Rebirth of an Entrepreneurial Life

Chapter 97: Fairview Plaza Building 2

Chen Ping also smiled slightly, but then he said, "Actually, I should also thank Wanhua Group for its kindness. Although the current Coslight Technology Company seems to have a good prospect, it only has the title "Plants vs. Zombies". , I am afraid that outsiders will not be able to guess at all in the future. Although I have incomparable self-confidence in my heart, it is not enough for outsiders."

"At this time, Wanhua Group was able to invest huge sums of money into Coslight Technology. Chen Ping will remember this gift of knowledge and experience in his heart, as long as Wanhua Group does not mind my rejection today. , Then in the future, Coslight Technology, and even Chen Ping myself, will become a die-hard ally of Wanhua Group!"

When Wei Mingxun on the side heard this, he suddenly curled his lips unconsciously.

As a member of the Wanhua Group, Wei Mingxun is clear, however, that the current Wanhua Group has long been a giant with a market value of tens of billions!

Would such a group care about an ally like Chen Ping's Coslight Technology?

It's impossible!

Even Wei Mingxun couldn't think of it. How did Chen Ping say this sentence confidently? Is it possible that you have misplaced yourself, Chen Ping, this kid, is actually a superficial stuff? In fact, he is just an ordinary person? After getting a little achievement, will you still be proud?

However, when he heard Chen Ping’s words, Wei Zhexu also laughed. After taking a deep look at Chen Ping, he said decisively: “That’s good, this time Wanhua Group’s acquisition of Coslight Technology Co., Ltd. and its plan to inject capital have completely failed. However, it is a blessing for Wanhua Group to have a friend and ally like Mr. Chen in the shopping malls, and this is a big confession!"

With that, Wei Zhexu picked up the wine glass and raised his hand at Chen Ping. Chen Ping also smiled slightly, picked up the wine glass in front of him, and gently clinked the glass with Wei Zhexu.

The two looked at each other and smiled, there was something inexplicable in their eyes.

Wei Mingxun and the two of them couldn't understand this meaning at all. There were many doubts in their hearts, but no one dared to ask them.

Since Wanhua Group's plan to acquire or inject capital into Coslight Technology Co., Ltd. has completely failed, Wei Zhexu does not want to continue discussing business matters, so he simply has to pull Chen Ping to gossiping and contact him.

As Chen Ping and Wei Zhexu just said, it is always better to have one more friend than one more enemy.

Don't look at Coslight Technology as a company with a market value of less than tens of millions. However, Coslight Technology and Wanhua Group belong to different industries. Even if Wanhua Group wants to suppress Coslight Technology, it is not so easy.

After the development of Coslight Technology, no one knows how far it can reach!

After all, Wanhua Group has plans to enter the Internet industry. Naturally, it has some understanding of this industry. Wei Zhexu, the second young master of Wanhua Group, of course also knows in his heart that for an Internet industry company, as long as there is a chance, it is very It is possible that it will soar into the sky in a very short time. Even if it reaches the current height of Wanhua Group, it may not take too long.

What's more, after communicating with Chen Ping for so long, Wei Zhexu can be regarded as having a certain understanding of Chen Ping's ability and character.

Although Chen Ping is still young, in Wei Zhexu's eyes, Chen Ping is definitely a talent, and to what extent he can develop in the future, Wei Zhexu said that it is not good, and he simply made a friend.

However, although Wei Zhexu gave up the negotiation on the acquisition and capital injection of Coslight Technology, Chen Ping suddenly laughed softly: "Mr. Wei..."

Before he said his words, Wei Zhexu frowned slightly, and then said with some dissatisfaction: "Mr. Chen, do we call each other like this, is it a bit too foreign? If Mr. Chen doesn't mind, I will It’s good to call Mr. Chen as Brother Chen, Mr. Chen calls me Big Brother Wei? After all, I am a few years older than Mr. Chen."

Chen Ping was taken aback for a moment, and then he laughed twice, and laughed casually: "Brother Wei, since you have already said that, why do you call me President Chen?"

Wei Zhexu also smiled slightly, and directly changed his mouth and shouted, "Brother Chen!"

Chen Ping smiled and nodded, and then gradually became serious, and said in a deep voice: "Brother Wei, Coslight Technology Co., Ltd. currently has no plans to accept capital injections or acquisitions, but Wanhua Group and I do not. It's not that there is no possibility of cooperation!"

Hearing Chen Ping's words, Wei Zhexu was a little stunned. Then he looked at Chen Ping and asked softly in surprise, "Does Mr. Chen have any other better suggestions?"

Chen Ping pondered for a moment, tapped his fingers on the desktop a few times, and said with a deep gaze, "Brother Wei, you probably don’t know it, but Coslight Technology is not the only company under my name." ."

This sentence of Chen Ping immediately caused the three people opposite to be stunned at the same time. Even if it was Wei Zhexu's scheming city mansion, he looked at Chen Ping in disbelief at this moment.

Regarding Chen Ping, none of the three people actually had a deep understanding. After all, Chen Ping’s company has only been established for about two months. Although Coslight Technology has a certain reputation in the game circle, for Chen Ping himself, Still very mysterious in the circle.

