Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Chapter 35: 1 step in place

   Coco Lee’s brain-filled thief is happy.

   glanced at Qi Lei who was guarding the door, and seeing that he was still okay, Coco Lee was more sure of his guess.

   Regarding this, Qi Lei just shrugged slightly and didn't take it seriously.

   "Wait for the call, I'll go to the kitchen and get some food."

   was talking, turned around and went out of the house, and went into the kitchen.

   Coco Lee watched Qi Lei go out, and said to her heart that she didn't eat at noon because of this bit of trouble! This Qi Lei was too insightful to see, and did not ask her.

   Okay, in fact, even if she asks, she can't eat it.

   After a while, the phone rang, and Tang Yi actually called back.

   Coco Lee picked it up immediately, "Hello? Tang Yi?"

   The phone is a bit noisy, like a restaurant.

   "How can I return the call?"

   only heard the thief smile on the phone, not Tang Yi, but Wu Ning.

  'S tone was very surprised: "Oh go, Sister Min? Why did you and Stone still have a fight? Did you dare to call us both on his phone? I'm not afraid that the whole Shangbei who passed you this big mouth knows it?"

   "Get out!" When it heard that Wu Xiaojian's broken mouth, there was nothing good to say.

   Coco Lee frowned, "Where are you? Come back quickly!"

  Wu Ning's side, "Where is Tongfu Hotel! We just finished ordering and haven't started yet! How about you come over?"

   immediately added another sentence, "Don't worry, Tang Yi and I are the only ones with no girl who is prettier than you."

   "Are you going to die?" Cocoon Lee smiled and cursed, screaming, "Is there any heart to eat? Something happened!"

   "What's the matter?" Wu Ning still didn't look right.

   "The stone kissed you too? Then Tang Yi and I are not a single meal. I have to eat for a month to make up for it."

   "Halo!" Coco Lee was speechless, why didn't any of the boys be more mature?

   "It's Zhou Lei's business! Don't you care?"

   On the other end of the phone was Wu Ning's ridicule, with the same tone, "What matters? What? Zhou Lei called the police? The police caught the stone?"

   "Oh! No!" Li Cowen was really anxious, Wu Ning was always like this.

   "I was found out by Erbaozi's gang. I have to help Zhou Lei. I may come to my house soon! Don't you know about this?"

   So, Cocoon Lee saw her at the school gate at noon and talked to Wu Ning.

   "I guess Er Baozi didn't talk about it, most of it wanted to make the whole money. What do you guys do? Don't care?"

   "If you don't care, don't come back that afternoon. I will also tell Qi Lei not to stay at home for a while."

   "If it is in charge, I can also help think of a way and find someone. Zhao Wei, have you heard of it? That's my brother. He can't let you suffer."

   Coco Lee said it very righteously, and she didn't look like Qi Lei was full of disgust.


   There was silence on the other end of the phone, but there was no point in joking.

   After a while, Wu Ning said coldly: "Give the phone to the stone!"

   Coco Lee became anxious when he heard it, "What's the use for him? He can't solve it!"

   Wu Ning's voice is still cold, "Good boy, let Stone answer the phone."

   Coco Lee couldn't help but went to the kitchen and called Qi Lei back.


   Wu Ning said with a disheveled head: "Did you rush to Erbaozi early in the morning?"

   The brothers know brothers best, and Wu Ning thinks that there are so many things.

   Qi Lei kissed and ran away, it was abnormal. If you tell him to go to play, he has to go home and wait. Obviously something is going on.

   Moreover, this reminds Wu Ning. Some time ago, Er Baozi asked about Tang Yi from the school, and the three brothers still remember it!

   Plus, there is something between Zhou Lei and Er Baozi, and the three brothers also know about it. Instinctively thought of this.

   Otherwise, it is difficult for Wu Ning to understand why the stone that has never thought about girls suddenly appeared like this.

   Qi Lei didn't explain this either. It would be better to think so, which saves trouble.

   Actually, it's really not because of the past, but the future.

   In response to Wu Xiaojian's question, he undeniably replied, "I think so!"

   Wu Ning: "Oh."

   Wu Ning understood, "Then what do you want to do?"

   Here, Qi Lei's eyes suddenly flashed a murderous look, "One step is in place."

   for a long time.

   "Understood, let's wait at home!"

   After Qi Lei hung up, Coco Lee rushed up.

   "What did Ningzi say?"

   She heard Qi Lei say three words, "Hey..." "That's it..." "One step!"

   is like not saying, I can't hear anything.

   I saw Qi Lei smile at her, and the smile was pretty pretty.

   "They will be back now."


   Not only did Coco Li not feel at ease, she sighed, and said to her heart that Ning Zi and Xiao Tang finally talked about their loyalty!

   But when are you the boss?

   Friends like this kind of ignorant and trouble-making friends will always be troublesome.

