Rebirth In Hollywood

Chapter 126 Toss

Although many people criticize Hollywood stars for being drunk with money, they cannot deny the other side of most of them. If you want to become popular, become a big star that everyone envy, and want to maintain a brilliant career, you need more than chance and don’t work hard. If you don't work hard, everything will be in the mirror.

Even though Jamie Lee Curtis came from an acting family and has been famous for many years, he still understands the importance of this big production to his career. .

The helicopter landed on the bridge. When Ryan came down, Jamie Lee Curtis was already sitting on the lounge chair with the assistance of his assistant, but his face was pale and bloodless. Can't stop.

This road is not so easy to go! Behind the bright and bright is not only darkness, but also countless sweat! Ryan shook his head gently and went to Cameron's side.

Just when everyone was relieved, James Cameron announced a depressing news, "There are a lot of problems with the shot just now, especially Jamie, you are too panic!"

panic! Can you not panic? Ryan pouted quietly, even if he would panic in that situation, let alone a woman.

"Jamie..." Although James Cameron is a tyrant on the set, he has not yet reached the point where he is inhuman in order to shoot, and he is a little hesitant.

"I'm fine! Take a break, come again!" Jamie Lee Curtis said this despite the two battles.

Half an hour later, the helicopter took to the sky again. Although he admired the courage of the screaming queen, Ryan still stayed on the ground.

Looking at the past from another perspective, it is even more thrilling. Even knowing that Jamie Lee Curtis has several safety measures, it still makes people feel worried. To exaggerate, she and Cameron are in Take your life.


When the helicopter landed safely, hundreds of crew members applauded in unison, and some people kept screaming congratulations. All the voices had nothing to do with James Cameron. pay tribute.

The shooting speed of James Cameron can only be described as turtle speed. It is too common to take a dozen or twenty shots of a shot, and even dozens of shots of NG will occasionally appear.

With the success of "Terminator 2", this guy is burning money and burning out his experience. All kinds of budgets are spent like water. Fortunately, both Paramount and 20th Century Fox have made it clear that the investment in this film is only $130 million, a penny over budget, will cost Cameron out of his own pocket.

Strictly speaking, this film can be regarded as propaganda for the government departments of the United States. The Pentagon has given the green light in many places and has given a lot of support in armaments.

Especially in the scene of the Sea Harrier fighter bombing the sea-crossing bridge, the military actually launched two Maverick missiles, although they were two that would not explode!

Ryan stood in the distance and saw this scene through the binoculars. He couldn't help but be hooked. It was the first time he witnessed the launch of a missile. It was really shocking!

The first filming of the movie is the hot scene at the end. Various scenes emerge in an endless stream. The temporary set up studio is subjected to a lot of fireworks every day. The explosion flames and the gunpowder smoke from the AK-47 launch almost surround the studio.

It's not just grown-up actors like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jamie Lee Curtis who will be put to the test by action scenes.

Soon, it was Catherine Isabelle's turn as Dana.

She would occasionally come to Ryan, and it didn't take long for the unscrupulous boy to figure out her background. He thought she was an Englishman - Kate in the UK is as much as Jessica in the United States - who I know it's a Canadian. Although I got the role through audition, it was introduced by Cameron's acquaintance.

They are also girls in their teens. Catherine Isabel has a bumpy figure and looks like a fourteen-year-old girl.

Seeing her, Ryan thought of Natalie again. The Long Island girl was not only a lot shorter, but she also looked skinny, not white at all, poor Lolita~

The one-to-one model of the Sea Harrier was hoisted up by a crane, and it would swing up and down a few times from time to time, giving it a bumpy feeling when flying.

Now the shot is of Dana landing on the Sea Harrier. In the past two days, the Canadian girl suffered a lot. Even if all kinds of safety measures are in place, it is still inevitable that after bumps and bumps, her body is blue. Purple piece.

Just yesterday afternoon, Ryan also saw the girl hiding in the utility room and secretly wiping her tears. Although many staff were comforting her, she didn't say much.

This is just one of the prices paid on the road to fame.

"Kate?" Cameron's assistant looked at the girl on the plane model, and after the other party nodded, shouted, "The 19th scene, the 21st, start now!"

Under the control of the crane, the airplane model swayed gently. The girl who climbed on top grabbed the radar antenna on the nose of the plane and was trying to show a panicked appearance. The wind from the big fan blew her hair.

