Rebirth In Hollywood

Chapter 644 Thinking from the perspective of Iran?

Nearly half an hour has passed since the plane was supposed to take off. The passenger plane has no intention of taking off. Even if he is as calm as Tony, his hands trembled slightly subconsciously, but he still kept his face calm, turning his head to face the back from time to time. The people nodded slightly, signaling them to keep calm. If you like to play and watch, come to Lewen. lw0.

This state has been going on for too long. If it continues, even Tony can't guarantee that the six people who have been terrified for so many days will make unexpected actions.

But he still tried his best to inspire their confidence through various small actions. He promised to take them out, and he would do his best to accompany them to the end, even if...

At a critical moment, there was good news on the broadcast - the plane was just a little faulty, and now it has been successfully lifted, and it will take off soon.

The six people let out a long sigh of relief and lay on their backs on their backs. Tony also let out a sigh of relief, but did not relax. As long as the plane did not leave Iran, any accident could happen.

The screen shifted to the airport control tower. The flight from Switzerland was scheduled to take off in the second place. It only took a short time for Tony and his party to leave this cage-like country and fly into the free sky.

Things can never go smoothly, and even if the real events go well, the movie makes the process full of twists and turns and dangers.

The Iranians spelled out an image, it was Robert Downey Jr.'s head, they immediately discovered the true identity of the pedestrian, rushed to the Canadian Embassy with the fastest speed, but found that the building was empty.

Not only are their goals gone. The Canadian ambassador and his entourage also disappeared, leaving them only the rubbish all over the floor.

Don't think about it. The Islamic Guard leader could also guess that they had gone to the airport. When I wanted to make a call, I found that the embassy's phone had been damaged, so I had to look around. After wasting my life, I finally called the Islamic Guards stationed at the airport.

The soldiers in the airport duty room rushed to report. The leader who had verified the identities of Tony and the others was furious. His subordinates told him that the plane had not taken off due to a malfunction. He immediately called to notify the control tower, but found that the phone could not be reached.

The Islamic Guard is divided into two groups. All the way to the control tower, the other way to the passenger plane that has entered the runway.

Tony seemed to feel something. He looked out the window and could only see the wide wings and the runway that moved backwards. Apart from that, he couldn't see anything else...

Well... and the blue sky outside the high-speed rail fence of the airport, the sun slowly climbed out of the cover of the dark clouds,

The sun shines through. The bright one is extraordinarily dazzling.

The plane was moving, about to burst into the sky, and the six people behind held their breath, the long-awaited freedom beckoning to them.

The picture stretches into the distance. In the panoramic picture of the runway, the off-road jeeps of the Islamic Guards are running wildly on the runway, but the speed of the car can catch up with the speed of the plane when it takes off. They are like fools chasing the sun. The Boeing airliner soared into the sky.

What? Shoot a gun or have an rpg?

Before the movie, it was explained that most of the members of the Islamic Guard who followed Khomeini had a background of higher education. If a plane belonging to Switzerland or full of international passengers was really destroyed, what would be the consequences? ?

I'm afraid the federal government wants to see this scene the most.

"The wheel is off the ground!"

In the CIA, many people are anxiously waiting.

On the plane, the flight attendant's announcement finally sounded, "Ladies and gentlemen, we have left Iranian airspace, and now we can drink alcoholic beverages."

The six people hugged each other, and their faces were full of joy after the catastrophe. Even Tony, who had always been calm, showed a faint smile after going through such a tortuous process.

The CIA staff were celebrating, and the audience, who had been suppressed by the tension for so long, finally broke out as Lister and John Burns ecstatically shouted 'Saved them'.

When the trapped people cried with joy because they were rescued on the plane, their thrilling appeal transcended the difference between the screen and reality, and moved all the audience.

There was warm applause from the audience, the applause lasted for a long time, and their passion was also vented heartily with the celebration of the movie characters.

The agent in the film doesn't know how to fly, doesn't have clever skills, and doesn't know how to explode. He looks like an ordinary person, but it's such an ordinary character like his neighbor, like a passerby, but more immersive. Feeling, they accompanied Tony Mendez, experienced a movie within a movie, experienced an incredible rescue, and experienced an ups and downs and exciting journey.

The movie is not over yet, and most of the people who participated in the action gave a good explanation.

For example, the Iranian housekeeper successfully entered Iraq through the border checkpoint and escaped from Iran; for example, Ken Taylor, all the credit goes to him and the Canadian government, and he won a special award from the federal government; for example Those six people also won the honor of their own.

