The entertainment gossip in Xiangjiang is not only interested in celebrities, they are also interested in wealthy families. A strong woman like Ouyang Qianyi who has suddenly emerged is also known as the”capital witch”, and there is even more to dig and pry into. Many people are interested in how she made her fortune, and some speculate that she was supported by some big shot, saying that she may be a secret weapon cultivated by someone from one of the top ten families in Hong Kong.

In short, there is a lot of similar gossip, as well as the kind of twisted and bizarre stories written by tabloids.

Now that she found out that she was being followed by the paparazzi, Ouyang Qianyi knew that she could not continue walking with Lin Shen, otherwise, Lin Shen’s identity might be exposed.

Thinking of this, Ouyang Qianyi stopped and said,”Boss, that’s it for today. Thank you for making a special trip to have dinner with me.””

“Well, being followed by the paparazzi is annoying enough. Uncle Tang is nearby, so I called him to come pick us up.” Lin Shen said.

Uncle Tang is Lin Shen’s driver. Lin Shen came to have dinner with Ouyang Qianyi. It was Uncle Tang who sent Lin Shen here. Then Lin Shen asked Uncle Tang to stand by nearby, so now Lin Shen calls, Uncle Tang He could drive over to pick them up.

Before Ouyang Qianyi could speak, Lin Shen had already called Uncle Tang.

Five minutes later, Uncle Tang drove over and Lin Shen and Ouyang Qianyi got in the car.

“Return to the villa.” Lin Shen said.

He took Ouyang Qianyi back to the villa directly. Anyway, there were many rooms in the villa, and it was more than enough to stay for one night.

Back at the villa, Mu Tingting just saw Lin Shen and Ouyang Qianyi coming back and asked them Why did he come back so soon?

Lin Shen directly talked about the encounter with the paparazzi.

“The paparazzi are annoying enough.”Mu Tingting said,”Qianyi, why don’t you sleep on the same bed with me tonight? The bedding in the guest room needs to be taken from the cabinet. It hasn’t been exposed to the sun this week.”

“good.”Ouyang Qianyi said.

Lin Shen didn’t care and just let them arrange it.

When it was time to go to bed at night, Lin Shen realized that he had underestimated Mu Tingting and Ouyang Qianyi. The two girls came together in a speechless place on the bed.

Mu Tingting I whispered to Ouyang Qianyi for half the night. Lin Shen, who was sleeping next door, heard it very clearly and was sleepless in the middle of the night.

………… the next day.

As expected, gossip news about Ouyang Qianyi appeared in the gossip magazines the next day.

The news headlines are so exciting——”The Witch of Xiangjiang dated a mysterious man, and the two left in a car, suspected of going to their love nest.”

There were also photos of Ouyang Qianyi and Lin Shen’s backs in the magazine, and then there were photos of the two getting into the car. Fortunately, Lin Shen’s face was not photographed The magazine was brought back by the nanny Aunt Jiang when she went down the mountain to buy groceries in the morning.

After reading the report in the magazine, Lin Shen threw the magazine on the table, lay down on the sofa, and sighed:”What a scam!”

It happened that Ouyang Qianyi walked out of the room wearing Mu Tingting’s pajamas while drinking coffee. She picked up the magazine and took a look at it, and she couldn’t help laughing.

“Is it funny? Lin Shen said

“It’s quite funny, they actually said that my boss and I went to the love nest together, haha.”Ouyang Qianyi said with a smile.

In addition to saying that Ouyang Qianyi and the mysterious man went to the love nest together, there were also various other speculations in the magazine, saying that Ouyang Qianyi reappeared after missing for seven or eight months. Is it going to happen again? What kind of big move? In short, Ouyang Qianyi is now a popular figure in Xiangjiang.

However, as long as Lin Shen is not exposed, it is not a big deal, and Ouyang Qianyi will not take it to heart soon. Such gossip reports were not painful, so they let them go.

After breakfast, Ouyang Qianyi was driven away by Uncle Tang. After Ouyang Qianyi left, Guan Zhaohu walked to Lin Shen and said to Lin Shen. Said:”Mr. Lin, Liang Zhengnan and Ding Yu will be coming from Lisboa today.”

“Okay, you pick them up and take them to the villa. Lin Shen said

“good.”Guan Zhaohu nodded and agreed.

Liang Zhengnan and Ding Yu were Guan Zhaohu’s former comrades. They were later recruited by Lin Shen and sent to Lisboa to help Lin Shen operate the casino license in Lisboa. A year has passed. This time Hearing that Lin Shen was in Xiangjiang, Liang Zhengnan was coming to see Lin Shen.

At three o’clock in the afternoon, Liang Zhengnan and Ding Yu came back with Guan Zhaohu.

After not seeing each other for a year, Liang Zhengnan’s face had been torn apart by life and had lost its original look.

Embarrassed, his face now has a kind of determination, a kind of perseverance, and a kind of cruelty.

The same is true for Ding Yu next to him, the expression on his face is similar to that of back then, when they were both from the same school.

They were recruited by Lin Shen from the countryside and were not dressed decently, but the suits and leather shoes they wore now were no longer the two people who lived at the bottom of society.

“Mr. Lin!”Seeing Lin Shen, Liang Zhengnan and Ding Yu quickly said respectfully

“Please take a seat, you’re welcome. Lin Shen said.

Aunt Jiang had already brought tea and placed it in front of Liang Zhengnan and Ding Yu.

Liang Zhengnan picked up the teacup with his right hand with only two fingers and took a sip of tea.

“It seems that you have established a foothold in Lisboa? Lin Shen asked.

Liang Zhengnan put down the teacup and said,”Yes, Mr. Lin, before we went to Lisboa, Miss Ouyang gave us a large sum of money. With this money, we finally established a foothold in Lisboa.” Then Xiang Song helped us. First we opened the casino ourselves, and then directly contracted casinos from others. The business was on the right track.”

“No trouble? Lin Shen asked

“Of course, there are a lot of troubles.

After all, we were from the mainland, and being so domineering made some local people in Lisboa very unhappy.

The most popular people in Lisboa are a pair of brothers, one is named Beng Yaju and the other is Shuifang Lai.

The two men work together to monopolize the jackpot business in Lisboa.

They also dictate our casinos and want a share of the pie.

���Seeing that we didn’t give them much face, we had several conflicts.

Moreover, some of the associations in Xiangjiang also developed in Lisboa, and they had many conflicts with us.

The gambling king was okay.

We competed with him with the casino license, but he didn’t target us.

“Liang Zhengnan reported carefully.

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