Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 20 The fire of courage ignited

Not long after they were relieved, the urgent alarm sounded again, and people who had just rested for a while came out of the tents one after another.

The food or water bottle in his hand fell to the ground. He didn't bother to pack up the few supplies left and hurriedly fled to a safer place.

Cherubim fell directly into the city. High-rise buildings that were solid to humans were as fragile as bubbles that burst in front of monsters.

Five sharp claws struck down, and the building was easily smashed into pieces. I don't know what was ignited in the building, and the flames rose up from the ruins.

Guys' attack was changed from a fighter plane in the air to a Tulaiga gun on the ground. The Tulaiga gun switched to the sharp arrow mode and fired red energy arrows, but they only splashed a small amount when they hit the monster's thick leather armor. Point to Mars.

Cherubim completely ignored this painless attack, but the provocation of these little bugs still angered her, and her huge tail swept across and destroyed all the tall buildings in the fan-shaped area.

Long clenched the gun in his hand angrily, and the gun body made of hard material hurt his palm.

"Where's Mu Zhimei? She's not still hiding, right?"

Mu Zhimei, who was squatting behind the stone pillar, was still trembling. No matter how she mustered up her courage, she would always feel uncontrollable fear when facing Cherubim.

The fear seemed to engulf her completely, constantly urging her to run away as far away as possible.

Kizumi repeatedly told herself: "I am a member of the guys, my friends are still fighting, and I can't run away."

But her body was shaking uncontrollably, and even thinking about the monster taking a step became a luxury.

Kerubim, who missed the attack, became even more angry and slapped his tail straight away. Mirai's expression changed drastically and he quickly rushed forward to push Mu Zumi away.

But the tail fell too fast, and it was a bit unable to catch up with the speed surpassed by ordinary humans in his human body.

There was no time for him to transform, and at this moment, the tail that was swinging suddenly stopped in mid-air, and Mirai Yoshimi's hair was completely messed up by the strong wind caused by Cherubim's movements.

Looking back in the future, Maki Shuo clenched his hands into fists, crossed his arms on his chest, and used all his telekinesis to freeze Cherubim in place.

Seeing the future standing still, he managed to squeeze out two words through his teeth.


After reacting in the future, Maki hurriedly took Mu Zhimei away from there, but the next moment, Maki Shuo was completely unable to hold on.

The huge tail that was freed from the shackles of telekinesis instantly left a ravine several meters deep on the ground, and the future communicator fell in front of Mu Zhimei.

She looked around anxiously for the figure of the future, but did not see a second person on this side of the ravine.

She gritted her teeth, picked up the glasses that had fallen off due to the shock, and carefully imitated the transformation movements of Seven taught by the future. It seemed that this really gave her courage.

As the capsule was connected to the communicator, Miklas' figure solidified on the battlefield again, but the moment it saw Cherubim, it still couldn't stop retreating.

Mu Zhimei tried her best to suppress the fear in her heart and shouted to the scared Miklas.

"Miklas! This time... I won't run away again, so please fight!"

Looking at Miklas who was still hesitant, Mu Zhimei encouraged him again.

"Please, Miklas, I will always be with you."

As if Mu Zhimei's encouragement really had an effect, Miklas finally turned around and rushed towards Cherubim.

The huge tail swept forward, but Miklas caught it in his hand and threw Cherubim in a relatively empty direction.

As the behemoth fell to the ground and raised a large amount of dust, Miklas also rushed forward, riding on the fallen Cherubim, hammering the enemy beneath him with both hands without any control.

But being inexperienced in combat, it ignored the flexible tail and hit Miklas hard on the back with its spiked tail tip, knocking him down.

Cherubim stood up again and quickly suppressed Miklas. Seeing that he was about to lose, Maki Shuo looked at Mirai, who looked a little embarrassed because he was avoiding the swung tail, and nodded.

Mirai no longer hesitated and ran forward. The aura of Mebius on his forearm emerged with the fluctuation of light particles, and then completely bloomed the energy, driving Mirai to merge into a ray of light and transform into a giant of nearly fifty meters.

Seeing Mebius appearing on the battlefield, the guys' team members all breathed a sigh of relief.

Catching the retreating Miklas, Membius patted its head to encourage him. As time passed, Miklas turned into green energy molecules and dissipated.

Mebius, on the other hand, did not hesitate to choose to act according to Maki Shuo's arrangement. He raised his left arm and moved it slowly to the lower left. A lightsaber made of light particles extended from it.

Mebius waved his lightsaber and strode forward towards Cherubim, only to be greeted by his tail like a meteor hammer.

The lightsaber raised up and collided with Kerubim's tail. Menbeim's lightsaber easily cut off the giant tail, and blood spurted out from the cut.

The severe pain seemed to make the carnivorous monster realize that it was no match, but Mebius obviously would not give it a chance to escape.

He took a step forward and jumped tens of meters, cutting off Cherubim's horn with his lightsaber.

Then, huge light particles were poured into it to make the lightsaber sharper and harder. Without hesitation, Membius turned around and struck again with the sword. Cherubim's figure that was about to escape froze, and then was completely broken in half.

The energy in the corpse that fell to the ground was detonated by light particles, and the body exploded into three pieces. The huge energy completely destroyed the corpse.

The lightsaber dissipated, and Mebius's colored timer also flashed a warning, indicating how much energy he had consumed in the almost instant kill battle.

After resolving the battle with overwhelming force, Membius spread his arms and flew towards the sky, but after being difficult for people to see, he transformed into Hibino Mirai again and landed next to Maki Shukaku.

He breathed a little, but his expression was excited. Kerubim was definitely not an easy monster to deal with, but he did not show his due strength in the battle.

Regardless of Ultraman's higher combat intelligence than most monsters, it is more due to the asymmetry of information. Cherubim knew almost nothing about him, and he knew the general attack methods of Cherubim.

Sure enough, Cherubim, who had lost his tail and horn, was like a tiger with its teeth pulled out. He did not cause any trouble in the subsequent battle and was easily killed by his three swords.

Naturally, Maki Shuo didn't know these thoughts in the future. He just collected his team and returned to the Phoenix Nest normally.

When Mu Zhimei returned to the war room and saw the safe and sound future, her original worries were completely put down.

It was supposed to be a relaxing moment to overcome fear, but after Assistant Toriyama told Miklas that Miklas still had to be recovered, he became depressed again and defended it in a low voice.

"What? It has obviously worked so hard."

Maki Shuo patted Mu Zhimei on the shoulder and comforted her.

"It finally found the courage to protect you, just as you decided to find the courage to protect us."

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