Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Chapter 50: Don't be a dad

   Although both parents are gone, the three brothers are still dreaming here.

   To tell the truth, it's cool!

   From the perspective of Tang Xiaoyi and Wu Xiaojian, they are not trying to make money. They work so hard, more to fight for their breath.

   The purpose of fighting for this tone does not burden any philosophy of life, there is only one of the simplest and most rude driving force-to show off.

   Whether you want to shoot the bargaining fee in front of your parents, or do something that your peers can't do, it's all because of this simple and vulgar driving force.

   Just one word anyway: cool!

   It was the customer who just saw these three family members talking first, and looked surprised at Tang Yi, "Tang Chenggang... is your father?"

   He happened to meet Tang Chenggang, so he knew that Tang Chenggang was real and not fake.

   Tang Yi grinned, "Yes! It's my dad who is not very sensible."


   That person rolls his eyes, how does this kid talk?

   But I spit back to spit, but my heart is shocked.

   slapped his mouth and said: "Why don't you say that your family makes a lot of money, this guy, really exciting!"


   I sighed, and I don't know whether he is sighing that Tang Chenggang is so rich and he is willing to let his son set up a street stall, or sighing that his child is unwilling.

   Anyway, I heard Tang Xiaoyi's ears very comfortable, very comfortable.

   came, "The main thing is that I am sensible and have nothing to do with Dad."

   caused Wu Xiaojian and Qi Lei to laugh. This is why Old Tang is gone. If he were here, he would be more fierce than the fight last night.

   Brother San didn't go home after ten o'clock, and his socks were also directly back home.

   has been exposed, then there is no need to toss the old man.

   In fact, at nine o'clock, Qi Lei called the old man and asked him to rest early without waiting for them.

   The old man is not happy when he hears it, "His mother, your father, father and son have been combined, don't you want me as an old man?"

   Fortunately, Qi Lei found that something was wrong, and quickly said that he would definitely go to see him every day in the future, which made the old man calm down.

   See my grandson is more sensible, much better than his father!


   When he got home, Qi Lei saw his three dads sitting in the small hall as soon as he entered the room, waiting for the semi-final kick-off while drinking wine.

   Guojun Qi saw him coming back, "Go and change your clothes first, and take a bath at your father Tang's house."

   In this era, you can’t take a bath if you live in a bungalow, you have to go to places like “public baths”.

   There is an electric water heater on the second floor of the Tang’s house, but I don’t use much.

   Northeastern people still like to take a bath, soak, wash, rub, and steam.

   Brother San took a shower, returned to Qi's house dryly, and sat on the bed as usual to settle accounts.

  The difference is that today there is no need to lock the door or draw the curtains, so it’s open.

   The three fathers stood at the door and watched. They looked better than anything else.

  Three little brothers until they all come together... they looked up, "Dad..."

   Qi Guojun grinned and beckoned to the three of them, "Come and eat some."

   "Hao Le!" Tang Yi and Wu Ning jumped over directly.

   Qi Lei also followed, and it seemed quite plentiful, all good dishes.

   Tang Xiaoyi didn't use a bowl, so he just grabbed it. An angry Tang Chenggang happily, "It's kind of human, take the bowls and chopsticks!"

   Tang Yi did not move the place, squatting in front of the coffee table and just stuffing his mouth, "No need!"

   Wu Ning pretended to be pitiful, "I haven't eaten dinner yet!"

   The three fathers stagnated, a little bit unbearable.

   Tang Chenggang pushed his chopsticks and bowl to Tang Yi, but he said, "Why don't you eat dinner every day? How about your health?"

   Qi Lei came back with three sets of bowls and chopsticks, "No! Isn't it raining today, there is nothing to eat."

   "Oh." Qi Guojun was relieved, "After that, don't go out when it rains."

   Before the three small children came back, the three fathers actually negotiated and forcibly suppressed Guo Lihua, Dong Xiuhua, and Cui Yumin's proposal not to let the children suffer this crime.

   In their words, there is no shortage of this money at home, what a picture.

   But the men opposed, and firmly supported my son to use the summer vacation to experience life.

   This is a good thing. If you end up with a bit of hardship, you will end up with a bit of hardship. How can boys not endure hardship?

   So when the three children came back, they didn't mention that they were tired or tired.

   It's just that it's raining and still going out, Qi Guojun feels that he still has to talk about it.

   "I earn money by myself, know what's going on, just know that it is not easy to make money, there is no need to be true."

   "That won't work!" Tang Yi stared as he ate, "We either don't do it, just do it!"

   "Cut!" Tang Chenggang knew that this kid was floating again, he had to suppress his arrogance, "Five yuan three pairs, what can you make?"

   Tang Yi sneered, but did not explain.

   you wait! Waiting for my brother to get the price negotiated will startle you.

   shook his head silently, how about being an entrepreneur? Did not see our advanced routine.

   Wu Ning is also holding this thought, scaring you guys!

   deliberately perfunctory, "We just sell it for fun, experience hard work, and don't expect to make money."

