Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Chapter 66: News broadcast

   Li Chunyan’s movie is actually a bit long, eleven minutes long, which is not suitable for news broadcasts where the length of news is calculated in seconds.

After    took it back there, the backbone of the column was specially organized to conduct in-depth discussions. The news network boss meant to shorten the time as much as possible.

   As a result, after fierce quarrels and debates, everyone reached an agreement that there is something missing in this film and it must be added.

   So, the eleven-minute film was finalized...15 minutes.

time out? It’s okay, just add time.

   The eight o'clock stall is postponed, I'm a news broadcast, what's wrong with the waywardness?

   The news broadcast boss watched the film and happily showed his back molars, "Hope to compete for the Taofen News Awards!"

   brazenly added his name after Li Chunyan and Qian Xiaolong.

   It's okay, I didn't put it in front.

   And Li Chunyan is not a loss. After all, she did it in the first eleven minutes. On the news network side, it is not easy to add other reporter names except the editor-in-chief.

   So, four minutes later, I specially seconded reporter Li Da to Longjiang Yehang.

   This old Qin is so angry that he snatches news and people. Are you still personal?

   As for what to do in those four minutes, reporter Li Da pondered for two days, and finally called Qi Lei.

   There is no way, her level is indeed a little insufficient, no thoughts are worthy of the previous eleven minutes.

   Qi Lei is not stingy about this, just a word to wake up the person in his dream.

   "Your thoughts are okay, but the final theme is not sublimated. Or, would you try to deal with it like this?"

   After listening, Li Chunyan took it, and completely took it.

   "Hang up, I owe you personal love!"


   July 26, which is four days after Qi Lei was interviewed.

   During the day, Qi Lei received a call from Li Chunyan that the interview about him will be broadcast on the Longjiang Provincial News Network at 7.35 tonight.

   Qi Lei immediately called Xu Xiaoqian, Li Wenwen, and Lu Xiaoshuai and told them that they would not go out tonight, and talked about what the provincial channel was going to broadcast.

   In this regard, Xu Qian, Coco Lee, and Lu Xiaoshuai are not too cold.

   What is it showing off? Who would like to see how you are?

   The child's character and sense of justice are overwhelming. So far I think that Qi Lei is not doing this thing authentically.

   Qi Lei was counted all over the phone, and then vowed to make a bet, definitely not watching.

   Okay, I won’t see it then, who knows?

   Xu Xiaoqian was accustomed to Qi Lei as always, but only returned three words: "I know." And he didn't say that I couldn't see it.

   It's very depressed to make Qi Lei, 嚓, thank you?

   Less than six o'clock, Guo Lihua and Qi Guojun, as well as Dad Tang and Dad Wu, came back together.

   In fact, during this period of time, several people were in and out at the same time, and they had been studying the non-staple food factory. He was also in contact with the grain depot and expressed his intention.

   Moreover, regardless of the small investment in the non-staple food factory, because it is the most important part of Tang Chenggang's entire plan, all three of them have paid special attention to it.

   Especially Dad Wu, this half a month seems to be back to work in the grain depot.

   The three families ate together. After the meal, they planned to go home to rest, but Qi Lei stopped them.

   "Then what... don't hurry to leave today."

   The three are quite strange, but Qi Lei pressed it in the small hall and discovered that there was a short article "My Motherland" on the coffee table.

   "The writing is really good!" Guo Lihua praised her sincerely.

   If her son had these two things, she would die beautifully.

  The boastful Qi Lei is a little embarrassed? The confession that came to the mouth can't be said.

  心说, forget it, let's see it for yourself!

   The three families just sat there watching the CCTV news broadcast. It is the one that can read the whole news no matter how you change channels.

   Then the weather forecast. After it was over, Qi Lei grabbed the remote control again and switched to the provincial station.

   Here, the three moms are not interested.

  Well, it’s enough to read the national news and get a little bit of current affairs.

   was going to take a walk while it was still dark.

   Qi Lei refused, "Wait."

   The third mother is unclear, so, "What are you doing in Mingtang?"

   Patience and watch the provincial news.

   In fact, there is really nothing to watch, especially in the first few minutes, which is to repeat the content of the CCTV news, which has just been broadcast.

   Until around 7:45, it finally came.

   Host: "Before broadcasting the following news, let us look at a short article "My Motherland" published in the Provincial Youth Daily."

   The screen turned, and it switched to subtitles.

   The host's cadence of background sound, as the subtitles roll, agitated.

"My Homeland"

  ——If the miracle has a color, it must be Chinese red!

   Guo Lihua frowned slightly, her eyes drifting to the coffee table.

   And Dong Ma has taken the paragraph on the coffee table in her hand at this time, compared the subtitles, and read them one by one.

   "Isn't that this?"

