Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 2 Chapter 4: Frontal rigid

After returning from Zhang Nan, Qi Lei felt relieved.

Although he still doesn't know what Zhang Nan is going to do, he has some faint guesses, but he doesn't know whether he can guess exactly.

Yes, Zhang Nan and Xu Wenliang think Qi Lei can't think of such a deep level, let alone make such a complicated layout.

However, they didn't know that Qi Lei actually thought of it, or guessed it a little.

Just now Qi Lei tried, in the dialogue with Zhang Nan, there were a few questions, Zhang Nan did not answer, but also deliberately avoided.

Like Xu Xiaoqian said, her mother is a person who disdains lies. Every sentence is the truth. However, it is not known whether the truth from her mouth is literal or not.

Zhang Nan must still be hiding something, maybe, he can't tell Qi Lei, it's none of his business. Maybe, Zhang Nan thinks it’s not the time yet, now it’s useless to say it.

In short, anyway, Qi Lei was relieved, and he could let go of his hands and feet, at least Zhang Nan did not give up Class 14.

Or, who would do such a great deal of work on a group of students who are about to be removed and who have been in the second middle school for less than three years?

As long as Zhang Nan is not pitting him, not pitting the fourteenth class, Qi Lei will have a bottom.

With the principal supporting him, what are you afraid of?

That's it! Through the conversation with Zhang Nanhe, Qi Da also made sure that Liu Yanbo was not a good person. He and President Zhang had a common judgment, and the information conveyed in and out of the words of President Zhang Da also made Qi Lei guess. What the **** is she going to do!

Well, Zhang Nan never expected that Qi Lei thought and guessed that way!

Just now, Qi Lei told her that she would consider the long-term plan, which made Zhang Nan quite relieved.

It's just that there seems to be a slight deviation in the concept of time measurement for the old and the young...

Qi Lei's "Long-term plan" is shorter than Zhang Nan's "Thunder and Swiftness"!

As short as...

Only three days!



The next day, Liu Yanbo had to get up early, and halfway through the morning self-study, he came to school.

Among other things, the seats still have to be arranged. I can't wait for other teachers to come to class, and I haven't queued up yet.

He rushed to the classroom aggressively, and as soon as he entered, he just wanted to ask, who made the proposal late in the evening and let the class go?


Huh? It was found that the seats were not the same as yesterday, and they were obviously rearranged.

After all, Liu Yanbo is an old teacher, and he is still stable.

Frowning for a while, thinking that it was the finance team leader who played a role, so he didn't say anything.

It's just that I made some fine-tuning by taking advantage of the tour.

for example:

Cheng Lele was originally sitting in the fourth row, but she was transferred to the first row.

Finance, Fu Jiang, Lu Xiaoshuai, and Wu Ning were all moved to the front.

As for Qi Lei...well, even though she didn't want to have any special treatment, Qi Lei is also a life committee member, and transferred him from the sixth row to the third row, which is considered to be a sweet date.

To be honest, it is unreasonable for the Black Widow to do this.

In addition to the fact that his finances are a little shorter, Cheng Lele is fair enough. The remaining ones are all big and tall men, and the blackboard is half of them.

However, the black widow's reputation and her black hands are also black, everyone can only bear it.

However, there is even more haze in my heart.

The fourteenth class raised by the stepmother is treated differently by all fools.

And ordinary people like them, who have no power or influence, can only endure and watch.

Although because of Zhang Nan's deliberate selection, there are almost no good people in the class who are rushing to learn, but unfair is unfair, and I feel uncomfortable.

However, being uncomfortable is uncomfortable. In this case, some people will choose to resist, sue their parents, make trouble in the school, and develop a rebellious mentality against the teacher.

It's a pity that not everyone is a fighter. The Mind's thoughts endure cowardly, curse a few words in his heart, and curse a few times.

No way, for them, life is too unfair, this is just one of them.

What's more, I didn't think about fairness and unfairness.

For example, Wang Dong, my buddies are quite happy, and the teacher regards him as air, that would be great. A cat behind, what he wants to do.

All the brand new textbooks were put on the table to tribute, and there was a martial arts book underneath, watching beautifully.

As for Qi Lei, everyone understood that he and the class cadres belonged to the same group, and also belonged to the rich and powerful group. It's incomparable, and it's incomparable.

After all, that's it!

I didn't keep it all. I just pretended to show everyone that I performed so well yesterday. There are hypocritical people everywhere, and Qi Lei may be the most hypocritical one.

This greatly reduces the popularity that Qi Lei has accumulated.

The fourteenth class is splitting up, well, it has never been merged together, but it is even more distinct.