   "Okay!" Tang Chenggang was happy, grabbed his bag and counted three thousand dollars.

   "Just be angry with this, one thousand per person, as if your father Tang gave you a guarantee!"

   Seeing that Qi Guojun and Wu Lianshan were about to open their mouths, they immediately stared, "You two are not allowed to stop, this is what the child deserves!"

   Qi Guojun quit, "That doesn't have to be so much, and they can't make so much."

   However, the words are not finished yet, Tang Yi has already snatched the money and put it directly into Qi Lei's hand, "I will have money to buy tomorrow!"

   When the three dads listened, tsk tsk, this business allows you to do it, even the purchase money is gone?


   doesn't say anything, it's a good thing anyway, what matters is not making money, what matters is this process.

   Children can learn something from the process, which is more effective than their parents' saying a thousand or ten thousand sentences.


   ate dinner with the three dads, and tried to make it to three o'clock to watch the semi-finals, but Tang Yi and Wu Ning couldn't stand it. The tossing over the past two days is choking, and I'm not sleepy.

   Qi Lei didn't even bother to look at it. As a result, he knew that Brazil and France would definitely win.

   Tucao in his heart, but unfortunately there is no football lottery in this era. Is it not easy to make money?

   Watching the three brothers go to bed, the three fathers suddenly became quiet, feeling empty.

   Today, what they saw was not only the growth of the child, but also shame.

   Especially Qi Guojun.

   After a while, Qi Guojun suddenly spoke, "Old Tang, Old Wu, you help me advise me, can the grain depot's non-staple food factory pick it up?"

   Wu Lianshan was startled, "Did you figure it out?"

   Guojun Qi didn't want to spend his life in the grain depot anymore, so he planned to go out and do it alone.

   smiled and said: "It should have been out long ago!"

   Wu Lianshan was originally a grain depot, and it was the biggest financial resource.

   But because of the excessive oil and water, Wu Lianshan withdrew ten years ago.

   had no bottom, fearing that sooner or later he would not be able to resist the temptation to fall in.

   I have advised Qi Guojun more than once before, and he came out for a break while he was still young.

   I saw Qi Guojun sigh and tell the truth: "I have already had an idea. It's just that I have been steadfast for half my life, and it is not easy to make this determination."

   Tang Chenggang laughed, "What's wrong? Did your son excite me?"

   Qi Guojun didn't speak, he was tacitly acquiesced.

   Qi Lei really touched him today. His son is sensible, so he can't say that he will grow up overnight.

   However, it is the old man who made Qi Guojun make this determination!

   Is the old man just simply venting his anger to his grandson today? of course not! It is through the young ones educating the old.

   When the army was transferred to another job, Qi Haiting stopped him from entering the traffic bureau and told him to go out on his own if he had the ability.

   At that time, he, as the boss of the family, had no buffer and could not accept it at all, so he went to the musical instrument factory in a rage.

   and then laid off, doing temporary work. To be honest, it feels like punishing your parents with your own misfortune.

   For more than 20 years, this has always been the knot that Qi Guojun couldn't solve.

   But today, the old man slapped him in the face firmly. In other words, it was the old man and his son who slapped him together.

A 16-year-old child understands the truth, but he, a forty-six person, has not yet realized it. Qi Guojun feels Therefore, Qi Lei’s current performance is not only for his parents to see him. The change has inspired Qi Guojun's fighting spirit.

   The son is so good, he can't be counseled as a father!

   sighed: "That's why I asked you to advise, can the non-staple food factory do it?"

   Wu Lianshan thought carefully, and finally nodded, "Able! But you have to be prepared, not very good at doing it, it is difficult to make a lot of money! Moreover, the risk is not low!"

   Qi Guojun frowned, "How do you tell?"

   Wu Lianshan, "We all know about the non-staple food factory. It is the government's annual welfare list that has been supported until now, and it has been in a state of loss."

   "Otherwise, the head of the grain depot will not cruelly pack it out."

  Government agencies in the 1990s, as well as enterprises and institutions, including some private enterprises with good returns, all had the habit of providing in-kind benefits to employees during the New Year.

   Grain and oil, fish and meat are distributed during the New Year, Lantern Festival is distributed on Lantern Festival, and moon cakes are distributed on August 15th. Others, like Labor Day, National Day, etc., no matter how many kilograms of pastries have to be distributed, this is the case in the times.

   You can even use this comparison. You can judge which unit is a good one just by looking at the things sent by each unit, and finding a target has an advantage over other companies.

   And the non-staple food orders in these years are basically contracted and produced by the grain depot non-staple food factory, which is the input of the drought and flood protection.

   Wu Lianshan continued: "If you get it in our hands, the labor and processing costs are definitely much lower than that of the state-owned factory. Therefore, as long as you ensure that the government benefits are still in your hands, you will basically not lose money."

   Qi Guojun nodded and listened carefully.

   At this point, Wu Lianshan thought as he did. If there is no government welfare order, he would not dare to accept it.




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