can respond to the Thai government's tribute requirements with a relatively relaxed economic environment.

But on the other hand, the important geographical location and rich tin mineral resources of the Malay Peninsula also drew the ideas of the Dutch and the British. The Dutch first destroyed the Kingdom of Malacca and occupied the southern part of the Malay Peninsula. Then the British entered the South Ocean. Replaced the position of the Dutch, brought Malay Peninsula and North Borneo into the palm of the hand, the intervention of British forces changed the old pattern of influence in the Malay Peninsula, and witnessed that the kingdoms that originally belonged to themselves were infiltrated by the British. Soon after taking office, King Rama III of Thailand implemented an expansionary policy, using military force to invade the Kingdoms of Ketah, Kelantan, Perak and other kingdoms, and pushed the Thai government's control to the south of Perak.

The expansion of Thais has caused the alert and attention of the British,

At that time, British colonists believed that Thailand was a major Southeast Asian country. A direct military conflict with Thailand may lead to the fall of the Thai government, leaving French who entangled the Indochina peninsula with the opportunity to invade Thailand, and then threaten the flanks of the Indian colonies and the security of Myanmar. As a result, the British colonists abandoned the plan to use force to attack Thailand, and instead chose a method of political peace talks. They signed a contract with the Thai government to limit the expansion of the other party in the Malay Peninsula.

In 1825, the British colonial government sent Penang military secretary Bernie to Bangkok to conduct a face-to-face consultation with the Thai government. After six months of negotiations, the Thai government was forced by British and French military pressure on the Indo-China Peninsula and had to agree to the British. Most of the conditions proposed reached an agreement on the division of spheres of influence of the two sides in the Malay Peninsula, and signed a peace agreement called the "Bernie Treaty" in later generations.

In the peace talks agreement, the arrangements for the Kingdom of Tubang in the Central Malay Peninsula are as follows:

21 The United Kingdom recognizes Yala, Songkhla, Tao Gong, Kelantan, Pattani, Glass, Kedah, Terengganu as Thai affiliates. The Thai royal family has the right to ask the above-mentioned monarchs to pay tribute to the honeysuckle palace in Bangkok.

Tak Perak, Negeri Sembilan, Pahang and other southern Malay states are independent of Thailand and protected by the British government.

Third, Thailand cannot stop and interfere with the British trade with Kelantan, Terengganu, and Pattani Kingdoms. The British businessmen can conduct free trade in these regions, but they must not invade and interfere with the above areas. Administrative operations.

The signing of the "Bernie Treaty" resolved to a certain extent the contradictions and differences between Thailand and the United Kingdom. On the one hand, the British were assured that Thailand will not continue to expand their sphere of influence and they have entered the central Malay Peninsula to engage in trade. Commercial power of the event.

On the other hand, the treaty recognizes that Kedah, Kelantan and Tingangu, Songkhla and other Tupang regions are all siam countries, and the United Kingdom recognizes the sovereign status of the Thai government.

The Tubang Kingdoms, such as Songkhla, Terengganu, are important rice-producing areas and tin ore resources in the Malay Peninsula. They have rich agricultural and mineral resources.

After concessions and compromises, the Thai dynasty lost its power to interfere with the Perak kingdoms such as Perak, Negeri Sembilan, and Pahang, but only retained the sovereignty of Songkhla.

But as a party to the treaty, Perak,

The rulers of Tudingang, Kelantan, and Kuta did not participate in the peace talks. They did not recognize the actions of Britain and Thailand to manipulate their country ’s fate choices.

In their letters to the Thai king, the princes of Tubang and Terengganu explained that the tribute honeysuckle is only a respect for the Thai king and a symbol of friendship between the two sides. The Tubang monarch is still the unique ruler of the country and they have a decision on the country. The ultimate power, and this power should not belong to the King of Thailand.

The reply of the Tubang monarchs explained that it was not accepted by the Thai government. Both Rama III and later Rama IV had threatened to punish the more than a dozen Tubang kingdoms and separatists in the central Malay Peninsula with force, but The further expansion of the British and French in the Indo-China Peninsula interrupted the Thai government's armed interference in the progress of the central Malay Peninsula.

In order to avoid becoming a colony of western countries like other countries, Rama III and subsequent Thai kings used the method of ceding dependent countries and remote land states in exchange for national peace. After the middle of the 19th century, Thailand gave up in Laos. And western Cambodia, and ceded Britain to a disputed territory on the border with Myanmar.

In the direction of the Malay Peninsula, the Thai government handed over the seven territories in the southern peninsula together with eight areas including Songkhla to Songkhla management, the signing of the Bernie Treaty, and the devolution of administrative powers to Songkhla. Thailand's control of the various Malay kingdoms in the central Malay Peninsula has been further weakened. Songkhla, Terengganu, Pattani and other places were separatist. When the Maharaja Kingdoms faced military orders from the Thai government, they often violated or directly rejected accept.

The Thai government has a total of about 3,000 soldiers stationed in the central part of the Malay Peninsula. Except for Songka City, which is responsible for over 500 soldiers supervising the Wu family, it is distributed in Phatthalung, Trang, Satun, northern Songkhla. The total number of soldiers is about 2,400.

There were about 4,200 indigenous soldiers in Pattani, Yala, Taogong and Kelantan.

