Rebirth In Hollywood

Chapter 726 Sparta does not need tenderness

Even at the end of the fiercely contested summer season, the advertisements and trailers of "Three Hundred Spartans" still attracted the attention of a considerable number of fans.

"I like the slow motion scenes in the trailer the most, like the scene where the Spartan King Leonidas bloody slays a bunch of hapless and ugly Persians."

This is a promotional video on the front page of yutube, in which the young man being interviewed is obviously affected by the constant smearing of the media, "I know the film is deliberately slowed down, but in this scene of a desperate fight, let the evil Persian It's really cool and refreshing to spray blood as much as you want."

There are not a few people who hold the same opinion, and another young fan also talked about it in the video, "Cool and slow motion, in my opinion, is complete, complete, instinctive destruction. With splashing The blood, the sword fighting part is very attractive.

"My favorite scene in the trailer is when Leonidas slaps an evil Persian warrior with his shield, it's like slaps a fly away, wow, think what a shock that is! "

At the end of the video, Nicole, who has not appeared publicly for a long time, also came out to sing praises for the film she invested in, "If there is no diverse visual innovation of director Zack Snyder, if only normal visual speed is used, the continuous bleeding will make the film go out. The audience is aesthetically fatigued, and this carefully arranged slow-motion sequence will keep the eyeball fresh, and "Three Hundred Spartans" is a movie with the ultimate in audio-visual special effects."

In the continuous publicity and hype, the film held a huge premiere at the Chinese Theater in Hollywood in late July.

The most attractive at the premiere was undoubtedly the collective appearance of more than a dozen super sports men led by Gerald Butler and Michael Fassbender. Although they did not wear the iconic red cape and trousers, they When walking on the red carpet, it caused constant screams from the female fans at the scene.

Of course, as a propaganda boo, a team of Persian 'undead legion' warriors wearing silver masks. With a team of Spartan warriors in helmets and armor, they walked straight to the red carpet and stood on both sides with neat steps.

The heroic and strong stand face to face with the mysterious evil, murdering countless films of journalists.

Holding Nicole on the red carpet, Ryan just waved to both sides and walked quickly towards the theater. Nicole, who has disappeared from the public eye for a long time, is not like other Hollywood actresses who will be treated coldly by the media. where she appeared. It is almost always one of the focal points of the media.

Even if it is not a top actress in Hollywood, who can ignore a fashionable and beautiful top female billionaire.

After nearly a month of planned exercise, Nicole's figure has basically recovered. Ryan accompanied her into the interview area and consciously stepped aside. The microphone of the TV station and the Disney-Ryan online channel,

It was handed to Nicole in an instant.

Despite the rumors circulating in Hollywood, Disney reporters wouldn't be foolish enough to ask their own company's directors such a question.

"Miss Kidman, this is your first public appearance in nearly a year, right?"

"Yes. I took a long vacation."

Even though I wanted to say something else in my heart, after Nicole's eyes floated over Ryan's face, she still said, "I have been working for a long time. It made me feel a lot of pressure, so I took a break for a while."

"You are the producer and main investor of "Spartan Three Hundred Warriors". May I ask if you will turn to the backstage in the future."

"Investing in and making films is a job I love."

This kind of question is not difficult for Nicole, "Of course. I will continue my acting career, provided that I meet the right role."

"It was reported in the Middle East Online that Leonidas and the Spartans were not heroes. They were just fascists in another sense. Excuse me, Miss Kidman, what do you think about this?"

"As we all know, the earliest democracy originated in ancient Greece and ancient Rome." Nicole has already done her homework for this agreed-upon question, "Leonidas and Spartans resisted tyrants in order to maintain freedom, they The heroic battle at Thermopylae bought time for the gathering of the Greek coalition and thus protected the germs of democracy, who fought for freedom and democracy, and nearly 2,500 years have passed, and countless historians and writers have regarded them as Hero, I think it's more convincing than some people's quibble."

As for those historians and writers who are all Westerners, they were automatically ignored by Nicole and all the reporters.

After answering a few more questions, Nicole pulled Ryan and walked into the Hollywood Chinese Theater.

Before the two walked into the screening hall, they saw the main creative staff who had walked into the theater one after another after the group photo. Among them, Zach Snyder, the director, took a few steps and caught up.

"Hi, Zach."

Facing the other party's warm greeting, Ryan shook his extended hand, and Zach Snyder said very seriously, "Mr. Jenkins, thank you for recommending me to direct this film."