Finally, Liu Yan Bourbon finished adjusting the seats without anyone else. She didn't care about the dissatisfaction in the class, she just didn't see it.

Just a bunch of little bastards, she has been a teacher for so many years, and she has some tricks to deal with them.

Moreover, in response to the principal's call, she has already thought about it, except for the more special ones in the class, the rest... Haha, let's kill!

Take away everything you can, at least half of it, to reduce the burden on the school!

I wandered back and forth in the aisle with my arms folded, looking at everyone coldly: "Speaking of tuition and miscellaneous fees, eight per person..."

"Report!" Finance wailed.

Liu Yanbo frowned, this monitor shouldn't speak at this time, but...


Finance, "The tuition and miscellaneous fees have been collected, and there are eleven forgotten ones, and they will be handed in in the afternoon or tomorrow."

Liu Yanbo was very surprised. After a short stagger, he was very happy, and his impression of the monitor was greatly changed. Don't worry!

I took the list and money from the financial hand, raised my eyebrows and looked at the few "forgot to bring".

"Forget to forget, why is the forgetfulness so great?"

I lit the names of those people who hadn't handed in, "Wang Dong...Liu Lin...Jiang Shuai...Hao Tong..."

"You guys, hold on! If you don't bring it tomorrow, don't blame me for letting you go home and take it. If you can't take it, don't come back."

When the few people heard it, their heads were dull and silent.

Wang Dong clenched the martial arts to death, bowed his head and showed no expression at all.

Qi Lei probably glanced at it, except for one or two that might have been forgotten, and the rest are of average family conditions.

Yes, in this era, family difficulties are hung on the face and on the body, which is much more obvious than in later generations.

For example, old leather shoes that are obviously not suitable for their age may be eliminated by their parents or older brothers.

For another example, a large T-shirt and a long trouser leg means that it is also picking up the leftover clothes of the family.

This is really not an exaggeration. Some children have not been able to put on a new set of clothes for a few years.

Over there, Liu Yanbo finished scolding, then looked at Qi Lei, "Class fee."

Qi Lei quickly stood up, "The class fee is over!"

Liu Yanbo: "....."

Even more surprising, are you all so efficient?

Qi Lei, "The teacher didn't show up yesterday afternoon, so I put everything away and I bought everything."

While speaking, Qi Lei pointed to the brand-new brooms, mops and other sanitary utensils in the corner, which he bought in the government compound yesterday.

Liu Yanbo saw that it was indeed the same.

Although a little dissatisfied, she was going to buy these things by herself. However, since I bought it back and the money has been collected, then forget it.

He lifted the corner of his mouth and smiled, "Okay, not bad! The class cadres in our class are very responsible, and everyone should learn from them."

These words made other students feel resistant to the class cadres.

What to learn? Learn to walk around, learn to give gifts to teachers, right?

And what the black widow wants is this effect, which is to make you depressed.

As mentioned earlier, only a small part of those who have the courage to resist, most of them are ordinary children of ordinary people, and they will choose to be forbearing.

But I couldn't bear it any longer, and I didn't have the guts to explode, and finally chose to leave with gritted teeth and suffocated.

Yes, it's not something inspirational to forbear to break out.

There are too many ordinary people in this world, and they are more accustomed to enduring and enduring.

Liu Yanbo has been working for so many years. Do you think she wants to follow Zhang Nan's "instructions" to clean up Class 14 by what method?

Take the initiative to find fault? Picking out your minor problems everywhere? Then violently retreat?

It's too low-level. She has a hundred ways to unknowingly make you unable to stay any longer. You can choose "I can't bear it anymore."

He stretched out his hand to Qi Lei, "Please pay the rest of the class fee to me, and I don't worry about it with you."

High-sounding, straightforward.

"Oh." Qi Lei cleverly responded, took out 17 yuan and a few receipts from his pocket, and handed them to Liu Yanbo's eyes.

"17 yuan 8 left, these are receipts, teacher, take a look."

Liu Yanbo: "....."

Liu Yanbo didn't react a little bit. The class fee was nearly 1,300, so why would you give me 17 yuan 8? How about playing?

Frowning at Qi Lei, "What's the matter?"

Qi Lei pretended to be stupid, "What's wrong?"

Liu Yanbo was angry, "Come on, you count it for me. There are 63 people in the class, 20 per person, how much is it?"

Qi Lei blurted out: "One thousand two hundred and sixty yuan!"

Liu Yanbo glared, "Then the broom and mop you bought is inlaid with gold? Only 17 yuan left?"

I don't know at all, I have fallen into the pit.

At this moment, everyone in the class was surprised except for the cadres who knew it.

They really don't know about this. Qi Lei opened his mouth yesterday and said two yuan.