   Secretly made up his mind, but if I had a chance in the future, I would like to talk to Tang Yi and Wu Ning.

   is the same sentence, after all, it is not a circle.


   I really don't want to have too much intersection with Qi Lei in the kitchen, Coco Lee just sat in the living room for a while.

   It wasn't until the gate of the Qi family courtyard was knocked again that Coco Li had the illusion of liberation, "Xiao Tang and Ning Zi are back? It's pretty fast."

   Before Master Qi Lei left, he fled and rushed to open the door.

   It's a pity that she guessed wrong. Tang Yi and Wu Ning were not outside the courtyard, and certainly not Zhou Lei and Er Baozi who came to seek revenge.

   "You guys came for that too?"

   There are three big boys standing outside the courtyard. They are also acquaintances, and they are easy to guess.

   are Lu Xiaoshuai, Zhang Xinyu and Jiang Haiyang.

   Among them, Lu Xiaoshuai and Jiang Haiyang were in the canteen just now and witnessed everything.

   Zhang Xinyu also rushed over when he heard the news.

   And why they came, Coco Lee also knows very well.

  Lu Xiaoshuai's father is also financial, and is also a direct subordinate of Wu Ning's mother.

   If you use Coco Coco Lee’s criteria to evaluate, they are all insiders.

   is different from Cocoon Li when he gets a little letter and runs recklessly. Lu Xiaoshuai came with the exact news.

   "Just now, Er Baozi was already asking where Qi Lei lives. As soon as we heard the letter, we came over immediately."

   "Huh?" Cocoon Li was a little flustered, "He really came to look for it at home? Is Zhou Lei's relationship with him so strong?"

   Although it had been anticipated, Coco Coco Lee still felt a little unreal after hearing the exact news.

   To put it bluntly, even if the students at school pretend to be no matter how old they are, they have a natural fear of facing off-campus bastards.

   Besides, Tang Yi and Wu Ning have not returned yet!

   "What's the iron?" Lu Xiaoshuai tossed half of his hair, "I know this."

   In a posture that he knows everything, he started to "teaching" Cocoon Lee.

   "Actually, Brother Bao looks at Zhou Lei's good looks. He wanted to take Zhou Lei out to play several times, but Zhou Lei didn't dare to go. He usually hides when he sees him."

   "I've been to me once before, let me help you talk, don't pester her all the time. That time, Brother Bao also gave a lot of face, and I haven't looked for Zhou Lei since."

   "This time Qi Lei was really anxious, so he found Erbaozi to come forward."

   "And Brother Bao...speaking to the heart, he is very righteous! But there is no way to eat with this."

   "He is eyeing that Brother Tang's family is rich, and wants to make a fortune through Qi Lei's business. Otherwise, he won't necessarily care about this nosy."

   For Lu Xiaoshuai's words, Coco Li was deeply suspicious, "Come on, you! Erbao is still righteous? That's not a good person! Besides, Zhou Lei didn't find Erbao, and I saw them together at the school gate in the morning!"

   "Really?" Lu Xiaoshuai was a little embarrassed, "I really don't know."

   was introduced into the yard by Coco Li, and Lu Xiaoshuai swept around, only to find that it was strange with a guilty conscience, "Where are Brother Tang and Brother Ning? They..."

   "I'm going to the restaurant, I'll be back soon!"

   Coco Lee's words gave Lu Xiaoshuai a lot of peace of mind, he thought that those two people didn't care about Qi Lei, then he would come in vain.

   relaxed and smiled, "That's good!"

   At this time, Qi Lei was watching from the side, a little speechless.

   I didn't want to interrupt, but after another thought, he said: "Or, you go back first, we can handle this by ourselves."

   immediately attracted Li Wenwen's unkind look, "What's the matter with you? Don't Xiao Tang and Ningzi help you deal with it!?"


   It seems to be my business, right? How did I make me feel like an outsider?

   And Zhang Xinyu took out a packet of Soft Red River, sprinkled Lu Xiaoshuai and Jiang Chunyang around, and then complained to Qi Lei, who had a pale face.

   "I said stone, this time you are doing this thing too badly. We don't stand up at all to get things done, and it's not easy to get things done."

   "Yes." Jiang Haiyang lit a cigarette and echoed.

   "This is a hooligan, do you know? Even if it makes trouble at the police station, it doesn't make sense at all."

   "Why don't you have a heart? Everyone who gets you will follow you to eat melons."

   "It's okay." Lu Xiaoshuai suppressed the preaching of the two people, frowning, with an old face, "Everything has happened, what's the use of talking about it?"

   looked at Qi Lei, "Xinyu and Haiyang's words are a bit heavy, don't care, they are all friends."

   "Don't be afraid, don't we all come here? I must not let them do anything to you."

   "However, the words are rough and not rough. A friend can take care of you once, but can't take care of you every day, so you really have to pay attention to it in the future!"



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