After a lot of thunder and rain, An Ruixin's new movie "Blind Obedience" is finally released as scheduled.

Because it is released during the Spring Festival, there are a lot of movies crowded together. If you want to stand out, the number of movies scheduled is the key.

Fortunately, the theater was quite optimistic about An Ruixin's and others' film, and gave them some preferential treatment in the scheduling of the film.

As a Lunar New Year movie released on the first day of the Lunar New Year, "Blind Obedience" earned 150 million at the box office on the first day.

This is considered a relatively good box office for a small-production film, but with a team like Actor Mo and An Ruixin, and "Elegy of Chu and Han" leading the box office, it is not enough read.

As soon as the market summary came out that day, many black fans who had been waiting to see the jokes between the two jumped out, mocking the box office results in a strange way.

Some media even couldn't wait to print "An Ruixin, Mo Rufeng's new movie meets Waterloo, the new movie that has been promoted for more than half a year is actually a bad movie?" "Such titles.

In this regard, the official has been silent and has not responded.

However, this embarrassing situation did not last long, and these black fans and the media were severely slapped in the face by the new box office.

On the second day after "Blind Obedience" was released, the single-day box office was nearly 200 million, and on the third day, the single-day box office exceeded 200 million.

In the entertainment industry, the first day of the box office is sluggish, but it is really rare to suddenly have a counterattack afterwards.

For this reason, some people soon questioned this, suspecting that the crew of "Blind Obedience" and fans of An Ruixin and Mo Rufeng stole the box office and falsified the box office.

But this doubt was quickly slapped in the face by the audience who had watched the movie.

"Those who said that the box office of this movie is faked must have never seen this movie. As an audience who has watched the movie, I sincerely express that this movie is really well shot. Whether it is the setting of the scene or the acting skills of the actors I can’t praise it anymore. I didn’t go to see this movie on the first day of the new year. I heard that it was very touching and a bit cruel, so I thought I would watch it after the first day of the new year. I went to the cinema a few days late, and it turned out that When I saw it, I really regretted not seeing this movie sooner.”

"Dear on the top, I also heard people say that it is very touching. You can't help but want to cry after watching it, so I didn't watch it as soon as it was released. But when I watched it later, I was really touched. I cried and thought about my family. I'm usually not a particularly hypocritical person, but after watching it that day, I suddenly had an urge to go home and hug my relatives."

"Yes, yes, that's the feeling. The two siblings in the movie are really good, especially the blind sister, who is helpless when she becomes blind, and suffers all kinds of ups and downs and injustices after entering the society because of disabilities. For the treatment, she also cried bitterly and despaired, but she finally stood up step by step and became stronger and stronger, because she knew that she still had a younger brother, and she couldn't just fall down like this. She was really touched. "

"Mo Yingdi's acting is also superb! In the end, because his girlfriend's family knew that my younger brother had a blind sister, they forced him to choose between his older sister and his girlfriend. My younger brother chose his older sister without even thinking about it, and he felt guilty when his older sister blamed himself. I said that at the time, he can have no girlfriend, but he can't live without his sister. How could he be happy without his sister? And his sister hasn't been happy first, how can he be qualified to be happy? At that moment, I really burst into tears!"

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