Maybe it was affected by the hairline, or maybe it was two consecutive days of filming, which consumed most of the girl's strength. She loosened her hands and suddenly fell off the model. Fortunately, the seat belt behind the side knocked her down. In mid-air, avoiding the bad luck of falling directly to the ground.

However, it seemed that God was intending to make a joke, and the shaking airplane model just hit her and hit her soft underbelly. Ryan clearly heard a crisp scream, and then the studio became a mess.

"Come on, get the doctor here." James Cameron shouted.

Although he couldn't help, Ryan still ran over. Catherine Isabel had been rescued and was lying on the ground. Bean-sized sweat beads kept rolling down her forehead. Her eyes were white and she seemed to faint at any moment. past.


In the past life, Ryan had seen many such situations, and this girl may have broken more than one rib.

The doctor from the crew quickly ran over, and after an urgent investigation, he shouted loudly, "Quickly send to the hospital, at least three broken ribs!"

Ryan quickly stepped aside, he couldn't help himself, it's better to make less trouble.

After leaving the studio, Ryan suddenly felt a chill down his spine as he watched the speeding away car. In his plan, there were a lot of action movies when he was an adult. It wasn't a small scene like this, but a big fight. The type of hit.

I won't end up like this one day in the future, will I? Ryan recalled the picture in his mind, the sword became a forest, especially the character he was going to attack for the highest honor, it was a head-to-head fight with pure Western power, and it was trivial to get hurt during the shooting...

I have been too idle recently, and I should strengthen my exercise after returning to Los Angeles. Ryan walked back to the studio.

It is not uncommon for people to be injured while shooting an action movie, but if the injured person is an underage girl, it is more troublesome. If the other party takes the opportunity to complain to the Actors Guild or the Children's Association, it will be a big headache.

Of course, if she did, it would mean Hollywood would cut her off.

Certain rules are acquiesced by the entire circle. It doesn't matter if you get hurt, the producer will give you corresponding compensation, not just in terms of money.

Sometimes, what seems like a bad thing turns out to be lucky.

Fortunately, there are not many scenes about Dana. The important ones have already been filmed, and the rest can be filmed after she recovers. Anyway, James Cameron is a turtle speed, and there is no half-year shooting period for this film. Cover mirror.

"Ryan, if there is a suitable role, help that little girl find one." When the job was over, James Cameron approached him, "Kate is the daughter of a friend of mine, and I insisted that she shoot herself. Those shots always have to give her family an explanation."

"Come on, Jim, do you think I'm a character vending machine?" Ryan said dissatisfiedly.

Catherine Isabelle is indeed pitiful, and was eventually tossed into the hospital by James Cameron, but the problem is that the film's investors are Paramount and 20th Century Fox, okay! What's the matter with you coming to me?

Shouldn't it be Lolita...

Ryan patted his head hard, what are you thinking about? Obviously watching too many scenes of Leon and Matilda.

"Okay, Jim, I'll try my best, but I can't guarantee it." It's also a good idea to make James Cameron owe himself a favor.

Although watching James Cameron tossing the actors on set is a lot of fun, Ryan isn't going to stay in Miami anymore, Jurassic Park has already started in Hawaii, and he's going to visit Nicole Kidd Man's class.

"Honey, don't come here. There is a storm here. I'm not at ease whether it's by boat or by plane. Don't worry about me, Ryan." When talking on the phone, Nicole stopped him from wanting to go to Hawaii. Action, there is the baptism of strong winds and torrential rain.

"Then... well, Nicole." Ryan could only cancel the trip, "Nicole, did the filming go well? You have to be careful yourself and pay more attention to safety."

"Don't worry, we are safe here."

"Then I'll go back to Los Angeles and see you after the storm." Ryan could only scold the damn weather.

"Well~ Okay, I've hung up the phone, we're going to start filming here."

Before he could answer, he hung up the phone there. Ryan was stunned for a while, and suddenly realized that Nicole and the others were going to shoot in a storm!

is not that right? The script of this world was written by him, and the scene of the storm was not deleted. The crew obviously wanted to use the natural storm to shoot!

Nicole, you must pay attention to safety! Ryan could only mutter a word in his heart.

He knew very well that although Spielberg was criticized as a philistine by the outside world, as long as the old man picked up the camera, he would become as fanatical and serious as James Cameron.

Ryan has personal experience of this. After all, he just collaborated on "Schindler's List" at the beginning of the year.

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