Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Chapter 31: Let him pretend again

   But Old Liu ignored him and shouted to the class, "Assemble on the playground, take a graduation photo, and get out of here!"

After    finished speaking, he also packed up the podium and walked out the door.

   walked to the door, stopped and turned around again, "That's right..." facing the class, frowned, "Which one of you writes "My Dad" in the composition for the high school entrance examination?"

   After all the students denied the answer, Liu Zhuofu seemed to be relieved, "It's okay, let's take a picture!"


   Graduation photos were taken on the basketball court. When Class 5 went out, other classes were already taking photos.

   As soon as he got out of the building, Qi Lei was overtaken by a few classmates who were close to him, pinched his neck so as to be ravaged, "You are so bad that you are getting worse and worse!"

   Besides, there was a lot of commotion over the basketball court.

   After asking, I found out that when the second class took a photo, the two great men of their class, Tang Yi and Wu Ning, hugged each other.

   At this time, the second class is getting off the table.

  As soon as Class 5 came out, Tang Xiaoyi and Wu Xiaojian immediately bombed the camp, "Where is Qi Lei!? Where is Qi Lei!?"

   "Grandson, come out to me! Tell you, we can afford to lose!"

   Qi Lei put his hands in his trouser pockets, and came over slowly.

   looked up at the two people on the stage, grinning, "How did I hear...just a hug? Doesn't it count if you don't kiss?"




   The classmates in Class 2, Class 3, Class 4, and Class 5 were all there, and they were all shocked immediately.

what's going on? What about the "pro" link?

   looked at Tang Yi and Wu Ning together.

   The two brothers turned red after brushing their faces, they were crazy!

   Finally, Wu Xiaojian couldn't stand it anymore, and begged, "Brother Stone, you are enough! Are you really kissing?"

   Qi Lei smiled without saying a word, "What do you mean? Would you like to bet!"

   Tang Yi and Wu Ning looked at each other, and they were very spicy.

   I don't want to be okay, right? OK! Don't be good to anyone!

   The two brothers exchanged glances, rushed up, and hugged Qi Lei firmly.

   Then, two big chrysanthemum-like lips rushed to Qi Lei's left and right cheeks and pressed them up.

   Frightened Qi Lei, "Wrong! Admit it!!"

   Then they let go, "Small, can't heal you?"

   caused a lot of teachers and students to laugh and play.

   There is no way, young people have to be presumptuous.

   The two brothers convinced Qi Lei, and the sense of accomplishment was overwhelming. He turned around and waved his hand from his back, "The commissary is waiting for you, hurry up!"

   Left behind speechless Qi Lei and a burst of laughter.


   When taking graduation photos, Qi Lei stood in the corner of the last row.

  , he is taller;

  Secondly, it is the same in all ages, and scumbags have no human rights.

With a few clicks of the shutter, the third year of the junior high school is completely over.

   The teachers got up first, Liu Zhuofu looked back and took a deep look at his third and fifth grade, and he said, "Okay, let's all go, this time I really graduated!"

   After finishing speaking, he prepared to leave with a few teachers.


   Qi Lei suddenly called Liu Zhuofu loudly, and also stopped the teachers who were about to leave.

   Under the suspicion of everyone, Qi Lei in the corner suddenly bowed solemnly and shouted:

"goodbye teacher!"

   The classmates didn't react at first, and then realized that the third grade was over!

   Instinctively follow Qi Lei's footsteps and bow! Scream loudly, "Old teacher, goodbye, see you!"

   The immature smiling faces are extremely sunny, just like every class, but some girls are still red eyes.

   Liu Zhuofu looked at the top of the heads of the classmates, and his eyes suddenly became red.

   Luo Yan, who has always been emotional, covered her mouth, and even the algebra teacher who never smiled became serious.

  The sixth class teacher pointed to a group of **** behind him, and yelled, "Look at people? A group of little conscience! Pampered you for three years!"

   As for the girls in other classes, they looked at Qi Lei who was the first to bend down. To be honest, why didn't you find out before, Class 5 Qi Lei is pretty handsome...

   Unfortunately, I missed it.

   Finally, Liu Zhuofu came back to his senses, showing the kindest smile in three years...

  . "get out of class end!"

  In the distance, Tang Xiaoyi and Wu Xiaojian, who had already walked far away, looked bitterly at the basketball court.

   "嚓! Let him pretend again!"

   So angry.

