Ni Guanglan never expected that Lin Shen, at such a young age, would have such foresight.

Duan Yongping said with a smile:”Gong Ni, don’t worry, Mr. Lin attaches great importance to scientific research. Our R&D department of Zulong Technology not only has the most sufficient funds, but also has the best employee treatment. As long as Mr. Lin proposes to purchase any equipment, Mr. Lin will It was very generous to give the money without saying a word.”

Ni Guanglan’s eyes lit up, which made him very excited.

Without money, no matter how enthusiastic he is, there is nothing he can do

“There is another question,” Ni Guanglan said,”Does our company have foreign exchange? You know, a lot of foreign high-precision equipment must be purchased with foreign currency, and soft currency alone is not enough.”

“Ha ha.”Lin Shen was happy and said,”Don’t worry, Ni Gong, the foreign exchange in my hand is only much more than Ruanmei’s currency, so you can rest assured. As long as you join our Zulong Technology, you will have a lot of money.”

Ni Guanglan was surprised again. Lin Shen could actually come up with a large amount of foreign exchange? What a surprise.

Thinking of this, Ni Guanglan decided not to hide it and said,”Mr.

Lin, since you are so generous, I will also I won’t be secretive.

In fact, I want to build Longguo’s own chips.

I have already applied for this project from the higher authorities this year.

In fact, the higher authorities support my idea.

The Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Electronics Industry had promised that as long as Lenovo was willing to take the lead, they would develop a national investment plan and apply for funding from the Ministry of Finance.

Moreover, in the past year, I have traveled all over Xiangjiang and Yanjing to recruit talents, and I have found many knowledgeable people.


“oh?”Lin Shen said,”This is a good thing, and with the support of the country, that would be the best. Ni

Guanglan showed a smile on his face and said:”In fact, Lenovo has been developing high-performance interface chips, multimedia chips, and fully customized VLIC special chips. It has achieved a lot of results. If Mr. Lin really has such great courage, I am willing to All achievements will be carried over to Zulong.”

“Okay, that’s settled.”Lin Shen stopped talking nonsense. As long as Ni Guanglan is willing to come to Zulong, he will definitely support it.

“OK, I will resign as Lenovo’s chief engineer when I get back. Ni Guanglan also said eagerly.

In his last life, he was fired from Lenovo, but in this life he wanted to resign from his position as chief engineer.

Later, Lin Shen took Ni Guanglan to visit the R&D department of Zulong Technology.

Let Ni Guanglan Fortunately, Lin Shen did not lie to him.

Zulong Technology was indeed very generous in its investment in research and development.

What surprised him even more was that in the R&D department of Zulong Technology, Ni Guanglan saw the past S Hai Semiconductor.

All the equipment and materials used in semiconductor research at Device Factory No.

3, and even the scientific researchers from that year, showed that Lin Shen’s desire to develop chips was not a whim, but that he had already planned to do so after visiting Zulong Technology’s R&D department.

, Ni Guanglan was even more excited. Anyway, he was disappointed with Lenovo, and joining Zulong became his most urgent wish.

Ni Guanglan came back ten days later

, and he had already resigned from his position as Lenovo’s chief engineer. In addition, he bought back all his shares in Lenovo. He used his shares in exchange for a condition – Lenovo allowed him to leave Lenovo with his research results, so Ni Guanglan appeared again. When he was at Zulong Technology, he still had all the results he had made at Lenovo.

In addition, Ni Guanglan also reciprocated. As he said, he also brought a large number of scientific research talents. They were the outstanding talents that Ni Guanglan had recruited from all over the past year.

What surprised Lin Shen the most was that among the talents Ni Guanglan brought, there were actually five people from the North.

Lin Shen found out after asking. It turns out that these five northerners were originally engineers from the Bedelev Research Institute in the northern country. Later, after the northern country disintegrated and the New Deal (Harmony) government came to power, there was not even a dime and the economy was in decline. There was no way the New Deal (Harmony) government began to sell various products. Basically all state-owned enterprises have been sold.

The Bedelev Research Institute is an important research institution in the North.

Semiconductor technology, space technology and nuclear technology are all within the scope of this research institute.

The research department would not be sold easily even if the New Government (Harmony) Government had no money.

However, the New Government (Harmony) Government in Beiguo really had no money and could not afford to support these engineers.

These five engineers had no choice but to leave the research department because of food problems.

They resigned from the institute.

Later, they went to the Northeast of Long Country, where they worked as border traders for a year, and then they were hired by a steel factory in the Northeast to work as facades. They were called foreign engineers, but in fact they didn’t need any work. It was a waste of talent.

Then, they were found out by Ni Guanglan. Ni Guanglan then ran to the northeast, dug out the five northern engineers from the steel factory, and then tricked them into Lin Shen’s Zulong Technology. Shen was naturally very happy. He didn’t expect such an unexpected gain.

You must know that Beiguo’s technology is naturally better than that of Longguo. If Beiguo hadn’t disintegrated, their technology would have continued to develop. Now that they have no money, these engineers can only do so. Being able to make a living everywhere.

This reminded Lin Shen that there were many such talented people in the North who had no way to earn a living.

Fortunately, these five Northland engineers happened to be engaged in semiconductors. Fortunately, they were only engaged in semiconductors. If they were engaged in nuclear technology, it would not be Lin Shen’s turn to take them under his command, and they would have been taken away by the Dragon Kingdom.

Looking at these five tall Northland engineers, Lin Shen turned to Ni Guanglan and said,”Can I communicate with them?”

Ni Guanglan looked embarrassed and said,”Before, Lenovo’s translator helped me communicate with them. You If you want to communicate with the five of them, you must first find a translator who understands the northern language.”

“There is no need for this. I can speak Northern Mandarin when I have the opportunity. Lin Shen said.

His learning ability is very abnormal now. After reading all the books in Beiguo in the library, Lin Shen can now speak Beiguo without any hindrance.

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