Aiming at the military distribution of Thailand and the various kingdoms of the Tubo Kingdoms, Mei Dongxing, Li Wencai, Chen Shangfa, and Chen Xingui discussed the situation and made tactical arrangements.

Chen Xingui led 900 Nanyang Regiment soldiers and 1100 Songkhla troops to disarm the 500 Thai army outside Songkhla city. At the same time, after sending 500 Thai army out of Songkhla province, 2000 soldiers were deployed in the northern Songkhla area. To prevent possible retaliatory attacks by the Thai army.

Twenty-eight soldiers of the Nanyang Regiment and 900 Songkhla troops were placed under the command of Chen Shangfa, who was responsible for destroying the indigenous troops in the four areas of Pattani, Tao Gong, Yala, and Kelantan.

After arranging the battle plan, Mei Dongxing reminded that "Petanian is an ancient Nanyang country. Tao Gong and Yala have been ruled by Petanian for nearly one hundred years. Peking University soil king has a great influence in the two places. Therefore, the focus of the Southward Expedition on the four places was to occupy Peking University and capture the Peking University soil king, and not to give them the opportunity to unite and delay the advancement of the army. "

"Songkhla and Pattani are only four or fifty miles away from the nearest land. Tomorrow's battle will begin. Our army will land on the warship to attack the Royal Palace of Pattani. If there is no accident, the palace can be occupied within half a day. Capturing the soil king of Pattani, within two days to end the main battle in Pattani. "

"Very good, the ministries have been trimmed and prepared, and you will return to the barracks. Tonight, the two armies will be all set off!" ............

In the early morning of the 11th of the following month, a combined army of 2000 Nanyang Regiment and Songkhla army surrounded the Thai military camp outside the city. After 500 Thai troops were disarmed, more than 600 Songkhla troops were escorted and sent to Songkhla.

7 At 7:00 am on October 11, 1500 soldiers of the Nanyang Regiment took 6 transport ships, with the assistance of 5 gunboats, and entered the Royal Palace of Pattani.

On October 15, 1100 Taogong indigenous army defeated and surrendered. 2000 Nanyang Regiment and Songka Alliance entered the capital of Taogong government. On the 18th, 700 Songka troops staying behind Taogong and Peking University were removed. The remaining 1800 Nanyang Army soldiers and 200 Song The Ka soldiers moved south along the coastline and arrived in Kota Bharu, the capital of Kelantan that evening. On October 20, the city of Kota Bharu was broken. The King of Kelantan went out of the city to Ding during the three hours before the city broke. Ghanu fled in the direction.

On October 22, the Nanyang Army cleared the main indigenous armed forces of Kelantan, and then stationed at the junction with Terengganu, and no longer moved south. On October 26, a Songka and Nanyang Army joint army set off from Pattani. Occupied Yala Province, the land of the four prefectures and one state was completely under the control of both Songka of the Nanyang Army.

The territories of Terengganu, Perlis, and Kedah, bordering the control of the Nanyang Legion, are under the jurisdiction of Songkhla.

After seeing the rapid offensive of the Nanyang Army in the autumn winds sweeping the fallen leaves, the three kings of the land gathered together. On the one hand, they sent indigenous soldiers to the border area to guard the attack of the opposing army day and night, and on the other hand they united the landlord of Kelantan. Write to Frederick, the Governor of the Straits Colony, urging the colonial government to send troops to help the King of Kelantan to regain the territory.

Xun received a request for additional troops from the four Kings. Frederick first sent someone to talk to the Nanyang Army, and then sent a telegram to the London government and the Thai adviser to Chabla to report the changes in the Malay Peninsula and to ask whether Songkhla ’s military operations were authorized by the Thai government.

October 28 ~ ~ The Thai government responded that the military actions of the Songkhla army were autonomous and the Thai government did not know beforehand.

At the same time, Songkhla ’s Lord Wu Jin sent a person to explain that Songka ’s military unification of the four provinces and one state is Songka ’s internal affairs, and has not been directed and incited by any external forces. They are willing to respect Britain's interests in Terengganu, Kedah and Perlis, and will not make a military unification of the three places.

The British government originally assumed that the four provinces and one state belonged to Songkhla, and obtained a guarantee from Songkhla that it would not take back the management rights of the two states and one city. The London government quickly made a decision to refuse to send troops to support the King of Kelantan, and then instructed the Strait. The colonies maintained the existing order in the Malay Peninsula, appeased the three land kings of Kedah, Terengganu, and Glass, and then gradually brought the three places under the direct management of the Straits colonies.

During the war in the Malay Peninsula, a small team of local special forces, under the cover of Luo Yibo and other established families of Lanfang, entered Dongwanlu, the capital of Lanfang Company. On October 24, after more than ten days of investigation, More than a dozen Han national special forces ambushed on the return home of the Liu family, and then killed their father and son with two rounds of forty rounds.

The father and son of the Liu family died, and the forces that were attached to their father and son were headless and scattered with sand. They were then eliminated by the seven families including Luo Yibo and the Taiping Club hidden in Borneo. As a result, after less than a week of unrest, Before the Dutch settlers had time to intervene in the internal regime change of Lanfang by force, Luo Yibo and others quickly took over and filled the gap left by the Liu family.

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