   Wu Lianshan went over and took a look, and he probably understood what it meant.

   is political propaganda? Indifferent came the sentence, "It's well written, and it's time to catch up, no fuss."

   Tang Chenggang crouched on the sofa, "It can only be said that the propaganda methods in the province are still clever, and the whole set is put on TV, and there is still some invigorating effect on the people of the country."

   The article is really well written, but it's a bit too deliberate.

   In his eyes, that's the case.

   Qi Guojun listened and was speechless, "It is not easy to read the full text on the news network."

  How precious is the news broadcast time? How long does it take to recite an article of several hundred words?

   It can only be said to see the big from the small. From this news, we can see how severe the flood fighting situation is today.

   This is the habit of men. They like current events and analyze and comment on them.

   However, the article is still very good.

   When the full text was read, the screen was switched back to the studio, and the adults were all waiting for the content of the next news.

   However, they have just started.

   Host: "This "My Motherland" is an essay with scores in the high school entrance examination, from Qi Lei from the third and fifth grade of Shangbei No. 2 Middle School."


   Tang Chenggang sat up straight.

   The three mothers petrified in an instant, and their brains buzzed.

   Qi Guojun stared at his son with horror.

   Qi Lei: "..."

   Qi Lei was a little embarrassed, and smiled sly, "What about... don't look at me, watch the news!"


at the same time.

   Coco Lee is wearing a small pajamas, hugging a teddy bear, and sitting cross-legged on the sofa.

   As soon as the news started, Sister Xiao Wen's roar sounded from the Li family.

   "Old man!!! Old lady!!! Come here soon!!!"

   "What's up?"

   Li's father and Li's mother thought that something had happened to the silly girl, so she hurried out.

   I saw her licking her lips, "Look!"

  Well, although Qi Lei's approach is very contemptuous, it is a news on the provincial channel after all, and Coco Lee is still showing his face, so I can't miss it.

   In fact, not only Coco Lee, Yu Yangyang and Cao Xiaoxi, but also many classmates who were abducted to the night market are all staring at the provincial and Taiwanese news at this time.

   I just don’t know if the speech I have memorized according to the manuscript will be cut off.

   Despite contempt for Qi Lei, but the body is still very honest. Although the possibility is unlikely, it is still possible to show a face after all.

   also Lu Xiaoshuai and Zhang Xinyu are real, and if you don't watch it, you don't watch it.

   What is it? I'm doing a show and I don't bother to be with it.

   Lu Xiaoshuai was burying his head and exploding the aircraft carrier, and Zhang Xinyu used several teams of forkmen, and kept bursting Lu Xiaoshuai's chrysanthemums.


   Xu Xiaoqian was also in front of the TV at this time, wearing a long pajamas, put her legs into the pajamas, and put her chin on her knees in a daze.

   Xu's father Xu Wenliang sat beside her, reading the newspaper while listening to the news.

   Xu Mu Zhangnan is on her right, wearing glasses, and playing sweaters while enjoying a rare family reunion.

   After watching the CCTV news broadcast on the provincial channel, Xu Wenliang switched the channel from the provincial channel to the CCTV channel, preparing to watch "Focus Interview". This is his habit.

   As a result, Xu Qian silently grabbed the remote control and replaced it again.

   Xu Wenliang was stunned, and he saw Xu Xiaoqian staring at the TV calmly and said, "There is a report from the provincial channel, and there may be me in it."

   "Oh?" Xu Wenliang was not surprised, but frowned.

   He didn't ask why it was because of the provincial Taiwan. He still understands his own daughter. He is very measured and knows what to do and what not to do.

   But, after all, it's still small, and some things are still not in place.

   Xu's mother had glasses on the tip of her nose. She raised her eyes to look at the father and daughter, but she said, "What's the TV?" asked Xu Wenliang a question.

   was not surprised either. Like the situation in their home, they actually watched very lightly on TV, and even some deliberately avoided it, knowing how to hide.

   Xu Qian didn't conceal this, she probably told her parents about the matter again.

   "Oh." Mother Xu kept holding her hands, "That's a good boy, you have to study more."

  The implication is that you have borrowed the light of others, and you can't be proud. Moreover, without even asking a word, Xu Xiaoqian walked so close to a boy.

   subconsciously raised his eyes and glanced at the TV, wondering what kind of report it was.

   Not asking does not mean not caring, on the contrary, you may be very concerned.

   What's wrong with her own daughter, she can still tell.

   Xu Wenliang still carried the newspaper, still not taking it seriously.

   How big a wave can one essay make?

   According to his experience, most of it is the political propaganda of the province and Taiwan, with a good template, nothing new.

   Finally, the news begins.

   First, the full recitation of "My Motherland" shook Xu's father and Xu's mother.

   is not to marvel at the article, but to have such a long time to recite a composition before the eight o'clock stall of the provincial TV station, which in itself is worthy of fun.

