Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 12 Not a God

Zheping tapped the keyboard to call up the information left by past defense teams on the virtual screen, and the images of Ultra warriors appeared on the screen.

"After observing that Ultraman is affected by poison, I guessed that Ultraman is not a god, but just some kind of powerful being."

As his fingers moved and pressed the buttons, the information displayed on the screen kept switching.

"I have retrieved the past information recorded by the headquarters and have confirmed that there have been several previous cases of Ultraman dying on Earth."

"Ultraman is really going to die." Mu Zumi was a little depressed. Such powerful beings would die when facing monsters, but what about them?

Zheping hurriedly added: "However, there are many cases where the dead Ultraman appears again."

"That means Ultraman has several lives."

Aihara Ryu gave a simple and crude analysis, while Ikaruga Sadaharu retorted with some displeasure.

"Isn't that the same as being immortal?"


Two different voices came, and several people looked back. Maki Shuo and Mirai entered the war room almost at the same time.

Maki Shuo and Mirai looked at each other, shook their heads to indicate that they would not interrupt again, and motioned for the latter to explain.

Mirai was still a little weak, but he still explained to his teammates.

"It is true that Ultraman can be resurrected after gaining new life, but no one can guarantee that he will succeed."

Long looked at Mirai, who was wearing hospital clothes, with strange eyes for a moment.

"Why do you say it as if you are Ultraman?"

Although he didn't think that Long's thinking ability would detect Mirai's true identity, Shuki Maki took the topic and covered it up.

"No, because nothing in the world comes without a price."

Xi Shui, who then entered, was slightly startled. Before he could say anything, the alarm sounded again. The screen was forced to switch to Misaki Yuki's video.

"After the battle with Guys Coast Guard in the Pacific, Patton changed his movements and was flying towards Japan. The order from the headquarters is that the control of the subsequent situation will be handed over to the Japan branch."

Auxiliary Officer Toriyama, who had a sleepy face and was not even wearing a coat, yawned and walked into the war room. However, the next moment he heard the news that was tantamount to bad news for him, he was stunned for a moment and wailed.

"What? could this happen?"

Xi Shui, who was the first to react, nodded calmly and issued instructions to his team members.


Several people hurriedly stood up straight and answered loudly: "Gig!"

None of them are young old men with deep thoughts, and they still have a bit of youthful energy. The scene of being easily defeated by Barton seemed to be replaying in front of them, and everyone was holding a sigh of relief.

Now, it's time for them to avenge their shame.

Aihara Ryu looked at Mirai who wanted to attack together and stopped him.

"Injured people should take good care of themselves."

Future knew how powerful Patton was. Without him, it would be more difficult for his teammates to face Patton. He said anxiously: "But..."

"Please let me go with you."

Zheping suddenly interrupted Mirai's words. Long looked up and down, seeming to be hesitant about Zheping who was obviously not good at fighting, but the other party added with a confident look.

"I have a countermeasure."

"Okay, come with me."

Long, who had already arrived in the cockpit, tightened his grip on the joystick in his hand. The Phoenix gradually took off and accelerated towards Patton's route.

Over the Pacific Ocean, Zheping was quickly explaining his countermeasures in the Phoenix flying at high speed.

"Hit it above its poison sac with a Specium ballistic missile."

Long asked doubtfully: "Wouldn't breaking the poison sac allow that guy's poison to blend into the atmosphere?"

"Please target its veins, which will cause the poison to flow back into Barton's body."

Long was a little hesitant. Whether this baseless combat plan was really effective has yet to be confirmed, but right now this was the only way.

Looking at the giant strange bird that was gradually approaching, and then looking at the location not far from the Japanese territory, he could only grit his teeth and push the operating lever.

"Phoenix, separate!"

The two fighters separated one after another, perfectly avoiding the charging Patton.

Facing the fast-flying Patton in cruise mode was tantamount to wishful thinking. Aihara Ryuu could only plead to the war room.

"Please approve the use of meteor technology!"

Assistant Toriyama said with unprecedented joy: "It is approved for use, but it must be solved."

He had to be generous. The performance of the volcano monster bird was too brilliant. If it was allowed to wreak havoc within his jurisdiction, he, as an auxiliary officer, might really be dismissed.

Long Zi said: "No problem, just because Ultraman can't defeat him doesn't mean we can't defeat him either."

Zhen Mu Shuo stood on the beach holding the communicator and sighed helplessly when she heard Long's confident words.

No wonder Mariina always calls him a hot-blooded idiot. I really don’t know where he got the confidence to deal with Barton, who is far beyond the ordinary Ultra Warriors.

"Mobile mode, turn on!"

Although there was a one-minute limit, the fighter plane in maneuver mode was enough to pose a threat to Ultraman. Shuo Maki stared closely at the fuselage that was gradually enveloped in energy, waiting for its next move. M..

As the Bollinger fan started, the powerful airflow under the Loader instantly whipped up a terrifying storm, wrapping up Patton, who was flying normally, and threw him to the sea.

The dizzy Barton fell straight down like an arrow that had lost its strength. He tried hard to control his body and finally pulled up the falling momentum on the sea surface and spread his wings to fly again.

The Flying Wing, which was waiting on the sea surface, accelerated to catch up with the blessing of maneuver mode. At the moment Aihara Ryu took aim, the one-minute maneuver mode time had expired, and the Flying Wing automatically switched to cruise mode.

Without the strengthening of the energy on the body surface, the Flying Wing in cruise mode could not catch up with the high-speed flying Patton, and could only watch it fly towards Japan.

The dragon's anger almost burned through the screen, but he couldn't even see Barton's shadow, so he could only roar weakly.

"Is it time, damn it!"

It seemed that the dizziness caused by the Bollinger Fan had not completely dissipated, and Patton's flight trajectory deviated slightly from the planned one.

Zhen Mu Shuo watched as the huge bird head came into close contact with the mountain. After completely smashing the top of the hill, it rolled and fell into the valley.

After more than ten seconds, the huge figure that was swaying and unsteady reappeared in sight. Zhen Mu Shuo pulled out his Tulaiga gun and quickly rushed to the direction of Barton's landing, but he didn't have any worries anymore.

It's understandable that I couldn't think of a way to worry about this before, but it would be really stupid to be affected by emotions when I'm already fighting.

What's more... even though the only telepathy he can currently have to affect Barton can only control him for less than three seconds, he may not be able to do anything against him.

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