Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Chapter 79: You are the girl I want most

"Tomorrow is Longer" by Dou Wei! !

  In the eyes of people who have a soft spot for rock and roll in this era, it is a godlike existence.

   Whether it's words, music, artistic conception, or technique, people love this song to the limit, and it is called the ceiling of Chinese rock.

   Although it is a radical individual view, it is not too far away.

   Dou Wei, who was born in 1994, still has no blessings, and has hair loss. He is not yet Dou Xian'er.

   But at that time, he was the male **** of Chinese rock and roll, and he was in the midst of the sky.

   And this song will be longer tomorrow, it is the pinnacle of Dou Wei's work. He uses an acoustic guitar to play the texture of an electric piano, and it also has a strong drum beat rhythm.

   is not to say how difficult it is, or that ordinary people really can't find the feeling of Dou Wei.

   Tang Yi has studied for a long time and has not learned it. Qi Lei has tried it before, and it almost always means something.

   The reason why Yang Xiao made them crazy at this time was not only because she popped up, but more importantly, she was not Yang Xiao as soon as she took the posture.

Even if there is a shabby shack behind him, the shape of the cropped trousers and white T-shirt is not rock-and-roll at all, but with the music, people stop there, that kind of laziness and a bit of wildness, understatement and contempt for all the small eyes, give You feel that this is the stage.

  , coupled with the voice and the smell of cigarette lighter, it's almost!


   "Take a big step and rush to find...".

   "Look for a pride that makes you feel good..."

   "Running madly and staggeringly, desperately,"

   "Run towards the embrace that makes you feel safe."

   "Farewell to hug hope yesterday..."

   "Farewell to night and wait for dawn."

   "The past glory is no longer important..."

   "Tomorrow will be even longer!!!"

   Wu Ning subconsciously wants to find drums.

   Now that I lack a strong drum, it would be perfect.

God! It's so amazing!

   You need to know that in this era of Shangbei, even if his brother San’s family conditions are good, he has never seen a rock scene. He has also watched Michael Jackson on the video and U2.

   I have never felt what the scene is like, Yang Xiao is regarded as opening Wu Xiaojian's eyes.

   Tang Yi's ideas are similar to Wu Xiaojian, and more radical than Wu Xiaojian.

I want to learn!

   The song ended. It took a long time for everyone to come back to their senses. Tang Yi and Wu Ning rushed up in two steps, "Sister...Sister Yang...Sister Xiao...Teach me!!!"

   The two brothers have been completely convinced.

   Yang Xiao threw the guitar to Chu Zai Jiang Chunlei, who could not move, and said: "Smelly brother!"

   then pacified Tang Yi and Wu Ning, with a boisterous taste: "It's easy to talk, how simple is it?"

   At this time, even Fu Jiang and Guan Xiaobei didn't want to speak for Jiang Chunlei.

   "Just say you can't take advantage of it, right? Qi Lei's gang of ladyboys are very good!"

   Seeing Yang Xiao walking back to the shack, he subconsciously let go of the passage, shaking Fu Manqi's lips.

   But, what can I do?

   In fact, Fu Man just didn't think about it.

   Even if it is in the limelight, what does it have to do with you? That's also Jiang Chunlei's awesome, you Fu Man is just a movie theater, when you still owe favor, you may not be able to pay it back!

   The so-called detrimental is just such a fool.

   It's a pity that Fu Man is obviously not aware of it. He is still full of hatred, and stares at Qi Lei in the distance fiercely.

   "What's that stinky? You are not good!"

   No one cares about her.

   Even Jiang Chunlei knew he was boring, so he put the guitar aside and never showed off anymore.

   Fu Man played lonely.

   It's suffering Caiwei, so he took a chance to sit down beside Qi Lei and handed him a red panda.

   Qi Lei didn't click on it, playing in his hand.

   Caiwei knew he would not smoke anymore, so he took the little panda back, took out the box of Jiamei from his other pocket, and ordered it for himself.

   This made Qi Lei a little surprised. Cai Wei seemed to see his strangeness, and smiled: "I don't like that thing very much, it's boring."

   explained it this way, but based on Qi Lei’s experience, people who usually carry two packs of cigarettes are not a problem with energy or lack of energy.

   is not a stingy person, reluctant to bear it, with Caiwei's family background, he really doesn't care about a pack of cigarettes.

   I can only say that seeing the big from the small, this person is very clear and knows what he is doing.

   Qi Lei smiled, “Some people hold two packs of cigarettes for the convenience of communication. Some people hold two packs of cigarettes and let people see them, so it’s wiser.”

