Rebirth In Hollywood

Chapter 428: Not necessarily a bad thing

Please remember the website address:; Please recommend the introduction to your QQ group [Weibo/WeChat] forum post bar! Facing Charlize Theron's twinkling eyes, Ryan doesn't know what to say, South African diamond Completely different from Nicole and Natalie, she has no scruples or ideological pressure. Although she understands Ryan's intentions that he doesn't want to make it public for the time being, she won't take the initiative to say anything, but she also won't avoid anything.

Only he knew that the South African beauty drilled into the bones, all of which were wild from Africa.

Behind Nicole, although he was talking to Steven Spielberg who came over, Ryan could keenly feel that the focus of those pale blue eyes was always on himself.

"Darling, why don't you talk?" Charlize Theron tilted his head, just past Ryan's shield, his eyes collided with Nicole's gaze not far away, and she revealed a A friendly smile, but she was greeted by slightly knitted brows.

"That's it, Charlie." Ryan moved his body calmly, cutting off the eyes of the two women. "My yacht is coming soon. We'll go to sea together in a few days."

"Then it's settled." Charlize Theron suddenly leaned closer, and his breath almost fell on Ryan's face, "If you let me dove, I'll take the luggage and move it to Jenkins Manor …”

Hearing her words, Ryan almost vomited blood. Such words must be in chaos. He hurriedly looked at his watch and deliberately reminded, "It's almost time, you should go in."

"Okay..." Charlize is a smart woman who knows how to stop, and waved her hand casually, "Then I'll go first, dear, go back to find your girlfriend."

Before entering the hall, she looked back again, and Nicole Kidman's eyes fell on her from time to time.

Shaking his head, Charlize greeted the people next to him and walked into the hall. She suddenly thought that she had overlooked one thing, Ryan seemed to have never introduced his friends to himself, and he was almost outside his social circle.

The two common friends, Keanu Reeves, can barely count as one, while Nicole Kidman and Natalie Portman, etc., she knows at best...

Ryan took Nicole and quickly found the seat of the two, taking them as the boundary, one side was the crew of "The Pianist", and the other side was the crew of "The Matrix", but relative to "The Matrix". The number of people on the "Pianist" side is obviously much smaller, and there is also a lack of heavyweight directors.

Roman Polanski will never go to North America to get himself caught unless his head gets wet.

"Didn't Mr. Polanski call you?"

After saying hello to the people around,

Nicole lowered her voice and said, "If he wins, who will come on stage to accept the award for him?"

"He must have made arrangements." Ryan replied casually.

Because of the issue of the movie's release, the relationship between Jenkins Pictures and Roman Polanski was not very pleasant, and Ryan didn't have any PR for him, let alone the issue of accepting the award on stage. Whether the other party can win the best director is still a question.

Of course, among the judges at the core of the Oscars, there are a large number of Jewish people, and Roman Polanski has a natural advantage in this regard.

The theme song gradually played. From low to high, Ryan clapped his palms along with the others, and the 72nd Academy Awards officially kicked off.

In the 1990s, the hosts of the Oscars were almost fixed on Billy Crystal and Whoopi Goldberg. The super fashion show staged by Whoopi Goldenberg at the last awards ceremony, although it pulled a lot of ratings, was unanimously criticized by the public opinion circle. This time Billy Crystal is back again.

When the big screen on the stage slowly rose, Billy Christo's appearance ceremony really gave everyone a surprise.

He was carried on stage by an LA cop!

Then, he mentioned Willie Fulgier and thanked the other party for retrieving 50 Oscar statuettes in a mocking way. The college seems to be using this method to thank the Los Angeles police and Willie Fulgier in the case of the lost statuettes. , the great help given.

Everyone also gave a warm applause. In any case, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is the most authoritative organization in the industry. It is not so much that many Hollywood celebrities are thanking Willie Fulgier, it is better to say that Salute to authority.

Although many people are speculating that this incident is most likely a self-hype by the academy, no one can come up with evidence, and even those who are qualified to know the inside story will not foolishly make a big mouth because it offends Will be the academy's huge membership of more than 4,000.

Next, of course, Billy Crystal's repertoire, in the form of singing together, ridiculed the nominated films and actors, this year's focus is on the female man Hilary Swank.

"It was a great performance, Hillary showed us how a strong boy turned into a beautiful woman on Oscar night, maybe Oscar should set up a new award for her..."

