Rebirth In Hollywood

Chapter 211 dear

The long eyelashes trembled slightly, the beautiful eyelids slowly lifted, and the watery pale blue eyes radiated satisfaction and confusion. Nicole Kidman snorted softly, woke up from her sleep, and remembered last night. What happened, the corners of her mouth couldn't help turning up, revealing a sweet and charming smile.

The depression and anguish of the past disappeared without a trace at this moment, and she felt that her life had never been so beautiful.

The majestic and powerful arms embraced her in a spacious and warm embrace from the back. The two of them were pressed together so tightly that there was no longer any gap between them. Although this posture was not very comfortable, Nicole was far from it. I am obsessed with this feeling, this feeling of warmth and peace and connectedness.

If this is a dream, she would rather never wake up again, if it is real, she wants to spend the rest of her life hand in hand like this.

"You are mine, Ryan!" She was so determined, so confident, "don't try to take it away from anyone!"

The slender hands slowly touched back, and Nicole knew that Ryan looked a little thin, but he was actually very strong. The muscles formed by years of exercise were so perfect that he was tireless in doing certain things like a bull.

what are you thinking about! Nicole hurriedly shook her head, but once certain thoughts were formed, they would only get stronger and stronger. Bai Nen's hand crossed the eight-pack abs and finally fell down.


Looking at Ryan who wanted to push himself down after waking up, Nicole turned over and tried her best not to let him move at all, "Shut up, Ryan, I want to be on top!"

She seemed to want to announce in this way that she had the final say between the two.

Of course, if Ryan guessed what Nicole was thinking, he would just laugh.

After lunch, Ryan and Nicole walked out of the hotel. Both of them are good actors in the acting school, and they have a clear sibling relationship. No one can see that this is an intimate couple. Maybe George had already noticed it, but Mr. Bodyguard not only signed a non-disclosure contract. Still one of Ryan's most trusted people.

"Ryan, I'm a reporter for The New Englander, can I ask a few questions?" Although most of the reporters were circling around the set, there were quite a few around the hotel.

"No comment!" Ryan was in a good mood, made a gesture to George, and got into the driver's seat of the car.

"Miss Kidman, I heard that "Cry on the Island" has been delayed again and again and is on the verge of failure, is that true?" There are still people who don't give up, knocking on the passenger's window.

"These guys!"


Ryan snapped a click on the steering wheel. The high-pitched car horn sounded. The reporter paparazzi could not help but subconsciously took a step back.

The roar of the engine. The car smashed into the wide road, leaving only a choking exhaust.

"This is the role model of the North American teenager, this is Ryan Jenkins when he grows up?" a paparazzi shouted dissatisfied.

"That suave young man has long since disappeared." A reporter shook his head, "Didn't you find it? Since he returned to the public eye a few months ago. What he showed is rebelliousness and wanton behavior!"

"Haven't you heard, there's a hapless guy on the Titanic crew who angered him and James Cameron, is being bitten by his lawyers, and is said to be sent to a state prison. "Although the crew strictly sealed the poisoning incident, some news inevitably spread, but there is always a Pacific Ocean distance between rumors and truth.

"He's rich, in America, rich..." The speaker made a gesture that everyone understood.

"Rich. What's the matter with the money? As long as his status as a Hollywood star remains unchanged, he must follow the rules of the game." It was a reporter from The New Englander.

Others subconsciously distanced themselves a little from this reporter. They are all people running in the media circle. Of course, they know that The New Englander is one of the hidden anti-Semitic media. Although the scale and influence are not too large.

"Nicole, aren't we going shopping?" Ryan held the steering wheel and looked at the passenger seat from time to time. When they met Nicole's eyes, the two always smiled knowingly.

"Forget it, Ryan, didn't we agree to go fishing?"

Although she looked radiant, Nicole knew that her legs didn't have much strength and that they had been soft after going downstairs.

"Well, let's go buy fishing gear."

The car quickly stopped by a fishing tackle store. Ryan bought fishing rods, bait, beach chairs and other equipment, and drove Nicole to the studio.

Fishing near the set isn't a good option, but it's barely private land, and it's hard for reporters and paparazzi to get in. Ryan doesn't want recreational fishing to turn into a press conference.

Away from the chaotic 'Southampton' pier, Ryan found a remote beach, carefully sorted out various utensils for Nicole, and finally put the fishing rod into Nicole's hand.