In order not to affect the hostages in the embassy, ​​the CIA could only seal the matter. Tony Mendez won the highest 'Intelligence Star' award from the intelligence service, but he couldn't even notify his family members, and he had to return it immediately after the award. Going back, only by waiting until the day when the incident is deciphered, can you really get your honor back.

Fortunately, he only waited for more than ten years and did not wait until he died.

Of course a hero must have his own home, so in the end he came home, kissed his wife, hugged his son, as if these were all he belonged to...

The picture was finally fixed on an illustration of "Argo", and the rescue movie came to an end.

There was warm applause in the theater again. Although the ending of the movie was as expected and the success of the rescue was also the result they had known for a long time, the ups and downs and the rendering of the tense atmosphere were continuously spread out and did not give people anything. A chance to relax, all in one go and culminate in a climax.

"Congratulations, Ryan."

The applause gradually faded, and Gerald first sent his congratulations, and then more people gathered around.

George Clooney became another focus of attention in the audience. Quite a few people gathered around this newcomer in the director industry, and there were also a lot of praise.

After the film, there is an essential press conference.

"Although the film only restores an incident of saving the hostages, the 'reenactment' is its preciousness."

Facing the reporter's inquiry about the theme of the film, Ryan spoke into the microphone, "because it faithfully reflects that chaotic era and a bizarre Middle East past, the violent and crazy Islamic revolution, the hysterical Islamic Guard, and the helpless White House. , and the fantastic CIA, and the Hollywood that lends a helping hand at a critical moment!"

In fact, having said that, this is a typical refractor of American values.

The righteous actions of Hollywood filmmakers have made this 'movie within a movie'. The hero's courage and responsibility make him a savior-like hero, and the courage of his boss makes this 'the best bad idea' at a critical moment. Turning into a successful reality, these factors combine to produce a wonderful chemical reaction, which will make people feel an inspiring positive energy.

The White House's decision-making at critical moments is decisive and quick, the CIA is not as cold as it seems, and Hollywood is not as utilitarian as imagined. Although the background of the film is dark and depressing, it fills people's hearts with warmth. The lives of six citizens turned out to be so important. , to a certain extent, it has created a good national image for the United States.

Of course, this is the content of the movie, as for the real situation, who cares?

As long as North American audiences like it, and as long as Americans are willing to pay for tickets, Hollywood will make such movies that meet the mainstream tastes of the market.

Later, Ryan resumed his silence. With his current status, he did not need to be in the limelight on this occasion. Instead, it was George Clooney and a group of actors who needed to promote themselves in the face of the media and increase their chances of exposure.

However, the question of a reporter with an obvious Middle Eastern appearance aroused laughter and numerous contemptuous glances from the audience.

He asked George Clooney, "Since it is a documentary film, why does Argonaut interpret the Iranian hostage incident from a relatively fair perspective without considering Iran's position?"

Such a question is really funny, and neither George Clooney nor the other cast members have any intention of answering.

Ryan couldn't help but look at the reporter, who was obviously a newcomer and probably believed in Islam. He obviously forgot that the place he was standing was North America, the United States of America.

A typical American theme movie will consider the feelings of the Iranians, and will it consider issues from the standpoint of the Iranians?

Don't forget that the Iranian nuclear issue has always existed. In the eyes of Americans, it belongs to the category of evil countries, just like North Korea.

In fact, in Hollywood movies, Middle East-themed films have long formed an inherent mechanism. The works must use the aesthetic taste and appreciation of the mainstream American society as the only mechanism, and must conform to the unique 'Middle East theme' in the American context and conform to the federal The 'Middle East image' created by the government and the media should also conform to the world view and values ​​in the minds of the American people.

People in Hollywood are not fools, and Ryan is not. Even if his head is flooded, he will not invest tens of millions of dollars to make a movie that reflects the correct position of the Iranians, not to mention that the investment of tens of millions will After all, such a movie will definitely cause an uproar in public opinion after it is released.

This is funny in itself. After all, Hollywood is the Hollywood of the United States. How can it consider issues from the standpoint of other countries? Even if this happens occasionally, hidden behind the scenes is still the indelible Great Americanism .

As for what kind of voice will be made in Iran after the release of "Argo", is it important to him?

Even if the Iranian government sued him to the International Court of Justice in The Hague, Ryan would not care. (To be continued. (lw0.)) ()

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