Rebirth In Hollywood

Chapter 494 Give Disney a Chance

The annual Oscar feast has finally come to an end, and the time for the media carnival has just arrived.

The North American media took out valuable front pages to publish huge theme pictures and Oscar-related reports. Among them, there were several or even a dozen pages of Oscar news, and several major mainstream newspapers almost all chose Ryan’s photos. , the title of the youngest Oscar winner in history and the greatest young actor since the 1980s has almost become the subject of all reports.

On several major portal websites, several group photos of Ryan and Julia Roberts after the award ceremony are quite dreamy, and the most selected photo is the celebration scene of Ryan holding up the statuette, and the homepage of Yahoo and Google This is the main photo of the show, and the title of the accompanying text is "The best actor that everyone expects!" ". "Fiction" novel chapters are updated the fastest

The "Los Angeles Times" published a huge artistic photo on the first page of "Daily Focus". Ryan held a statuette standing on the podium to greet the audience. "Ryan Jenkins: Oscar and the Giants in the Arena" is a pun, implying that he combines the image of a gladiator in the film with the Oscar winner in life.

"Vanity Fair", which issued a special issue of Oscar, put the picture of Ryan holding up the statuette on the cover. The inside page of the magazine used a full thirteen pages to introduce in detail Ryan's experience since he was in the film industry, and this time he won the Oscar. The details of the best actor before and after, including a section of text in bold and black, describe that with the birth of the youngest actor in history, Hollywood will usher in a new era.

The same photo that is destined to become a classic in Ryan's life has also become the main picture on the front pages of "New York Times" and "Washington Post". He also specifically mentioned the acceptance speech of "If there is no movie, I think the world will be an uninhabitable wasteland", thinking that "Ryan and his Jenkins film industry will definitely continue to make wonderful movies and change the whole world." Be more beautiful! '

The "New York Post" has always been known for its exaggerated reporting style. This time it simply used the headline and article "Hollywood's New Leader" on the front page. Describe how Ryan transformed step by step from a child star to the most representative superstar in Hollywood, and directly shouted, "After entering the new century, Hollywood movies are bound to conquer the world under the leadership of Ryan!" '

After more than ten years of hard work and struggle, Ryan is becoming the most representative figure in the culture of this country. Whether it is those who like him or those who hate him, they have to admit that winning the Oscar for Best Actor The protagonist, another layer of halo has been added to his already dazzling appearance.

The mainstream media undoubtedly represents the voice of the mainstream society. They launched a "carpet bombing" publicity for Ryan's award. With his five consecutive nominations and this year's obviously weak opponents in front of him, almost no one questioned his qualifications for the award, and the media unanimously believed that " This is the smartest and most correct choice made by the Academy'.

Not just English newspapers,

The largest Chinese-language newspapers in the United States also paid enough attention.

"World Journal" focused on the news of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" and Ryan's award on the headlines on the front page, pointing out that ""Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" can shine at the awards ceremony, which proves that the West has begun to appreciate the beauty of Chinese culture." For appreciation and experience, Ryan is currently one of the hottest and most expensive movie stars in Hollywood. After years of unremitting efforts, he finally won the coveted 'Best Actor' Academy Award, which is definitely well deserved.

In addition, "China Daily" and "International Daily" both put Ryan's report on the front page headlines, and the headlines of the banners were similar to those of the previous Chinese newspaper.

certainly. The focus of these media reports is still "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon". Li Ang, Tan Dun, Yip Jintian and Bao Dexi hold pictures of statuettes, occupying the most positions in Chinese newspapers.

"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" has not yet been widely released in overseas markets, and the four Oscar statuettes will definitely attract more attention. Even in a few regions that can only sell off the screening rights, the copyright fee can also rise a lot.

For this Chinese film, Ryan's follow-up promotion has not been relaxed.

Although it cannot affect the media on the other side of the Pacific Ocean. But his publicity team has already gone to Hong Kong and Taipei.

Just after the Oscar Awards Ceremony, there were overwhelming reports about "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" in the mainstream media of the two places. In the reports, the place where the film belonged was deliberately ignored, saying that it was "reserved for the Chinese people's performance in the international film world." It is the pride of all Chinese people who have made a brilliant record and moved Chinese everywhere.

Later, a news agency and a state-run newspaper directly quoted the news, specifically pointing out that "the director of the film, Ang Lee, who was born in Taiwan, emphasized on the podium that he was proud of being Chinese. "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" It is the result of the cooperation between the Chinese across the Taiwan Strait and Hong Kong, and it is a win for Chinese films.

In this era, these two media still have huge influence. The name of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" instantly resounded in this land, arousing the expectations of many people. China Film Group, which has been negotiating with Jenkins Films, , quickly decided to introduce "Gladiator" and "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon".

