Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Chapter 58: Never mention circles anymore

  People, sometimes I'm afraid to talk, especially when two people talk together.

   Coco Lee never felt that he was a fool, but Qi Lei repeatedly emphasized that the key is that there is Yu Yangyang's wingman:

   "Xiao Wen'er, you are really fast entering the fool circle."


   "Cut!" Cocoon Lee stared back contemptuously, these two are in a group!

   But, Coco Coco Lee is praised for Zhengmei, do you still care about these two mouths? Moreover, he also replied: "If you are stupid, you are stupid, and stupid people have stupid blessings!"

   is formally set foot in the circle of fools.

   shook the stockings and deliberately said: "Socks and socks! Five yuan and three pairs, cheap and affordable, come and see!"

   shouted harder than Qi Lei, she could be heard screaming half a street.

   I completely forgot to be ashamed, and I will never be dominated by Qi Lei, these two things.

  Actually, it was originally that the demons were given to themselves by themselves. Whoever cares if you are Li Gang’s daughter or sell socks to strangers? I can't figure out my own affairs. Where can I care about you in the US?

   Especially for families like them, people who know each other naturally know that it is impossible to be reduced to the point of setting up a street stall, but to take a high look.

   began to say that they were embarrassed to do everything, but as long as they adapt, they will do everything without Qi Lei.

   also met several acquaintances, including classmates, but no one really regarded her as a small vendor selling socks for a living.

  This makes Cocoon Li more contented. Isn’t my old lady worse than anyone else?


   After nine o'clock, there were still a lot of people in the night market, and Qi Lei closed the stall openly.

  As soon as I came, business was not so good. After nine o'clock, obviously not many people buy socks.

  Secondly, there are three girls here, so it’s not like getting home too late.

   Around half past nine, everyone left the night market.

   Wu Ning wants to send the three girls home first, but the three girls are a little bit cheered, and the meaning is still unfinished.

   Coco Lee said that he could stay a while longer, after all, the evening self-study has to be up to 9:30.

  In this age, no matter how cheap children are, they are actually very skinny, not as squeamish as later generations, and relatively simple.

   Although it was tiring to go out of the stall, there was no one who cried and complained.

  Since they still didn’t want to leave, everyone looked for a barbecue stall and ordered some skewers. They ate and talked and settled the bill.

   As a result, the two stalls made a total of less than 300, which was not as good as the previous one.

   Without waiting for Qi Lei to say anything, Tang Xiaoyi and Wu Xiaojian were quite serious, "I can't go on like this!"

   "The more you earn, the less you earn." Tang Xiaoyi said fiercely, "Or, let's go to the morning market too!"

   You can also sell socks in the morning market, and the audience does not overlap with the night market.

   The morning market mainly sells vegetables. In addition to the residents of Shangbei, there are also farmers in the surrounding areas who buy vegetables. There should be sales.

   It’s just that the morning market suffers more.

   In the summer in the north, it’s early in the morning. Generally, you have to get up at three or four o'clock to grab a place at the morning market, and you will be picked up from five o'clock.

   The reason why there is no morning market is because of this.

   I have to get up early every day, isn’t it killing my brother three?

   When the three girls heard this, they also tried to persuade them, "Don't you need to fight like that? It's almost all right!"

   The conditions in Tang Yi's family are so good, but his small money is not bad?

   However, Tang Yi didn't think so, "Stone is right. Now that the goal is set, don't be a joke! How about? Let's go to the morning market!"

   Wu Ning agreed with this, "I have no opinion."

   Both looked at Qi Lei, but heard Qi Lei said: "No hurry, there is no big move yet!"

   More business robs, less passenger flow, but he already has countermeasures, not even the morning market.

"hold on."

   While speaking, Qi Lei took out three fifty sheets from the purse and solemnly pushed them in front of the three girls.

   "This is your reward today!"

   Coco Lee's eyes didn't come out, and she was about to explode immediately, "Who wants your stinky money? Who do you look down on?"

   "That's right." Yu Yangyang also said, "I'll help, so I'll see you outside."

   Cao Xiaoxi pushed the money back, "I heard Tang Yi just now, you have to earn bargaining fees by yourself. Business is not good these days, you should keep it!"

   smiled sweetly and raised the skewers, "The skewers are delicious, just pay it!"

   As a result, Qi Lei neither accepted the money he pushed back nor told them to hold it.

   just said: "You guys have to think about it, really don't?"

   Coco Li stared, "My old lady wants you fifty dollars?"

   Qi Lei sighed, "If it's no accident, this should be the first time you earn from labor in your life, and the first time you really get your own money with your own hands."

   "Isn't it a pity to just push back like this?"

   "I will regret it!"

   Grumbling, the three girls swallowed at the same time.

