Ji Ershao, who was fortunate enough to be regarded as a long-term meal ticket, saw such a message when he secretly poked Tao Xinyuan's Weibo, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

But soon this message was brushed away by other messages, and the reason was naturally because of the "Brother Yi" that Tao Xinyuan accidentally revealed in the news.

"Brother Yi? Yi? Which little fresh meat in the current circle has Yi in its name?"

"I remember that the newly formed xx band seems to have a drummer who uses Yizi."

"The actor who played the role of the heroine's younger brother in "Summer Tree's Love" seems to have a word in his name."

"Why does it have to be Xiaoxianrou? Isn't it okay for veteran cadres? I remember that Kong Yizhao, who won the Golden Rooster Award for Best Supporting Actor before, seems to have this idiot too."

"Upstairs is enough. Our little Yuanyuan is still a lolita. The uncle really can't accept it."

"I also feel that if the uncle and nephew fall in love with a horse, it feels like a flower stuck in cow dung. The most important thing is that this is still an old cow."

Ji Ershao, who was barely old enough to be Tao Xinyuan's uncle, took another arrow in the knee!

Three artists with known lineups successively released dynamic promotional programs, which made many people pay more attention to the dynamics of the fourth member of the known lineup——An Ruixin.

Sure enough, not long after the three posted their news, An Ruixin also posted a picture on Weibo.

Similar to the picture posted by Tao Xinyuan, An Ruixin posted a picture of a dining table with six dishes and two soups.

"Six dishes and two soups made by myself, fortunately, you all like to eat them. Next Saturday, the mysterious cp you are curious about will debut, please treat him well."

Pickable stars: the sofa.

"I knew it, I knew it, with the stars around, I can only sit on the bench forever!"


"The hands upstairs are so fast, the handicapped party said that they can't grab the front row and cut Kaisen!"

"These dishes are all made by Xinxin? My God, they are so rich. As a kitchen killer, I express all kinds of envy and envy and don't hate!"

"These dishes are delicious just by looking at them. Hey, Xinxin is really good at the hall and the kitchen. I really want to marry and go home."

"Upstairs is self-respecting, Xinxin belongs to everyone, if you are too yy, you will be dragged out by the little stars, ooxx and ****!"

"Hahahaha, upstairs, you should be dragged out!"

"I really want to try Xinxin's handicraft with my own hands, it looks like I have an appetite!"

"Sending this kind of picture late at night is like a newspaper office! It means that you are hungry."

"Hungry +1"

"Hungry +2"

"Hungry +10086"


"I said, haven't you noticed the hands on the table?"

"As a hand controller, I'm sure the two beautiful hands on the left must be Xinxin and the mysterious cp, and the two on the right...are Xinxin's friends, the mysterious cp's friends, or Xinxin's parents? Or... ...the parents of the mysterious CP?"

"Fuck, the parents of the mysterious CP? Xinxin's future parents-in-law? So this is the rhythm of meeting the parents?"

"Bet on a cucumber, these two hands are Xinxin's parents-in-law."

"Bet on two cucumbers, this must be Xinxin's parents-in-law."


"Bet on 10,000 cucumbers, it must be Xinxin's parents-in-law."

"Enough of the pillow being wet! I've seen people show off their boyfriends, girlfriends, and love to abuse dogs, and now there are people showing off their parents-in-law! That's enough, I'll stop talking, I'll eat this dog food!"

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