Nicole leaned into Ryan's ear, applauded and whispered, "Billy is getting older, and those vulgar jokes are noticeably less."

Ryan nodded in agreement, "Indeed."

He still clearly remembered that when he was just attending the Oscars in the early 1990s, Billy Crystal's jokes always went straight down the road after a few sentences.

The first award came, and the three presenters were Charlie's three angels. Although they couldn't pose the coolest look in the movie in evening dresses, the three girls who like to play, still played it. A few times, and Tiger Chen's specially designed movements attracted applause from the following.

Strictly speaking, Charlie's three angels are not beautiful, their own youthful vigor, but they cover up their own shortcomings very well, stealing the limelight of the winners below.

And "Song and Changxi", which won the best costume design, is indeed not famous enough.

When the next guest came onto the stage, Ryan suddenly felt a little emotional. Nicole beside him clearly felt this and asked in a low voice, "What happened, dear?"

"Seeing him, I think of myself in 1991." Ryan looked at the child star who was introducing the montage on the stage.

"It does look a bit like when you were a child." Nicole looked at the little boy with short light brown hair and was also somewhat emotional.

The person standing on the stage is called Haley Joe Osment. Although "The Sixth Sense" was brought out by Ryan early on, the other party still starred in "Forrest Gump" in 1994, and this year even more. It was for a psychological horror film called "I Can See Ghosts" that got a Best Supporting Actor nomination.

Things are always so interesting, Ryan can only think so. The other party showed unparalleled acting talent at this age, but when he grew up, he became a typical Hollywood child star tragedy.

The awards were awarded one by one. In terms of technology awards, "The Matrix" has an absolute advantage, winning four technical awards such as the best visual effects, while Angelina Jolie won the "Soul Shifting Girl". "Won the Best Supporting Actress, which made veteran actor Jon Voight even shed tears of excitement.

It seems that his wild and rebellious daughter is finally back on track.

But Angelina Jolie's next acceptance speech almost made her old father vomit blood. Her acceptance speech was very **, which involved her brother. If you understand it literally, it is very impressive It is suspected that there is an improper relationship between the two brothers and sisters.

In the process of awarding awards in this column, the most exciting scene is undoubtedly the appearance of Triss, Cowboy Wood and Buzz Lightyear on the stage together as the presenters to present the Best Animated Short Film Award.

The only pity for Ryan is that there is still no award for the best animated feature film, otherwise it would be "Toy Story 2".

However, his public relations team is lobbying the academy and it is likely that the award will be added next year or the year after.

The first thing that came up tonight was undoubtedly Jack Nicholson presenting the Owen G. Tolberg Memorial Award to Warren Beatty, the Lifetime Achievement Award, as if the Oscars were announcing that way , the achievement and recognition that an actor or director can achieve has nothing to do with his own moral character and romance.

"My dear, the award for you is here."

When Kevin Spacey took the envelope onto the stage, Nicole reminded softly, "This should be the most promising award for The Pianist, right?"

"Why don't you come on stage to accept the award for me?" Ryan joked casually.

Indeed, in his opinion, the golden man for the best adapted screenplay is "The Pianist". Just look at the nomination list read by Kevin Spacey to know where Ryan's confidence comes from.

"The Election," Jim Taylor and Alexander Payne, "The Cider House Rules," John Irvine, "The Green Miracle," Frank Darabont, "Prairie," Anthony Minghella, "The Pianist" "Ryan Jenkins."

I don't know if it's a coincidence or intentional, but Ryan is at the center of the winner's avatar on the big screen...

"The Best Adapted Screenplay Award goes to John Irving for The Cider House Rule!"

However, there was someone else who won the award. Although Ryan was a little surprised, he clapped his palm for the first time. After all, this kind of thing is too normal.

Besides, he has already won this award, and it is estimated that the Academy does not want him to appear on the stage of this award all the time.

"Dear, don't be disappointed..." Nicole's reminder came, "It's not necessarily a bad thing to lose this award."

Ryan naturally understands what Nicole means. In essence, Oscar is still divided into cakes. The only difference is to see who can get the biggest and most delicious piece.

Generally speaking, "The Pianist" has an obvious advantage in this award, but the academy gave this award to someone else, probably for the sake of balance. In the later heavyweight awards, maybe it will be Find it back.

Could it be... do they really want to give themselves the golden man of the best actor?

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