   Seeing the girl’s eyes intently, there is still a strange look in her eyes, Zhang Nan said again: "This boy wrote this? The writing level is very high, you have to humbly ask for advice."

   Next is the news "feature film".

   Yes, a feature film of nearly fifteen minutes is already equivalent to a small documentary.

   The host first introduced that this is an essay with perfect scores for the high school entrance examination, which was written by Qi Lei of Shangbei No. 2 Middle School.

   affirmed the writing ability of the article and Qi Lei, and raised a question, how can a child write such a majestic article?

   "Look at the report sent by our reporter from Shangbei."

   The picture turns again, and it is the picture of Li Chunyan standing in a busy street holding a microphone.

   "Audience friends, good evening everyone. I am Li Chunyan, a reporter from Jianglong TV. I am at the Shangbei Wenhua Street night market at this time."

   "Many viewers will be curious, why did they come here because they obviously interviewed the author of an excellent essay?"

   "All of these start from the first-phase summer camp activities that have recently been popular in Shangbei."

   Next, the big banner of the summer student experience booth of "Aiming in Youth" appeared on the TV screen.


   In October 1997, Longjiang Satellite TV was officially launched and became one of the second batch of provincial TV stations to land on the national cable TV network.

   At this moment, not only viewers in Longjiang Province can watch this news, but more than 20 million cable TV users across the country can simultaneously receive this special report broadcast by Longjiang Satellite TV in the news period.

   "Aspiration in Youth"...

   It was a summer experience for 53 students from a small northeast town, and it was a feat.

   In 1998, work-study, summer jobs, even among college students in big cities, was a trendy behavior.

   What's more, these 53 boys and girls are not simply experiencing life.

   "My name is Lu Xiaoshuai, I can't study well, but I love the motherland and the PLA even more. I want to do something for them."


   "My name is Yu Yangyang, and I will have the college entrance examination next year. This is the last relaxing summer vacation. I don't want to waste it. I want to do something to make myself proud for a lifetime."


   "My name is Coco Lee, and my dad said to be grateful. Although I can't go to the dam, I am still fighting here!"


   "My name is Zhang Xinyu, I want to be a soldier and stand with the heroes on the dam."


   "My name is Cao Xiaoxi...Uncle PLA, come on!"


   "My name is Jiang Haiyang..."


   "My name is Tang Yi...I adore you!"


   "My name is Wu Ning...I am one of thousands of Chinese teenagers, and we...are with you!"


"My name is..."


"My name is...."


   "My name is Xu Qian, and I am the one who protects behind you..."


   "My name is Qi Lei, a little kid who grows up..."

   "However, because of your guardianship, a little kid like me can feel at ease without growing up."

   A large combination of pictures similar to the structure of a movie montage Finally, Qi Lei handed an envelope to the reporter in front of the camera.

   "It's been more than 20 days. Our 53 friends earned 1999.8 yuan from selling socks. Please help us to transfer it to the uncle of the People's Liberation Army who is on the front line of the flood fighting."


   The picture gradually faded, and finally it was frozen in a group photo. It was a group photo of 53 boys and girls with The host sounded outside the picture, "I am a teenager...You have aspirations!"

   "Who says they are the Beat generation? Who can't believe that they are the pillars of the future!?"

   "In the envelope that classmate Qi Lei gave to our reporter, in addition to 1999.8 yuan, there is also a letter..."

   "That's a letter from 53 teenagers to the heroes fighting the flood."

   "There is only one sentence in the letter:"

   [Where can the years be quiet? It's just that someone is carrying the burden for us! 】

   Next, the news is not over yet. Provincial and Taiwan reporters will personally deliver to the People's Liberation Army the first-line materials needed by Qi Lei and their donations.

   A colonel of the Provincial Armed Police Corps received the supplies and saw the letter from Qi Lei, his eyes flushed with excitement, and he solemnly made a military salute to the camera.

   "Please rest assured of the people of the whole country! .... People are in the dike! People are not there... the **** must be there too!!"

   In the clerical oath of the colonel officer, the 15-minute special report finally ended.



   Xu's house has no other sound except the sound of TV.

   Xu Wenliang held the newspaper just that way but didn't look at it. Zhang Nan's eyes were dull, and the sweater in his hand was typed incorrectly.

   For a long time, Xu Wenliang sighed: "This is... the copywriting of the provincial and Taiwanese?"

   is the best!

   Xu Xiaoqian finally stopped sitting on her knees, with little stars flashing in her eyes.

   said for no reason: "His...his idea."

   "He said, if you need a role model, why can't it be us!?"

   At this moment, Xu Xiaoqian is very proud, too proud to hide her emotions, her eyes are full of admiration.



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