Rebirth In Hollywood

Chapter 502 A Magnificent Epic

This movie represents the most outstanding special effects technology today, and the magnificence of the mines of Moria almost made the audience's eyes widen.

For the Hollywood film industry, which is developing faster and faster, it seems that anything that stays in the imagination and on paper can be displayed on the big screen almost perfectly.

It was a hobbit again, or a hobbit, and once again displayed the group ridicule skill, which alarmed the horrible creatures in the mines of Moria. Under the helpless eyes of Aragorn and others, half-orcs and cave trolls attacked ...

The most intense fighting scene since the beginning began. There were not too many half-orcs, and they were obviously not the opponents of the Fellowship of the Ring. However, terrifying creatures like cave trolls were the deadliest.

Open the bow, shoot the arrow, open the bow, and continue to shoot. Legolas' appearance and flexible fighting style are destined to be the most eye-catching character in this battle.

Aragorn is fulfilling his promise and using his life to protect Frodo. However, he is an ordinary human being, neither a born wizard nor a powerful elf. There is not much to do against the cave troll. It was Frodo who was stabbed badly.

Like all movies, once the companions are in crisis, the others can always fight, so everyone works together to entangle the cave troll, and finally Legolas shoots him.

The mithril armor saved Frodo's life, and the crowd had no time to relax. More orcs appeared and even surrounded them in the hall, while the ancient demons drove away the orcs. The Balrog, who could not be defeated at all, became the new pursuer.

The tense atmosphere seemed to affect everyone, and there was no sound in the theater.

The picture has come to one of the most classic scenes in the first film. Gandalf stands on the bridge and singles out the Balrog.

"I am the servant of the Secret Flame. I am the holder of the flame of Arno." The old wizard's body lit up with a silver-white light, just like the legendary magic shield, "The dark fire cannot knock me down... "

The secret fire is the holy fire. In the original book, the only god Iluvita used the secret fire to ignite the void to create the world. Create gods from your own mind and set them ablaze with secret fire.

The Flame of Arnor can be understood as Naya, the Ring of Fire. Because Gandalf is the bearer of the Ring of Fire.

"You don't want to pass!"

With a loud shout, Gandalf broke the bridge. Balrog fell into the endless abyss, but when everyone breathed a sigh of relief, the fire whip in Balrog's hand wrapped around the leg of the old wizard and pulled him down together.

The Fellowship of the Ring lost the Wise One and the Captain.

But it was too late to be sad, Aragorn took over the burden of the leader and led the others into the golden forest.

The kingdoms of Lothlorien, the Golden Forest, Galadriel, and Celeborn are comparable to the gardens of the Valar.

The most powerful woman in Middle-earth must be Arwen's grandmother. In fact, in the original Lord of the Rings, the relationship between many characters can only be described as complex and unimaginable. Movies are not words. We can only simplify the relationship between the characters as much as possible, and focus on the Fellowship of the Ring.

Galadriel's silver basin magic mirror can show the past and the future, but it is not sure whether it is true. It shows that the Lord of the Rings is slowly attracting and corrupting the members of the expedition. Who will be the first to fall?

In fact, from the previous plot of the movie, it is not difficult for the audience to draw the conclusion that it must be Boromir.

Now that he has encountered a demigod-level existence, he can get some benefits no matter what.

Blue Bass dry food, the Lord of the Rings version of super compressed biscuits.

Fairy cloak, special material, handmade, light and warm, pure natural protective color, easy to change color at will, a must-have product for home and travel.

There are also personal gifts, such as Legolas' bow, and Frodo's light of Elendil, etc...

Cate Blanchett's Queen Galadriel didn't appear on the stage for a long time, but she left a very deep impression on people both in her dress and her temperament.

The expedition team embarked on the journey again through the waterway, and Saruman's orc army gradually chased them over. Their goal was very clear-the Hobbits!

The Colossus of Agonas and the Gate of Gondor are the results of careful design by Weta Studios, and they are definitely not comparable to the half-baked special effects of "Gladiator".

Even the most discerning Lord of the Rings fans can't complain here when the film is shown in long, panoramic shots.

The two characters of the Colossus are not Isladir and Isildur, but Isildur and his younger brother Anarion. The special effects here can be said to be shocking.

Not long after landing, the Fellowship of the Ring was in crisis. Boromir was instigated by the Lord of the Rings and secretly wanted to attack Frodo, but was escaped by the vigilant hobbits, and the Fellowship of the Ring was in danger of being split.

Heroes must stand the test before assuming their own responsibilities, and Aragorn is no exception. When he found Frodo, he obviously felt the call from the Lord of the Rings. But the reason why a hero becomes a hero is to refuse temptation. one of the reasons.