   With my own hands, my own money. These words are too far away from them.

   Let Qi Lei say that, and the three of them stared at the three fifty-yuan bills.

   I used to take fifty dollars from my parents, but I didn’t feel like it is now. I think it’s not easy to get fifty dollars.

   And Cocoon Lee...

   Coco Lee thinks Qi Lei is poisonous.

   Whatever comes out of his mouth is so old-fashioned, and it makes sense that you can't refute it.

   Fifty dollars! The old mother tossed all night, she didn't lose her face, and only earned fifty yuan!

   Why not! ?

   held fifty yuan in his hand, "I want it!"

   Cao Xiaoxi and Yu Yangyang also stretched out their hands quickly, retracted quickly, and then giggled.

  Yu Yangyang still did not forget: "Tomorrow the final exam, I will sell you socks after the exam!"

   "Count me." Cao Xiaoxi smiled like a flower and echoed.

   She wants to be like three brothers, earning money and spending on her own, that's really cool.

   "Right!" Qi Lei yelled happily, "You are waiting for these words, otherwise this hundred and five will be a waste of money."

   came out mysteriously, "Wait for your holiday, let's have fun together!"


  Li Wenwen Yiling, what do you mean? It feels like letting this guy in again.

   And Qi Lei is secretly refreshed, the first step is to get it done!

   is also the most important step, his big career is coming.


   Coco Lee’s family is located in Quanye Community, the most prosperous section of Shangbei, and it is also the earliest batch of commercial houses.

   It was past ten o'clock when I entered the house, and my parents hadn't slept yet.

   Wei Hongbo flipped through the magazines one after another while Li's father kept changing channels with the remote control in his hand.

Seeing his daughter enter the door, Wei Hongbo pushed his glasses, frowned and watched the girl flick off her white shoes, and stepped on the floor barefoot, paralyzed on the sofa in a boneless posture, and fell back on his mother’s legs. I'm exhausted!"

"Why so late?"

   Coco Lee closed his eyes to rest up, "I didn't have class, and went to play with my classmates."

   does not shy away from skipping classes at all.

  I rarely skip classes, and once in a while, it’s not a big problem.

  Secondly, Li's parents are very open-minded, and they don't have much demand for their daughter's studies.

   Cocoon Lee can have the same thoughts and personality as before, mostly from his family education, which is greatly influenced by his parents.

   Wei Hongbo listened, but he didn't take it seriously, and asked: "Which classmate?"

   "Xiao Xi, Yang Yang, and Tang Yi, Wu Ning, Qi Lei."

   Coco Coco Li gave out a list of names, these are often played with Coco Coco Co, and the family has no objection.

   Qi Lei hasn’t heard of it much, but if I want to be able to get into their circle, it shouldn’t be a child of ordinary people. There is no big problem.

   But after hearing these names, Dad Li suddenly said meaningfully, "Then why did you go to the night market to set up a street stall?"

   "Huh!?" Coco Lee bounced and stared at his father, "Old man, how did you know?"

  Papa Li gave her a sideways look, "Don't ask me how I know, I'm asking how you went there?"

   Coco Lee doesn’t matter, “Tang Yi and Wu Ning are setting up a stall at the night market! They say they are experiencing life! I’ll follow the experience and experience!”

   "Experience life?"

   Li Gang and Wei Hongbo looked at each other. The two boys had come to play at home, and they probably knew a little bit about the situation. Which way of life did they go to experience?

"what happened?"

   I saw Coco Coco Lee cross her legs, and she was not in harmony with her parents at all.

   "Old man, old lady! I will tell you something special!"

   Next, Coco Lee told his parents about the whole process of Qi Lei getting into trouble and Erbaozi's blackmail that day, and by the way, he talked about the night market tonight.


   "You haven't seen it, that brother three is simply not a human. Extortion! I just got Erbaozi in, it's too cruel!"

   Coco Lee was very proud, because she was the one who witnessed her, and the level of excitement at that time was far more brilliant than she described.

   As a result, Li's father and Li's mother were surprised after listening.

   First of all, it is shocking enough that Tang Chenggang's son is Tang Yi.

   You must know that Tang Chenggang protects his family very well.

   Therefore, even they didn't know that Tang Yi was Old Tang's son.

   Besides, I just sighed.

  Papa Li, "Cui Chu and Cheng Gang are still good at teaching their children! This thing is done like an adult."

   Li Ma, "That Qi Lei, is it Qi Haiting's grandson?"

   Dad Li, "It should be! Tang Chenggang, Wu Lianshan, and Qi Guojun, they used to wear a pair of trousers well. Now that they are here, it must be no difference."

   Li Ma, "Oh, those three people are still two years younger than Min Wen, it's really incomparable!"

