Sunset dusk.

This defense battle belonging to the wolf pack is officially over.

Su Ming bit the back of the snow leopard's neck and dragged the other's already stiff corpse towards the front.

The rest of the members also cleaned up the battlefield or took care of the wounded members.

The second brother, who was hit above the tree trunk earlier, has stood up again, but looking at his staggering appearance, it seems that the injury is not serious.

As for Ruo Ye, who fell into a coma a long time ago, with the help of the wolf mother, he recovered smoothly.

Its condition is also not very good, there are some scratches on one side of the body, and it is also hit by the attack of the muscle lynx.

After this battle, the wolves harvested a total of five lynx and one snow leopard, which can only be said to be okay.

The price paid was that three members were injured, and two of them were seriously injured.

If there is a choice, the wolves will definitely not fight them, which is not worth it at all.

The six members, each wolf picking up a prey, walked towards the cave.

As for the most injured fallen leaves, since they cannot bear the weight of the prey, they only need to follow the speed of travel.

It is not far from the cave itself, so the wolves return very quickly.

When they walked into the wolf's den, they saw the wolf father standing upright in the center.

The opponent maintained a fighting stance and seemed to be ready to fight the enemy to the death and protect the little wolves behind him.

Fortunately, it was Su Ming and other wolves who came back.

After seeing the members of the wolf pack who had returned smoothly, the wolf father, who was still in a state of vigilance, breathed a sigh of relief.

Especially when several wolves were holding the bodies of the lynx and snow leopard, the wolf father knew that they had defeated each other.

It turned and returned to the position at the entrance of the cave, sat down silently, and closed its eyes to rest.

To be honest, the state of vigilance just now consumed a lot of its physical strength. Now that the clan has returned, it will be the wounded again and continue to rest well.

The wolves put down their prey and went about their own business.

The mother wolf went to discuss the battle just now with the father wolf, the second brother and Su Hui continued to silently guard the entrance of the cave, and the three wounded went to find a spare white thatch to heal their injuries.

Only Su Ming, a wolf, was staring blankly at the body of the snow leopard, bowing his head and thinking about something.

Just now, when it bit the snow leopard, it clearly felt something special in its abdomen.

This is different from the organs and tissues in its body. This item is very hard, and as the snow leopard's death time increases, it begins to emit light.

It's a pity that it's not time to eat, so it's not easy for him to destroy the food in front of the two alpha wolves.

After thinking for a while, Su Ming went to the location of the two alpha wolves and reported the matter to them.

Coinciding with the discussion between the wolf father and the wolf mother, the two wolves were marveling at the strength of their third son, who could suppress the snow leopard.

And Su Ming, who was behind him, also came to tell the discovery of the snow leopard's abdomen.

After listening to Su Ming's report, the two wolves looked at each other, and finally the wolf father nodded slightly, allowing Su Ming to put aside the other's abdomen in advance.

They are also quite curious as to what kind of objects are hidden inside the abdominal cavity of this snow leopard.

The three wolves walked in front of the body of the snow leopard, and this behavior also attracted the attention of other members of the wolf pack.

They watched the actions of Su Ming and other wolves, and did not understand what the wolves wanted to do.

I saw Su Ming leaned down and bit the frozen abdomen of the snow leopard with the fangs in his mouth.

Some internal organs and ice-shaped blood can't wait to flow out, but fortunately it's not too much.

Su Ming endured the temptation of the meat, repeatedly rummaging in the other's stomach, and finally took out a diamond-shaped object with blood.

Under the wrap of blood, it emits a scarlet light as a whole, which is extremely dazzling.

Su Ming hurriedly took the diamond-shaped object,

After repeatedly wiping the snow leopard's fur, it finally revealed its original color.

The pale white crystal-like object has a small diamond shape as a whole, and it also emits a slight light.

This can't help but remind Su Ming of the core of the ancient tree. Except that the object in front of him is slightly smaller, it is almost the same as the core of the ancient tree.

Could it be that not only ancient trees, but actually all elite creatures have similar objects in their bodies.

The more he thought about it, the more Su Ming affirmed this idea.

Not only because the two are almost identical, but also because the core of the snow leopard is a little smaller than the core of the ancient tree.

This does not correspond to the strength gap between the snow leopard and the ancient tree, because the more powerful the ancient tree, all the condensed cores will be larger.

On the other hand, the Snow Leopard is barely able to reach the elite level, and its core will shrink slightly if it does so.

So the question is, how to use this core?

There is no solution for Su Ming.

As mentioned earlier, he has tried, gnawed, absorbed, and other ways to test the usage of the core.

But without exception, all have not obtained the corresponding effect.

Su Ming only hopes that in the next evolution, the panel can be improved again, helping him better understand what the object in front of him is and how to use it.

Without thinking for a long time, Su Ming handed over the core of the snow leopard on the front paws to the wolf mother and wolf father to watch.

The two wolves took the item and looked at it carefully. The rest of the gray wolves who were still healthy also gathered around.

Even the little wolf cubs are no exception.

Some daring little guys even wanted to play with the core of the snow leopard with their claws, but were stopped by the wolf mother with her eyes.

After fiddling around for a long time, the wolf father reluctantly asked Su Ming how to use this thing, but he got an answer from his son who shook his head.

In desperation, it had to plan it in the category of trophies, and let its son put it on the fence.

The wolf father thought that this item could make up for the loss of the wolf pack, but in the end, it seemed that it was of little use.

Today's battle has left the wolves a little green and yellow. The injured members of the previous batch have not fully recovered, and three more injured members have arrived, including the eldest son and the second son who should have recovered.

Now, there are only the gray wolves left, the wolf mother, Su Ming, Su Hui, and Su Yi.

Fortunately, the lynx that threatened the wolves from the outside has been resolved, so there is time for the wounded to recuperate.

After the few wolves left, the wolf father left Su Ming alone, ready to discuss with him the distribution of members who went out in the future.

Now, two problems are placed in front of the wolves.

First, after the elder brother is injured, who will be responsible for the collection of Imperatae.

Be aware that the current stockpile is almost exhausted, especially with three more wounded.

Second, which members are responsible for the hunting food. Previously, the mother wolf, the leaves, and the big brother three wolves could supplement the loss of food.

Now, when two of them were also injured, they had to think about the return of the hunting team.

Su Ming thought for a while and gave the answer that Father Wolf wanted.

Above, he, Su Hui, and Su Yi took care of the two questions.

In the morning, the three wolves can return while exercising while collecting rhizomes.

In the afternoon, Su Ming waited for the wolf, and then went to a distant area to find a hunting location and prey.

As for the original task of patrolling the territory, the mother wolf was still left to perform it.

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