Rebirth of Conan as a Detective

Chapter 377: Detective Intuition

The sky had completely darkened, and as Kaoru Kusano was taken to the hospital, Megure and Takagi who received the alarm also led a team to the high-end apartment to collect evidence.

Compared with Takagi who was excited to see a lot of celebrities, his eyes were heavy, and he gave Takagi a serious look and began to ask questions.

"That means you all came here specially to attend Miss Xiaoxun's engagement party," Mumu confirmed, "In order to surprise her, take turns going to the bathroom to change clothes while she is taking a bath..."

"Yes." Yoko Okino had already changed back to her original clothes, with a worried look on her face.

"Then let me confirm again," Mumu said according to the records in the manual, "first is Ms. Yoko, then Ms. Yue Yexue, and finally Ms. Huimei. After the three of you have changed your clothes, the manager Mr. Xiong Just go to the bathroom and call her, and then..."

"Because something was wrong, I opened the bathroom door." Gao Cheng continued.

Mu Mu's fat face trembled, and he looked at Gao Cheng with a dark face, and finally his eyes stopped on Uncle Mao Li: "It's like this every time, no matter where he appears, there will be unfortunate things happening to this guy..."

"Oh, Police Officer Megure," Uncle Mori rubbed the back of his head and smiled awkwardly, "Don't say such things that make me know, I just came here at the invitation of Ms. Yoko, and I just happened to appear at the scene of this murder..."

"I don't think it's just right, is it 'again'?" Mu Mu said angrily.

"Actually..." Uncle Mao Li leaned closer to Mu Mu's ear and whispered, "The real plague god is not me, but Kido, don't you see that every time something happens, he is there?"

Gao Cheng looked at the whispering uncle in doubt.

Although I can't hear what I'm talking about, but the uncle is like this, most likely he is talking bad about him...

"Really?" Mu Mu looked skeptical, obviously distrusting the uncle, "What about the previous case, bro Chenghu?"


"And then?" Takagi was still asking Yoko Okino, "Where is Miss Kusano Kaoru whose throat was cut?"

"It has been sent to Cupido Hospital, because Mr. Jianxiong who accompanied her there hasn't contacted us yet, so I don't know the current situation..."

"Ah, Ah Xun...will she die?" Yoko choked up.

"I really have nothing to do with you," Hoshino Terumi said helplessly, "I'll call the hospital and ask about the situation..."

"I'll go with you," Yue Yexue said, "My dad treated diabetes in that hospital, so I know the phone number of that hospital."

Gao Cheng silently watched Hoshino Terumi and the two leave.

At present, there are 4 suspicious people. At the beginning, Osamu Kenzaki accompanied the victim to the bathroom, but there was no way to deal with things like raincoat and blood stains under the circumstances at that time, and they stayed in the living room watching TV all the time.

Then there are three Okino Yoko who went to the bathroom outside the bathroom to change clothes.

The restroom was just down the hallway to the bathroom, which was convenient and plenty of time, since everyone was in the living room.

As for outsiders sneaking in to commit crimes...

Gao Cheng glanced at the bloodstains extending outside the door and the bloody raincoat just brought in from the outside, with a thoughtful look on his face.

"Well," Mu Mu inspected the raincoat room, and said in a deep voice, "This should be what the murderer was wearing when he committed the crime, and there are some lipstick marks on the handkerchief..."

"If the eye drops bottle contained anesthetics, it was possible that before cutting the victim's neck, a handkerchief was used to cover the victim's nose to stun the victim..."

"That crazy movie fan must be doing it," Osamu Kenzaki said suddenly, "Recently, there was a prankster who rang the doorbell every time, which troubled Xiaoxun, and every time there were strange letters outside the door, which said ' I will come again', 'I will come again next time', 'I will come again if I die', the messages are getting more and more scary..."

"Was the door unlocked when the incident happened?" Mu Mu leaned towards the door and asked.

"No, probably because of the large number of us, Ah Xun didn't lock the door..."

"That is to say, that crazy movie fan found the door unlocked and slipped into the house, and just happened to meet Miss Kusano coming out of the bathroom, because her face was seen, she knocked Miss Kusano unconscious with anesthesia, and then cut Miss Kusano with a murder weapon throat, threw the blood-stained raincoat and gloves outside the door and fled..."

Mu Mu looked solemn.

"Takagi! Go around and ask around! It's not raining outside now, if the murderer escaped wearing a raincoat, someone should notice!"

Gao Cheng looked at the blood again, and frowned: "I don't think it's necessary, Officer Mumu."


"First of all, there was no sound of fans ringing the doorbell this time. Isn't it strange to open the door and come in? And the scene of the crime should be a bathroom, that's right. Ms. Kusano's changed clothes are still placed outside the bathroom. She obviously hasn't left. Bathroom, will it really be hit by a crazy movie fan just by chance at the bathroom door?"

Gao Cheng raised his chin in thought.

"Raincoats, gloves, drugs, murder weapons... The preparations are too full. Even if it was to kill Miss Xiaoxun in the first place, you should find another chance when you see so many shoes at the door. went to the bathroom...

"The strangest thing is that the blood dripped from the entrance to the gate, and it was not stepped on at all... He was so careful when he could be seen at any time, and then threw the bloody clothes at the door... The murderer is a cautious and sloppy Contradictory people? It seems to be saying, I ran outside, come to me..."

"Could it be?" Mu Mu looked closely at Gao Cheng.

"That's right," Gao Cheng crouched by the entrance and judged cautiously, "The murderer may have deliberately walked around with the raincoat to let the blood drip, and then threw the raincoat outside the door, pretending that he had fled outside. "

Mu Mu's face changed slightly: "So, if the murderer is familiar with Ms. Kusano, it will be very convenient to call her out of the bathroom, and then use anesthetics to stun her at the door when she is unsuspecting..."

"Wait, wait a minute!" Kenzaki Shu was sweating profusely, "Are you trying to say that the murderer is inside us?"

"At present, it seems very likely," Mu Mu said solemnly, "In short, let's ask each of you..."

Hoshino Terumi just finished contacting the hospital and Yue Yexue walked out of the living room, interrupted Mu Mu and said, "Shouldn't you find something before this?"


"It's the murder weapon. If the murder weapon that cut Ah Xun's neck is found on us or in the house, it means that the murderer may be one of us. If it cannot be found, then the murderer must be someone else. people……"

Hoshino Terumi calmly reminded.

"I heard that even if the blood is wiped off, the hemoglobin in the blood will still remain, so even if there is only a little bit, there will still be a Rumilo reaction. This kind of thing cannot be concealed, right?"

"Yes, yes."

Eyes wiped sweat and looked at Hoshino Terumi.

"You know really well..."

"I was fascinated by reasoning because of the influence of a person, so I know something." Hoshino Terumi said calmly.

Gao Cheng glanced at Hoshino Terumi curiously, pushed Conan who was also looking for clues and asked in a low voice, "Hey, have you seen her before? She seems to be very interested in Kudo Shinichi..."

"No?" Conan was confused, and laughed with his eyes downcast, "How do you know you're not interested?"

"A detective's intuition."


Conan was at a loss for words: He is obviously an emotional idiot, what detective intuition is he talking about...

.. m.

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