Rebirth of South America as King

Chapter 143: Agriculture 2

The Pelotas Plain mainly grows rice, soybeans, wheat, and corn. The inland Campos grassland is populated with plants such as buckwheat, Timothy grass, June grass, alfalfa, and clover, and breeds cattle left in Brazil. , Sheep, reindeer, and alpaca, llama, horses and other animals brought by Peruvians from Peru.

When the Chinese set off from Peru, there were more than 40,000 horses and 5,000 alpacas carrying food and materials for the troops. During the long-distance transfer, the horses lost more than half, and more than 5,000 alpacas left nearly 4,000.

Arrived safely in Rio Grande do Sul, half of the remaining 20,000 horses were distributed to retired soldiers, and another 7,000 were incorporated into the Wehrmacht combat sequence for logistical transport tasks. The last more than 2,000 healthy horses came from the army. Exit and use it as a stallion in the pasture of Acampos.

The Campos Prairie has set up two stallion breeding ranches, a military horse breeding factory, and two stallions on a military horse farm. In addition to the horses brought by the Chinese, there are more than 1,000 horses searching for melons in the two southern states.

The Campos steppe is part of the Pampas prairie, and there are many ownerless wild horses living in the border between Rio Grande do Sul, Paraguay, and Argentina.

They were originally Andalusian horses brought to the Pampas by the Spanish colonizers. After the Spaniards accidentally lost them in the steppes, the rich pasture food and the environment without natural enemies prompted the horses to breed on a large scale, and obtained Free horses quickly evolved from wild horses. After more than three hundred years, a small number of horses quickly multiplied and became the main animal population throughout Pampas.

The grasslands of southern Argentina and Indians living in forested areas captured wild horses that strayed in the grasslands and woods, mastered the riding techniques learned from the Spaniards, and used horses as new combat tools and colonial soldiers for hundreds of years of guerrilla warfare.

After the independence of countries in the La Plata region such as Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay, most of the Gaucho cavalry who resisted Spanish colonial rule were incorporated, and some retreated with the Indians to forests and mountains to maintain the ethnic lifestyle.

Inland Pelotas is an endless steppe. Starting from Pelotas, you can reach the Uruguay River at the border with Uruguay in less than two days. The Gaucho live at the junction of Argentina, Uruguay, and Rio Grande do Sul. And Indians often crossed the border into Rio Grande do Sul for hunting.

The Pelotas and local ranch guards repeatedly encountered hunting Indians and Gauchos. However, due to Li Mingyuan's order, the Chinese troops stationed did not expel the Indians and Gauchos who entered the country, but used the living supplies in their hands. Exchange horses with them and cherish animal skins.

The Chinese and Indians and Gauchos maintain a tacit cooperation relationship. More than 700 of the newly added horses in the ranch were traded with them. Some of the remaining horses were trapped by Chinese troops to design traps, and some were from local Brazil. Seized in the hands.

The horses in the racecourses gradually increased in this way, and the Chinese also explored the geographical environment of the border area and the deployment of Uruguay troops through the Indians and Gauchos.

The supply of military horses is indispensable for the National Defense Forces who are interested in expanding their forces in Pampas, and the alpaca can be used as a short-distance transportation tool and one of the fur raw materials for textile manufacturing.

Four thousand alpacas are distributed in three farms, and five hundred alpacas are also concentrated in one pasture.

In addition, 2,000 sheep and 3,000 cattle also have specific breeding areas.

There are many sheep in the Rio Grande do Sul, but most of them are mixed-breed goats with poor fur quality. They are not suitable for textile fur. The 2,000 sheep raised in Pelotas are selected Murray. Slave sheep.

Merino sheep are native to Spain, small in size, rams have spiral horns, wrinkled skin, about 2.5 kg of shearing hair, and better wool quality.

Prior to the 16th century, Merino sheep were mostly concentrated in the hands of Spanish nobles and churches. Later, Spanish Merino sheep were smuggled into the North American continent, and then spread to Australia, New Zealand, and other places. In the second half of the 19th century, many regions There are traces of Merino sheep and their offspring.

Merino sheep have been mixed and bred in different regions, and their fur characteristics have also changed. Australian Merino sheep are breeding offspring of Spanish Merino sheep and British long-haired sheep. Australian Merino sheep have a strong physique. The diameter of wool is 20 ~ 22 microns. It has a large output and good quality. It is suitable for weaving high-quality worsted wool fabrics. It is durable and beautiful. It is one of the best sheep species.

Australian Merino sheep breeding is the best way to make money, but Australian Merino sheep are banned from exporting, and Rio Grande do Sul is temporarily unable to reach Australia

Smuggling merino sheep, so searching for local merino sheep, and providing urgently needed raw materials for the established textile mill became the first choice.

The harvester set up by McCormick in 1834 was widely used in agriculture after 1850, and the iron plough produced by another American company was soon put into use in agriculture.

The harvester and the iron plough are structured as: a steam-powered three-wheeled iron car in front, an iron plow or a harvester in the back, a person sitting on the tricycle, using three horses or a cow to pull the car, and steam power.

The emergence of steam harvesters and iron ploughs has changed the traditional agricultural production method. In the past, one family cultivated 30 acres of land. With the help of agricultural machinery, one family could cultivate two hundred acres or more.

Economic agriculture plays an important role in the overall development of Rio Grande do Sul, and the development of large-scale centralized agriculture requires a mature industrial system and a large number of livestock.

The initial construction of the South Rio Grande industrial system is still a long way from the production of mature agricultural machinery, and it is limited to the development of the times ~ ~ Today's machinery still requires cattle and horses as the main labor.

Three thousand cattle are temporarily the main agricultural animal power of Pelotas. Two months later in February, full-scale agricultural planting requires a lot of buffalo labor, and there are still a long way to go for 3,000 heads of cattle to meet crop planting.

South American buffalos are mainly distributed in Argentina, and the relationship between Chinese and Argentina is not very good. In addition, during the Misiones conflict, the Chinese favored Paraguay and provided Paraguay with a large number of reloaded weapons and ammunition. The relationship between the two parties was even worse. Argentina is reluctant to recognize Rio Grande do Sul as a legitimate country, and the two sides have been fighting for this.

Buffalo farming involves the agricultural development of the Principality of Rio Grande do Sul. The lack of buffalo labor during spring plowing next year will affect crop production, but the number of Chinese is not very large. Without buffalo cultivation of land, the output of grain is still sufficient for the Chinese to consume. The only difference is that The question of how much food is left.

According to Li Mingyuan's plan, even if some fields are delayed during spring ploughing, the buffalo on the farm will not be used excessively.

These buffalo exist as seeds and cannot be easily lost. When the spring ploughing season is over, you can buy buffalo from other countries in the United States and other countries, and work with agricultural machinery purchased from Prussia.

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