And Fang Bing and Wang Dong also frowned secretly, remembering that Yang Jinwei was arguing with Qi Lei yesterday, and finally understood what two yuan and twenty were.

Wang Dong's eyes changed, not looking at Qi Lei, but staring at Yang Jinwei's back.

I scolded in my heart, boy B, you are really good! Is Liu Yanbo a human being, why are you a dog?

There are many people who have the same idea as Wang Dong, and most of these classmates are not rich at home and care about twenty yuan.

As for Qi Lei, facing Liu Yanbo's inquiries, he still didn't panic.

"Teacher, I thought you made a wrong number yesterday. I know, it doesn't take more than a thousand to buy those things, so I only charge two yuan per person for the class."


Liu Yanbo gritted his teeth angrily, and immediately exploded, "Who told you to be smart? Who told you that the 20 class fee is just to buy a broom?"

"Give me again, and take another twenty!!"

"Oh." Qi Lei answered, and said, "Then teacher, what do you want to buy? I just go."

"Gah!?" Liu Yanbo almost didn't choke to death.

What to buy? Does she know what to buy?

After holding back for a long time, his face became purple, and he was frustrated.

"I think you, the life committee member, don't want to do it. What is missing in the class, does the teacher still need to report to you?"

Qi Lei is still cute, "Teacher, I am a life committee member, I should really know these things!"


At this point, who doesn't understand what Liu Yanbo is thinking about, everyone is not stupid.

While cursing in his heart, "Fuck your uncle, it's really dark! How dare you charge twenty for the class?"

On the other side, I was also feeling that Lei Qi was so bold, and the next day he called on the head teacher, he was still a black widow!

Faced with the hot gaze of the class, Liu Yanbo was completely embarrassed into anger, "If you don't want to do it, don't do it!!"

While speaking, he glanced around, his gaze fell on Zhang Xinyu's head, "Zhang Xinyu!"

Zhang Xinyu stared straight, looking like he didn't know anything, "What are you doing?"

Liu Yanbo: "You come to be a life committee!"

Zhang Xinyu heard: "I can't do it."


Stalking his neck, Xin said, there is a bag in your head, right? Shake the stone and let me do it? How can I explain to my brother?

Besides, the stone is already hard, so I'm still afraid of you having an egg?

Well, you have no eggs at all.

Energetically added another sentence: "I really can't do it, no, know, count!"

puff! ! The whole class was sprayed.

Wang Dong was suffocating a smile, and said to his heart, this grandson is even more stunned than me!

I was so mad at Liu Yanbo that I didn't believe it, and ordered another classmate named Dong Weicheng.

Coincidentally, this is also a summer player who mixed with Qi Lei in the night market.

Seeing that the stone was smashed, Zhang Xinyu turned it upside down. Why are you looking for me?

"Old, teacher, me, I...I'm no no no... OK!" The guy shook his head and said with nostrils up to the sky, "I, I, I, I... What class cadre?"


This time the whole class was completely blown up. This grandson did squat a little bit, but it was definitely not so serious. He did it on purpose.

And Dong Weicheng hasn't finished talking yet, you have to make him go smoothly.

"Then, what... can, can you ask, can you ask, sentence...what on earth to buy, it costs more than one thousand!?"

The last sentence is extremely smooth.

Liu Yanbo collapsed completely, and he was already a bit disgraced.

"Dong Weicheng, is this what you should ask?"

Dong Weicheng's face was horrified, he was not like Zhang Xinyu who would be horrified, it was too unskilled.

"Well, what this said...Isn't it enough to ask? Twenty yuan is a lot!"

"Right, Teacher Liu?"

Liu Yanbo: "......"

Suddenly she realized that she seemed to make this class simple.

But, after all, she is an old teacher with rich experience, knowing that if she can no longer control the scene at this time, then she will not be able to take it in this class.

She didn't know if she would order another person or work against her, and simply give up the risk.

After taking a deep look at Qi Lei, he turned around and ran past Finance, "You will collect the class fee, and the life committee will do it first."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Is it so difficult to be a salted fish! ?

However, Liu Yanbo had already reached the door, and it was too late for the finances to shirk.

I could only say, "Then teacher...what are you going to buy?"

Liu Yanbo: "......"

Hahahaha, squad 14 bombed, and the black widow fled.

Well, the retreat is only temporary. As for a Qi Lei, he might have been recruited.


As soon as Liu Yanbo left, Class 14 immediately became noisy.

Fang Bing jumped to Qi Lei's side, showing only his head outside the aisle, thumbs up, "You are this! You are so special about this!"

Wang Dong dropped his schoolbag. When passing by Qi Lei, his eyes were not as cold as yesterday, but he was not as flattering as Fang Bing.

