Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 97 Kumamoto City Underground

After the Kirialodians were eliminated, almost the entire team entered the combat command room during the required working hours the next day.

The fatigue of long and intense work is far beyond what can be recovered in a single sleep. The look of fatigue can be seen on everyone's face, even Dagu is no exception.

Although as a human body, the recovery ability brought by light particles is far beyond that of ordinary people, he has also experienced a battle, and his abdomen has not fully recovered at this time.

Maki Shuo even slept until the afternoon before waking up. He yawned, endured the pain all over his body and the severe headache, got up, and immediately touched his chest.

The Dark Divine Light Rod was still placed in his arms, without any sign of consciousness, but no matter how carefully Maki Shuo felt it, he could no longer notice anything strange inside.

Before he could relax, a sharp pain suddenly came from his chest, and his whole body lost strength and fell to his knees in an instant. Unlike the injuries left after the battle, this feeling made it difficult for him to even breathe.

The control of his body seemed to be being taken away bit by bit, and inexplicably, the terrifying scene of the whole world falling into darkness emerged in his mind. The city turned into ruins, countless corpses, the Far East base was completely destroyed, and Tiga turned into a stone statue.

All of this made every part of his body resist. His vision suddenly zoomed in. In the endless black mist, a huge figure suspended in the air looked towards it. That posture was exactly the darkness he had transformed into. Cover shadow.

"No! Who wants that kind of future?"

He worked hard to move his five fingers, and with all the light particles poured into him, he forcibly broke through the dark energy controlling his body. He moved his right hand inch by inch with difficulty and took out the Dark Divine Light Rod from his arms.

Black-purple lightning converged toward the central energy core, and the wing-shaped parts on both sides opened. The dark energy wrapped Maki Shuo's body, turning it into a dark shadow as tall as a person.

Just after completing the transformation, Maki Shuo immediately used a very energy-consuming teleportation. The whole person gradually disappeared from the place. In mid-air, a black-purple light lit up, showing a dark shadow wrapped in black mist more than fifty meters high. .

Not causing trouble to Dagu was his biggest obsession at the moment. He knew that when all the dark energy exploded, Dagu's current strength was no match for him. Once he stays and completes the transformation without control, what he just saw is the future of the earth.

His mind force suppressed the restless dark energy, but the black mist surrounding his body continued to increase.

Under his feet, dark particles were continuously converted into anti-gravity energy, supporting him suspended in mid-air. Maki Shuu raised his hands and flew towards Kumamoto City.

This is the only possible way he can think of to suppress the loss of control. Find Gai Ying's original body and forcibly lock this conscious dark energy in his body.

If this method fails, his only option is to break through the atmosphere and leave the earth, fly into the sun, and eliminate himself before completely losing control.

In the combat command room, the alarm suddenly rang. Munakata immediately stood up nervously. He had just finished the matter with the Kirialodians. If there was another attack so soon, the members of the victory team would not be able to maintain their combat effectiveness.

"Ten seconds ago, another Black Ultraman who appeared last time appeared above the Far East Base, and then flew towards Kumamoto City at a speed of Mach 5."

Ye Rui immediately called up the images taken nearby, and the entire record of the appearance and flight of the dark shadow appeared on the screen.

Ultraman has never taken the initiative to attack an enemy. When he learned that it was Ultraman who appeared, Munakata relaxed a little and asked Yerui.

"You just said that his target is Kumamoto City?"

Ye Rui nodded, and the scene originally played came to the right half of the screen, and the left half showed the current flight path of the dark shadow, with Kumamoto City in front of it.

Munakata thought for a moment, comparing Ultraman's appearance before to destroy monsters, and continued: "Is there anything unusual in Kumamoto City recently?"

Yerui quickly called up the recent patrol records and energy detection results in Kumamoto City, scratched his head and said doubtfully: "According to the report, there are occasional slight vibrations, but it has basically no impact. Everything else is normal."

Munakata watched the red dot representing the dark shadow gradually approaching Kumamoto City, and then glanced at the scene of the black mist constantly emerging around him on the other half of the screen video. After all, he felt uneasy and said in a deep voice.

"Dagu, Lina. You fly the Victory Swallow One to Kumamoto City, and try not to interfere with Ultraman's actions unless necessary, so as not to anger him."

Dagu stared at the screen for a long time, until Lina pulled him, and then he answered hurriedly: "Yes!"

Perhaps because Ultraman's posture also increased his perception, the light particles in his body finally reacted, beating repeatedly at an incredible speed, almost coming out of his body.

Maki Shuo still tried hard to suppress the erosion of his consciousness in the dark energy, turning into a dark particle and penetrating underground.

Countless particles dispersed through about ten meters of soil and regrouped under the ground. Almost as soon as the dark shadow was condensed, the transformation was immediately released, and Maki Shuo, half-kneeling and panting, reappeared in place.

Maintaining the transformed state allowed him to quickly travel such a long distance to get here, but it also meant that the erosion of dark energy on him continued to intensify.

This cave is about sixty meters high. The incomplete buildings around it can be seen as being in the style of super ancient civilizations, but it has been so long ago that these buildings have long been dilapidated.

In the center of the cave, there is a huge stone platform like a sacrificial platform, and two huge stone statues stand in the center of the cave.

One is a giant, the other a monster. But what is surprising is that there is a colorful timer on the chest of the monster stone statue.

Zhen Mu Shuo looked up at the giant stone statue. The breastplate, patterns, and prism-shaped crystal on the forehead were almost identical to the dark shadow in his memory.

He relaxed a little. Before he came here, he had always speculated about the existence of the stone statue. He thought that it was something else that attracted him, and he also thought that this might be another trap. He even thought that in the changed plot, this stone statue did not exist at all.

But when he saw this stone statue, he suddenly felt at ease and walked quickly up the stone platform unconsciously, approaching the stone statue, and finally almost started to jog.

His outstretched hand was trembling a little, but he still pressed it gently on the stone statue, feeling a little complicated. After experiencing the unresponsiveness of the statues of Achilles and Herau, he was afraid that the same thing would happen to the stone statues covering the shadow.

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