"It's unbelievable, I'm so honored, moved and relieved that the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and members of the academy who have supported us in the past have endorsed this fantasy film this year, fantasy is a word that starts with an 'f', hopefully 5 seconds The delay won't handle it."

As the last person to give a speech, Ryan continued to say after the laughter and applause off the stage, "Fantasy is also one of our most valuable assets, because fantasy has the idea of ​​a great movie, and fantasy makes us We will never be satisfied, the crew will never be 100% satisfied during filming and post-production, we are always pursuing 110%.”

His hand slid over every cast and crew behind him, "It is because of this group of people full of fantasy that the great success of "The Lord of the Rings" is made, and they are the people I want to thank! In addition, also A big thank you to the people and government of New Zealand, the City Council and everyone who helped us!"

Turning his head, Ryan looked at Billy Christo, who was standing on the side. "Billy seems to like the scenery in New Zealand. I think New Zealand must welcome Billy to shoot a movie there, any time."

"Very welcome!" Peter Jackson, a standard New Zealander, said as he leaned over to the microphone.

"Finally..." Ryan showed a self-deprecating smile, "I'm not as upright and kind as Stephen said, but this is a country of freedom and equality. The founding fathers once said that human rights are born, all people are created equal, we Those racists should not be tolerated!"

Now that the whole Hollywood has gone to war on Mel Gibson, Ryan doesn't mind adding another fire. After saying this, he looks back at the entire crew and says, "It's time to celebrate!"

It's time to celebrate, and after the routine group photo session, the crew moved to the top floor of the Hollywood \u0026 Highland Hotel, and the party had just begun.

"Nothing to regret." Scarlett Johansson said to Nicole. "You and Ryan both said that my chances of winning are too small."

Taking the tray handed over by the waiter, Ryan distributed the tender lamb chops to everyone's plate. There were only Nicole, Scarlett Johansson and Kristen Stewart on the table.

Kristen Stewart won the golden statuette for the best picture and deliberately posed in front of Scarlett, "It's just titanium alloy wrapped in gold paint, right, Scarlett."

"Christian, with your acting skills..." Scarlett Johansson said after swallowing the food in her mouth and drinking another sip of juice. "Don't even think about winning the Oscar for best actress in your life."

"Can you get it?"

Christine retorted,

After all, he is someone who grew up with Taylor, so he is not polite to his friends at all, "Don't forget, Scarlett, you have already started filming a major commercial production, and you want to win the Oscar performance award in the future..."

She shook her head like Taylor, "It's hard, hard!"

"Okay, dear." Nicole put down her knife and fork. After taking the table paper and wiping his mouth, he said, "Pay attention to your etiquette."

The two girls obediently shut their mouths.

After eating the last tender lamb chop, Ryan thought of DreamWorks' mega-production. Asked, "Scarlett, is "Escape from Clone Island" finished?"

"Not yet." She also put down the cutlery, "because..."

Scarlett glanced at Nicole secretly. There is no mention of the experimental feature film with Natalie, "I joined the crew relatively late, and the scene was only halfway through."

"Has DreamWorks confirmed the release time?" Ryan was still waiting to talk to Michael Bay after the movie hit the street.

"Probably next summer." Scarlett straightened her blonde hair. After thinking for a while, "I heard Stephen mentioned that it will probably be at the beginning of the summer season. You should know that DreamWorks is not in a good situation. I want to use this movie to change the current passive situation."

The commercial production of two literary and artistic youths, plus a director who is good at playing explosions, changed to play with connotations...

Ryan didn't stop Scarlett from taking on the film at the beginning, he could protect them, but he wouldn't interfere too much in their way.

"Hello, Mr. Jenkins. Hello, Miss Kidman." A middle-aged man came over to say hello.


Ryan and Nicole shook hands of the Latino.

The man was about six feet two inches tall, with a typical Latino appearance, especially the heavy bags under his eyes.

This person Ryan knows, although not a big star, but also a bit famous, he also won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor a few years ago.

Benicio del Toro seemed to have drank a lot, and the target was not Ryan and Nicole. After a few chats, he sat down beside Scarlett Johansson.

The two chatted in a low voice, and Ryan heard Benicio del Toro ask tentatively, "Miss Johnson, can you find a place to talk alone?"