Aragorn temporarily got rid of the temptation of the Lord of the Rings, but like Frodo, he realized that it was the best choice for the hobbit to go alone.

At this moment, Saruman's army of orcs arrived, and the bloody fighting scene at the end of all epic movies also kicked off.

Then, the audience found that Ryan, who was loved by them, was not chic at all when he fought, and he looked really sloppy in hand-to-hand combat, with sweat stains on his face and blood all over his body.

Compared to him, that elf boy was much more handsome. Arrow after arrow, he knocked down strong orcs one after another with ease. He couldn't be more handsome.

The only thing to be happy about is that Aragon's battle is extremely real, so real that it is a bit cruel.

In typical Western movies and literature, the traitor never ends well, even if the traitor is quickly back on track.

Therefore, no matter how you look at it, Boromir's death cannot be avoided.

Careful viewers can find that Boromir carries his own shield most of the time, but when he hits the arrow, the shield stays in another place. It is said that this shield is carried all the way from Rivendell here, and there is not much in the movie. I used it, and when I need it, I don’t have it anymore. It’s a tragedy...

The movie focuses on Boromir's death, because he not only died like a hero, but also directly led to the transformation of Aragorn's thinking.

"My brother, my leader, my king..." The sensationalism is undoubtedly brought to the extreme here.

Aragorn put on Boromir's armguard, engraved with the holy white tree of Gondor. The king is destined to return and shoulder the responsibilities that should be shouldered.

In the original book, this episode was almost mentioned, and Tolkien also implicitly stated that Boromir was not guilty of death and had no sympathy. In the movie, although Boromir made mistakes, he is still a hero.

No matter what Tolkien's Boromir is, the movie has given him a new soul.

Every time he was bewitched, Boromir mentioned Gondor.

In Ryandale, he said, we have used our blood to protect your peace, and now we have such a great power that we can use it to deal with the Demon Lord Sauron.

He said, what we fear and fear all the time is actually such a small thing.

He said, take the Ring to Gondor to protect it, and let Gondor use it.

In the final analysis, everything is for Gondor, for his beloved hometown.

Even, he described the beauty of White City and the horn of his hometown to Aragorn affectionately, and Aragorn was also infected by him, recalling the scenes he had seen back then, and gradually awakened the responsibility he had been evading.

He was heartbroken and miserable, fearing the death of his father and the destruction of Baicheng until he died.

Before he died, with his last breath, he had to swear allegiance to the king of Gondor, because Aragorn finally promised that he would never let the White City fall, and the glory of Gondor would be rebuilt.

Although his fate cannot escape the usual pattern of American movies, he is by no means a shameful person.

Aragorn's last sentence "Son of Gondor" can be regarded as a fair evaluation of Boromir on behalf of the movie.

Gandalf's life and death are unknown, Boromir is killed, Merry and Pippin are captured, Sam and Frodo embark on the journey alone, and the Lord of the Rings expedition seems to have failed completely.

"As long as we have breath, Merry and Pippin cannot be tortured." Aragorn never gave up and encouraged Gimli and Legolas, "We must rescue them, throw away useless things, and travel lightly. The journey to hunt the orcs has begun!"

The movie has come to an end, and a magnificent epic has just begun.

The applause broke out immediately, and the enthusiasm was like continuous waves. Although the rhythm of the movie was a bit slow, it almost perfectly reproduced the world of Middle-earth.

After being the first to send congratulations to Peter Jackson, Ryan could see the surprise on the faces of those film critics and professionals behind him. The movie clearly exceeded their expectations. Adapting masterpieces, especially works like "Lord of the Rings", has always been A thankless thing, it seems that this work has succeeded?

The main creators of the crew were surrounded by people and became the well-deserved center of the theater. Ryan hid aside, allowing Peter Jackson, Elijah Wood, Orlando Bloom and others to enjoy this The joy of success.

They still need to put in a lot of effort in the subsequent publicity and other work, and now it is a reward at the spiritual level.

Charlize also hid by Ryan's side. She was a smart woman and understood that she should be more consistent with her boyfriend at this time.

"Honey, do you know?"

Even after entering the press conference, Ryan still sat in an inconspicuous place, just whispering something to Charlize, "This movie will infinitely magnify the image of your vase."

"It's not because of you that I acted in this movie." Charlize curled her lips deliberately.

"This is actually a good thing." Ryan comforted with a smile, and said the benefits that this movie can bring to Charlize, "First, there was a beautiful image of a vase, and then the movie at the end of the year suddenly achieved a big image. Breakthrough, only the judges of the comparison academy will have a choice.” ()

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