Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 665 Divine Weapons Fall from Heaven

"Well, the war will definitely end." Queen Amaterasu forced a smile, turned around and walked back to her palace from the stands, dragging her long dress.

Looking at Queen Amaterasu's leaving back, Senluo sighed and chased in the direction where Lai Ying left. Although he was extremely disappointed with the Queen's performance, he did not want to do anything that might cause civil strife.

To his surprise, as soon as he walked out of the palace gate, he saw Lai Yingzheng standing there looking at him with an expression that remained unchanged forever.

"Sen Luo, do you want to continue to obey her orders? She is not a qualified queen at all, just a cowardly girl who is afraid. Letting such a person control Ganon will lead to our destruction sooner or later."

His tone was as cold as his face, and did not contain any desire for Ganon's throne. Sen Luo knew very well what kind of person Lai Ying was. He just wanted to protect the planet he lived on in his own way.

"Give Her Majesty the Queen some more time, she will definitely be able to come out of the shadow of the previous generation of Her Majesty the Queen." Sen Luo looked directly into Lai Ying's eyes and spoke almost pleadingly.

"Give her time? If you can persuade the Bali Sibs to stop attacking, I can give the little girl time."

Sen Luo choked back all his words of persuasion. What Lai Ying said was the cruelest reality. They gave the queen time, so who would give them time?

Balisib's attacks were never like those of irrational barbaric monsters. Instead, they followed strict rules, and different batches took turns to attack.

Since the beginning of the war, the barrier over the city has not disappeared for even a second. The downed fighter plane has only one possibility of crashing. Both energy and materials will gradually be exhausted due to high-speed consumption.

If this continues, Ganon really won't be able to hold on much longer.

The energy needs of an interstellar civilization are limited to one planet, especially when this planet is the mother star where the Tree of Life takes root. Their respect for the Tree of Life made them never think about depleting the resources of their home planet to prepare for war, which would lead to the complete disappearance of this sacred tree in Ganon.

Lai Ying stared at it for a moment, and finally turned and left without showing any disappointment at Sen Luo's hesitation. The moment he turned around, he caught the explosion of fire out of the corner of his eye.

A dozen orbs of light of different colors suddenly hit the Balisib hovering in the sky. The Balisib they concentrated their firepower to deal with was easily knocked away, and was shattered into pieces in the explosion before it even hit the ground.

"That's..." He tightened his grip on the knife in his hand. The knife was more of a decoration than a weapon, with more symbolic meaning than usefulness.

The dazzling light made him subconsciously raise his other hand to block his eyes. The light dissipated, and fourteen giants with different postures were suspended over the city, tacitly placing their arms in an L or cross shape.

The wanton release of energy swept through the Baal Sibs, leaving behind a series of deafening explosions.

The sky that was originally covered by countless black bodies became clear, and the light was no longer blocked, covering the entire city again. The swarms of Baalsibs flying in a steady stream from space stopped.

Except for the puppet poison, Balisib has no attack methods that can threaten Ultraman. Even ordinary Space Guard soldiers can easily defeat Balisib in one-on-one combat, not to mention they are not inferior to the Ultra Brothers at all.

"Well, the war will definitely end." Queen Amaterasu forced a smile, turned around and walked back to her palace from the stands, dragging her long dress.

Looking at Queen Amaterasu's leaving back, Senluo sighed and chased in the direction where Lai Ying left. Although he was extremely disappointed with the Queen's performance, he did not want to do anything that might cause civil strife.

To his surprise, as soon as he walked out of the palace gate, he saw Lai Yingzheng standing there looking at him with an expression that remained unchanged forever.

"Sen Luo, do you want to continue to obey her orders? She is not a qualified queen at all, just a cowardly girl who is afraid. Letting such a person control Ganon will lead to our destruction sooner or later."

His tone was as cold as his face, and did not contain any desire for Ganon's throne. Sen Luo knew very well what kind of person Lai Ying was. He just wanted to protect the planet he lived on in his own way.

"Give Her Majesty the Queen some more time, she will definitely be able to come out of the shadow of the previous generation of Her Majesty the Queen." Sen Luo looked directly into Lai Ying's eyes and spoke almost pleadingly.

"Give her time? If you can persuade the Bali Sibs to stop attacking, I can give the little girl time."

Sen Luo choked back all his words of persuasion. What Lai Ying said was the cruelest reality. They gave the queen time, so who would give them time?

Balisib's attacks were never like those of irrational barbaric monsters. Instead, they followed strict rules, and different batches took turns to attack.

Since the beginning of the war, the barrier over the city has not disappeared for even a second. The downed fighter plane has only one possibility of crashing. Both energy and materials will gradually be exhausted due to high-speed consumption.

If this continues, Ganon really won't be able to hold on much longer.

The energy needs of an interstellar civilization are limited to one planet, especially when this planet is the mother planet where the Tree of Life takes root. Their respect for the Tree of Life made them never think about depleting the resources of their home planet to prepare for war, which would cause this sacred tree to completely disappear in Ganon.

Lai Ying stared at it for a moment, and finally turned and left without showing any disappointment at Sen Luo's hesitation. The moment he turned around, he caught the explosion of fire out of the corner of his eye.

A dozen orbs of light of different colors suddenly hit the Balisib hovering in the sky. The Balisib they concentrated their firepower to deal with was easily knocked away, and was shattered into pieces in the explosion before it even hit the ground.

"That's..." He tightened his grip on the knife in his hand. The knife was more of a decoration than a weapon, with more symbolic meaning than usefulness.

The dazzling light made him subconsciously raise his other hand to block his eyes. The light dissipated, and fourteen giants with different postures were suspended over the city, tacitly placing their arms in an L or cross shape.

The wanton release of energy swept through the Baal Sibs, leaving behind a series of deafening explosions.

The sky that was originally covered by countless black bodies became clear, and the light was no longer blocked, covering the entire city again. The swarms of Baalsibs flying in a steady stream from space stopped.

Except for the puppet poison, Balisib has no attack methods that can threaten Ultraman. Even ordinary Space Guard soldiers can easily defeat Balisib in one-on-one combat, not to mention they are not inferior to the Ultra Brothers at all.

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