"Sorry." Scarlett Johansson refused without thinking, but Benicio del Toro insisted, "Just a few words."

"I'm busy!" Scarlett frowned, only those who knew her could see that she looked at each other with disgust, "I'm not familiar with you."

Ryan raised his hand slightly and stretched a finger to the place where the bodyguard was at the rear. If Scarlett wanted to date Benicio del Toro, he would not care, but if he was stalking his friends Hit, he is also not polite.

Nicole coughed suddenly, and when Benicio del Toro's attention turned to her, those pale blue eyes instantly sharpened.

Melanie Sloan and Juliet Stewart are not only close partners, but friends for over a decade, and she certainly won't stand idly by if someone pushes Scarlett or the tomboy on the other side.

Fortunately, this Latino didn't drink too much, and he knew the four people in front of him. He couldn't provoke any of them. After saying sorry, he quickly left the table.

"If Alison sees it." The tomboy gestured with the knife, "I won't let him go!"

"Christine, pay attention to your ladylike demeanor!" Scarlett Johansson glared at her covertly.

These people grew up fighting together since childhood. Ryan shook his head and looked at Nicole, "My dear, your necklace is so beautiful."

"Really?" Nicole touched the fancy diamond-encrusted gold chain around her neck, "Am I not pretty?"

"You're much prettier than the necklace." Ryan beckoned to the back, and when the bodyguard came over to pick up the golden statuette and other items, he asked, "Scarlett, Christine, will you continue or go back with us?"

"It's good to go back."

Scarlett Johansson pulled Kristen Stewart to his feet and followed Ryan and Nicole out of the hotel.

Away from the great pain caused by the 9/11 incident, and without the huge shadow cast by the Iraq War on people's minds, this year's Academy Awards has returned to its original splendor. With the end of the celebration party, the 76th Academy Awards The ceremony completely came to an end.

Due to the social situation, the first two years of the Oscars were spent in a state of uncertainty. Whether it was the secret of the date, or the careful dressing and speeches of various stars, the bleak feeling even made the original The purely entertainment event bears the heavy mission of spiritual comfort.

When terror and war are far away from this world, Hollywood superstars put on beautiful dresses and completed the event with the most gorgeous gesture.

Different from the usual Oscars that always have one or two unpopular, this year's Oscars have almost no suspense at all. Among the four most valuable awards, Best Film, Best Director, Best Actor and Best Actress, Almost all the media forecasts were surprisingly consistent, and the end result was exactly the same as the mainstream media forecasts.

Although this kind of calm result is a little bland, but the eleven golden figures fell into the bag of "The Lord of the Rings 3: The Return of the King" is definitely what everyone expects.

"11 nominations and 11 awards, another record for a Ryan Jenkins-led film!"

"The perfect Lord of the Rings trilogy finale, the perfect Oscar finale!"

"Ryan Jenkins works miracles again..."

In addition to reports about the awards ceremony itself, the media also highlighted those words in the final period.

"Including heavyweights like Harrison Ford and Steven Spielberg giving anti-discrimination speeches..."

"Racism has no place in Hollywood!"

"Ryan Jenkins declared war on racial discrimination on the spot, saying that the arrogant behavior of racists will never be tolerated!"

Of course, the focus of the media is still on the award-winning "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King."

"Compared to films such as "Raging Sea", "Lost in Translation" and "Mystic River", "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" integrates business, entertainment and culture, and belongs to the best balanced choice- The choice of the Oscar judges is understandable! And compared to the previous two Oscar best picture winners "A Beautiful Mind" and "Chicago", "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" has a wider audience!"

The Los Angeles Times commentary is the best analysis for this year's Oscars.

"The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King is the biggest winner of this year's Oscars, and its 11 wins is one of the greatest achievements in Oscar history. In fact, although one might say, The Lord of the Rings: The King "The Return" may have made up for it at the Oscars because the first two "Lord of the Rings" films didn't win, but even that doesn't make "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" overshadowed."

No matter what is said after the fact, and no matter how despised the series by those literary and art lovers, the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy will leave a strong mark in the history of film, and will become one of the greatest films of all time. (To be continued..) ()

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