"It turns out you did a good job." Ryan tapped him on the shoulder.

The other party obviously came to find Nicole, and then said while walking, "Miss Kidman, I heard some news that the Iranian government and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad are likely to issue an official announcement on "Spartan Three Hundred Warriors" in the near future. Protest, I'm a little worried..."

"Zach, just take care of the publicity." Nicole didn't lift her eyes. "Let us handle this kind of thing."


Zach Snyder seems to be afraid of affecting his reputation. Now that he has Nicole's assurance, he will leave immediately. He is very clear that the two people next to him have won the public opinion war with the Iranian government.

"That's really good news."

Entering the screening hall, which was replaced with a giant screen, Ryan held Nicole in his arms and dealt with some of the people who greeted him, and then sat in the seat behind the crew, "I have seen the hope that the movie will be a big hit."

"Don't forget..." Nicole reminded him seriously, "The other party is a country."

"What can they do with us?" Ryan shrugged indifferently.

Having said that, he has asked Disney and all affiliated companies to strengthen security measures, including the Internet.

Since "Argo", the Iranian government, which took the lead in launching map cannons, can be regarded as the public enemy of Hollywood. In recent years, Walt Disney and several other major media groups have been implementing the strategy of splashing black water and starting from teenagers. In some obscure way, the idea that Iran is the source of evil in the world is instilled in the United States and the entire Western world.

"Three Hundred Spartans" is just an extension of this propaganda strategy on the film.

Of course, anti-dictatorship and anti-tyranny have always been the main theme of the entire Western society. Not to mention the special effects of the film, the theme alone is in line with the taste of the mainstream market.

Although this film has many unique and innovative points in its technique, it has inherited the consistent tradition of mainstream Hollywood films in terms of concept, with clear black and white, and a clear distinction between good and evil.

In Ryan's eyes, the image of the Persians is far more ugly and evil than the previous life. Xerxes I is full of piercings and hanging rings. No matter how you look at it, it does not look like a monarch of a country, but a New York gay man. The weirdest-dressed modern hippies in the bar.

In addition, there are close-up Persian soldiers and generals. The image is even more perverted than the perverted characters in traditional American horror films. Hollywood is in this way, conveying to the whole world, such as Persians, who are evil and perverted in appearance A person must be tyrannical and cruel in his heart.

The eyes are still shifted to the movie itself, to use the words of the mainstream media in North America - this is a classic battle that took place 2,500 years ago, this is a visual feast of swords and shadows, and it is also called the most anticipated epic in 2006. Blockbuster.

The reason why this movie is attractive, apart from the social factors other than the movie, is mostly due to its suffocating image charm. The CG composite image quality created by the extreme application of blue-green technology has a charm beyond reality. .

Among them, dark and warm tones, splashing blood droplets, and tumbling soil are all repeatedly expressed, and the frozen scene of the camera is constantly appearing between the fast and slow switching of the rhythm, which can easily mobilize the audience's emotions, which almost blends all the existing performance images. The way of tension can also make the audience watch it with great interest.

"Three Hundred Spartans" is based on a comic, so it must be faithful to the story expressed in the original comic, rather than the records in the history books. Perhaps audiences familiar with history can find the discrepancy, but there is a slight difference in it. The magic content involved is to better attract the audience and increase the selling point of the film.

Among them, there are also those tall and strong men with eight-pack abs and dazzling Hercules when they run. Whenever the close-up shots are given to these men, there will be screams from the female audience from time to time... …

As an epic film, of course, intense war scenes are indispensable.

In the many attacks that the Spartans repulsed, the tragicness of the Persians cannot be described in words. The three hundred people were almost portrayed by the film as God of War figures. Dealing with ordinary enemies is like chopping melons and vegetables. , In the bloody battle, the Spartan warriors regarded death as home until the last drop of blood was shed.

It's a film that's largely devoid of tenderness, with broad shoulders, bulging biceps, and drunken bodies all over the screen.

In other words, "Three Hundred Spartans" doesn't need tenderness, all it takes here is strength and perseverance.

The characteristics of the film are very prominent, and the shortcomings are also obvious.

Because they are so attracted by the picture and rhythm, most audiences are hard to be impressed by the characters and their characters after watching it. Even the character of the protagonist Leonardo is probably no better than that of Jera. De Butler's exaggerated muscles left the audience even more impressive.

The performance in this film can only leave an extremely faded mark. (To be continued..) u ()

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