Songkhla Port is located at the estuary of Pohu Lake on the northeast coast of the Malay Peninsula in southern Thailand. It is on the southwest side of the Gulf of Thailand and is the most important trading port in the central region of the Malay Peninsula.

The Port of Songkhonka was established earlier because of the tide of tin mining. The port has a tropical monsoon climate, with northwest and southwest winds prevailing in summer and northeast winds prevailing in winter. The annual average rainfall is about 2200mm. The rainfall is abundant and the land is fertile, which attracts a large number of Chinese immigrants.

There are three main berths in Jingang District, and the coastline is 510 meters in length. It can guarantee the docking of more than ten medium-sized transport vessels at the same time. The anchorage of large vessels is on the east side of Miao Island, and the water depth is about 10m. Taxes are mainly collected on transshipment of merchandise goods from South America, China and Nanyang.

With the increase of support from the Han Dynasty and the planning and construction of the port terminal by the Songkhla city owner, a number of commercial banks engaged in re-export trade have emerged in the Songkhla area, such as business groups that are directly responsible for direct trade with the South American Han country, including and Qin Commercial Bank, Xie'an Commercial Bank, Jintai Commercial Bank, etc., are relatively large-capacity conglomerates. These conglomerates import cloth, cotton yarn, frozen beef and mutton, sea cucumber, tuna, flour, matches, and other goods from South America and then transit through Songkhla. Distribution channels, and then sell goods and materials to the mainland, Annan, Thailand and other places.

The goods imported to Songkhla from the Han and Han countries are industrially manufactured products, and rubber-soled shoes, bicycles, matches, and other goods are cheap and practical. They are popular among local Chinese in Songkhla and other parts of Nanyang.

The second is the business group engaged in the transshipment of goods in Hong Kong and the Jiangnan region. After purchasing merchandise such as satin, brocade, and fabrics from the Han Dynasty from Songkhla, they import the mainland from commercial ports such as Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Xiamen. The larger ones include Ruilong, Santai, Wenying, Jinfang, Caifang, etc.

In addition to the business organizations that specialize in import and export trade and transportation, a group of businesses engaged in specific commodities have also set up commercial depots in Songkhla.

For example, the tea merchants from the southern Fujian, Jiangsu, and Zhejiang regions are responsible for purchasing tea from the Jiangnan region, and then transporting the picked new tea to Songkhla. The tea is then sold to the ocean shipping merchant group in Songkhla port to supply South America. , Chinese demand for tea.

The second is the group engaged in trade with North Korea, mainly including Changcheng, Kuncheng, Yuanfa. Faxiang, Fumei, Hengcheng Yuancheng, Fugang Long and other business groups, export iron pots, iron tea boxes, sackcloth to North Korea And other goods, and then bought ginseng, animal skin, and Toshiba from North Korea. Finally, there are more than a dozen medicinal materials firms engaged in the import of medicinal materials. The names of the medicinal materials firms include Taichang, Yimei, Yuanrong. Chongyi, Changmeiyuanyi, Yuanfa. Longcheng, Jiaocheng, Jebsen, etc.

The medicinal materials purchased and sold include cinnamon, bezoar, angelica, wolfberry, rhubarb, astragalus, asarum, schisandra, dangshen, dihuang, achyranthes bidentata, yam, chrysanthemum, etc.

At the end of 1878, there were more than 70 various businesses registered in Songkhla Port. There were more than 200 firms in Songka area, and the re-export trade income reached 170,000 silver dollars, which was 100% more than the Songka Port's fiscal revenue in 1877. Seventy.

At the beginning of 1879, due to the British blockade, Songka ’s import and export transshipment trade dropped by half. A large number of medicinal materials, cloth merchants, and ocean shipping business groups to and from South America were not sold because of the goods in hand or the immigration transportation tasks they had undertaken were not completed. Do not stay in Songkhla awaiting news of the end of the Argentine war.

At the beginning of the following month, the British warships carrying out the blockade mission withdrew from coastal areas such as Natuna and Songkhla, and Songka Port, which resumed normal trade and transportation, ushered in a tide of trade transactions.

In Songkhla Port, the shopkeepers and buddies of fifty or sixty large and small business groups were blocked from the dock. The shopkeepers of the anxious business group sent their men to the dock every few minutes to check the situation. Robbed by another business group, delaying the transportation time of their own goods.

From the inside to the outside, among the three dock anchorages, more than thirty large-scale transport ships are arranged in order, and Chinese families stranded in Songkhla are waiting in line to board the ship.

The Chinese immigrants lined up from the wharf to the streets and open spaces outside the port. Three long queues stretched for nearly three or four miles.

Nearly 100,000 Chinese immigrants stayed in Songkhla for half a year during the blockade of South America. The 100,000 Chinese who brought their families with their mouths and were destitute on their bodies brought great pressure to Songka, supplying 100,000 mouths to eat every day. It is a huge amount of expenditure, plus the cost of providing them with accommodation, clothing, and medical treatment for the sick Chinese, old and young. The Songka owner has posted a fiscal surplus of three and a half years, but a fiscal surplus of more than 100,000 silver dollars. Without vain, the Argentine war ended with the victory of the Han country. He had a sudden illness and committed medical treatment. He married his daughter to Han King Li Mingyuan and intended to use the power of the Nanyang Army to stabilize the crisis in Songkhla. Now it looks like an adventure a year ago. Political speculation of a nature has brought huge returns. Han annexed Argentina and Uruguay and gained another 100,000 square kilometers of estuary on the Pacific coast. Almost the entire Pampas Plain fell into Han's control. in.