   "It is to show some intention, such as looking at the other person high, or letting the other person know that you are very righteous."

   "Which one do you belong to?"

   Cai Wei "..." For a long time, he was a little embarrassed.

   However, I quickly returned to normal, "Just found out, you are quite mean."

   Qi Lei, "It's hard to talk about being mean. We didn't seem to have any mischief between the three of us and your hospital before, right? So, we don't have any grudges or complaints."

   Caiwei laughed after hearing this, "Yeah, at that time, I was like you guys. I didn't expect us two to have such a day."

   It's not that Cai Wei looks down on Qi Lei, but that the two of them are indeed not in the same order of magnitude.

   Qi Lei does have a bullish grandfather, but what's the use? If you step back, there will be nothing.

   took a deep breath, "Excuse me, Manman is like that! But after all, I brought it out, and I am responsible."

   Qi Lei glanced at Fu Man lightly.

   Caiwei nodded, Qi Lei made sense.

   pondered for a moment, "Didn't you say you want to talk to me? I'm here."

   Qi Lei did not speak, waiting for him to speak.

   After a while, Cai Wei still didn't get through him, so he went straight to the subject: "She is not for you, give up!"

   If an average young person meets someone who is stable and vigorous like Cai Wei, he will basically be half short.

   This kind of long drive is even more unprepared to be beaten.

   Unfortunately, Qi Lei is not an ordinary young man!


   Really, Qi Lei can't be neat, come over and talk about a lot of reasons, and then she is not suitable for you?

   Haven't encountered anyone like this before!

   Isn’t this the line of the boss in the dog-blood TV series?

   shouldn't you cooperate with me in shame and anger, like a sorrowful man? Let's say something like "I won't give up, don't you dream!"


  噗! !

   Caiwei almost didn't spit blood, who asked you to call Viagra?

   "Can you change the name? Don't think I don't know what Viagra means!"

   "Good Viagra."


   "Viagra, really, she is not for you, you give up!"

   Caiwei is speechless, isn't this what I just said?

   a little mood swings, "Do you know what is suitable?"

   "I really know a little bit better than you." With his chin, she pointed at Fu Man who resented a woman over there. "I think you and Fu Man are a good match. You are a natural match! Would you like to think about it?"


   Caiwei fluctuated greatly, and his face turned green.

  付...Fu Man?

   can't help but make up for the **** past that was caused by a basketball teenager, and her two foolish instigations just now.

   No matter how good you are, Qi Lei will explode, but Qi Lei immediately calms down, "Don't be angry! Really, Fu Man thief suits you, if you don't believe me, let me analyze it for you."

   "What about you two..."

   "One wise man, one female appearance! Although it's only enough for'appearance', it at least meets the traditional standards."

   "One thinks too much, the other doesn't need to think at all. How easy is it to get a couple together?"

   "I'll go to your uncle!"

   No matter how educated Caiwei is, she can't stand it anymore. You are a natural pair with her! You just worry about it!

   squinted his eyes fiercely, and forcibly calmed down his emotions, "Qi Lei, I don't mean to have enemies with you, and I don't want to get angry with you, so you don't need to stimulate me."

   "Really, I just sincerely advise you, you know Qianqian's situation, you two have no future at all."

   He thought that Qi Lei was a deliberate provocation after becoming angry.

   Qi Lei: "......"

   I'm really not provocative! What I say is true, you and Fu Man are indeed a natural pair!

   He also didn't want to make enemies with Cai Wei, let alone stimulate him.

   "Oh!" He sighed and decided to change his strategy.

   "Okay! Just as you said, we are not suitable and have no future. Then you say, what do you think of her?"

   Caiwei, "Naive! Why should I tell you?"

   Qi Lei, "Tell me? I want to hear."

   Caiwei: "......"

   thought for a while, took a breath, "I..."

   "Don't be shy, they are all men."


   "Well, listen, how are you?"

   "I like..." Taking a deep breath, Qi Lei opened the big lock in his heart.

   "Qianqian's family background is similar to mine. We all have a fairly clear understanding of the future, a common goal and a common language."

   "Also, she will be a good wife, impeccable."

   "When we are together, we will have a tacit understanding."

   "Tsk tusk tusk." Qi Lei heard it hurt, "Viagra, you have... eighteen, right?"

   Caiwei deeply replied: "It's twenty soon."

   Caiwei went to school late, and he did not go to elementary school until he was about nine years old.

   "It can't be like this at twenty!" Qi Lei was speechless, "you...don't covet Xu Xiaoqian's beauty?"