  Papa Li, "It's far away! People are only fifteen or sixteen and they are willing to put their face down to experience life in the society, then can it be bigger?"

   "Huh? Huh eh!?" Coco Lee wanted to run away.

   What Qi Haiting and Qi Guojun belong to? She doesn't even know, Qi Lei is just a kid in her eyes.

   Besides, I’m still sitting here, don’t you just say that’s inappropriate?

   "It's too much!"

  Papa Li glared, "Are you not happy? You will learn more from others in the future, and you will have a refreshing look. Don't be ashamed of me like a silly girl!"

   Coco Lee looked at her dad in a dad, feeling obviously there is something in the words!

   Besides, what are you doing with such a big temper?

   "I... I didn't mess with you, right?"

   "Isn't it messed up yet?" The more Li Gang looked at her, the more unpleasant he was.

   "If you don't ask, how do you know that you went to the street stall? That's how you know it!"

   "Fortunately, Qi Lei can see it clearly, and stopped you. Otherwise, you say trouble is not troublesome?"

   "Hit..." Cocoon Lee was stunned for a moment, "What about the fat and thin head?"

  Papa Li, "Isn't that it!"

   "That's it, you didn't take advantage of him and you posted it up! Think about it, what's the situation with saving that 20 yuan?"

   I saw Coco Li pounding the sofa fiercely, "Asshole, he really got him right!"

   Her focus is not the same as her parents.

   He heard Wei Hongbo and said: "This is not blind, it's just seeing."

   said, some words earnestly pulled Coco Lee's hand, "Coco Coco! It's not that Mom said you, you need to have a little eye."

   "Parents don't ask you to be more vigorous. A little girl will do just fine. But at least you can't lose out if you go into society."

   "This kind of thing, you have to learn more from others. Don't think that people are younger than you are inferior to you, remember?"

   "I..." Coco Lee's whole body is not good, and she feels miserable.

   was abducted and turned into a trafficker. He was run out to educate him when he came home. When he came home, he was run to educate him. Life is so difficult!

   shook his whole body irritably, "Oh! Don't listen!" His brows were also twisted into a word "Chuan".

   "Hey!" Mom and Dad Li are not happy anymore, "You kid, you have to listen to me!"

   "Don't listen! Don't listen, don't listen, don't listen!"

   Coco Lee ejected and rushed back to his room, "Don't listen!"

The two adults   nong were very surprised, what happened to this girl?

   They don't know, Coco Lee doesn't mind who I learnt from. She remembered Qi Lei saying that she was fast entering the fool circle.

   But after a while, the door suddenly opened again, and Coco Lee was wearing a small pajamas with a pouting Lao Gao, "After the final exam, I'm going to sell socks!"

   Li's father and Li's mother were taken aback, then nodded, "Okay!"

   Coco Lee was startled, "I said I'm going to sell socks!! That's the kind..."

   began to twist his waist and wave his arms, a bit exaggerated, but to learn from Qi Lei, "Socks and socks! Three pairs of five yuan, cheap and affordable, direct sales at the factory price!"

  Papa Li: "..."

   Li Ma: "......"

  Zhi just speak in, come on! "

   Coco Lee: "!!!"

   Are you still relatives?

   gritted his teeth, "I also want to wear stockings, showing my long legs, the kind that I used to dared to wear them at a discount!"


  哐! With a sound, the door of the boudoir was closed.

   Li's father and Li's mother just didn't see it. They knew their own stupid girls best, and those who came and went quickly.

   As expected, within ten minutes, Coco Coco Lee's sister Li Lanlan came back. Before she finished changing her shoes, Coco Coco Lee came out like the wind, "Sister, I saw your goddess two days ago!"

   Li Lanlan was startled first, male god? I heard this word for the first time.

   "What male god?"

   Coco Lee bluffed, "That's the third brother!"

  "Three brothers?" Li Lanlan thought for a while, "You mean Qi Guodong, right?"

   "Qi..." Coco Lee was stunned.

  "Qi Guodong?" Turned around and asked his father, "Old man, what did Qi Lei's father call just now? Qi Guojun, right?"

   stared at the big eyeballs, "Qi Guodong, Qi Guojun...Is it from the family? I haven't heard Qi Lei show it off!"

   Li Gang's head hurts a bit, this big silly girl, how good is it!

   "You didn't hear what you just said, did you? Qi Lei is the grandson of Qi Haiting! That is the old director of the Provincial Transportation Department,"

   "Oh." Coco Lee first responded in a daze, and then...

   Thinking that there is still another day today, I have been talking about circles with others for several days...circles...circles! !

   fiercely scratched his head and stomped, "I'm so ashamed!"

   ran back into the house like escaping, no face came out again.

   Never mention circles again!




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