   Liu Zhuofu, who returned to the office, couldn't calm down for a long time. This is his first third year, and it must be the most memorable one, and it may also be the last one.

   Thinking of that **** boy Qi Lei, he actually called him Lao Liu, and he was so formalistic, he couldn't help but laugh and shook his head secretly.

   The English teacher Luo Yan who was sitting on the spot also sighed at this time: "That kid Qi Lei is pretty good, I really haven't noticed it before."

   said to Lao Liu: "This time the only full score composition in the Harbin area is him? Quite unexpected!"

   This is not without boasting, because there are not many people who still get full marks in English this year.

   When the other teachers heard it, they also leaned in.

Some even congratulated Liu Guofu, "Xiao Liu was lucky this time. Your grades in the middle school entrance examination are good. If you have that composition as the icing on the cake. !"

   Liu Zhuofu didn't answer the question about this, and he certainly hoped so.

   After all, whether he takes the third grade graduating class or teaches in high school, it is a good thing for him.

   humbly said: "I have only been in the second middle school for a few years, and the experience is not enough."

   Everyone had different expressions when they heard the words, so they stopped mentioning them.

   In fact, teachers also have a competitive relationship, especially in the second middle school, which is a key middle school that has both middle and high schools.

   There is a competition mechanism in the school, and every year the junior high school teachers have a competition.

   Outstanding performance in various aspects such as academic qualifications and teaching level can be promoted to high school.

  In terms of income alone, there is a big gap.

   Several capable teachers, which one does not want to go up?

  Some people are happy for Liu Zhuofu, while others just feel it in their hearts.

   Lucky shit, he actually encountered a perfect score composition, and it was not a normal perfect score composition.

   Since the beginning of summer this year, the country has repeatedly warned the society through the media that this summer may have a major flood that has not been seen in a century, including the Songhua River in Longjiang Province.

   In mid-June, Dongting Lake and other places in the Yangtze River basin rained continuously, and the water level continued to rise.

  Although the real flood peak has not yet arrived, it is almost foreseeable. The flood is inevitable, and the flood-fighting troops in various places are already holding the line of defense.

   The media also focused on this and vigorously promoted the fight against floods.

   Against such a background, Qi Lei’s "My Motherland" can be said to be in the middle of the game and meet the occasion.

   This is not just a matter of writing good essays, but a hot news, natural propaganda material.

   Therefore, this is how the Harbin area has not given full marks for several years.

   It is said that it was the vice principal in charge of scoring the papers of the experimental high school and the board of directors of the Education Bureau together, giving full marks.

   Moreover, the scoring work was not finished yet, so I sent it to the Provincial Education Bureau.

   The provincial government also attaches great importance to it. Not only is it published in the Youth Daily, but there may also be actions on the provincial side.

   Liu Zhuofu, this is the light of the students, and he has made it to the sky in one step.

   Otherwise, relying on his only three years of work to take a step forward so soon? Dreaming?

   Luo Yan didn't care much about this.

  She was also very happy when she mentioned Qi Lei.

   "Qi Lei's English score is also good this time, I don't think that kid will not be able to pass the exam in liberal arts in the future."

   As soon as he said this, the algebra teacher who was worried about nowhere to vent became angry, "Get out of the exam? I think he has nothing to do! Nothing!"

  Very depraved, "he dare to give me 50 points in the math test!?"

   Well, the algebra teacher is very resentful, as if Qi Lei didn't learn well, but he didn't teach it.

   "You waited for him to go to high school, let's see how I clean up him!"

   Liu Zhuofu heard that, instead of speaking for Qi Lei, he nodded in agreement.

   "That child should be well managed and shut down. It is a good seed."

   is no longer humble, and Luo Yan, and algebra teacher Zhang Luo said: "I communicated with Qi Lei's mother, he must be in the second middle school. At that time, no matter who is assigned to us, we will have more snacks."

   When the other teachers heard, they disappeared silently.

   can't talk anymore.

   These three people are no longer the same with them.

   Luo Yan's family relationship is tough, she should have entered the high school last year, but she was reluctant to take the class, so it dragged on for a year.

   Liu Zhuofu needless to say.

  Algebra teacher, veteran, is also upbeat this year, the city teachers also performed well in the assessment, and I will definitely enter the high school this year.

   Do these three really care about Qi Lei, or are they irritating here through Qi Lei?




   Thank you [Yanke Shifang] for the support of the leader, really...

   In this way, Cangshan can't be counseled...

   Eight points plus more, (two chapters of the leader).


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