   Immediately, Cai Wei frowned, his anger surged, "Shallow!"

   "Well, even if she is superficial, her character doesn't appeal to you at all?"

   "Don't you think Xu Xiaoqian's words are particularly interesting? What do you do is particularly in line with your wishes?"

   "Character?" Cai Wei thought about it, "The personality is really good."

   "Oh...!" With a long sigh, Qi Lei didn't know what to say.

   Just as Kou Zhongqi passed by, Qi Lei's eyes lit up, "Brother and sister!"

   "What are you doing?" Kou Zhongqi answered the thief naturally.

   "Ask you something."


   "Suppose, you are a girl who has precise plans for the future."

   Kou Zhongqi, "Impossible, my old lady is a surprise to live."

   "I said what if! If Zhang Yang is also a boy who has precise plans for the future, and he is the same as you, do you still like him?"

   Kou Zhongqi narrowed his eyes and glanced at Zhang Yang, "How far is it to get me away! What do you want him to do with something that ends up at a glance? A tool for venting desire?"

   Caiwei: "……"

   The cold sweat is coming down, why is this girl so sturdy?

   Qi Lei turned his head to look at him, "Have you heard?"

   turned to Kou Zhongqi again, "Ask you again, what did you like Zhang Yang in the beginning?"

   Kou female wolf stared, "Of course it is greedy for his body!"

   Qi Lei gave a thumbs up, "Frank!"

   Kou Zhongqi, "It's a must!"

   Qi Lei then turned to Cai Wei to spread his hands, "This is love, you are looking for a wife."

   Caiwei: "......"

   Suddenly doubt life?

   Looking, looking for a wife? Doesn't it seem wrong?

   Just in time, Xu Xiaoqian, Erling, and Cheng Lele came down from the mountain, carrying a bag of round dates, very excited.

   Qi Lei asked Cai Wei again, "Then what do you think Xu Xiaoqian can like about you?"

   The great wealthy man has been stunned, asking what to answer, "Should... like it all, right?"

   I'm good everywhere!

   "Oh!" Qi Lei didn't want to wrestle with him anymore.

   "Let me tell you what she likes!"

   After finishing speaking, he put the cigarette behind his ear, stood up and walked towards the shack.

   Go to Jiang Chunlei first, "Use the piano."

   Before Jiang Chunlei returned to his soul, Qi Lei had picked up the xylophone and sat on the haystack.

   Swipe the strings, and everyone's eyes are drawn at once.

   Jiang Chunlei did not expect that after Yang Xiao’s bursting performance, someone would dare to touch the piano.

   Yang Xiao also turned his head to look over regardless of a good hand.

   Qi Lei's level she has heard, and it's pretty good. It should be no problem to crush Jiang Chunlei.

   However, I dare to play the piano after myself, which is not very wise.

   was wondering, Qi Lei's prelude had already which made Yang Xiao frown again, because she had never heard the prelude.

   Wu Ning and Tang Yi got excited as soon as they heard the prelude, this song Qi Lei had practiced when he was at home.

   pulled Zong Baobao and Zhang Yang and posted them.

   Xu Xiaoqian is also attracted over there, she doesn't care whether she plays well or not, she cares about who will play.

   As long as it is played by Reviver, it is good.

   subconsciously had to go this way.

   The singing sounded, "The breeze gently...blows your loose hair..."

   Xu Xiaoqian frowned, okay, a little disappointed, it's this broken song again!

   can't even name it, and only half of it can be sung. I don't know what Qi Lei likes in the end?

   But, in any case, this scene is still worth holding. Xu Xiaoqian walked over step by step and sat down beside Qi Lei, resting her chin on her knees, listening.

   This is the most fascinating thing about Xu Xiaoqian. She is excellent, but she never shows off her excellence in front of Qi Lei, let alone proud of it.

   She can always give Qi Lei confidence at the right time to be a little woman who is proud of him.

   It's a fortune!

   Secretly scold Xu Qian, why are you so cooperating with him? Do girls really like these useless ones?

   What's even more exaggerated is that Qi Lei's wingman is too powerful, and the gang of the government compound is incomparable.

   Do you think that when Qi Lei plays the piano, Xu Xiaoqian's listening is over?

Tang Yi, Wu Ning, Zong Baobao, and Zhang Yang were already moving. They crowded their eyebrows and made a strange dance around the two people while tapping.

   The atmosphere is so impressive.

   This is the power of the wingman, Cai Wei is very weak, and his brother is not very competitive!




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