What is the Pampas Plain? From the telegram taken by her daughter, she learned that the Pampas Plain is equivalent to the Jiangnan region of the mainland. The land is fertile and beautiful, and compared with the mountainous hilly Jiangnan, Pampas is The endless plain, the land that has just been reclaimed by the Spaniards, is far more fertile than the Jiangnan.

In her letter, the daughter often mentioned the details of Li Mingyuan taking her and another Nanyang girl to travel outside Chang'an City. For example, Li Mingyuan finished her official duties one day, riding her horse to teach her and Zhang Baoyi to learn horse riding, or under the protection of a group of guards. A group of people came to appreciate the coastal style on the Parana River. Although Wu Lingxuan's reply, the main content is how approachable and polite the Han King is, unlike the rude and brutal and ugly looks of the corrective Wufu in his impression, he looks handsome and tall and handsome. , Treat people kindly and treat her carefully and tenderly. She was very happy and happy in South America and Han Dynasty. She did n’t use the mentality of a little girl like her father, but her daughter ’s introduction to the environment while playing was still let Songka owner Wu tightly made a comparison.

Today, the country of Han is different from the past. The north and the south cover a large area, the army is strong, and the leader is wise. The only population shortcoming that restricts the development of the country. Within 20 years, it will be supplemented and alleviated by the explosive influx of Chinese immigrants. Before the Second Argentine War, when Han's land area had not expanded to more than 3.4 million square kilometers, Wu Jin also had some worries about his daughter's future fate. Now, not only is he no longer worried about the fall of the South American Han country My daughter's fate is worrying and she is worried, but she is grateful for her persistence. Instead of marrying her daughter to the savage Malay indigenous chief, she married Li Mingyuan, the king of Han who just showed her edgyness.

After ten years of savings, soaring into the sky, the news that Li Mingyuan will be crowned emperor on December 26 has just arrived from the Nanyang Legion. His daughter will also officially marry Li Mingyuan the day after the ceremony, and become the queen of Han Dynasty. .

His father and daughter were expensive, his daughter became the queen of the Han Dynasty, and he became the father-in-law of Li Mingyuan. He stayed in the former dynasty. His own grandfather did not say that he would also be a hereditary marquis. I was awarded the title, but my own baby daughter was married to the new emperor. For the purpose of caring for the queen's relatives, she was granted a title that was not excessive. In public speaking, Songkhla is a transit point for South American and mainland immigrants. He assisted the Han country in dealing with immigration affairs with due diligence. He also paid Songkao's three-year fiscal surplus from his own pocket. It is also reasonable to give Falun Gong.

At noon on the second day after getting communication with the South American mainland, Li Wencai came to the city's main house to pay a visit. This was to congratulate him on his ascension to the country, and also said that His Royal Highness Han was very conscious of cooperation with Songkhla. Although the Han garrison will withdraw from Song Card, but support for Songkhla has never wavered. After the withdrawal of 1,500 troops stationed in Songkhla, the Han Dynasty will secretly dispatch a number of outstanding officers to help train the Songkhla new army. At the same time, before the garrison leaves, it will mobilize some Nanyang troops. The Legion troops entered the central part of the Malay Peninsula to conduct a thorough sweep of the separatist forces in Songkhla with a view to resolving the chaos in Songka's internal armed forces and unifying Songka's internal military and political affairs.

At the end of the chat, Li Wencai also consulted his opinions on the title of the title. At that time, emotional excitement combined with the idea of ​​clinging to the thighs of the Han Dynasty and demonstrating determination to the son-in-law. After all, Songkhla nominally belongs to the jurisdiction of Thailand. Privately accepting the title of other countries will leave the Thai side with a handle.

This anxiety entangled Wu Jin all night, but this morning, on his way to Songkhla Port to welcome the senior officials of the Nanyang Army, Wu Jin also figured out ~ ~ In a troubled world, strength is First, when the Han army annihilates Songka ’s separatist forces and shows Songka ’s military power to the Thai side, will the Thai king embarrass himself in accepting his title?

的 The ceremonial frame that symbolized the city's main sign came to Songkhla Port, and the immigrants queued outside the port voluntarily gave way to Wu Jin and others.

From the horse-drawn carriage, a group of more than 2,000 immigrants slowly moved towards the port. Many of the crowd were single women with three or four children.

In the Central Plains region under Manchu rule, the wave of immigration caused by Ding Wuqihuang has not ended. Many fleeing families, fathers or mothers died midway. Only surviving relatives with surviving children can continue to set up along the coast. Move forward to the area's immigration recruitment site.

The last group of two thousand immigrants was obviously not the one who was stranded in Songkhla earlier. Many of them were still wearing shabby cloths in autumn in the northern part of the mainland. Although the weather in the South Ocean was hot, they were penniless and had been wearing them all the time. Worn cloths may be the only property. Before the hunger crisis is resolved, few Chinese are willing to abandon the last property.

A thin woman with five children passed in front of the carriage, a family of six, and only two children aged seven or eight wore barefoot sandals. The middle-aged woman and the remaining three older children were all red. Walking on foot, there are not a few Chinese people like them. Wu Jin can't stand it and tells the people around him, "Go, take my warrant, go to the port rice bank to borrow a batch of grains to cook the porridge, let They have a meal and wait in line. "

"Yes, let's do it for the little ones."

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