"The wind is a bit strong, be careful when throwing the pole."

Hearing Ryan's tone, Nicole couldn't help rolling her eyes and said dissatisfiedly, "Come on, Ryan, I'm not a child."

"Well, beautiful Miss Kidman, I hope you can catch a mermaid." Ryan threw the hook and sat on the beach chair.

"Maybe I can catch a little slut named Ryan Jenkins!" Nicole grinned, and also threw the hook into the sea in the distance.

"Really, Nicole?"

The beach chairs of the two were very close, and Ryan naturally leaned in front of Nicole.

"Ryan, this is not a hotel, it's better to be careful." The Australian girl hesitated for a while, but pushed him back.

With a sigh, Ryan can guess most of Nicole's thoughts, but if you want to put this relationship under the sun, it will take time, capital and strength, as long as you grow to a sufficient height , even if there is criticism, what is it?

Besides, he would make himself the main target of criticism, which Nicole used to take good care of, not to withstand the wind and rain.

Just when Ryan was thinking about it, Nicole quickly pulled up the fishing rod, and the fish hanging under the hook was twisting unwillingly.

"Ryan, help me catch it!" Nicole shook her tied ponytail, clearly excited.

Watching Ryan throw the fish into the fish basket, Nicole asked curiously, "What kind of fish is this?"

"Uh..." Ryan couldn't help scratching his face, which really stumped him, "Probably a salmon? Maybe a grouper?"

What kind of fish are abundant along the coast of North America? No one wants to lose face in front of their loved ones, Ryan racked his brains for a long time, and finally came to a conclusion - the chances of the fish recognizing him are far higher than the chances of recognizing it.

"Well, my dear, no one knows everything."

As if she knew what Ryan was thinking, Nicole opened her mouth to persuade.

Next, what made Ryan even more devastated happened. In the past two hours, he only caught a small three-inch fish, but Nicole caught more than 20, and even one of them was a crab.

"I have to say, Ryan, fishing is also divided into talents." Nicole is completely attacking people.

"Fishing is about fishing, not about the fish." Ryan plausibly said, but it's all absurd. "You know, Nicole. I enjoy the process of fishing, not..."

"Shut up." Nicole packed up her utensils, "I'll leave the fish to you, Ryan."

Nicole carried two fishing rods, and Ryan walked towards the studio with a big fish basket. As for the two beach chairs, someone would naturally take care of them.

After only two days, Nicole is going to return to Los Angeles. "Cry on the Island" took too much time during the filming period. If there is trouble in the post-production, whether it can be released within this year, it will really become a question.

The shooting of "Titanic" is still going on. James Cameron planned a 150-day shooting time. Although the shooting was not smooth, due to sufficient preparations in the early stage, many detours were avoided. Progress has exceeded Cameron's plans.

Ryan's suggestions written in the script based on the tidbits he saw in his previous life played a lot of roles in it.

While filming was in progress, the post-production special effects team was already busy. In order to strengthen the connection with North America, Ryan specially ordered three sets of the most advanced video conferencing equipment to be purchased at a high price, which were placed on the set in Mexico and the digital field in Venice. And New York's Blue Sky Studio to facilitate the unified scheduling of James Cameron.

Unexpectedly, after three consecutive stuntmen were injured, some actors asked to withdraw from the crew. Fortunately, the main actors were not included. As for the passer-by-type actors, Hollywood is almost everywhere, and countless people come to look for them. Dreamers struggle for an opportunity.

The newly recruited actors were quickly in place, but this incident alarmed the Screen Actors Guild of America. Under some pressure, they had to come to the set to check, and they came to the conclusion that there was no accident - the set was very safe!

Ryan knew that his continuous success would definitely attract the jealousy of some people. Although he had established a broad alliance of interests, Hollywood could not be completely controlled by the Jewish people.

In addition to North American theaters and overseas promotion, this is one of the reasons why he pulled in Paramount and Twentieth Century Fox.

After nearly a month of high-intensity filming, Ryan ushered in a rare vacation, James Cameron finally let go of the actors temporarily, instead to torture those made models.

During this period, Ryan, Kate Winslet and others moved to the cabins, docks, artificial lakes, temporary studios and other locations successively. Not only were they often soaked in sea water, but most scenes were also performed against a green curtain. , many people are exhausted.

Ryan is more than just an actor, with a lot of business to deal with and a trip back to Los Angeles, Julie Stewart's recruiting team is already in place. ()

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