In fact, with the sensation caused by "Titanic", more and more ordinary film lovers here are paying attention to the Oscars. Besides the three major film festivals in Europe, there is another one in North America that is even bigger than the earliest Venice Film Festival. Film awards that were born more than ten years earlier.

When the 73rd Oscars was held, several websites that mainly broadcasted the Oscars on the Internet were paralyzed to varying degrees. According to incomplete statistics, a total of more than 800,000 people watched the Oscars through the Internet. Various live broadcasts.

Unlike the previous life, which landed in the Far East market early, "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" did not enter this market until after the Oscars. The Oscar statuette finally swept away nearly 40 million US dollars in the box office from the three places, and almost killed the "Gladiator" of the same period in the Chinese market.

Unfortunately, when the movie was released, Jenkins Films took out all kinds of expenses, and Ryan found out that he didn't make much money here.

The evil proportion! He can only feel so emotional.

A new agreement on movies between the two sides of the Pacific Ocean has not yet been reached. Jenkins Films and China Film Group can only follow the old regulations. What is the box office share of Hollywood movies in this regulation?

Only a poor thirteen percent...

The only good thing is that the 13% of the total box office is divided into. There is no need to deduct publicity fees and pay taxes here.

After the continuous media hype, the public's enthusiasm for the Oscars has gradually decreased. The awards season is over, and Hollywood has never been short of eye-catching news.

For the media, this is the most uncontroversial Oscar, and it is also the Oscar with the least surprise, and it is also the Oscar with the least surprise.

Ryan won the best actor and became the youngest Oscar winner, almost as expected by most people, even those gamblers who bet on the handicap. Whoever placed a high bet won't win any money.

Charlize went to Florida with the crew of "The Devil". In the days when he didn't have to shoot movies, Ryan spent a few days at Harvard, dubbing the first part of "The Lord of the Rings" released in the summer, and hiding in the manor handle the necessary work.

The only one who was always by her side was Miss Taylor Swift, who had almost nothing to do except study, and the little girl's greatest joy was to use her intentionally out-of-tune singing voice to disturb the peace of the whole manor.

"Ryan. Are you really doing nothing?"

The April sunshine in Los Angeles was already a bit strong. Taylor hid on the hanging chair in the palm grove, and while swinging around, his mouth hadn't stopped. "They are robbing our interests. If they touch our cake, they will be punished."

"Honey, you just need to watch." Ryan waved his hand casually to the other side.

Just the day before yesterday, the little girl wrote a song that she thought she was very satisfied with. He rushed into the study and overheard his discussion with George about Pixar.

In the past two days, she has been more worried than Ryan. Those golden eyebrows were almost twisted into a pimple, always giving some unreliable suggestions.

"Alison..." Ryan was still a little worried about this big mouth, "This matter is of great importance, and we are not allowed to mention it to anyone, otherwise we will be begging on the Avenue of Stars in the future."

"I promise, I won't talk about it in my dreams!"

She is no longer the ignorant girl she used to be. Gradually, she has what to do and what not to do. "Those who touch our cheese are our enemies, and we must work together to defeat them!"

" dear brother Ryan."

The little girl jumped off the hanging chair and sat at the table here, holding her small chin, frowning and said, "Didn't George say that Ed, John, and Andrew have already reached an agreement with Disney? We Are you just watching and doing nothing?"

"What do you think we should do?"

Looking at the very serious little girl, Ryan is also very serious. Taylor will inherit a huge family fortune in the future and work hard in the complicated entertainment industry. In some aspects, he is destined to learn earlier than others.

"Get rid of them all." This is completely childish language.

"Dear..." Ryan rubbed her head and explained patiently, "Ed Kammel, John Lasseter and the others are the core of Pixar and the representatives of the spirit of Pixar. In five years, the method you mentioned is definitely feasible, and now Pixar has left them, the core staff will be dispersed, the stocks in our hands will become waste paper, and Pixar will not be Pixar.”

"Can I just watch them leaning towards Disney?" The little girl was obviously frustrated.

"My dear, in the style of Michael Eisner, at most promise to give them more support in terms of salary and freedom."

Seeing the little girl frowning and thinking, Ryan slowly turned the table, both as if explaining to Taylor, and as if talking to himself, "Which one is more attractive to be in charge of Pixar or the entire animation department of Disney?"

"Then..." The big sapphire blue eyes rolled, and seemed to understand a little bit, "We, are we going to fight back?"

"No, Disney is still looking for a good opportunity to make a move." Ryan stood up and walked towards the villa, "We will give him the best chance, let's go to...England!" (To be continued...) ()

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