Going to the front row, he took Yang Jinwei's shoulder and said, "Come on, let me tell you something."

After speaking, he took Yang Jinwei out of the class.

Yang Jinwei still didn't understand what was going on, "What are you doing? Going to self-study!"

"I'm not going, be gentle! Wang Dong! You are too much..."

"Oh!" Finance looked at the back of the two and sighed, "I said it earlier, you are almost beaten."

Turning around to look at Qi Lei, the movement was not small, "I'm done, I don't want to do that life committee. I won't take the money. I will sue wherever she likes!"

Finance is not stupid, and more transparent than the average person. If Qi Lei is embarrassed, don't worry, unless Liu Yanbo collects it personally, she really won't be able to collect the money.

This life committee, whoever picks it up is a pitfall in his mind.

Finance even feels that the position of monitor is not safe anymore.

He said, he didn't want to do it!

Taking advantage of Yang Jinwei's absence, the class is full of "comrades in arms" with the same hatred and hatred, and the finances once again set a high profile, "Then what, let me just say a few words!"

"Stone is the thunder that helped us save money, so we owe him. The situation in our class is also special, the head teacher..."

After thinking about it, let's not say bad things about Liu Yanbo, in case it is not good to spread.

"In the future, our class will still listen to the stone. Don't come to me for anything. I will listen to him."

Yes, this is an announcement, and the monitor listened to Qi Lei.

Having said this, it made the whole class feel better, and the finances spoke up again, "Also, I really don’t know anything about seat adjustments. That’s silly...anyway, it’s the head teacher who thinks too much. Now, the classmates in the back are more concerned, and I try not to straighten my waist in class."

At this time, Cheng Lele also spoke up, fascinated by finances, "Use you as a good old man? What can't you say?"

A stubborn neck said, "I'm not afraid to offend people, that's a silly B! I'll scold her, right?"

With a bitter face, he said to the class: "Isn't this just for us to offend people? But we are classmates, we are tired every day, so don't let her provoke her."

"Hey!" Lu Xiaoshuai also said, "Everyone, don't get angry, we all bow our heads to class."

After expressing his stance, he brought the words to Qi Lei again, "After listening to the stone, it will be over. To deal with this kind of stupid B, the stone will be one set."

"Yes!" Cheng Lele came up, yelling at Qi Lei, "Stone, if you are a man, just follow her to the end, and give her a "one step in place"! The two treasures are sent in. Are you afraid of her?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Lu Xiaoshuai and Jiang Haiyang nodded again and again.

Well, they counted the one-step job on themselves, after all, they participated.

Actually, don’t look at these two. They are fake and sensible, and they are still carrying them, but in fact, they do think more than ordinary children, and they see them transparently, but they are better than Qi Lei and real adults. People are a little too close.

It’s a good thing that Liu Yanbo made them into class cadres and arranged them in the front seat?

What is Yang Jinwei doing now? Get beaten there! Why get beaten? Because it is hateful!

So, whether it's really open and bright, or fake benevolence, hurry up, it's the best choice to push the Reviver out to block the gun.

Well, it's not brother to say that.

It should be said to be a wingman for Qi Lei.

Um! Very accurate.

Anyway, just stand on the same line as Qi Lei.

As a result, Wu Xiaojian quit.

Hey, I'm going to fall out of favor with you doing this?

Wu Xiaojian quickly expressed, "Stone, what do you think? I think it can be done in one step!"

He still understands Qi Lei, and he doesn't take any action easily. If he starts to target someone, he must be holding back!

Perhaps Qi Lei thought about it yesterday and wanted to fight against the black widow.

"Just say, what do you do?"

Regarding this, Qi Lei sneered, saying that my mother-in-law didn't just want Liu Yanbo's one step!

Recall what Zhang Nan said last night, "Some teachers represented by Liu Yanbo..."

"Not everyone is Liu Zhuofu, nor is everyone Luo Yan..."

"Some people use different means for performance and for the promotion rate in the class..."

"Those 7% abandoned..."

Although the mother-in-law did not express any specific opinions.

But... he pays attention to Class 14 and memorizes every student's resume very carefully.

I didn’t want to give up Class 14, but Liu Yanbo was placed in Class 14.

What is the intention...

It goes without saying, right?

In short, let's take a look at who the other teachers are and what they look like is unclear.

If it's the same as Liu Yanbo...

Then you can basically be sure, your guess is correct!

At that time.... It may not be the Black Widow herself who can do it in one step.

It's all the teachers in Class 14!

President Zhang Da, this is to kill the chicken and the monkey!

Gee, Qi Lei smashed his mouth.

Ruthless... so ruthless!

The rhythm of no grass.



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