Except for the exclusive interview with Chen Ping by Luo Xueshan, the editor-in-chief of Game Star, the outside world knows nothing about Chen Ping. What's more, although Wanhua Group has subsidiaries in Anhe City, it is not the base camp of Wanhua Group after all. The real headquarters of Wanhua Group is still in the provincial capital Pingjiang City.

Even if it is a subsidiary of Wanhua Group in Anhe City, it is also a real estate company, and it does not know much about the Internet industry.

Therefore, the Wanhua Group did not know Chen Ping’s experience during this period of time, and it was impossible to know what Chen Ping had done. Otherwise, the three of them would not know Chen Ping when they first met Chen Ping. Looks so surprised at his age.

Chen Ping also smiled slightly. He also expected the reaction of the three people. In fact, it would be the case for anyone. After Chen Ping was reborn, he reached the present stage in just two months. The speed of his rise is too great. So fast, like a meteor, it's impossible to react.

No one would believe that such a young man has not only an Internet company with a market capitalization of tens of millions, but also another company under his name!

This is simply incredible.

However, Chen Ping didn’t take it too seriously. Instead, he smiled and said, “Brother Wei, there is a supermarket under my name. The preparations are currently in progress. It will take about a month. Time, it can officially open. Although Wanhua Group does not involve the retail industry, it must be clear to Brother Wei that there is currently no large supermarket in Anhe City. The Changping Supermarket under my name should be regarded as an Anhe City. First!"

"As far as I know, there is no city in Dongjiang Province that has a large supermarket comparable to the size of Changping Supermarket, and the pace of development of this supermarket will never stop within the scope of Anhe City! "

"In two months' time, I will also go to the provincial capital of Pingjiang City to attend university. At that time, the focus of the industry under my name will also be transferred to Pingjiang City. Changping Supermarket is bound to expand to Pingjiang City, even Expansion to the entire province, for Changping Supermarket, I will definitely not put less effort in the future than Coslight Technology."

"Therefore, although Coslight Technology did not have the opportunity to cooperate with Wanhua Group, it is possible for Changping Supermarket. If Big Brother Wei had known Changping Supermarket before, I am afraid he should also know that I used to be in Fuhua Plaza in Anhe City. , I bought a three-story store. In the future, in the development process of Changping Supermarket, the store will still be mainly purchased and leased. It just so happens that Wanhua Group is the largest real estate company in Dongjiang Province. Only in terms of real estate, Changping Supermarket has many opportunities to cooperate with Wanhua Group. I hope that Big Brother Wei can take more care of him in the future!"

Hearing Chen Ping's words, Wei Zhexu fell completely into silence, his eyes flickering slightly, staring at Chen Ping in front of him, his eyes flashing with inexplicable meaning.

At this moment, Wei Zhexu’s heart is indeed full of shocking meaning. He really did not expect that Chen Ping, a young man who is less than 20 years old, would have such courage and means, not only did he create a company like Coslight Technology. A game company, and also set foot in the supermarket industry, opened the first large supermarket in the province, and even listened to Chen Ping, this is not a separate supermarket at all, but a plan to open a supermarket chain.

Chen Ping's ambition is indeed not small! After feeling a few words in his heart, Wei Zhexu also fell into contemplation. According to Chen Ping, there are indeed many opportunities for cooperation between Changping Supermarket and Wanhua Group.

Therefore, at this moment, Wei Zhexu's heart is also a little moved. After pondering for a moment, Wei Zhexu smiled decisively: "Since Brother Chen is interested, Wanhua Group is naturally willing to cooperate with Brother Chen Ping. Brother Chen can rest assured. The Changping Supermarket under the brother's name is in need, and Wanhua Group will definitely be Brother Chen's first choice."

Chen Ping smiled slightly, and then suddenly replied, "In that case, I now want to talk to Big Brother Wei about our first cooperation!"

Wei Zhexu was taken aback for a moment. After taking a surprised look at Chen Ping, he groaned for a moment and then laughed softly: "Brother Chen has something to say, as long as I can help, I will naturally not refuse."

Chen Ping smiled and then decisively said: "I want to buy the No. 2 building of Fairview Plaza under development in Songlu District, Pingjiang City!"

Chen Ping's words immediately caused Wei Zhexu to fall into sluggishness.

He really didn't expect Chen Ping to say such a sentence at this juncture.

You know, Chen Ping and Wanhua Group are only the first contact.

With Chen Ping's current identity and status, I am afraid that I don't know much about Wanhua Group. After all, Chen Ping is only from Anhe City, and there is no news channel in Pingjiang City.

However, Chen Ping can know that Wanhua Group is developing Jinxiu Plaza in the University Town of Songlu District, and clearly pointed out that he wants Building 2.

In this way, Chen Ping is not only the best choice for ability and character, but also not weaker in other aspects.

However, Wei Zhexu did not immediately agree to Chen Ping. He just smiled and said, "This is a good thing. Since Brother Chen wants to buy Building 2 in Fairview Plaza, as long as there are sufficient funds, Wanhua Group will naturally not refuse, but please still Brother Chen understands that although I can match up for Brother Chen, the marketing department is in charge of this matter after all. That is the department my elder brother is in charge of. I can't go over and make decisions for my elder brother, so this matter, I I will go back and negotiate with my elder brother. Brother Chen can rest assured that I will come forward. Under normal trading conditions, my elder brother will certainly not refuse!"

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